Do you TRY to get yourself horned up?
As the topic asks, do you go out of your way to try to get yourself feeling more horny than you already feel? Is it sometimes necessary sometimes for you to convince yourself to want to go to the strip club when otherwise you really don't feel horny or sexy enough to want to go to the strip club?
I ask because I find myself in a conundrum sometimes. It often happens that I'm prepared to go to a strip club. F.e., I scheduled some free time, made sure I didn't have any outstanding appointments and wasn't expecting anybody to contact me or come over, got rid of any dangling extra responsibilities or family connections. I did all this to be free to go out to a club. But then when the time comes, I don't really feel it any more. I'm just feeling, "meh, I'll stay in and order pizza." I know I'm likely to regret the fact, of having failed to avail myself of the limited strip-clubbing opportunity that I would have had, so I often do attend a strip club even though I'm not necessarily feeling desperate to be in a strip club.
Basically I "force" myself to go. This has the obvious disadvantage of requiring some kind of self-management "effort" to bring about the right mood. Looking at porn? Playing obscene video games? Writing TUSCL posts? Whacking off? What's your method? Mine might be, f.e., to get out the old "Super Deep Throat" Adobe-Flash video game. Having a drink or two at the club often helps, too, but I have to get there first.
The "forcing" also has a secondary disadvantage, that I am not particularly keen on being there once I arrive. I notice myself failing to banter adequately, failing to really pay attention to the where-abouts of a stripper who might on another night turn me on. I try a few snappy come-backs but they don't come across as witty sarcasm, but rather they come across as prickly negativity. I notice that I'm being annoying (even more than usual).
What's your method? Lose the opportunity and simply don't go? Or drive up your desire to go in some manner? What is the technique to your manner?
last commentI am always in the mood to pound pussies. Some of us are born for this
I must be getting old. I'm almost 60, is this what it's going to be like from here on out? You young kids, don't neglect your poundage opportunities, you never know when you won't have any more.
I sometimes wish I could dial it down. It’s a way bigger issue getting what I want than wanting it. I’m 44 and if I’ve ever had a day I would have not wanted an attractive woman I was probably sick or hurt and fortunately that has been really unusual.
I have however made bad decisions chasing pussy when I really shouldn’t have.
“Don’t neglect your poundage opportunities” - Love it!
If you're horny, go, if not, don't.
I go if I'm horny and in a social mood.
If horny but not social, out comes the hand lotion.
If social but not horny, a restaurant or bar is better.
this isnt a front door discussion
"What's your method? Lose the opportunity and simply don't go? Or drive up your desire to go in some manner? What is the technique to your manner?"
I don't go if I don't feel like it, unless I've agreed to meet someone. Almost anything I can do in a strip club is something I've already done before so taking a night off is just taking a night off.
My opportunities to visit good clubs are limited. So if I am traveling to a city where I know there are good clubs but maybe not really feeling like it that night, then I usually watch porn for a while. There is a lot of stripper porn out there, and it usually does the trick. I am getting near 50 now and don't want to neglect the poundage opportunities.
You are asking the wrong question...
The correct question is: What does your heart tell you? To go or not to go.... Hear what your heart tells you and do it...
Everybody will have their own reasons, and ideas, based on their history, age, locality, availability, timelines, commitments.... And their reasonings dictate their actions - it doesn't have to dictate yours...
Do what your heart tells you and you will be fine.
As I rick I’m always ready. ROAR!!!
So when I read these posts here, I usually voice them as if somebody was at a table with me watching T&A or talking shit at the bar. If I was ever in a strip club and some dude rolled up saying do what my heart tells me that'd be an interesting, awkward silence.
===> "As I rick I’m always ready. ROAR!!!"
Were that as true today as it was 10 years ago, at least for this rick, lmao. 😆
OP, there's no sense going to a strip club if you're not going to enjoy it. That's just a waste of time and money that could be better spent elsewhere. I for one never force myself into a strip club when I don't feel like going.
I am horny and ready to hit the club 90% of the time, I just don't have the time or budget to go all the time. During that 10% when I'm not in the mood I'm not going to try to convince myself to go just because I have the time and the money at that particular moment. There will be another chance at some point soon when I have the time and money and odds are high that by then I will also have the desire to go. In the meantime I have plenty of other hobbies that can fill my free time so I'll do one of those.
I totally get this OP. I've been there plenty of times.
