MeshuggahApe, that’s pedo, not pedi. Pedi means foot, and being a foot fetish weirdo is kinda sad but it ain’t evil. Pedo is evil.
Pedo is also what demented weirdo Skifredo calls anybody he has a psycho beef with. Which is frickin’ everybody. He doesn’t know what either word means either.
Just a rick doing a generous public service announcement for the benefit of all TUSCL posters. ROAR!!!
I had no idea who the lady dressed in red was so I looked her up. She goes by SZA. Never heard of her. But according to google she is associated with the Five Percent Nation, a black nationalist movement with ties to the Nation of Islam.
The theme of this year’s Super Bowl was supposed to be Unity. Was this really the best choice of performers?
I had a stripper sitting next to me last night absolutely gushing over Kendrick Lamar's performance. We couldn't hear the song because of course the club music was playing, but she pulled up the performance her phone and showed me the lyrics. She kept saying that he was calling out the pedophiles and other scumbags he came up with.
Idk. Tbh I live under a proverbial rock right now and didn't even know who he was until she told me. But she and some of the other guys seemed to really like what they heard.
I will never be stupid enough to understand anything an ignorant asswipe like Kendrick Lamar speaks. Muthafucka can't even sing, but he's a "musician" roflmao.
I enjoyed it and liked the symbolism in the performance. Kendrick is a great musician and very creative, but I have been very team Kendrick in general after he demolished that pathetic fraud from Canada. There's a reason why Kendrick won the Pulitzer for Music in 2018 - the first rapper ever to win the award. In fact I think he was the first non-classical or jazz musician to win. He's very talented.
Weird show. They get worse every year. Zero appeal to me. I couldn’t understand a word he was saying so I have no idea who he was “dissing” - not that I would care. I hate everything about the Superbowl except the actual game.
In the early 2000s with acts such as Rolling Stones, Paul McCartney, Tom Petty, and The Who you could tell boomers were the demographic being marketed to. That ended in 2013 with Beyonce. Ever since then, it's been marketed toward millennials. A natural passing of the torch.
If you didn't like last night's half time performance, consider you are simply no longer in the targeted demo and haven't been for over a decade.
@Pawg - the old guard is definitely no longer the target audience. That is why encouraging sportsmanship has been replaced by taunting and showing out. Oh yeah, taunting is "technically" illegal, but a lot is still tolerated.
They show replays of the end zone celebrations just as much as the scores themselves.
And they changed rules to favor offense, so they can light up the scoreboard.
I’m right on the Millenial Gen X line and absolutely hated it. Of course I despise hip hop and the culture around it. Of course I’m a rock guy who is also fine with most traditional pop type music. Also can’t stand country music. I got too much rap and country growing up in school.
Couldn't hear a single English word in the first 60 seconds of machine gun chatter. Muted. I'm definitely not the target demographic. You know, I could never understand Jimi Hendrix in interviews, but I understood his singing.
Most of America is too dumb to know his show was more of a fuck you to Republicans thana fake Drake diss lulz. Both are signed by BMG.....its a marketing thing. But only bigots were triggered by the half time show.
Tbh Lil Wayne should have been the star in New Orleans though
backlash from many. the 40+ demographic no doubt were disappointed and/or pissed, but then again that particular group was not given any mind so they were regarded as ones that could fuck off. i'm of one of them so fuck off i shall.
but i do wonder what's the percentage of the 40 years and under demographic that did not enjoy last night's halftime festivities. the answer to that may decide what direction the halftime show heads. or not as they'll just double and triple down on continuing to suck.
Musically his performance was great. But I'm not sure it translated well to a Stadium setting. This was a much more scaled down performance than Dr Dre in 2022. There were some sly jokes that were very very easy for anyone not familiar with him to miss.
Misterotange you're just showing your racism. Samuel L Jackson represented sanitized America and how white society controls black artists. That offends you?
"That dude will do anything for a few bucks, but hey, in his shoes I'd do the same."
