The TUSCLer Two Decade Club

avatar for wallanon
Later this year I'll have been lurking around TUSCL for 20 years. So as I recall shadowcat was in the midst of his run at Platinum Plus back in 2004 when I started posting after my old college buddy got put on lockdown by the wife lol. He was the guy finding hole in the wall clubs here before that but didn't post on the boards. I know some of you were also around back then but searching for stuff like that isn't fast.

Where are the other guys who've been telling fish stories here for a couple of decades?


last comment
avatar for motorhead
a year ago
I’m 2 years short. June 2006. But I did lurk around a little bit before I joined
avatar for twentyfive
a year ago
I’ve been here for a bit but even so time passes by so fast I checked and it looks like I’m here 14 years going on 15 damn however did that happen?
avatar for boomer79
a year ago
November 2005. I remember the first club I checked out due to this website being Platinum Plus in Columbia SC. That was before Follies became a big thing in Atlanta. I didn’t go much but it sounded like Shadow and a poster named Candy Man who hasn’t been around for a long time had a good thing going.
avatar for ArtCollege
a year ago
Two decades in April 2024. Been fun, mostly. Kind of miss Desert Scrub, though.
avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
a year ago
I'm closer to 10 years than 20.

I don't miss desertscrub.
avatar for sinclair
a year ago
I'm getting close to fifteen years. I lurked for a year or two before joining. I miss all the OG's like Book Guy, Clubber, casualguy, arbeeguy, zorro, MisterGuy, DougS, chandler, and chitownlawyer. I assume many of the OG's have either died or just found better ways to blow their money.
avatar for twentyfive
a year ago
The poster I miss the most is Farmer Art, I used to correspond with him regularly, another guy I was friendly with was gawker, like JS69 he would write about his girlfriend’s those guys(JS69 & Gawker) were RILs but still good dudes.
avatar for shadowcat
a year ago
Officially I started Dec of 2001 but I was writing a few reviews back around 1998 anonymously because no names were required back then.

Boomer79 I was known as the Candyman at the Columbia Platinum Plus.

I hit my favorite club today but will probably go back Thursday to celebrate my 82nd birthday which is on next Saturday.
avatar for boomer79
a year ago
That’s right. I think the other guys name was Sheikout. I just remember that I always knew that fun could be had but that was the first I knew of a club where it was widespread. I was in my 20s back then. I also remember hearing about the Purple Chuch in Memphis which was farther away. I always wanted to go but it’s ancient history now.
avatar for Muddy
a year ago
Whenever you look back at those old discussions it’s always shadowcat, FONDL, yoda, Abbienormal and even Dandy Dan was still making once in a blue moon appearances.You might see Lopawin there too.

I got to admit it’s sort of odd to think about 2004 as two decades ago. That’s why I try to have as much fun as I can I’m well aware of that clock.
avatar for shailynn
a year ago
I’ve been here since I was 12. Stumbled onto here one day while I was bored while in Mrs. Millers science class. Two weeks later I talked a 9th grader into giving me a lapdance in the cafeteria during lunch.
avatar for wallanon
a year ago
shailynn there's one. ArtCollege gets his chip in a few months so let's count that. He'll get to 20 before me. Book Guy I thought was still posting once in a while. Lots of guys are over 10 years at this point so that's saying something.

"I got to admit it’s sort of odd to think about 2004 as two decades ago."

It's pretty crazy when I start to think about what I was into back then in my 20s and how much more there was to see and do lol. And I'd already done a ton of shit in the hobby even then. Just saw things differently in those days. It's not how time works, but it would've been fun to have some of the old TUSCL conversations over again with what I know now.

"That’s why I try to have as much fun as I can I’m well aware of that clock."

Dude shadowcat's in his 80s and still getting down. Keep your game face on and the good times will be there. But to your point I'm definitely enjoying all the moments as they come because I know how things are with each girl can and will change. I was just looking the other day at a couple of pictures from the last time I hung out with my first ATF (who I still know many years later) and lemme tell you time is right up there with death and taxes lol.
avatar for jusflor
a year ago
I think I have been around 12-13 years myself. So much has happened in my life. I think I still go to the clubs because it fees like it’s the only constant in my life I can somewhat control, but even that is not true. When is was 25 I would see guys my age now and would say “I don’t want to be that guy” , yet here I am. Lol.
avatar for Jascoi
a year ago
I'm only halfway to 20 years but I observe these old men in the strip clubs and such and then remember... I'm one of them.
avatar for wallanon
a year ago
I used to also talk shit about not being the old dude in the club, but I'm aware that I'm not that young guy with the jokes anymore. I'd like to say that I'm still in a grey area, but there's no grey when a baby stripper and I cross paths lol.
avatar for Muddy
a year ago
@wal good points. One question was it really better on here back then though? I look at those early reviews, it’s so bad. When founder put in review grading that was the best thing he ever did. The quality went way up after that, it sort of trained everybody to write more than a shitty little half paragraph to beat the character limit.
avatar for wallanon
a year ago
"I look at those early reviews, it’s so bad."

