Comments by wallanon (page 42)

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    2 years ago
    How has TUSCL changed stripping ?
    Great. Now we're gonna have to hear Subraman tell the PL story again...
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    2 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    Alyssa Milano
    Ok so I looked this up. In the words of Alyssa Milano... "I gave back my Tesla. I bought the VW ev. I love it. I’m not sure how advertisers can buy space on Twitter. Publicly traded company’s products being pushed in alignment with hate and white supremacy doesn’t seem to be a winning business model. 7:52 AM · Nov 26, 2022" I don't pick my strippers for their intellect, either. But I don't mind when I meet one who's got brains and isn't afraid to show it. One of my ex-girlfriends was a stripper before I met her, got a doctorate after we broke things off, and is on her fourth or fifth husband last I checked.
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    2 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    Alyssa Milano
    Alyssa Milano is hot. She ages like everybody else, but maintained her prime for a long time. I get that different people have different tastes. Gisele Bündchen is kind of a butterface in a lot of her photos to me, but on video I get her appeal. Carry on with the political stuff.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    taste the rainbow
    Cell phones at work
    But to be on topic, I don't care about phones as much as I used to. One of my favorite dancers (and friend) was obsessed with Pokemon Go for a couple of years. At some point I became ok with talking to her forehead and she started spending less time catching monsters. We eventually met in the middle lol. But I think we're all square now, because she patiently waited one night as I spent half an hour trying to get a work thing done on my phone.
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    2 years ago
    taste the rainbow
    Cell phones at work
    "The regulars cashapp money? Sounds more like losers, not regulars. That likely isn’t the norm." It's more common than you think. I personally don't do it, but know guys who do. It's basically a cam model set up where it's easier to go and see/touch the real live girl. That probably sounded "creepy" lol. Sorry to break it to you, but the whole industry has the ick factor. The diehards are desensitized to it, but we're aware we still get judged by indulging in the hobby. The dirty secret nobody wants to talk about is literally any guy who has the means and figures out there's unlimited sexy time all around him is going to sample. It's just going to happen if he can overcome his programming.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    How to Rate Dancers in TUSCL Reviews?
    "You never went to the Sportsman's Inn in Providence, RI, when it was open. That club recruited dancers from the cantina scene in Star Wars." But I did go to Cheaters in Providence, RI when it was open lol...that VIP room smelled like something dead got pulled out of a dirty pussy and left to rot. And then I saw the dancers.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    How to Rate the ATF - Peak or Present?
    Ok. This was a downer. But that's why we have the discussion boards. The situation there sounds pretty intense. I've seen a dancer or two take a downward spiral, but suppose I'm not the sort of customer to go down with the ship. One time I helped a dancer get her health right, but that's one girl out of a lot of looking the other way. Another time I almost helped a girl fix her meth mouth, but luckily some other sucker came along and decided to be her sugar daddy. I knew her before the drug problem and she was basically a 10, so I almost went for it when she came asking for help. But anyway she dropped the daddy after her teeth got fixed, and was trying to get back in my lineup cause all of a sudden her bills weren't magically getting paid. By then her bff was my ATF #3.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    "If you guys saw a girl who was just ridiculous and wasn't asking for the moon, would you get them out to you or head over there?" Hypothetically speaking, I'd go there. I've only ever flown in girls I've met before. I'd possibly make an exception for a TUSCLer connection, because if nothing else we could hit the clubs together lol.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
    A girl asking who else I played around with
    "Their theory was I would not be interested unless I was getting extras." I've had that happen sometimes. Usually they take money are are pleasantly surprised when I'm good with whatever entertainment they offer. But then there are some chicks who don't make their boundaries clear and think I'm disappointed if they don't put out everything. We know most dancers don't put out everything. That's why we find a girl or two at clubs we like who do it all, so we can just throw money away on the rest of you in case you change your mind. But kidding aside, it works better for everyone to just be clear. But not BEFORE the first dance starts because then you're just an annoying buzzkill dancer who doesn't want to make money lol.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    How to Rate Dancers in TUSCL Reviews?
    'I never look at that rating when I read the reviews of others here. I have learned that one man’s “one” is another man’s “ten.”' A new guy asked a question and I answered it, but topics like this are also red meat for the debate crew so it needed its own thread. The numeric scores (including dancer rating) are the first things I look at when I'm deciding whether to check out clubs in a town. Then I look at the last time the clubs were reviewed. That helps me get an idea of where the reviews should track if/when I read them. And if a city, let's say Dallas, has lots of clubs clustered in different parts of town, I'll use the map view to see which clubs are near each other and the list view/ratings to decide which reviews to read. If it's a small town I might not even read the reviews at all and just go. In those cases I've found I'm better off just showing up and figuring things out for myself. But for a city with 10+ clubs I'll usually give the reviews a quick read. This is the part of the process where I think we all can just say what we like. I dunno where lapdancepants got off to these days, but that's the one thing I'll give him props for. He talks about what he's into straight up and it's not some attention seeking gag. Don't be scurred about putting your numbers out there and letting them stand on their own. You still get to be part of the TUSCL club even if you think chicks don't start getting hot until 50. That's a random example, but I have banged one chick over 50 and all her parts still worked...
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    How to Rate Dancers in TUSCL Reviews?
