
Comments by minnow (page 22)

  • article comment
    3 years ago
    Manhattan Strip Club Scene
    AZ Turd Blossom (thank you, EastCoaster for coining that moniker.) has gone on quite the rampage lately. Hope vaccine passport doesn't gain too much traction elsewhere. (I think that's just NYC, so far. Maybe clubs outside city limits aren't bound by this.) In the meantime, I'll be damned if I'm going to submit my personal info to some govt. entity just so I can walk into a small eatery for a slice of pizza. Screw that, I'll take my tourist $$ elsewhere. I'll stay tuned to Jedi Muddy for latest updates on NYC club scene.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Livin my inner redneck
    Positive thoughts for Shadowcat
    Thanks for update, Bravo Whiskey, shadowcat.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Flying into Mexico?
    If OP isn't a troll, then he strikes me as the kind of guy who would ask if dipping one's dick in sulfuric acid can be stimulating.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
    Grateful to be back in Floriduh
    If you don't want thread to morph into COVID debate, then don't even slip the word "COVID" into your opening post.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    OT: meritocracy vs quotas
    Good points, doc. I recall a USA Today article last year complaining about the lack of diversity in the US Military. Article listed racial/ethnic profiles for senior NCO's, officers, and flag rank officers (O7and above). Senior NCO rates were more, if not perfectly in line with national race profile percentages. However, officer corps profiles, particularly flag rank category fell short (later far short) of diversity goals, which the article harped on. I stand by my stated preference for meritocracy, not diversity quotas being the rule for military promotions.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    OT: meritocracy vs quotas
    More than any other place, the military is the place where meritocracy absolutely should rule. I no more want diversity quotas for organization tasked to defend my country than I would want favorite NBA team to push for making team 60% white guys. Especially since the stakes in the military are very much higher than NBA teams W-L record. Lastly, photo requirement is knee jerk asinine. By the time officers get to be a certain grade (O6 and above- Captain USN, Colonel USA/ USAF/ USMC), the promotion board pretty much knows who's who among the spectrum of promotion candidates, photo or not.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    OT: Question for the road-warriors
    On both the airline and rental car front, business is spiking rapidly back to pre-pandemic levels, and companies are playing catch-up. Previously idled planes are being put back in service, flight crews need to be retrained and requalified in many cases (per federal regulations) which takes time. On the rental car front, automakers are behind the curve due to semiconductor supply shortage.(notice how car dealer lots look like ghost towns.) Limited supply (new car availability) coupled with a spike in demand = perfect recipe for increased prices. If you do take a road trip, Tuscl eagerly awaits a Papi "War and Peace" novel review on the clubs visited.
  • article comment
    3 years ago
    former stripper is now an internet slut
    Former Stripper: Why I Love Cam Modeling
    Shill review/ad. How many tuscl members (percentage) really gaf about webcams? (Especially with plentiful free porn out there.) Get thee to stripperweb.com.(aka camgirlweb.com).
  • article comment
    3 years ago
    The 80s, Gas Stations, and Porn Stars
    I guess at least 3 VIP members like horseshit, or just looked at the length of all this drivel, and approved it without even reading it.
  • article comment
    3 years ago
    The 80s, Gas Stations, and Porn Stars
    Which site did you lift this from ?
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Simone Biles - Yay or Nay?
    I've always maintained that athletes have the right to make the call on whether or not to press on. Just like pro football players have the right to make the call to retire early before they get one too many concussions, so it goes with gymnasts not pressing on with the "twisties". (This is the first I heard this term. I gather one of rich's daughters, or daughter's friends had a bad experience with it.) Whether or note SB actually developed the twisties, or is using it as a crutch for a performance lapse, we'll never know for sure. Her long term health, her call. For a competitive athlete in any sport, it can be a difficult call when to say when. That said, IMO, the press calling her a hero for merely making a judgement call is way overblown. IMO, a true hero is someone who despite adversity, presses on, even if it means death. The passengers who stormed the cockpit of United 93 to overpower the terrorist hijackers knowing that they were going to crash and die (but would foil the hijackers plan to crash into the Capital, or some other DC target killing many more people are true heroes. Or soldiers that got seasick in landing craft, but pressed on to storm the beaches at Normandy, etc., etc.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    from that Adam Westsiiiide of Gotham
    why should we / what makes you write up a review, here?