That's because of his work ethic. He's one of the hardest working actors out there. He is the highest grossing actor of all time and has over 200 acting credits to his name. He's a workhorse, similar to how Gisele Bündchen was when she was the highest paid model for like 15 years in a row and that's why she had a higher net worth than Tom Brady when they were married.
"He is the highest grossing actor of all time and has over 200 acting credits to his name" He'll do anything for a paycheck. Since when is this considered a virtue?
"He'll do anything for a paycheck. Since when is this considered a virtue?"
That's simply untrue. He is established enough that he doesn't HAVE to do "anything for a paycheck," and furthermore he's turned down plenty of roles for various reasons - do a brief search on Samuel L Jackson and you'll see that. The point is that he's a hard worker and continuously works on his craft while building strong professional relationships with his colleagues. If you're bothered by that, that's indivicative of your own character flaws. The man is worth a good $250M and you're honestly trying to say it is a BAD thing that he works hard. Shame on you for being a lazy leech. Not everyone wants to live like you.
I'm into hip hop, more old school than anything, but Kendrick was the worst. There was zero intersection between those who like Kendrick and those who like football. I would have gladly seen the Weekend again.
"There was zero intersection between those who like Kendrick and those who like football."
Absolutely false. Lol "Not Like Us" was basically the world's anthem this past year, especially in a competitive sense, transcending race and demographics - and it was a total sports song. Sports teams, even at high school level, were plating that song during games whether the school was diverse, or predominantly white, or Latino, etc. Can you name another 2024 song that was more of a sports anthem?
Not like us put west coast rap back on the map. But it got played out. That half time show was pure West coast though. And his presentation was flawless. That voice control. It would have been funny as fuck if kendrick brought lefty gunplay out 😂……
But i still think Lil Wayne should have represented new orleans. I would have loved seeing him come out to a milli…
I had a drunk millennial grinding on my lap during halftime. She hated the show. Her whole family did. I thought I might LDK, but her father sent her to get more beer.
One of the takeaways from the 2024 election should be that few people care what out-of-touch Hollyweird dumb shits think about _anything_, let alone politics.
Dumb broad Sunny Hostin (or maybe it was one of the other harpies from The View) said she couldn't understand why Harris lose since she had endorsements from Beyonce, Taylor Swift, _and_ Queen Latifah.
Except for Nina, who is oddly desperate to defend another terrible halftime performance, public opinion on this forum and elsewhere is that this was one of the worst performances yet.
Furthermore, I have never heard and know nothing of "not like us". However, I can surmise from Nina that she and the other crybaby kamala loser cope brigade felt that along with the "weirdo" tag would propel the second most unlikeable candidate of our lifetimes into the Oval Office. There is immeasurably more commonality between Trump voters and the traditional NFL audience than Kamala voters. From what I read the proof was evident at the beginning of the game when Trump was cheered and Swift was booed. So again, Nina, accept another "L" and move on. You have lost this debate like so many others. Kendrick gave a shit performance. Why is it so important to you, anyway? No, I don't really care.
I heard about this being the worst halftime show ever, how Democratic lapdog "influencer" Harry Sisson thinks it sent Trump away in shame, and quickly decided...
...that I don't give a shit. I'm thinking more about that _gorgeous_ dime Jalen Hurts threw to Devonta Smith late in the 3rd, and how Philly's D-line was up Mahomes' ass all game long.
Kendrick is balm for the ignorant. Only racists don't worship classical and country musicians. Lmao someone used the term "put west coast rap back on the map".
@Motorhead the show was aimed at a younger demographic, guys like us don't make the NFL much money any more, they're focused on the younger kids from 8 or 9 years old through the forty something crowd, just look at the merchandise and services that are advertised, that's who spends money on what they're selling.
The spending patterns are vastly different. Guys over 50 go to a concert and scoff at $90 tour t-shirts. Younger folks that still live with their parents have close to 100% disposable income. They think nothing of spending big for a memento.
I really don't understand while people like rap of today. I really don't get it. And I'm very open minded about these things. I don't worship music or music artists at all, it's really just an audible drug you use to groove. That's it. Right now I'm my car listening to Remind Me by Patrice Rushen from 1982. Fucking badass, they really don't make music like they used to.