Better is relative and it's ok for things to improve over time. There's a lot of feedback that's been given over time (that founder has been very responsive to) that's helped shape this place. The reviews are longer now and the expectations are higher, and generally speaking need to meet a more restrictive criteria to get posted. That's generally ok, but a lot of the details are cribbed from other reviews now so a lot of it is window dressing.

If an experienced club goer walks into a club, declares it shit for time they're in the place, I'm fine with a short review if they can explain what the problem was. Sometimes a club is just having a bad day or a down shift. If someone is writing reviews about the same club over and over I'm also fine with them not rehashing their same description over and over (or copy pasting it for the diehards).

Casuals are writing reviews for free access and to try and share something useful in exchange for the access. For most people it's not a contest, but I'm ok with the people who put in extra effort so long as they keep in mind other people aren't as invested.

"When founder put in review grading that was the best thing he ever did."

A lot of what drove the community voting for reviews was people complaining about the amount of time it took to get reviews published, and for a vocal minority it was about quality. Some reviews were bad but a lot of them were ok and had useful details. That's really the bottom line. I'm ok with the voting system and like being able to comment on reviews as I vote, but I don't vote on them that often because others have that covered.
avatar for azdd
a year ago
19 years next month for me. I was on SW/SCJ before that. It’s mostly been fun, have met a few guys from here in person, and a couple of dancers too.
avatar for minnow
a year ago
I'll hit the 20yr. mark in September 2025. I was on Z-bone prior to 2005 tuscl join.
avatar for wallanon
a year ago
I always thought you'd been here longer than me, minnow. And azdd I think I was just pretending all you Arizona guys didn't have things so good back then lol. I'd be completely broke if I was able to spend more time in Phoenix, Seattle, or Detroit way back when. The San Diego and San Francisco scenes were already in steep decline by the time I had cash to spend but there were still good times to be had.

I don't think so had an account on Z-bone but did read it, unless I had to make a login to read. Going back even further, besides Subraman (and kinda me) do we still have anyone around from the usenet days on ASS-C? I wasn't wallanon back then and actually don't remember my old handle anymore lol, but I was only really lurking back in those days.
avatar for DandyDan
a year ago
I officially began on here in 1998, but was only a lurker the first few years. I feel like I'm only a lurker now because I don't go to clubs like I used to. (Moving to a strip club dead zone will do that.)
avatar for motorhead
a year ago
“I miss all the OG's like Book Guy, Clubber, casualguy, arbeeguy, zorro, MisterGuy, DougS, chandler, and chitownlawyer”

Some of the best posters ever on TUSCL - except for DougS and MisterGuy. I mostly steered clear of Doug’s attacks but did get tired of how he went after some people. And MisterGuy is probably my most disliked. For me, he was worse than Icee and SJG.
avatar for motorhead
a year ago
Or am I getting DougS confused with Dougster

Geez, getting old can be a bitch on one’s memory
avatar for wallanon
a year ago
Dougster was a poster a lot of people had an issue with, and then some claimed another user who showed up was Dougster under a new name.

DougS I don't really remember, but there's been plenty of quality contributors who weren't posting about topics or clubs I was paying attention to. When I looked the account up his stomping ground was Midwest and he was a Hip Hugger and Brad's Brass Flamingo guy in their heyday.

I only got to the Brass Flamingo once (not in its heyday) and could see what the fuss was about.
avatar for shailynn
a year ago
All these name and I can’t believe these haven’t been mentioned yet:

Juice. IMO the best member ever here. Who else would post selfies of themselves at work on an anonymous strip club message board and make rap songs making fun of other members. Annoying at times and a lot of his jokes missed the mark but when he was funny, he was REALLY funny.

Johnsmith69. The attorney that was having a midlife crisis, wrote a review of him having sex with his wife, and used TUSCL posts as his own personal diary. Pure entertainment.


Lrryfisherman aka clackport. Probably the biggest toolbox ever, last I saw he still wrote raviews but steers clear of the discussion page.

SJG - words can’t describe.

Icee - someone who deep down has some real issues, wouldn’t shock me if it was Dougster the entire time, unlikely but you never know.


Silkypants - dude is an encyclopedia on Midwest strip clubs.

Woodstock - deserves to be in the hall of fame solely because he hangs out with Founder.

There was a stripper that used to post on here about +/- 10 years ago. She posted photos on here from the neck down and her body was damn near a 10. She was really funny and one day she posted that she won’t be on here for awhile because she was going to prison soon. Who was that? I’m trying to remember I think she lived in the north west like Oregon or Washington.
avatar for jackslash
a year ago
I joined in 2007. I planned to stick around for a month or so. I've certainly become less active on TUSCL, but it's because I've been chasing pussy overseas.
avatar for nj_pete
a year ago
Just over 21 years for me. No plans on stopping anytime soon!
avatar for wallanon
a year ago
DandyDan and nj_pete are still holding things down for old guard. And then there were five.

nj_pete didn't know this, but his writing style is among those I modeled mine after when I first started posting reviews way back when.
avatar for Hank Moody
Hank Moody
a year ago
I first found the site when I had a job that had some travel and I needed to do research on a place I hadn’t been before, Detroit. The reviews were certainly informative, but still didn’t prepare me for my first trip to PHC Detroit. I was in heaven.

