Comments by mark94 (page 53)

  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    The IRS
    From fiscal years 2015-2019, the IRS ranked eighth among “general and administrative” agencies in arms, equipment, and ammunition spending at $8,697,142, according to the OpenTheBooks report. That included $855,000 on Glock 19 handguns and $3.5 million on ammunition. It preferred .40-caliber Glocks, Smith & Wesson and H&K AR-15s, and Remington shotguns for its more than 2,000 special agents. The report said the agency also purchased “hitman suits," though no explanation was provided.
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    2 years ago
    Recession signs
    Are these the same experts who assured us inflation would be transitory ?
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    2 years ago
    Wuhan lethal virus
    The Catholic Church used to have something called Imprimatur. Unless the Church explicitly approved of written material, it was a sin to read it. That’s essentially what the left does. It is a cult, after all.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Where can I find multiple 9’s & 10’s on any given shift?
    A couple people have mentioned Bourbon Street in Phoenix. In my experience, their standards have dropped in recent months.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Is anyone here worried about Monkey Pox?
    No, but it’s not like infected people wear a badge announcing their status. With smallpox, there is a 30% chance of fatality and many of the remaining 70% end up blind. So, the question wasn’t are you likely to get it, it was are you worried. The honest answer is it makes me slightly less likely to get a high contact dance.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Is anyone here worried about Monkey Pox?
    There are currently 10,000 cases spread out among 47 states. Washington DC and NY have the highest concentration. Still mostly in the gay community. So, odds of getting it in a titty bar are pretty low right now, but that could change as cases go up. It’s not politically possible to shut down bath houses but we’ve seen a willingness to shut down strip clubs in the name of public health.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Is anyone here worried about Monkey Pox?
    It’s transmitted by skin to skin contact so, yeah. Nasty stuff. It’s smallpox which is a helluva lot more scary than CoVid/Flu.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Recession signs
    Soon, over a million drivers a day could be forced to cough up as much as $23 to enter midtown and lower Manhattan – a toll that planners say will raise $15bn to fund New York public transit while cutting vehicles in the area by as much as one-fifth. I’m sure the government will use this money wisely. Yet another way to help the working man with inflation.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    The IRS
    If Biden was serious about having billionaires pay their fair share, they would eliminate the carried interest provision that allows the super rich to only pay 15%. That would be a lot simpler than auditing barber shops and sandwich stands.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    The IRS
    An amendment has been proposed to instead hire 20,000 border agents rather than 80,000 IRS agents. It won’t pass, of course, but the votes will be recorded.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Strip club scene in Arizona (phoenix/tuscon)
    Most people in Arizona know how to spell Tucson. Just sayin.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    They never tell you what you need to know.
    News Article: Business Is Booming For Layoff Specialists
    “Show me a number” Here’s a lot of numbers from tech, the first wave. Dozens of examples are not anecdotes, they are data
  • review comment
    2 years ago
    Crowded in on a Tuesday
    For a couple years, it seemed like there was LE or liquor board action against HL every few months. Now, I think there’s been no problem for 3 years, or so. I wonder if it’s as simple as HL cracking down on the fun and LE leaving them alone.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    The IRS
    Job posting for the IRS. Combines accounting with law enforcement. Must be willing to carry firearm and prepared to use deadly force.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    They never tell you what you need to know.
    News Article: Business Is Booming For Layoff Specialists
    A lot of the layoffs so far are in tech companies that were high growth but little or no profit. They really didn’t have a business plan for making a profit but investors were lined up to give them money. The next group to experience layoffs will be companies affected by supply chain issues. If you don’t have the parts, you don’t need the workers. I expect that old fashioned, boring businesses that make things people need will do just fine.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    When Congress can’t agree on a spending bill, the nonessential parts of the government close. This is mistakenly called a shut down but the military, Social Security, Medicare keep operating. Really, the only thing affected are hundreds of thousands of government bureaucrats doing who knows what. Maybe the national parks close but, other than that, no one’s life is affected. I really don’t care if the deputy under Secretary for diversity loses his/her/its job. Assuming the Republicans take over the House or Senate, just refuse to pass a spending bill and stop paying the bureaucrats. That alone might put an end to inflation.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Recession signs
    I am convinced we would be better often off without the Federal Reserve trying to manipulate/correct the market. Let natural market forces respond, not a committee of “experts” who are wrong every time.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Headline from pjmedia Glorious Inflation News, Comrades! You're Getting Poorer Slightly Less Quickly
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Housing is going down because we are entering a real estate crash that will last 2 more years. Energy is going down because consumers and manufacturers can’t afford these prices. Food prices have not peaked. The lack of fertilizer is going to torch the supply of food for at least the next year. So yes, headline inflation has peaked but energy is still outrageously expensive, most people will lose all the equity they had in their homes, and food prices will inflate bigly.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    They never tell you what you need to know.
    News Article: Business Is Booming For Layoff Specialists
    The consequences of free money. After 15 years of lazy management, corporations are bringing in the Bobs to ask employees to explain what they do. That’s what recessions do. They cull the herd.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Recession signs
    The next country to collapse could be Pakistan. By collapse, I don’t mean they are in a recession. I mean they can’t import food and millions starve. It’s the same story. They need to import food and energy, the government has amassed massive debt, and they can’t export enough to pay debts.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Anyone else thinks as young man you are playing life on "Hard Mode"
    Here is how a career path works for most successful people. - Work a crummy minimum wage job while pursuing an education that prepared you for a job in demand - take a first full time job that pays just enough to get by - use what you learned in the first job to get second better paying job - get married, buy a house, live on a budget, set aside some money for the future - see your financial situation improve every decade - retire comfortably Here is how angry, entitled people live their life - go to college and study something easy and fun - rely on student loans - get a job that pays half what you think you deserve - get angry at your employer for not appreciating how valuable you are - quit, take some time off, then take another random job - quit, take time off, take another random job - spend your free time on social media explaining how unfair the world is
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Anyone else thinks as young man you are playing life on "Hard Mode"
    Every major employer has categories of jobs where they are desperate to hire. Many of these jobs are related to STEM and require a college degree. However, there are also good paying jobs requiring a 2 year vocational degree. Or, there are good paying jobs in the trades. Or, there are good paying sales jobs that require hustle. All you need to reach the American Dream is to be smart enough to pick one of these career paths, put in a solid 40 hours a week, and live within your means as your income grows. Do that, and you are pretty much guaranteed a good life. That’s not asking too much. Or, you can make a stupid career choice, get pissed off, live beyond your means, and blame everyone but yourself.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    The IRS
    I found a map of the counties that have the highest audit rate. It looks exactly like the map of counties won byTrump. I was unable to copy a link to the map. Today’s raid on Trump’s house should give a clue about how the 80,000 new IRS agents will be used.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    The IRS
    The 50th vote to allow this bill to pass came from Krysten Sinema. She had one demand before agreeing to support the bill. They allowed the carried interest tax loophole to stay in place. That’s a provision that favors hedge funds, the 1% of the 1%. As a result, nearly all the tax increases in the bill affect the middle class and upper middle class. I expect she will be rewarded handsomely for this action. With this bill, the realignment of the Democrat Party is complete. It is now a coalition of the wealthy, the cultural elite, and those who rely on the federal government for their income. The Trump Party represents small business owners, the working class and middle class of all races and backgrounds.