To Muddy's point that they don't make music like they used to, he is right. I watched an interesting podcast with a music producer who pointed out that it has become too easy to "make music." It used to be you had to find a talented vocalist, talented musicians (guitars and drums at a minimum), then begin the hard work of writing music, writing lyrics, bringing it all together, booking at small venues, getting attention, and hope to grow from there. Now, you only need a closet with soundproof panels from Amazon and some computer gear. I found a clip on youtube and linked it below. This guy explains it well.
with regards to the soundproof closet and computer studio software - I knew a kid in New Orleans who had this racket to get laid. He scrimped and saved to get a nice loft and converted the second bedroom into a "recording studio." He then brought over coeds from all the colleges- LSU, UNO, Tulane, etc. to help them with their aspiring music career and eventually bed them. He kept that going for several years even while working as an engineer.
I just skipped around the video of the performance. I’ll watch it through later. I was sleeping during the actual Super Bowl, but with all this hullabaloo I maybe I’ll see what the big deal is. Or at least, whatever the big deal is on this site. My social media algorithms about the subject was slim aside from Kendrick calling Drake a pedo.
I guess just be grateful it wasn’t Swift performing?
Gamster, you're the one crying over a HALFTIME SHOW because you didn't like the music. You do not watch much sports to have never heard that song, even sports shows on major networks have been playing it for nearly a year now. Not to mention it has over a Billion streams on Spotify and was a Billboard #1 hit across all genres, so it's not like it was just some obscure rap song.
^ Nina, you just have to realize that Skifredo wants to be all pissed off about everything. He’s all proud of the fact that his mommy let him cross the street when he was 14 and he thinks that makes him better than the rest of the world.
That said, Imma start going all wildebeest on him unless he keeps Princess Tay Tay’s name outta his mouth. This lion is a major Swiftie. ROAR!!!
Also, did you know that Skifredo searches for porn using bing and then he gets a strawberry Yoo-hoo and jacks off while playing Grand Funk Railroad.
I guess it isn’t a bad as Gamma. This rick got a PM from the same fellow that told me about Skifredo claiming that he walked in on Gamma jackin’ it while playing the Bay City Rollers. What kinda sicko does that?
Of course, now that I’m thinkin’ ‘bout this, I’m a lil’ disturbs by a weirdo that keeps walkin’ in on folks jackin’ it. What’s up with that and why are you PM’ing me? And if you wanna see me jackin’ it you’re gonna be disappointed. You know who you are. ROAR!!!
Well, Rick, it's hard to tell because those two get triggered about absolutely everything, but my theory is that since Kendrick did literally call Drake a pedophile and while he wasn't allowed to actually say it during the superbowl performance, he sure did smile right into the camera when he said, "Say Drake, I hear you like 'em young." So, I guess they're mad at groomers getting called out.
"I guess just be grateful it wasn’t Swift performing?"
Funny enough, they collabed before. Back in 2015 they did a remix to Bad Blood and the music video won a grammy. Apparently she's been a fan of his for quite some time.
People arent whining because they dislike the music. They dont like the fact that hes a black rapper and the message of the show . Im sure the Black national anthem offended them more .
Nina. Drake isnt a pedophile. Anyways. Youre trying to sound knowledgeable by grasping at every mundane straw but are just sounding off on an emotive rant
Who is and isn’t a pedophile is a stupid, inappropriate and culturally bankrupt message to be amplifying at an audience tuned in to watch the Superbowl.
They have these phony “end hate” commercials and then have that hateful feud with a disgusting accusation as a center piece at halftime. Retarded.
A few people in my Facebook feed said it was an "important message", and "speaking truth to power" and so forth, so I made a little more of an effort. Found the video the NFL uploaded, which had closed captions, downloaded them ... and the words don't seem to form English sentences. I have to conclude that the artist intended for it to be understood only by those who understand rap and share his current cultural context. Certainly an artist is allowed to make that choice. But I also let myself off the hook for not understanding his message.
