Amateur Nights
mogul1985I have 3 lives: Work, Dog Shows and Strip Clubs
I went to one Amateur Night at Deja Vu in Colorado Springs many many years ago. It was meh.
What have others experienced? Do strippers from the area enter in an attempt for the "prize"? Are they college girls having a Girls Gone Wild night? Are they just blah girls trying it out?
And now for something completely different:
I've been laid-up for 12 days with lower back muscle spasms so I've been reading TUSCL a lot while looking for things to do that don't hurt. Much better today.
last commentHave not seen one in decades. The ones I saw were a mix of strippers that had free time (80%) and true amateurs (20%). Amateurs ranged from (maybe) 18 up to 30's. They got great attention but never seemed to win.
I have never seen a good "amateur" night. The girls seemed to be strippers from other clubs and less attractive than the regular dancers.
I've never intentionally gone to one, but I've wandered into a club when they were occurring a few times. My experience is much like the others, it was pretty clear none of the girls were actual amateurs. They were girls from other clubs in surrounding areas.
I haven't seen one around here it quite some time, not even advertisements for them. They seem to have been replaced with other things, mostly Pole Contests with larger prizes for the winner. I think there's a couple area clubs who've had 2-3 of them with prizes ranging from 5-20k. The one at ORA seemed to draw girls nationally, but it may have just been successful advertising on their part that fooled me into thinking that, as I didn't actually attend. They certainly aren't popular like they were long ago, with standing weekly amateur nights at some places.
Amateur night is the live version of reality tv.
One club around here uses “amateur night” for dancer tryouts. It’s a club that is the beginning for a lot of baby strippers so it makes sense as a way to lure them in. Sometimes it’s good, more often it’s just ok.
You will generally not see the local schoolteachers at amateur nights. Instead, you will see girls from other clubs auditioning and trying to earn some extra cash, although in most cases, they could likely earn as much dancing at their club for cash equivalent to prize money.
Those nights also tend to be more crowded, with more of a party vibe than I prefer.
It was after my second amateur night that I realized they are overrated. Haven't been to one in many years.
I did one one time I believe it was at the purple orchid now I just dancing when I came back into dancing when I was early 30ish so I really didn't know what to expect wasn't like back in the old days it was like a big huge stage and I think I was just wearing some simple costuming and I think I had to dance to whatever the DJ was playing so that kind of sucked but in any case I wasn't quite sure of myself my outfit wasn't quite up the par and I didn't really know what to do with the big huge stage and with music I didn't know so needless to say I didn't win but the girl who did win she was a really good dancer and she had a really awesome outfit so sometimes it really is having the best costume because that's what draws people to look at you what you're wearing
When I was in college there was a local club that had them occasionally. I think they were using them to find potential dancers.
The one club that I know has an amateur night pretty much uses it as a way to hire new dancers. Most of the amateurs are really other clubs dancers. Hell, one time I went to it and they had two former dancers who danced there, but must have been on the outs for some reason.
if :she's pretty' is a major factor for me... dvcoi had some good amateur nights... some of the good looking waitresses would participate.
In the 90s, when out of town on vacation in another state, I went to an amateur night with a girl I was dating. She had a few drinks and ended up on stage and stripped down to panties. She took off her top and she had primo natural C cups. She won $250 for her efforts. One of the other girls, who was probably a stripper from another club, showed some flashes of pussy at this topless club. But, I think the crowd could tell my friend was an amateur. To my knowledge, she never did become a stripper. I saw her a few years later and made reference to that night when no one else could hear us. She told me she “retired undefeated as a stripper.” I always loved that.