My local area sucks for clubs, so I only monger when traveling. And that usually involves some planning ahead, scheduling a flight a day later, clearing off the schedule, etc. Then when the time comes, maybe I'm wiped out from traveling and working and I'm not feeling it.
90% of the time I force myself to go. And 95% of the time that's the right decision. The one sure fire cure for not being horny is to surround myself with gorgeous half naked women in a club, that will snap me right out of the malaise. Point being: usually once I get to the club I'm glad I came.
So the solution IMHO is just to deal with it like dealing with any other worthwhile activity that you might procrastinate on for whatever reason. Focus on the next concrete thing you need to do before you go to the club. Take a shower. Put the club clothes on. Call a Lyft, etc.
Vitamin V helps with this problem too. 😁
A while back, a wise monger on this site commented that you should never go to the SC when you're in a bad mood. That advice resonated with me, because, too often, I would go to the club to try to cheer myself up, and would spend money imprudently to try to make something happen instead of just going with the flow.
Same advice applies if I don't feel like going to the SC because I'm tired, stressed or any other reasons. Like some other commenters, I have very limited time windows when I can get out to the clubs, and those opportunities will evaporate down to nothing with retirement looming. I can't get out to a club when I'd like to much more often than I can but don't want to, but that's no reason to squander time and money chasing what is likely to be a mediocre experience if I'm not in the right frame of mind. And if was ever considering looking at porn to get in the mood to go to a SC, I hope that I would decide to do something else altogether, or do nothing at all.
"you should never go to the SC when you're in a bad mood."
I'd tweak that a bit to say don't go if you're going to stay in a bad mood. Probably 80% of the experience you get out of a dancer you've just met is determined by your energy not hers. If I can tell I'm probably not going to care enough to put my game face on when it matters then I won't go.
To me it's not a matter of getting horned up. The right girl will solve that instantly. It's about whether I'll be motivated enough to get a dancer who doesn't know me and doesn't have to bring her A game to decides it's worth her time if I spend on her.
Obviously if she's the type who'd jump a tree then just have a pulse and a dollar and you're fine, but we're not talking about them lol.
I try to do the opposite, by rubbing one out prior to going out, in an attempt to relieve my need for pussy....but then I end up going out anyway.
I think I'm with wallanon on this one, it's about my energy not hers, but the right girl will solve that. The chicken egg conundrum. I think my experience sometimes is, that although I'm WILLING to try to put my game-face on, so I attend the club even though I'm not really desiring to go very badly, what happens is, ALSO I don't meet any girls who really make me want to put my game face on. Back in the late 90s there were enough super-hotties at any club you went to, that I could personally be almost assured of having the "oh boy I just gotta have her" experience in my own mind. Now that's not the case. I'm arriving in a moderately disinterested mood, therefore unlikely to put much positive energy into it, but with the hopes that the dancer themselves will be of high enough quality that they pique my interest and therefore cause me to increase my positive energy. I want them to instigate me. But they just aren't doing it for me. Maybe I simply need better clubs with better dancers.
For me, it boils down to whether I've currently got a fav (or favs) who have a decent work ethic, and who don't feel (very) conflicted about being lap dancers. In that case, I don't have enough money to get bored enough with my favs that pizza seems like a more appealing alternative.
During fav droughts, then yeah. Because you know your visit to the club will probably at best be mediocre. But, for me, it doesn't help that situation to try and get myself worked up with porn or anything. If there's a dancer I click with, I can get horny in heartbeat. If not, the fact that I came into the club already horny just makes the disappointment worse.
But I always regret NOT going out. I didn't, this past weekend. On Friday and Saturday I scheduled some free time, but just didn't feel like going, so I didn't. Now that it's Sunday night I really feel like going to a strip club. The clubs here are interesting on weekends, but generally deserted on Sundays and really don't merit much effort on weekdays either.
I can second funonthaside's comment. When I was a newbie with strip clubs I used to rub one out if I was thinking of going to a club that night. If I was still horny enough to go after that I'd go and I'd taken the edge off to avoid unintentional LDKs. If I wasn't, well I just saved some money.
These days I mostly club when I'm traveling. If I'm in a place where I know the clubs are good (e.g. Detroit, South Florida) then I generally don't have a problem getting in the mood to go. I've probably been looking forward to it. OTOH if I'm in a place where the clubs aren't that good then I'll let my mood decide. Just this weekend I decided not to hit the clubs where I was because I wasn't feeling it. No great loss.