
Amazing stripper repartee -- dumbest ever?

Book Guy
I write it like I mean it, but mostly they just want my money.
Friday, May 31, 2024 8:58 PM
A few weeks ago, at a neighborhood-style strip club, on a weekday night. One of the medium-attractive women approaches me, we sit near each other at the bar and speak intermittently. I think I recall telling her I worked as a professor. I had mentioned that the club did not have a lot of people attending at the time. Among her replies was one which took me several minutes to genuinely process. "So," she said something like, "Isn't this like that funny sit-com?" I asked which one. "You know, where they are all alone on an island and laughing all the time. Giggle Island. I'm Skipper, you're the Professor." I asked her to repeat herself. She stated clearly, "Giggle-y Island." The word "giggle" (to laugh) plus the adverbial suffix ("-ly"). I told her I couldn't hear her. I really couldn't come up with anything else to say. I mean, surely, but ... really? Dumbest ever? Or hoaxing me?


  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    a month ago
    I'm sort of surprised that she knew enough to even refer to it incorrectly. I've had a couple of dancers ask me about aging pop-culture references used by their decades-older regulars. The only one that stands out as humorous is the time a dancer asked me if "I'm Loving Lucy" was vintage porn.
  • Book Guy
    a month ago
    Love the Lucy reference. My particular experience also included the dancer saying phrases like "Giggling Island" and "Island of Giggles" as she tried out a few names to see which one sounded right. Also, if she knew there was a Professor, then that fact suggests to me ... umm ... something? Google tells me that the original "Gilligan's Island" series aired from 1964 to 1967, a time when pretty much none of us was yet watching television, though I am familiar with the sit-com, so it would have to have been in re-runs that she (or I) would ever have encountered it. I also know the original series of "Star Trek" (with Shatner and Nimoy, of course) backwards and forwards, 1966 to 1969, but I was similarly too young to have seen it in any form other than re-run syndication.
  • Chili Palmer
    a month ago
    Once had a dancer who legitimately had no idea where Las Vegas is, and we're in Phoenix.
  • rickthelion
    a month ago
    This rick does not know what the problem is Book Ape. The young female hairless ape was trying to make a pop culture reference to connect with you. Would you have preferred her to respond to your statement with “Oh…like Professor Moriarty?” That would imply that she believes you’re a criminal mastermind. Or maybe “Oh…like Professor Otto Octavius?” Wait…that might imply that she believes you’re a criminal mastermind with additional arms. I suppose you would be okay with “Oh…like Professor Finbarr Calamitous?” But then again even I have no frickin’ idea who that is. Anyhoo…I’m sure you can see where I’m going with this Book Ape…given that you are a professor, are you also a criminal mastermind? Because it sure seems like graduate schools have trouble screening out supervillains like Profs Moriarty, Octavias, and Calamitous. Inquiring lions want to know. ROAR!!!
  • Manuellabore
    a month ago
    The Professor was clearly the most eligible bachelor on Giggle Island, so she was obviously trying to give you a compliment. Should have told her she reminded you of Ginger
  • 5footguy
    a month ago
    I agree with Manuel ^^ She was ready and you fumbled the bag.
  • Jascoi
    a month ago
    chili. everybody knows Las Vegas in in new mexico.
  • Jascoi
    a month ago
  • Puddy_Tat
    a month ago
    Let me guess, she, like every other girl in the club, was stripping her way through med school?
  • Book Guy
    a month ago
    Yeah it's possible I simply fumbled and she was making the joke deliberately or at least making an opening (for me to spend more money). In the heat of the moment I was just so flabbergasted I couldn't come up with anything other than, "Uh, what? I can't hear you." Smooooothth ...
  • DandyDan
    a month ago
    There was the time I was talking about football with a dancer and the dancer wanted to know how the Dallas Patriots were doing.
  • 59
    a month ago
    An ancient series that's not exactly in heavy rerun rotation. Deserves some props for even being aware of the series and the premise.