I wish Drake and Kendrick would fast forward to the part where they end this 2pac/biggie smalls style. The conspiracy theories that follow have more artistic value then their music.
Just saw Nina's incoherent response. She is really melting down, referencing things that were never said, desperately flailing about to defend something, and really angry that a bunch of affluent white guys don't share her musical tastes. Calm your tits, sweetheart. It was just a football game. It was just another idiotic protest rap song. Donald Trump and JD Vance are more like us than Kamala and Tampon Tim, which is how they won the election. These are facts, and they don't care about your feelings.
And here you are going off on tangents again, you cannot help yourself but to deepthroat trump and his associates every chance you get even when it's not about them.
I’ve seriously dug into this trying to figure out the message and the various symbolisms. But what good is the message if 90% of the audience doesn’t get it. OK, maybe I’m I never will. Heck, I need closed captions to watch “The Wire”. But I’ve read a lot of comments on social media and very, very few people understood it.
But if the only people who understood the message aren’t the ones who need to hear the message, then what’s the point. It’s like preaching to the choir.
^If you didn't get the "message," that's absolutely fine, perhaps it wasn't for you understand - not to mention tons of people who failed to understand the "message" were still jamming to the song and yelling out "A-MINORRRRRR."
But the fact that you felt SO strongly about the performance that you admittedly "seriously dug into it" is at least proof that it was impactful for you. As is the fact the ski bum created this post, as is the fact that it has nearly 80 replies. On a strip club website.
We all know that Nina would not have given two shits if ski's post title had been "Harry Styles you suck." She's a typical crybaby liberal race hustler. She only cares about what Maxine Waters and Joy Reid tell her to care about, and forms no opinion other than what they tell her her opinion should be. She never responds to what I say, because she is too stupid to rebut it. Instead she responds to arguments I never made with whatever is next on her list of talking points. There is nearly universal agreement across all mediums and audiences that Kendrick Lamar's performance sucked ass, and his midget ass and little beef act have been roasted. Nina just has her head to far up Gretchen Whitmer's ass to see the facts for herself.
I don't listen to or watch Maxine Waters or Joy Reid. You do. I have never even brought those women up here, actually, but you have on multiple occasions. You're obsessed with them.
What does Harry Styles have to do with this? Can you expand on why I should give this hypothetical situation any life?
There is not "universal agreement across all mediums" about that unless you change the definition of "universal," "agreement," and "mediums." You, of course, live in a bubble. That's one of the reasons you're incapable of understanding anything. Another reason is the fact that you're quite an idiot and you probably give strippers the creeps in real life.
And here you are dragging in another random politician you hate, simply because you hate them and their existence bothers you - but not because they have anything to do with the conversation, of course! do like Gretchen Whitmer, though.
There aren't enough drugs on earth to quell the deep anger that so obviously consumes your life. You are bothered by literally everything, you are never happy, and your dissatisfaction with life seeps into everything you post. Such a bitter, coarse old man you are.
The message was social activism... Thats what the imagery was. What his lyrics conveyed. If you cant grasp that youre either very slow. Or just playing stupid.
Its not about just ons song.... Not like us is a hit and the beef isnt real. Both are signed to BMG.
“If you didn't get the "message," that's absolutely fine, perhaps it wasn't for you understand”
I think you’re wrong in that. I think the message was meant for old “racist” white guys. It was a big “fuck you” to Trump and America. All the Drake nonsense was just a sideshow.
From what I gleaned - the symbolism of the show was to demonstrate a divided country.
And, apparently the set was designed to be a prison yard, pointing out to white America that blacks are incarcerated at disproportionate percentage.
So, Nina, if the messsge wasn’t intended folks like me, WHO was it intended for?
^Never offended by things that don't exist. Social activism = the correct type of progressive hate. Getting people to overreact here us almost as difficult as deep sea fishing at SeaWorld.