    Point taken about the words being more useful than the number, but the TUSCL wants a number for dancers in reviews and the OP (technically me but not really me) said they declined to post a review about a club because they got jammed up over a dancer rating. I'm actually interested in what scales other people use because it helps to know what number is their "average". Mine being 6 and not 7 might throw people, but I've been pretty consistent with it.
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    2 years ago
    How to Rate Dancers in TUSCL Reviews?
    I'm takes a lot for me to rate dancers across the board lower than a 6. To me a 6 is a plain Jane, not cute but not ugly. If the dancers are truly ugly, like not wanting them near me ugly, then maybe that's a 5 if they're doing their jobs. If they're ugly with shitty attitudes that's a 4. Strip clubs are kinda tough to screw up, so even a bad club can probably get a 5 or 6 with the way I rate. If I'm rating dancers at a 3 or below it's because the club is utter garbage and I'm trying to bury it's score.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    How to Rate Dancers in TUSCL Reviews?
    "I am interested in what dancer rating the senior members on this site would give." I rate the average, based on my own tastes. If I'm in a club and every dancer except for one is a dog that's what I write.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    How has TUSCL changed stripping ?
    Hey Evergreen98. Thanks for weighing in with fresh perspective. I stuck your question in its own thread. Thinking you'll get more eyes on it that way. "I am interested in what dancer rating the senior members on this site would give." I rate the average, based on my own tastes. If I'm in a club and every dancer except for one is a dog that's what I write.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
    A girl asking who else I played around with
    "It almost sounds like she is jealous- which is weird for paid transactions." Don't take this the wrong way, but if a guy can legit make a girl cum eventually shit gets weird if he does it enough. Paid or not.
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    2 years ago
    Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
    A girl asking who else I played around with
    "I do not think she is going to misuse that other OTC dancer info." This is such an incredibly bad take. I try not to criticize, but it's important that nobody ever sees this and thinks it's ok. Lol, it's not ok to tell someone who wants as much of your money as possible (even if she likes you) anything they can potentially use against someone else. Unless you're an uber-asshole your P4P girls probably won't turn on you directly because they've got something to lose, but don't think for a moment they wouldn't poison every other well if they believe they'll get away with it.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    How has TUSCL changed stripping ?
    I don't know that TUSCL has changed stripping that much, since it's heavily skewed toward the customer experience. Even among the strip club enthusiasts it's pretty niche. But I don't see the usage numbers, so the lurker population could be way bigger than we're giving it credit for. And I know dancers and managers who read it, even if they don't know I'm on it. If I didn't meet you through TUSCL I don't bring it up. The review output has gone way up since founder turned releases up to the users, but unless one of the board regulars reviews a place I'm not that interested. Lots of homers have no idea how their local club stacks up to other regions. There is still plenty of value in the reviews, but I'll also look for my info other places because a picture is worth 1000 words. There's also so much digging any one person is typically willing to do. Because founder decided to only show summaries of the last 18 months, there's a lot context that gets missed. But the boards fill in a lot of that, at least for now. When certain people go I think a lot of what's kept the boards relevant will go with them. A lot of the value I've gotten out of TUSCL (since I stopped needing to read reviews) is hearing from all of you about what things are like in your part of the country as time goes by.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
    A girl asking who else I played around with
    All these questions sound rhetorical. I've only had girls ask me specifically about other girls by name, not a blanket question. The last time I got asked a question about another dancer I didn't even answer it and all hell still broke loose lol. I try to stay in the same dancer cliques because it makes all of that easier to manage.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    How to Rate the ATF - Peak or Present?
    Hello to all the Noobs. Greetings from 2022. If you ever get confused about the difference between a Current Favorite (CF) and an All Time Favorite (ATF), the TUSCLers have just given you all the information you need to sort that out. You're welcome.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    How to Rate the ATF - Peak or Present?
    "I would always compare all my regulars to each other at their peak." This is usually how I go about it, like doc savage said. But what I'm reconsidering is how I weigh the different factors of who's on top. Maybe I just got it "wrong" with ATF #4, which is funny in itself because it's totally subjective. I'm thinking a retcon might be in order lol. Backstory #1 got a little long to drop here, so I'll put that in another thread.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    >:( 🧚🏼‍♀️💃🏼 busy being a "psycho bitch" 🤣
    Do customers ever die after dances/private rooms?
    This seems like perhaps the missing puzzle piece behind blah's fixation with breaking customers.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Breaking Loose from CF
    "Ah, but that was *you* dumping *her*. Would she have continued taking your money if you hadn't?" Probably. If I were paying her. That one got complicated. Nevermind. Bad example lol...
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
    Or if it's really a Dec 1 deadline, that's not tomorrow...either way Girl #2 gets my vote.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
    Sounds like you want an off the cuff reply. Take Girl #2 and pay it forward with Girl #1. My ATF is on the brink of getting sidelined by a Girl #1 type. If it's the money she needs but doesn't want to take a "handout", just tell her it's an IOU.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    How to Rate the ATF - Peak or Present?
    "hand acronyms" Lol. I know it's a typo, but that sounds like something a guy needs to pay extra for. "CF and ATF are TUSCL-specific terms that people tend to define according to their own preferences at the time." I've actually heard guys refer to their all time favorite dancers IRL who I don't think were TUSCLers. All guys might not have one, but those that do will know them when they see them.