  • skibum609
    a month ago
    Ginger? NFW; Mary Anne. I remember the show as a new show.
  • rickthelion
    a month ago
    This rick has been binging on the Gilligan show because this thread has intrigued me. But I have some questions: First, why is it that the professor can use coconuts and palm trees to construct a movie studio and cheer Ginger up by giving her a screen test but he can’t make a frickin’ raft? Second, given that the professor constructed a movie studio, did he ever use it to film a porno? Maybe Ginger and Mary Ann lezing out or perhaps an orgy. I’m getting bored with the show and the professor’s inability to make a frickin’ raft, so don’t worry about spoilers. I’ll just jump ahead to the porno part of the show. Finally, is this fiction or a documentary? Inquiring lions want to know. ROAR!!!
  • drewcareypnw
    a month ago
    Eh, language shifts, for example nǣdre --> nadder --> adder [view link] ...and that girl is an example of why. That is, she just doesn't know, doesn't give a shit, and says it how she remembers is, which is just barely but mostly wrong. She was probably sifting the very deepest depths of her "old dude" knowledge to find a fact about a 1960s sit com that you might relate to, It's semi amazing she even knows about this. I think of all the people here in the PNW speaking "Salish" languages today. With all the displacement, relocation, education programs, lack of written records, I bet the shit they're saying to each other would be barely intelligible to a pre-settler era native.
  • JackKingov
    a month ago
    I was wearing a Twilight Zone t-shirt at a lower end club a couple of years ago. A very lovely young thing came by to say "ooh, I love that. I'm a big fan of the movies." "Wait, you're a fan of the Twilight Zone? You seem too young to even know what that is." "Yeah, I just love vampires!" I didn't want to explain that The Twilight Zone and Twilight are very different things, so I just smiled and went with it.
  • Book Guy
    a month ago
    Umpire is better than adder. Lookitup! :)
  • rickthelion
    a month ago
    Everybody is missing the most important issue raised by this thread: did the professor ever build a porno studio? Also, given that Book Ape is apparently a professor, he should tell us whether he has ever made a porno studio out of coconuts, palm fronds, and whatever the fuck else one might find on Gilligan’s island. Inquiring lions want to know! And the rest of y’all should wanna know too. ROAR!!!
  • ancientlurker
    a month ago
    Stretch goal: Ginger AND Mary Ann.
  • ilbbaicnl
    a month ago
    Dumbest way ever to feel smarter than someone: you remember stuff from 60 years ago better than someone 30 years younger than you.
  • Book Guy
    a month ago
    ROFL @illbaicnl ! I figure she would have watched sit-coms more recently than me. I haven't seen a syndicated "bad" television show in probably fifteen years; she and her generation would be much more likely to stare at the boob-tube each evening than I would. I stare at a different kind of boobs tube.
  • Manuellabore
    a month ago
    Ginger vs. May Ann is an age-old debate, almost as old as the commenters on this thread. There is no correct answer, but try this hot take: Look at some pics of Lovey and tell me she isn't a viable third option. And WTF would Thurston do about it? With age comes wisdom.
  • 5footguy
    a month ago
    "Look at some pics of Lovey and tell me she isn't a viable third option." She isn't a viable third option. In her prime, the best photos I could find, she was not a good option. [view link]
  • rickdugan
    a month ago
    The girl tried, lol. I doubt that almost anybody under 50 even understands the reference, lol. And the only reason I even know it is from syndicated reruns when I was a young kid, back when our TVs had rabbit ears. 😀
  • rickdugan
    a month ago
    Fuck we are a bunch of old farts on this site. 🙃
  • 5footguy
    a month ago
    ^^ speak for yourself
  • uniquename
    a month ago
    Ginger or MaryAnne was replaced by Sammy or Dave? For the record, MaryAnne, Dave.
  • ilbbaicnl
    a month ago
    Since neither ever changed her clothes, whichever one you picked, you want to take her down to the lagoon for a good scrubdown first.
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