
When your looking at reviews for a strip club you might visit...

Monday, August 26, 2024 9:59 PM
Are you looking at the random username you never head of's review from last month or you looking at the review from the handle you definitely heard of from last year first? Just wondering. I tend to just skip to the latter. I'm not reading like 5 reviews of the place it's too much work/time.


  • Muddy
    21 days ago
    Now I gotta investigate how legit this guy is or not? Fuck all that too much work.
  • shailynn
    21 days ago
    Yeah I get what you’re saying, I always skip over your raviews since they always end with you not getting OTC and sleeping in your car “once gain” all alone.
  • mjx01
    21 days ago
    I ignore any 1-of-1 reviews, and higher review counts and known avatars are given more weight over noobs.
  • Puddy Tat
    21 days ago
    I want whomever will replicate my experience.

    If it's a new club, I'd rather a good review from someone who isn't a regular, since I won't be a regular or get regulars' benefits.

    If it's a club where I'm a semi-regular or regular, I'll look for a regular's reviews for intel on specific girls. (Like HunnyPot or OWG at Desire)
  • skinnywhiteboy
    21 days ago
    First thing I look at is how often it's reviewed. If a club has one review in the last 3 years I'll typically skip it unless it's the only club in town. Next thing I look at is what time they visited the club. If I'm going at 11pm a review from 11am is going to be worthless. At this point I start checking how many reviews they've posted if it's a club I've never been to. If it's a club I have been too I compare it to my own knowledge of the club.
  • drewcareypnw
    21 days ago
    I read the last 4-5 reviews, regardless of who they are from. If there is a consistent theme, I know that I'm onto the truth.
  • jaybud999
    21 days ago
    I do drewcareypnw, wait, I mean I do what drew does.
  • wallanon
    21 days ago
    It all the reviews are terrible I lower expectations for clubs I don't know, otherwise I just try to picture how the place runs and go looking for a diamond in the rough. For clubs I know well I don't look at the reviews.
  • rickmacrodong
    21 days ago
    @puddy are there serious benefits to being a regular or is it just about her trusting you more, perhaps discounting services for long term regulars

    I dont like the idea of investing more and more in the hopes of a menu opening up … if theres no extras available after the first 1-2 dances i assume there are no extras unless you really keep seeing her a lot and she genuinely starts liking you
    Which is possible but you have to invest a lot
  • Puddy Tat
    21 days ago
    @RMD - depends on the place. Desire is my go to club, and I'm a regular to the club but not regular to any girl. So I'm starting anew with most of them.

    Even if I didn't get "everything" the first time with a girl, if she does what she said she did well, I'll go back, and possibly get more. Some acts require more trust. But if she rips me off or just isn't into it the first time, I won't go back no matter what she promises the next time.
  • rickmacrodong
    21 days ago
    @Puddy that makes sense. I didnt realize how close boston is to it
  • Manuellabore
    21 days ago
    I'll go back to 3-4 more recent reviews. Surprising how many places I end up at where the clubs only get reviewed 1-2 times/year, if that. Reviews more than a year old have limited value, except to give an idea of the layout and basic operation of the place.
    And, of course, I'll always look for the Gold Standard: A Muddy Review
  • Manuellabore
    21 days ago
    Also will look for Sinclair's review
  • TheeOSU
    21 days ago
    I let my VIP expire around a year ago and just haven't taken the time to get it back.
    I've visited a few clubs but just haven't taken the time to write reviews so I'm not reading any reviews but when I was I basically read all the recent reviews from most NE Ohio clubs.
  • uniquename
    21 days ago
    I typically read the last few reviews to see if there is a consistent theme. I don’t put too much stock in who the reviewer(s) might be. If a club hasn’t been reviewed in a long time I’m not going unless I’m really bored.
  • ClubFan81077
    20 days ago
    I’ll read any review that looks thoughtful and legit. Anything that helps me decide whether or not I might be comfortable at a given club, and to have an idea of what to expect for a first visit…
  • Dolfan
    20 days ago
    I don't really pay attention to who the author is. I do read a few reviews and weight their value by the content only.
  • tipton31
    20 days ago
    I pay attention to reviews within the last year. Any reviews older than that, there could have been major changes since then. But I don't frequent clubs that I used to when I was really tearing it up back in the day (I live in a different state now). So I do like to read old reviews of those clubs and think "yep, those were good times", I'm talking to you Detroit area clubs.
  • PAWG_Patrol
    20 days ago
    A quality review is a quality review. If it has actual useful info/details and isn't just some half-assed summary. That's the one I'm going with.

    Usually don't go past 7 months old because that info could be outdated.
  • Hank Moody
    20 days ago
    Like with most things, it depends. I’ll read the recent reviews and go back until I feel like I have a good handle on the place. Maybe I look for a reviewer I trust. I’ll also pm a member with specific questions or to get a more current update if needed. I don’t have rules about research. That’s counterproductive. It takes me where it takes me.
  • blahblahblahs
    20 days ago
    ^ this.
  • Muddy
    20 days ago
    @shai dude don't hit me with a 100% truth bomb like that

    @manuel thanks bro but I ain't no gold standard, yeah I got quantity but quality is just passable lmao.

    And to responses above you know what sometimes is easier just to go to the damn club, you be there and back by the time your done trying read all these reviews. But if somebody I know off the board shit one out on some place I'm trying to go, I'll try to read that.

  • gammanu95
    19 days ago
    Most recent reviews are most important. Reviews older than 3-4 months may no longer be relevant. I read Muddy's reviews for the entertainment value. Sinclair has the same taste as I do, thorough reviews, and his dancer stats are great.
  • whodey
    19 days ago
    I'll read the recent reviews until I get a good understanding of how the club is. Obviously, I'll give more credence to reviews written by established members than someone I've never heard of with only 1 or 2 posts on the site. That doesn't mean the unknown reviewers can't provide helpful insight, it just means I have to read more reviews to trust that I am getting an accurate picture of the club.

    However, just because someone is well established doesn't mean I am going to just take their word for it and stop there. There are some members who's names I instantly recognize, but I know their tastes and mine don't align so I can't just rely on their review.

    However, there are several reviewers who I do trust their reviews completely because we have similar tastes and I have had basically the same opinion of multiple clubs as their prior reviews. If I come across a recent review of theirs for a club I'll usually just go with that and stop reading other reviews.
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