
Strippers who AVOID "taking a stand" on whether or not they are your FRIENDS

Friday, March 11, 2005 6:37 PM
There may be strippers out there who may call a customer their FRIEND and may give the customer their PHONE NUMBER or even their ADDRESS and later on flake out and/or AVOID seeing that customer OUTSIDE THE CLUB. The reason may be quite simple - the stripper may have a BOYFRIEND who DOES NOT ALLOW her to spend time with men OUTSIDE THE CLUB (sometimes, the BOYFRIEND may allow the stripper to spend time with a customer OUTSIDE THE CLUB if he is spending MONEY on her) Although this may be a valid reason for a stripper to REFUSE to spend time with a customer OUTSIDE THE CLUB (A stripper's BOYFRIEND, even an ABUSIVE and/or MANIPULATIVE one, is often more important to a stripper than anyone) This still does not change the LACK OF FRIENDSHIP between the stripper and the man that she REFUSES to see OUTSIDE THE CLUB. Strippers, therefore sometimes MISUSE the word "FRIEND" even when there is no MONEY invloved.


  • komey1970
    19 years ago
    To phoenix - That was the funniest thing I've seen posted on RL's topics in a long time. Lock him up and throw away the key.
  • phoenixxxblaque
    19 years ago
    (putting on policewoman cap)alright you.....you are being given a ticket for the following violations...violation #1...the overuse of caps that gives other posters headaches and is generally boring after the third word in caps.#2...making up every hateful angle post you can think of to either a)try to throw hate out at strippers or b)try to piss off and bore other message board posters who just get out and out annoyed with your behaviour(pauses for a moment to think on that)you know what..make that two seperate violations on that count...because everyone keeps telling you they dont want to hear it and you dont [view link] are also in violation of section a-93200...being rejected by a stripper and not admitting to it so the rest of the posters here could at least understand what the hell is wrong with you to cause you to talk like a bithering idiot.then theres section 814-b-543..another violation of not having a life and spending all your time in front of your keyboard making hate posts instead of doing what normal people do and going outside to see sunlight at least once a week(eyeballs the empty tv dinner tins in the trash can,the empty soda/beer cans,visene,asprin,notepad with possible hate thread ideas and angles written on it...sees a picture of a stripper on one wall with a dart gone through the middle)tsk,tsk,tsk...shame,shame,shame.lonley little messy world you got here. because of all these violations,i,m gonna have to confiscate your keyboard and moniter so you cant annoy people anymore..because of talking like a hateful jackass,your privilege of spouting your opinion is being taken away until such time is determined that you are no longer a stripper nazi,and you have been reformed to a normal human being that enjoys simple pleasures like walks on the beach,a good book,and company of others..i,lll have the honorable JUDGE STRIPPERHO issue an order for you to also start back-to-human therapy.......you,ll be ordered to spend at least 6 hours a day away from your house fratenizing with others in social settings in positive enviroments,you,ll exercise and do mediatation(very calming for stressed out people like you)and you,ll go to a shrink for a 100 bucks an hour that you can spout all your frustration at instead of submitting all your hate towards innocent bystander posters online who really dont want to hear your whining.(puts moniter and keyboard in a box,rips off big ticket and passes it to romanticlover)i,m also ordering you to change your name since you really havent felt romance in awhile and not really interested in doing so anytime soon...you wont find romance curled up in front of that pc,friend,best to get out and start your human therapy reall soon to earn your name again(carries out box)bye.
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