Strip club knowledge

avatar for docsavage
I would guess a lot of the commenters here are frequent strip club goers who know much more about strip clubs than the average visitor. What would be something you know about strip clubs that most people who visit them don't?

One thing I know is how to rank all the strip clubs here in Indianapolis by the attractiveness of the strippers and the popularity of the club with people who have money to spend. A number of local clubs are just hang out joints for non-spenders and therefore attract low quality girls. The number of strip club reviews here pretty much indicates which clubs are popular with spending customers. However, some have a lot of reviews but not many recent reviews, which indicates a decline. Jiggles and Jaguars here are on the decline while the Pony and Red Garter now surpass them.


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avatar for shailynn
4 days ago
Thanks to TUSCL I know where all the good strip clubs are. That’s a wealth of knowledge just right there.
avatar for Assmanjoe
3 days ago
Most here understand how the majority of strip clubs are set up financially regarding the relationship between the club and the dancers. In most clubs the dancers pay the club, not vice versa as in most occupations and as is assumed by many. Most casual and rookie patrons dont understand this.
In NJ even the casual hangout spots have smoking hot Brazilians lol
avatar for JamesSD
3 days ago
Although some strippers are employees, a lot still are contractors. They pay stage fees, tip out the DJ, bouncers and manager every shift. And at most clubs stage tips aren't enough to even make house fees, selling dances is where they actually make money.

I think a lot of casual club goers assume the girls are glorified go-go dancers paid to get naked on stage and the stage tips are gravy.
avatar for Hank Moody
Hank Moody
3 days ago
Elementary school knowledge of tuscl is seeing that everything is driven by money. Middle or high school knowledge is seeing that while the above is true, every customer and girl is an individual and makes their own decisions. College or grad school knowledge is wallanon.
avatar for GordieBoi
3 days ago
SC newbie knowledge - This beautiful girl is all over me, she's way out of my league, but miraculously she legit likes me. If we spend enough time together she will become my girlfriend. But she has to make money so I just have to keep spending so she doesn't leave for another customer, but that's just the price you gotta pay to land a hot out of your league stripper

Tuscl newbie knowledge - Strippers are fun but always remember, she only likes your wallet. She's a robot designed to separate you from your money. She convincingly pretends to like you but deep down she thinks you are a Pathetic Loser, a walking ATM machine. Every word out of her mouth is a lie. Most are nasty and beneath you, you would never really want to date her. It's all dog eat dog negotiation - she knows head games to get more money out of you while doing less, and you need to figure out the counter games to get more from her for less money. Even if this isn't true, always act as if it is all true - it's the only way to guard both your bank account and your heart. Trust me, Bro.

Decade plus regular - Strippers are women. No better or worse than civilian women, no more attractive (seriously!) and no less attractive, no more or less intelligent or kind or dishonest than civilians. Every stripper is an individual and they vary as widely.

The only differences are, first, *on average*, strippers are somewhat less sexually inhibited than civilian women, and extras strippers still less so. Reasons vary widely with the individual stripper, but it's just a consequence of sex work attracting the less inhibited and filtering out the more inhibited. Second, *on average* strippers are indeed more flaky and chaotic than civilian women, which is also just a consequence of a job with virtually no qualifications (other than reduced inhibition) and far less structure than practically any other job.

Knowing all this, you neither put her on a pedestal and encourage you to see you as a chump she can take advantage of. Nor do you look down on her as an unfeeling machine who only wants your money and is never to be trusted. Understanding her, you treat her like any woman, learning who she is, what she likes and doesn't, earning her trust, respecting her boundaries while gently expecting her to do the same. You practice honesty and expect the same of her. You get much better dances for less in this way. She might date you, but she might not, just like any woman. Because that's what she is, just a woman, like any other you might meet in a bar or club or bookstore or coffee shop.

