Nuance on Smash or Pass

avatar for IWantHerOnMe
This is a board about spending money on naked women to do naked things. Everytime I see a smash or pass on here I think "would I pay to spend time with her?" If the answer is no, I'll pass. Some of the pass chicks I'd hit for free but most of the girls guys post on here scream they come with a price.


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avatar for Puddy Tat
Puddy Tat
2 months ago
There needs to be a universal definition.
I'd say 95% of the Smash or Pass-es here, if she showed up at my house and said "Puddy Tat, take me now!" I would oblige. None of them would I pay the $1,000 some guys talk about, because no pussy is worth that to me.

I give specifics on how much I'd pay to fuck, and in what position (especially if it minimizes a flaw or maximizes a positive).
@PuddyTat I agree there has to be something universal. I'd say I'd bang half the smash or pass posts on here for free.
avatar for ilbbaicnl
2 months ago
Don't Facebook, Instagram and most other mainstream social media sites take down profiles of anyone blatantly trying to find clients for sex work?

Probably some fans send them gifts and money to try and impress them. If they would be able to charge hundreds an hour as an escort, they'd probably ask for thousands for FS. But they'd probably expect significant cheddar up front, before they'd even seriously consider anything in-person.

I hear talk of people using WhatsApp and Facebook dating to put up coded ads for FS. Not sure how common that is.
avatar for ilbbaicnl
2 months ago
Are we going to do the paper bag thing too? As in only if she wears a paper bag over her head. A step above you both wearing a paper bag, in case her's falls off. You can get more granularity by giving the number of beers you'd have to drink first before any use of paper bags.
a paper bag can't hide that big fat ass.
I just think does she turn me on and would i fuck her. Its not deep
There's nuance in most everything.

Odds are, girls posting thirst traps that aren't meme material aren't gonna be so damned ugly that I wouldn't touch them under any circumstance. That makes it boring to reduce it to a binary choice.

Its much more interesting to pinpoint where exactly on the "I wouldn't fuck her with your dick and a 100 condoms on the end of a 10 foot pole" to the "I'd cash out my brokerage account to put the tip in" scale she is. And why.

They've really lost most of my interest anyway. Its the same few posters posting the same few body types over and over, then half the posters fawn over her and the other half call her a fat cow or a teenage boy and insisting anyone who disagrees is a fag.
avatar for ilbbaicnl
2 months ago
Even if you declare Bubbles a 10 and Foamy a 7, after a few nights with Bubbles, you'd probably want a night with Foamy. Unless that would piss Bubbles off. So then you'd have to pick between a night with Foamy and future nights with Bubbles. But then, you remember you should just calm the fuck down, cause both Bubbles and Foamy are only ever going to let you look. So maybe just provide a link to your 10s, and leave it open to either binary or woke non-binary responses.
===> "Everytime I see a smash or pass on here I think "would I pay to spend time with her?""

Same. That's why I'm always specific about whether I'd fuck her for free AND whether I'd pay for it. So far, a lot of the girls posted have been very fuckable for an every day affair, but I wouldn't have paid for them. Too many fake tits for my liking.
I've been posting a number of these pics lately. My criteria are:
1. She has to be objectively pretty.
2. She has to have some unique quality. A glance back over the shoulder, a fetching dress or bikini, a nice bounce, whatever.
3. A seductive smile is a plus.
4. She needs to inspire some lust in me. Hopefully, she will do the same to some of you.
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