Regarding the black national anthem, I'm offended by white decision makers who support giving it a place in the broadcast. I'm offended by white people who would actually stand while it plays. I'm offended when white people wear black lives matters shit, sanctify black criminals, throw rocks at police and support the existence of dei committees.
I'm also offended by dumb blacks who can't get subject/verb agreement right. It's not "we ve", it's we are. Im offended if one tries to axe me a question. Those are the things that offend me.
Motorhead you're so close to getting it that part of me thinks you're not getting it on purpose. I apologize if that's not the case. But while you bring up some interesting points, it's obviously not something that should be discussed publicly here because there several people who want to go out of their way to fake outrage and derail any meaningful conversations, so it is futile. Like how after I said Kendrick Lamar was the first rapper to ever win a Pultizer, and that nutcase without skipping a beat says it was because of DEI. Never mind the fact that the "man" who said that has, of course, has never even listened to a single song on the album that won the award. It's automatically DEI to him. And he announced that he was performing at the Superbowl in early September, this was before the election. And I'm sure he was in talks for it for a little while even before that, so he conceptualized it for months. I don't think he or anyone knew trump was going to attend, since that's kind of unprecedented and he didn't even know who would be president. That part was just a nice coincidence.
So, now that the numbers are out, it is being reported that Kendrick's halftime show was the most watched of all time. Lol. So I guess he has lot more cultural relevance than a lot of the Typicals want to give him credit for, considering that people were watching him in record numbers. Haha.
As more evidence of Trump's delusional fantasies, he posted on social media that Taylor Swift got booed because of unforgiving MAGA voters. He thought it was about him ! LMAO
Kendricks half time show is the most viewed in history. He did something right. Looks like geriatric right wing extremist whore mongers dont represent America 😂 😭
^The population is larger than ever and more people have access than ever so as per usual the statistics don't lie, but people do all the time. Further, America gets fucking dumber every day so of course a wannabe thug would be more popular than ever. I love being older, even more so when I realize how fucking awful it is now to be young. Kind of funny that a loserwho eanted to kill himself over getting dumped by a hooker would look donw on those who do the same thing, sans crying about it like a little girl.
Used to be that the Super Bowl was an excuse to unify people together to watch an event for the greatness of the game and America, which in general still applies. However due to fragile egos people here want to divide everyone based on their “team” of preferred entertainment. That’s sad. Who gives a flying fuck about whether halftime was good or not? Didn’t watch it so can’t comment, but when Timberlake and Janet Jackson performed I never liked that music either. Tye only difference is people didn’t complain g as much about their differences, they just went on about their lives and enjoyed as much as they could.
My theory is too many people have too much time on their hands trying to convince themselves they need constant validation through social media, both young and old farts.
MateApe, the problem with Skifredo is that he wants to find shit to hate. I mean really, the rick isn’t entertained by the Kendrick or whatever the fuck but I am smart enough to turn the TV off and play a delightful Princess Tay-Tay tune. As my Princess says:
And the haters gonna hate, hate, hate, hate, hate Baby, I'm just gonna shake, shake, shake, shake, shake I shake it off, I shake it off (hoo-hoo-hoo)
Wiser words have never been said. Well, actually, my pappy, the great Mufasa, always told me this growing up:
“If you’re walking around the veldt and you meet one creature that’s an asshole, you’ve just met an asshole. But if you’re walking around the veldt and every creature you meet is an asshole, you’re being an asshole. Son, don’t be an asshole. ROAR!!!”
Skifredo is the way he is because he walks down the street and EVERYBODY he meets is an asshole. ROAR!!!
last commentPedo is also what demented weirdo Skifredo calls anybody he has a psycho beef with. Which is frickin’ everybody. He doesn’t know what either word means either.
Just a rick doing a generous public service announcement for the benefit of all TUSCL posters. ROAR!!!
The theme of this year’s Super Bowl was supposed to be Unity. Was this really the best choice of performers?
Idk. Tbh I live under a proverbial rock right now and didn't even know who he was until she told me. But she and some of the other guys seemed to really like what they heard.