A lot of this knowledge comes not just from decadess of SC experience but from decades knowing many, many current, former, and soon-to-be sex workers in my social scenes, girls who I've never seen in their work environments. (And a small handful I've seen in both work and social environments - that's always... interesting.)
avatar for Puddy Tat
Puddy Tat
3 days ago
Everything. The average clubber knows jack shit about the psychology or economics, let alone having self-control in the club.

"I think she really likes me!"

avatar for Mate27
3 days ago
Angry old men like SkiDumb are looking for dancers to cater to their every whim w/out asking and can’t be told no.

Really, it’s an evolving fluid situation that you can’t expect consistent outcomes on any trip no matter what system you employ. Have to go with the flow. Like John candy says in planes trains and’s automobiles like a twig on the shoulder of a babbling brook.
avatar for loper
3 days ago
Yes, your stripper is after your money, but I'm convinced that most strippers get more out of the job than that. 1. Human contact. They get used to the feel of skin on skin and miss if it's gone. This may or may not be a sexual thing. 2. Admiration. They're flattered that most every guy in the place thinks they're hot and wants to fuck them. Most seem to be genuinely disappointed if you don't get immediately hard when they're giving you a lap dance. 3. A lot of strippers are hyper sexual. I know one who will find a rhythm on your hard dick (over your pants) and try to come before the lap dance is over. This is actually only so-so stimulating for the guy, so she really is doing it for her own satisfaction, not for more money from you.

Any girls out there, am I right?
avatar for GordieBoi
3 days ago
@loper I met a stripper many years ago. I was newly out of a LTR and getting back out there, starting with my old club. She was only okay looking, and it was a slow dayshift. As she got naked it was immediately obvious from her attitude that I would get the FS I expected, but also that it would be boring, mechanical and not at all GFE. Instinct from the relationship took over and I reached out to rub this girls clit. Boom! Instantly her tongue was in my mouth and she was all over me. "I don't usually kiss," she said, almost apologetically. Sure, I thought, I bet you don't often get your clit rubbed like that either. Probably not even at home, and certainly not at work. I didn't actually say that out loud, but I wanted to. We proceeded to absolutely mind blowing FS with lots of DFK. Yeah, dancers are in it for more than money - at least sometimes, with some guys. Unfortunately I did not run into her again, really would have liked to.
avatar for Manuellabore
3 days ago
GordeiBoi's "Decade Plus Regular" sums things up well, but it shouldn't take a decade to figure that out. Maybe 6 months to a year, or they're never going to get it, and they and the dancers they see will be that much more miserable because of it
avatar for GordieBoi
3 days ago
@Manuellabore Decade plus is an exaggeration, that's more like the whole period of regular SC visits. Still, I was apparently a slow learner. I spent a good two years in Stage 1, before understanding that my faves weren't really into me and maybe another year in Stage 2, after finding the online community, accepting that those first two years were my own damn fault, not fault of evil, manipulative, exploitive strippers, who are just women trying to make a living. And the full extent of knowledge I expressed owes a lot to many years of studying and practicing game with civilian women.
avatar for WiseToo
3 days ago
Most newbies need to realize that one customer's experience with a stripper can be vastly different than another customer's experience with the same stripper. In other words, YMMV.

avatar for docsavage
3 days ago
I was past fifty when I started going to strip clubs so I never fell into the "I think she really likes me" error. I did originally think that if I had regulars I would get better treatment. I found, though, that long time regulars started acting like a wife. By that I mean they would be moody and a little bad tempered sometimes. I decided I do not really want a strip club wife. I like that happy look a stripper gets on her face when she finds out for the first time a new customer is interested in her.
avatar for elmer
2 days ago
Not to eat anything that falls on the floor
avatar for GordieBoi
2 days ago
The only strip club wives were the handful that I thought really liked me, in my newbie days. After that, I learned that regulars do in fact give better treatment over time (especially the most YMMV girls). I also learned that the way to avoid a wife was to always have multiple regulars in rotation at the same club, preferably on the same night. Female competitiveness is a man's best friend, in or out of a strip club. Before a regular was even established, I set the tone that I would check out all the new girls and would sit with, and dance with, all my faves that were there, and never let one girl monopolize me. Any girl who couldn't handle that never became a regular in the first place. Thus they all knew there was always competition, she could never afford to take me for granted and start acting moody. It was also my best defense against ever catching feelings again.
avatar for Assmanjoe
2 days ago
^excellent and effective strategy
avatar for Jascoi
2 days ago
"I think she really likes me!"

you mean she doesn't?

