
Dancers hanging out at Gay Clubs

Last week I was talking to one of my favorite dancers. I asked her what did she do for fun when not at work. She stated that she and her girlfriend(She is Bi-sexual) will go to some gay clubs in town. As a matter of fact, she and her girlfriend who is the DJ & 2 other dancers were suppose to be going last Saturday to a gay club. I guess they go to avoid being hit on by straight guys, and potential drama from Straight women who might want to talk trash to them because they are lesbians.


  • Book Guy
    18 years ago
    IME there are a few different typces of females who go to gay bars.

    One type is the unattractive, "past-her-prime" or "man-hater" type, a bull-dyke in disguise. She may be heterosexual or homosexual by preference for the nookie part of her life, but for the rest of it, she bashes on men, on the fact that men only like "skinny, immature" women, on the fact that men don't like "strong" women (by which she means, herself and other domineering uncooperative bitches who wouldn't ever consider another human's wishes or needs to be tantamount to their own), on the fact that "society" is full of "selfish bastards" who "run the place." These women go to gay clubs to be surrounded by people who approve of their negativity and anger. Even if the gay men don't necessarily LIKE the women or AGREE with their pronouncements, nevertheless the gays will comply by saying, "You JUST TELL IT, girl," and then letting the women continue to rant.

    Another type of woman who goes to gay clubs is the "party" type. She likes dancing, beer, noise, violent excess stimuli to all the senses, so much that she gets bored easily, even at a Van Halen concert. This girl used to be hot back when she was in college. When she was incredibly skinny when she was younger, she got all the boys to parade around behind her own little conga line just by BEING herself. But she drinks and eats so much that she's now fat, loud, obnoxious, probably has a poorly done tattoo and a sagging flabby belly, and yet still wears midriff-bearing halter-tops and bares her noodly breasts regularly in public. These women go to gay bars to have more more more more more ... Mostly, they find straight men to be dull, without vigor, conformist, styleless, bland. And certainly unrisky.

    There's also the traditional "fag hag." She can come from either of the above camps, or be an actual individual human, it doesn't matter. Either way, gay men are her best friends, gay men are often her only confidantes, and gay men (especially young, beautiful, and ethnic) are the people with whom she will end up spending most of her life. She is somehow stunted in her sexuality. Still thinking like a pre-adolescent, in whose dreams all sex takes place on a Disney sound-stage and without disrobing, these women want pretty little pictues of pretty little houses with pretty little babies but don't want the mess of having to get pregnant. And they don't know ANYTHING about themselves, preferring hysterical denial and avoidance, to self-scrutiny. Often these women turn into type 1, above, the man-haters; or, if they get prematurely ugly and like stimuli, then into type 2, above, the fat slags. Either way, these women don't "get" what it means to be an adult, and they resent that "everyone" seems to think that sex ought to be a priority.

    I think that strip-club dancers who go to gay bars are mostly there as type 2, the stimuli adventurers. Most strippers are attracted to stripping partly because of the risk of it, the shady but somehow invigorating idea of being "on the edge." The gay club is just an extension of that theory of life, another way to do something of which daddy won't approve. If they're devoted gay-goers, they'll get fat and turn into variety 2 and also start to lose income from their stripping jobs as they gain weight. If, on the other hand, they're devoted strippers, they'll eventually get bored if the gay clubs and the gay boys and they'll start to hang, instead, with something else risky. Drug dealers? Probably so.

    Oh yeah. And then there are lesbians. If a woman is born as someone who will become an adult homosexual, meaning she "naturally" prefers the sexual company of other females over that of other males, then she goes to gay clubs to get laid. Duh.

    I don't know what I think about the idea of girls wanting other girls. On the one hand, it sure is hot to see chicks making out. On the other, I feel superfluous. When I meet a super-hottie who is rapidly becoming my ATF(FTN) All-Time-Favorite (-For-The-Night) as she straddles my boner, tweaks my nipples, and lowers her taut titties toward my chin stubble, I don't want to hear from her that I have no chance in hell of turning her on. I want her to act like she wants me, not like she wants ... someone I could never be. At least, not without a sex-change operation.

    Hmm. Pontification over. :)
  • DandyDan
    18 years ago
    As far as I know, straight women have been going to gay clubs for years. My old boss from a previous job had a second job as a DJ in a gay bar and he'd see them all the time. It's not surprising dancers would hang out there. Hell, Led Zeppelin used to go to them to avoid everyone back in the day.
  • lopaw
    18 years ago
    Gay girls going to lesbian clubs is kind of a no-brainer, but lately alot of "straight" women have been hanging out in gay bars in order to avoid straight guys constantly hitting on them. I guess they don't mind if gay women hit on them. Sounds good to me.
  • parodyman-->
    18 years ago
    The truth is while some fuck nuts troll thinks that it is an insult to say I was in a gay bar it dosen't bother me in the least. I'm not gay. I don't give off any kind of gay vibe and doubt another man would be interested. With that said, if some dude were to hit on me I would be flattered but explain that I don't swing that way. No big deal.
  • giveitayank
    18 years ago
    Chandler...Then, does that mean all straight people are terrible dancers??
  • Book Guy
    18 years ago
    Only if they don't drive a VW ...
  • chandler
    18 years ago
    Maybe they go to dance. In some cities the only good place to go for dancing is the gay club.
  • davids
    18 years ago
    I think they go there looking for parodyman-->, JC, and chandler. Try to milk them for a little more money OTC.
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