I hate everything about the Superbowl except the actual game.…
If you didn't like last night's half time performance, consider you are simply no longer in the targeted demo and haven't been for over a decade.
Ever since then, "wardrobe malfunction" means deliberate flash for attention.
They show replays of the end zone celebrations just as much as the scores themselves.
And they changed rules to favor offense, so they can light up the scoreboard.
The halftime show is for women and effeminate men who don’t normally watch football.
Tbh Lil Wayne should have been the star in New Orleans though
but i do wonder what's the percentage of the 40 years and under demographic that did not enjoy last night's halftime festivities. the answer to that may decide what direction the halftime show heads. or not as they'll just double and triple down on continuing to suck.
Musically his performance was great. But I'm not sure it translated well to a Stadium setting. This was a much more scaled down performance than Dr Dre in 2022. There were some sly jokes that were very very easy for anyone not familiar with him to miss.
What Was Kendrick Lamar's Symbolic Message During Super Bowl Halftime Show?…
That's because of his work ethic. He's one of the hardest working actors out there. He is the highest grossing actor of all time and has over 200 acting credits to his name. He's a workhorse, similar to how Gisele Bündchen was when she was the highest paid model for like 15 years in a row and that's why she had a higher net worth than Tom Brady when they were married.
That's simply untrue. He is established enough that he doesn't HAVE to do "anything for a paycheck," and furthermore he's turned down plenty of roles for various reasons - do a brief search on Samuel L Jackson and you'll see that. The point is that he's a hard worker and continuously works on his craft while building strong professional relationships with his colleagues. If you're bothered by that, that's indivicative of your own character flaws. The man is worth a good $250M and you're honestly trying to say it is a BAD thing that he works hard. Shame on you for being a lazy leech. Not everyone wants to live like you.
Absolutely false. Lol "Not Like Us" was basically the world's anthem this past year, especially in a competitive sense, transcending race and demographics - and it was a total sports song. Sports teams, even at high school level, were plating that song during games whether the school was diverse, or predominantly white, or Latino, etc. Can you name another 2024 song that was more of a sports anthem?
It would have been funny as fuck if kendrick brought lefty gunplay out 😂……
But i still think Lil Wayne should have represented new orleans. I would have loved seeing him come out to a milli…
OK - please explain to this dumb boomer what the message was?
What Was Kendrick Lamar's Symbolic Message During Super Bowl Halftime Show?
Dumb broad Sunny Hostin (or maybe it was one of the other harpies from The View) said she couldn't understand why Harris lose since she had endorsements from Beyonce, Taylor Swift, _and_ Queen Latifah.
Furthermore, I have never heard and know nothing of "not like us". However, I can surmise from Nina that she and the other crybaby kamala loser cope brigade felt that along with the "weirdo" tag would propel the second most unlikeable candidate of our lifetimes into the Oval Office. There is immeasurably more commonality between Trump voters and the traditional NFL audience than Kamala voters. From what I read the proof was evident at the beginning of the game when Trump was cheered and Swift was booed. So again, Nina, accept another "L" and move on. You have lost this debate like so many others. Kendrick gave a shit performance. Why is it so important to you, anyway? No, I don't really care.
...that I don't give a shit. I'm thinking more about that _gorgeous_ dime Jalen Hurts threw to Devonta Smith late in the 3rd, and how Philly's D-line was up Mahomes' ass all game long.
Only bigots hated on Kendrick.
the show was aimed at a younger demographic, guys like us don't make the NFL much money any more, they're focused on the younger kids from 8 or 9 years old through the forty something crowd, just look at the merchandise and services that are advertised, that's who spends money on what they're selling.
TV cameras never showed it and the commentators never mentioned it - which is ok not giving his messsge an audience.
But it’s a little disturbing this could even happen. I thought security was supposed to be super tight after the Bourbon street incident.…
with regards to the soundproof closet and computer studio software - I knew a kid in New Orleans who had this racket to get laid. He scrimped and saved to get a nice loft and converted the second bedroom into a "recording studio." He then brought over coeds from all the colleges- LSU, UNO, Tulane, etc. to help them with their aspiring music career and eventually bed them. He kept that going for several years even while working as an engineer.
