
Comments by giveitayank (page 11)

  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    The amount of money I spent on strippers over the years
    Hugevladfan...I should point out that I've been going to clubs since the first one opened in what is now Shoreline, Washington. That was back in 1981. Of course back then the dances were only five dollars and the patrons and dancers were seperated by a two-inch cushion of air. So, in 25 years I've averaged $4,000 a year. And that's not uncommon for a lot of guys who go on a regular basis.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Strip club name.....
    Super Slutz.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Any place that interests me.
    Contrarian Actions
    Yoda...I never looked at it that way. But, you're probably right. With the competition and people and clubs having agenda's, the review are skewed. I guess you just have to go to a new club and find out for yourself.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Any place that interests me.
    Contrarian Actions
    I have a problem with clubs that have mixed reviews. The ones that seem to have as many lower numbers as they do the higher numbers. If multiple reviewers post details about a spacific dancer and mention her stage name and the reviews are consistantly good, I'll go looking for her.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    The amount of money I spent on strippers over the years
    Shadow...Debt free??? I like the sound of that.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Question about private rooms in clubs
    Yeah I know it's my money. I might have to go to SF later this year so I might check the MBOT. I do have to say though, I would be very uncomfortable getting high mileage dances knowing that her husband was there at the time. Even if he was ok with the things that she does to you, I still would rather he weren't in the club when I was getting those kinds of dances from her...
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    The amount of money I spent on strippers over the years
    Shekitout...Yes it can hit you hard in the ole' pocket book... I've made the mistake, a few times, of getting payday loans just for the purpose of clubbing. I put a stop to that.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Are men who flip shit to other men because they got payday loans pathetic losers
    CG...Thank you. I appreciate that. I really mean it too. And I also think that over all I'm not a PL. Although, there have been times that I felt like one because I know that getting a pay day loan is not the brightest thing in the world to do, for any reason. I think those places should be put out of business. I know a guy at work that has SIX pay day loans out due to a gambling habbit. Davids/Clif-dick...You're right. I do have some serious issues with women. But where you're wrong is, I don't think I can get strippers to date me OTC for free. I've never said that. As, for the 100k. That wasn't very bright either. But, where the FUCK do you come off putting ME down when no one else does???? You are disliked on this board MORE than anyone else. NO one here that has been here for a while likes you. You are one ROYAL PIECE OF SHIT ASSHOLE PRICK and you should commit suicide. Then, not only could we ignore you, BUT WE COULD ALL FORGET ABOUT YOU AS WELL!!!!!!!!!!! So just FUCK OFF, inject yourself with HIV, check into a hospice and watch yourself slowly DIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Are men who flip shit to other men because they got payday loans pathetic losers
    So just who is the asshole here??? Is it me???
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Are men who flip shit to other men because they got payday loans pathetic losers
    If, say half a dozon guys got behind you on this and agreed with you that I'm a PL for getting some pay day loans, then that would be one thing. They have pointed out that it was stupid, which I freely admit. BUT, NO ONE HAS AGREED WITH YOU that I am a PL. You're alone in this arguement. Why don't you just leave here so that guys who have respect for one another can discuss strip clubbing?? No need to Respond. I can't read it anyway. Just have the founder discontinue your membership.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Are men who flip shit to other men because they got payday loans pathetic losers
    Clif-Dick/Davids... I see you've posted a response. But, I can't read it because I have you on ignore. Put me me on ignore too. That way, we can ignore each other and then you and I will get along a whole better. Thank-you.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Are men who flip shit to other men because they got payday loans pathetic losers
    Komey...I probably did over-react. But, the guy just pissed me off something awful. It wasn't until he starting posting that I was a PL for the payday loans that my hot button got pushed. I've been reluctant to jump on the 'hate davids/clif-dick' band-waggon until now. But, I'm on it now. So, davids/clif-dick..Don't commit suicide. Just put me on ignore as I already have you there.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Does anyone enjoy closing their eyes during a lapdance?
    I meant to sy, 'I can't DO that.'
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Does anyone enjoy closing their eyes during a lapdance?
    I only close my eyes long enough to blink. Seriously, I can't that. The most erotic thing for me during a LAP is what I see. I'm visual!!!
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Greener grass in a strip club
    swallowed up by the earth...LOL
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Dancers hanging out at Gay Clubs
    Chandler...Then, does that mean all straight people are terrible dancers??
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Are men who flip shit to other men because they got payday loans pathetic losers
    Candler...Sorry about all the whining. I'm done with it now. Got it out of my system.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    How do you find out if a stripper REALLY CARES about you?
    Can't buy me love, Everybody tells me so, Cant buy me love, NO..NO..........NO, Say you don't need no diamond rings and I'll be satisfied, Tell me that you want the kind of things that money just can't buy, I don't care too much for money, Money can't buy me love.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Question about private rooms in clubs
    Golfer...I'm from Seattle and that club(s) was De Ja Vu. I don't think they do the texas thing anymore. Just LD's.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Opposition to strip clubs make for strange bed-fellows
    CG...That's an arguement that never seems to be an issue with the 'against clubs' people. But, you did make a valid point, nonetheless. It seems as though they will advance thier agenda any way they can. And it usually means painting the strippers as victims is thier least path of resistance.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Opposition to strip clubs make for strange bed-fellows
    Chandler... I was under the impression that anything having to do with, or affecting, strip clubs was welcomed on this board. What am I missing here???
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Opposition to strip clubs make for strange bed-fellows
    Hugevladfan...I say pass legislation requiring the oil companies to develope alternative fuels like ethanol, lessoning the demand and increasing the supply. But, I don't know what any of this has to do with strip clubs.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    My last message...
    Parody...I don't see why you don't put the davids/clif-dick twins on ignore. If everone did, he'd go away. I took RL off ignore, just to see how many posts he has left, and he has NO posts!!! Can you believe that?? I think enough people have ignored RL's pointless and stupid posts, that he no longer gets attention. This is also the last time I will talk about davids/clif-dick. I hope you'll put him on ignore too. Everyone should.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Getting robbed in a club
    I know I've lost count and usually trusted my ATF to keep track. When I've asked, at the end of the session, "How many was that?" There were times when her answer seemed like one or two dances on the 'high' side. And that got me thinking, I was having such a good time, that I over-indulged. Or, she was scamming a little. But, then I wasn't keeping track, so there was no one to blame except me.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    How good is this board?
    Vladfan...Just to give you an idea how well it's working. Occasionally, I take RL off ignore to see how many posts he has left and get a good laugh. So many people have him on ignore that he can't get any attention. As a result, he has ZERO posts on this board. Can you believe that??? So, by not responding and having them on ignore, they will simply dissapear into the woodwork.