My girls see me with some of the other girls...
avatar for Puddy Tat
Puddy Tat
2 days ago
@Gordie, that's how I roll. Never let yourself me a kept man; she sure isn't being faithful to you. If no variety, why club?

@Jascoi, I'm sure everyone here has a funny story of a dork friend catching feelings. Most clubbers are fucking clueless.
avatar for mjx01
2 days ago
1. regulars (being know and "safe" / not LEO) do in fact give better treatment over time - true
2. one customer's experience with a stripper can be vastly different than another customer's experience with the same stripper - true
2b. AND your experience with a stripper can be vastly different from night to night
3. Chris Rock is wrong
avatar for GordieBoi
2 days ago
I've lost count how many times I've heard "No sex in the champagne room" ... while having sex in a champagne room.
avatar for GordieBoi
2 days ago
@mjx01 Knowing that 1, 2 and 2b are true was only half the battle.
Things got interesting when digging deeper - asking myself *why* they are true.
Understanding the answers, and figuring out how to turn that knowledge to advantage, was what took my SC experiences from meh to mind blowing.
avatar for rickdugan
2 days ago
A few of the most important things I have learned:

1. How many of these girls will do OTC under the right circumstances (money is right, you're easy to deal with, things are slow in the club, etc.). Which makes sense given that they are already removing their clothes and rubbing on guys for money. It's still a leap from that to full blown sex for the non-extras girls, but far less of a leap than it would be for the checkout girl at your local supermarket, lol.

2. The value of being approachable and easy to talk to. Part of this involves being comfortable in your own skin inside a strip club. Some guys can do that and others can't. IME giving off good energy also feeds into 1 above.

3. The value of not being concerned about conflict avoidance. As important as being approachable to the ones you like is learning to move along the ones you don't. Looking a girl straight in the eye and saying NO is an important skill to develop. Appearing weak or squishy, OTOH, is a good way to encourage aggressive girls to control your experience for you.

4. Being penny conscious, pound foolish, is a losing strategy. Unless you're just going to a club for a few lappers, like those guys who are able to prematurely ejaculate in their own pants just from a little friction, being stingy will backfire in so many ways that matter. If your clubbing budget doesn't include money to buy a few drinks for one or two dancers, tip the bartender well (which will often come back to you anyway with a better drink pour) and throw a few 20s to your favorite dancer in tips (stage or barside), then just do something else instead. A little love can go a long way in too many ways to easily discuss. 10 Years ago I would never have needed to post this, but it's insane how much grousing this new generation of dudes does over this simple stuff, to their detriment I might add.
avatar for gammanu95
a day ago
^Rick's biggest strip club inside knowledge is "The System."
avatar for rickdugan
a day ago
Now now Gam, I don't want to give away ALL my secrets. Imagine if everyone started showing up to the clubs in white polyester suits - it would be bedlam! 😉
avatar for the mighty quinn
the mighty quinn
a day ago
always know where your wallet is.
avatar for gammanu95
a day ago
^^How come strip clubs don't have white linen nights? Especially in Florida?
avatar for twentyfive
a day ago
^ Your white linen suit has a brown stripe down the back of the pants
avatar for docsavage
19 hours ago
Another thing I learned over the years of going to strip clubs is don't go looking for some stripper who has disappeared. Quite often they have moved to another city or dropped out of stripping completely, in which case they often want to leave their stripping days behind them and move on with their life. I do sometimes run into an old regular at another club or back at their old club and we are both happy to see each other. I would not say all strippers are the same but there are plenty of fish in the strip club ocean and I can find new girls I like when the old ones vanish.
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