I guess just be grateful it wasn’t Swift performing?
Nina, you just have to realize that Skifredo wants to be all pissed off about everything. He’s all proud of the fact that his mommy let him cross the street when he was 14 and he thinks that makes him better than the rest of the world.
That said, Imma start going all wildebeest on him unless he keeps Princess Tay Tay’s name outta his mouth. This lion is a major Swiftie. ROAR!!!
I guess it isn’t a bad as Gamma. This rick got a PM from the same fellow that told me about Skifredo claiming that he walked in on Gamma jackin’ it while playing the Bay City Rollers. What kinda sicko does that?
Of course, now that I’m thinkin’ ‘bout this, I’m a lil’ disturbs by a weirdo that keeps walkin’ in on folks jackin’ it. What’s up with that and why are you PM’ing me? And if you wanna see me jackin’ it you’re gonna be disappointed. You know who you are. ROAR!!!
Funny enough, they collabed before. Back in 2015 they did a remix to Bad Blood and the music video won a grammy. Apparently she's been a fan of his for quite some time.
I don't think she's a great performer, though.
Nina. Drake isnt a pedophile. Anyways. Youre trying to sound knowledgeable by grasping at every mundane straw but are just sounding off on an emotive rant
They have these phony “end hate” commercials and then have that hateful feud with a disgusting accusation as a center piece at halftime. Retarded.
But if the only people who understood the message aren’t the ones who need to hear the message, then what’s the point. It’s like preaching to the choir.
But the fact that you felt SO strongly about the performance that you admittedly "seriously dug into it" is at least proof that it was impactful for you. As is the fact the ski bum created this post, as is the fact that it has nearly 80 replies. On a strip club website.
What does Harry Styles have to do with this? Can you expand on why I should give this hypothetical situation any life?
There is not "universal agreement across all mediums" about that unless you change the definition of "universal," "agreement," and "mediums." You, of course, live in a bubble. That's one of the reasons you're incapable of understanding anything. Another reason is the fact that you're quite an idiot and you probably give strippers the creeps in real life.
And here you are dragging in another random politician you hate, simply because you hate them and their existence bothers you - but not because they have anything to do with the conversation, of course! do like Gretchen Whitmer, though.
There aren't enough drugs on earth to quell the deep anger that so obviously consumes your life. You are bothered by literally everything, you are never happy, and your dissatisfaction with life seeps into everything you post. Such a bitter, coarse old man you are.
Its not about just ons song.... Not like us is a hit and the beef isnt real. Both are signed to BMG.
I think you’re wrong in that. I think the message was meant for old “racist” white guys. It was a big “fuck you” to Trump and America. All the Drake nonsense was just a sideshow.
From what I gleaned - the symbolism of the show was to demonstrate a divided country.
And, apparently the set was designed to be a prison yard, pointing out to white America that blacks are incarcerated at disproportionate percentage.
So, Nina, if the messsge wasn’t intended folks like me, WHO was it intended for?
Getting people to overreact here us almost as difficult as deep sea fishing at SeaWorld.
I'm also offended by dumb blacks who can't get subject/verb agreement right. It's not "we ve", it's we are. Im offended if one tries to axe me a question. Those are the things that offend me.
My theory is too many people have too much time on their hands trying to convince themselves they need constant validation through social media, both young and old farts.
And the haters gonna hate, hate, hate, hate, hate
Baby, I'm just gonna shake, shake, shake, shake, shake
I shake it off, I shake it off (hoo-hoo-hoo)
Wiser words have never been said. Well, actually, my pappy, the great Mufasa, always told me this growing up:
“If you’re walking around the veldt and you meet one creature that’s an asshole, you’ve just met an asshole. But if you’re walking around the veldt and every creature you meet is an asshole, you’re being an asshole. Son, don’t be an asshole. ROAR!!!”
Skifredo is the way he is because he walks down the street and EVERYBODY he meets is an asshole. ROAR!!!