looking for love

avatar for ridin
I have found in my visits to the SC, that most of these girls are looking for love. It would be easy any given night to take a dancer home if: Your attractive, built good, they think you make a little money, and they seem to like that I've been married for 13 yrs, and raised my children. I guess they think I might raise theirs, or support them. I love the fantasy I get in the club, but lets be honest Id never bring any of them home to meet mom or the kids. I dont feel like a bad guy for how I feel. After all she decided on her occupation, and certain things come along with the career you choose. Like being looked at as a a sex object. If your stripping when you meet a man what do you think he's looking at you as. I have no problem with strippers who get out there and do their job. I love them! Its those clingy,leave your wife and kids stippers that bother me. I might screw you one night,but leave the wife and kids for you??? I don't think so.


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avatar for ridin
20 years ago
if she's looking for stability, or a normal life,with no drama, then shouldnt she try to find a man anywhere else but at a SC.
avatar for DandyDan
20 years ago
It's probably true strippers are looking for love, and it's true that stripclub customers are looking for love. At least I am. But I don't think strippers take jobs as strippers to go looking for love. In fact, I doubt anyone takes any job because they are looking for love. Love just happens.
avatar for ridin
20 years ago
Phoenixx, I'm sure you're right about the strippers being preyed upon by men looking for a free ride. Especially if they are like this one girl I met. She was offering to support me. Promising she'd never bitch at me like the wife does. She pleaded with me to leave wife. I'm still at home, and havent been back in this particular club. I have an average income, and I never bought a dance from her, or even bought her a drink. Explain that for me Phoenixx. I could have easily took advantage of this girl,but I decided not to take advantage of the situation. I talked to her a few times on the phone, then just let it go. I hate to be mean but all I wanted was a piece of ass from a woman that seemed much wilder then my wife.
avatar for FONDL
20 years ago
Of course strippers are looking for love, we all are, everyone is. There are only 2 reasons why anyone ever does anything: to gain pleasure and to avoid pain. And love is a big source of pleasure, maybe the biggest. Once you recognize this, people become a lot simpler to understand.
avatar for phoenixxxblaque
20 years ago
ridin...doesnt matter what age you are,or if you,re rich or not,you can still be a potential sugar daddy to a stripper with drama and problems hungry for the taste of the normal life via riding the coattails of someone elses job or lifestyle.and someone brought up an interesting point..we stripppers get preyed on too by golddigger men..happens in high frequency more then you might think.
avatar for FONDL
20 years ago
I think that what phoenix says is right most of the time but not all. For example, my ATF met a guy at her club who she ended up living with for awhile until she threw him out. Turns out he was the one looking for $$$, not her. Yes these girls are in it for the money. But they're also real people with real needs. And sometimes they put those needs ahead of their quest for $$$.
avatar for ridin
20 years ago
I have a wife I go home to every night,not my hand. I'm only 32 yrs old so I'm not sure I could be classified as a sugar daddy or not. However I didnt write this topic to offend anyone, I'm only speaking of my own experiences.
avatar for Kyle1111
20 years ago
Those 3 roofers sound like they would create a feeding frenzy. ;)

avatar for Kyle1111
20 years ago
No. They are trading those jokers for ROOFERS or CRIMINALS. I've met plenty a dancer searching for LOVE and almost always in the WRONG type of guy. Dancers who don't care if a guy is rich or educated or employed or treats they like they're the TOPS. It may be low self esteem or a strong mommy instinct or the love of a challenge or the need for a real man or etc. When a PERFECT 10 who I'd known for about 3 years considers me a CATCH then she has some serious issues. With her looks and personality and big heart she should be expecting a guy who not only treats her the way she deserves to be treated but has a ***good job*** and is nearer to her own age and is interested in a long term relationship and etc. She is so innocent that she doesn't think LOVE has anything to do with a guy bringing in a ***good income*** from a ***good job***. She thinks that would be like prostitution. It is a shame. The worst part is she is not going to have the looks forever and then the $$$ will be gone. It is like watching a horrible accident in slow motion . . .

avatar for DandyDan
20 years ago
All strippers have 4 loves in their life: George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, Alexander Hamilton and Andrew Jackson.
avatar for phoenixxxblaque
20 years ago
(lol)oh my goodness...are you serious in thinking strippers are looking at you for love?uh....no,they arent.more like looking at you as someone who is stable and they want to get attached to that life.love has nothing to do with it.dont get me wrong...not saying you arent worthy to be loved or anything..but lets get it straight...you walk into a club,you are offically a mark the moment your toes step over the doorway line...and your name is BILL as in phone BILL,water BILL,rent BILL,got it?thats a hateful joke,but its true....when you come in as a customer,you are there to suplement some girls income with tips and dances.every dancer i ever knew wasnt there for love-and was always looking for a combination white knight with a credit card and bank account/sugar daddy to get her out of the personal drama/financial mess she was in.i never did that route because i,m not that kind of person..and tying yourself to someone you dont care about for the sake of money is always bad karma PLUS most sugar daddies have quirks of their own PLUS once you become their playtoy,you are THEIRS ..and that idea never sat well with me.

sorry to pop your bubble about dancers loving you,but i,m just telling it like it is..they want to attach themselves to you and your stability...they could care less about your heart dear.thanks..bye
avatar for parodyman-->
20 years ago
Someone who posts a discussion topic like this is just trying to PRETEND that he is not the GUY WHO CAN'T GET ANYONE to go home with him, and will probably end up MAKING LOVE to a HAND that will probably FALL ASLEEP during the main event. [BTW: are you RL's little brother?]
avatar for FunSeeker
20 years ago
There will be plenty of love as long as we've lots and lots money for dancers drinks for conversations, tips, lap dances, etc....... And, we'll indeed get all the attention we want!

When that wallet is empty that love is over!!!!!!!!!!
avatar for Kyle1111
20 years ago
Remember he's a roofer. PRIME STOCK in a generic stripper's world. It is VERY easy for me to believe strippers are gunning for him and it definitely AIN'T for his $.

Heck, if he had a CRIMINAL record they probably would force him to take them home wife or NO wife, kids or NO kids.

avatar for Yoda
20 years ago
LMAOWROTF: Dude, they want your money, not you. Get over yourself.
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