    A member since 2010, and you have to even ASK this question ? I smell troll, or else a real obtuse dude.
  • article comment
    3 years ago
    Highlights of Atlantic City
    Who approved this shill review ?
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Strip Club First Time
    OP: What time of day/night are you thinking of going ? For most folks, you really can't go too wrong going to BSC. For Hi-Liter at night, I would advise going only if you are part of, or feel totally cool about a young urban/ethnic crowd.
  • article comment
    3 years ago
    The Raunchiest Strip Club in Anchorage, Alaska. Anything Goes!
    Another db post slips through the cracks.
  • review comment
    3 years ago
    Declining dancer talent post COVID
    Grammar check: "piqued" interest, not "peaked". Invest in grammarly app next time.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    My casual drinking is your alcohol poisoning.
    Mask, vax, or both
    For some entities, their motto is "never let a good crisis go to waste."
  • review comment
    3 years ago
    Friday evening trip
    My BS meter is flickering. NO description of dancer shift (ethnicities, builds, etc.). Crowd levels, and dancer circulation a radical departure from several recent reviews. Member for 5 years, 4 reviews with same generic generalized style. Enjoy your 4 wks. free VIP.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Oral hygiene and bad breath
    ts123, looks like you started a real inter-active thread. I'm curious how many of your bad breath encounters involved smokers or vapers ? In the very few bad dancer breath's I encountered, all were smokers. IME, bad odor dancers are very rare in the clubs I go to. If anything, excessive glitter, or fake body tan is a more prominent issue that has sent more than a few of my slacks to an early trip to the cleaners.
  • article comment
    3 years ago
    Muddy's Top 30 7up Factories
    Interesting choices, Muddy. I've been to some of the clubs you mentioned, and mostly agree with your choices. Some comments, though: en e 1) Dallas area- BDD stands out among many clubs as epitomizing a cornucopia like feeling- so many wall to wall beautiful babes. However, I'd put THE LODGE, and even MEN'S CLUB as being 2 Northwest Fwy. clubs with having dancers a notch above BDD. One of the most gorgeous dancers I ever saw was at The Lodge. It's been several years, BDD may very well have surpassed those 2 places, but they merit at least honorable mention. 2) Tampa- I think you have beer goggles if you think TDH and PHC dancers surpass Mons Venus or even 2001 on a good night. Neither of your 2 Tampa clubs had any dogs in them. Without straining, I could easily think of a half dozen or more Mons dancers who were better looking than the best dancer at TDH or PHC. For 2001, I could think of 3 or so on a night shift who surpassed the best of those 2 clubs. Fyi, the top 5 most gorgeous dancers I've seen danced at The Lodge, Ricks- Houston, Bourbon Street Circus- Phoenix, and 4 Play L.A.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Anywhere there are Titties.
    Who ya got on Ignore and Why ?
    Ditto 25. I don't mind different POV's, I do mind non-sensical/irrelevant clutter.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    The Continental Breakfast
    "Eat like a king at breakfast, a prince at lunch, and a pauper at dinner." (Or something like that). With that in mind, a box of cereal and a slice of toast won't cut it for me. With many hotel rooms coming with fridge and microwave, I keep some extra sandwiches in the fridge, or in some cases leftover chicken drumsticks. I supplement those with cereal and a banana provided by hotel. Rick D beat me to the punch with Embassy Suites. Was fortunate enough to get those on some business trips.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Any extras to be had in Omaha?
    Bd, etal- does gold checkmark indicate verified member, and white star/purple circle indicate VIP member ? I guess flower indicates verified dancer ? Thks.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Dancers leaving the industry
    Hospitality industry isn't exactly a good career field, so many people in HI move on to bigger and better things. I suspect some new blood is reluctant to take a job in hospitality precisely because it is so vulnerable to disruptions from shutdowns. Double whammy of former employees moving on, and potential new hires reluctant to work there.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    from that Adam Westsiiiide of Gotham
    who here has ever worn strip-club merch...in public?
    I've worn some baseball caps. Wore T-Shirts only when going out for a jog, or underneath long sleeve shirts in the winter.