I’m coming up on 14 years soon. Will I make it to 20? Seems like it. There aren’t very many new topics left to be covered and the board is more quiet (and more enjoyable) with most of the trolls evicted. While bumping the old threads is annoying and I don’t condone it, some of the new comments to those old threads are interesting.
avatar for shailynn
a year ago
^ what say you? You don’t miss a new topic posted by SJG talking about Dodge engines?
avatar for wallanon
a year ago
Was FONDL Friend Of Naked Dancing Ladies or Fan Of Naked Dancing Ladies? I did this from memory so it might be neither.
avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
a year ago
Cashman1234 was in my "class" of TUSCL freshmen. His strip club stories were equal parts entertaining and cautionary tales. I wouldn't mind if he came back. Funny guy.

Two dancers that no longer post but I wish they did were bj99 and wiffle waffle.

avatar for steve3000
a year ago
I've posted under my current name for almost 16 years. And was steve2000 for 5 or 6 years before that.

I also remember an early version of the site back in the mid 1990's. I'm thinking 94-95... Very early WWW days. Hosted by a server with "paranoia" in the name if I recall. My friends and I used it before work trips. Good old days.
avatar for shailynn
a year ago
^ Good grief that was so long ago are you old enough to be in an assisted living facility now?

Kidding, I did the same exact thing, fresh out of college on the road for work, I went to TUSCL looking for stripclubs before people even knew what and were.
avatar for IfIGottaBeDamned
a year ago
@wallon: I believe FONDL was Friends Of Naked Dancing Ladies. I’m pretty sure he used the royal we.
avatar for shadowcat
a year ago
Friends Of Naked Dancing Ladies is correct. I have a photo on my hard drive of him and his ATF on a boat in Tampa Bay.
avatar for steve3000
a year ago
^^^ Haha, Shailynn! 30 years has gone by fast.

Not ready for assisted living yet. But making a note to find one that provides van service to the local clubs.

I had a couple years of work under my belt by the time "the Internet" became commonplace. Boy did productivity drop... And the stuff we viewed at work - you'd get fired for sure now.
avatar for caseyx
a year ago
Judging from reviews I'm just a little over 10 years. A newbie in this crowd.
avatar for wallanon
a year ago
If TUSCL is still around in 10 years caseyx and CMI can dust this topic off...
avatar for mike710
a year ago
I created an account in 2002 to look up clubs during one of my first trips to Tampa. I just think I'm getting old and it's not a great accomplishment for an account that old. Around that time, I started traveling a lot for work, working long hours on some trips. That left little free time so it was easier for me to arrange escorts to come to my hotel than go out fishing for strippers in a new city. I went numerous years between logins to this site on occasion.

During Covid, I had a lot of time on my hands and enjoyed talking about places I couldn't go to for a few months. I'm strictly just going to strip clubs these days.
avatar for wallanon
a year ago
So with steve23000 and mike710 we're up to 7. The Magnificent Seven of 20 plus'ers are:


Who else is still loitering in the parking lot?

avatar for Techman
a year ago
I was on this site for a few years before I wrote a review. I accidentally found the site and somehow I could get into reviews by looking at one of the reviews for a club in Las Vegas.
When that went away, I started writing reviews. I've only written for about half of the clubs I've visited.
I was one of the first to have a rating system averaging stage dancing and LD cost for overall value.
avatar for Techman
a year ago
First review 2007.
avatar for shadowcat
a year ago
Clubber joined 2000. logged in this month.
Chandler joined 2002 logged in this month

I know 3 more at 19 years.
avatar for magicrat
a year ago
My profile says I joined December 2004 so 20 by the end of this year! I too was drawn in by Shadowcat and Sheikitout's reports on Platinum Plus in Columbia, SC...mostly about one particular dancer there. I happened to be in that club one afternoon and saw this dude wearing out a path in the carpet from a corner seat to the VIP. I later went over and introduced myself to the infamous Shadowcat and we've been strip club friends since!
avatar for deltapete
a year ago
I'm a comparative newbie. After I found about this site I've been posting for coming up to fourteen years. Of course, I was following this hobby for many years before that before recording it!
avatar for Striker
a year ago
Looks like I'm 20 years this year. Looks like it will be October of this year. Good times indeed!
avatar for Jascoi
a year ago
it seems participation in the site goes a long way more than just seniority.
avatar for wallanon
a year ago
"it seems participation in the site goes a long way more than just seniority."

In a way I see that sentiment as good thing, because it implies inclusiveness in a forum that's often accused of being unwelcoming. But I don't necessarily agree with it. The people who've been around the longest don't usually talk about it, which is why I thought to ask. And other than Mighty Quinn all the 20 year guys have usernames I recognized right away. MQ hasn't really been on the boards much and clubs in a part of the country I don't get to much so that's why.

On the participation front, there's a difference between participating and contributing. Some people can mistake always having something to say for having something worth saying. My preference is breadth and depth over volume. One complaint I see over and over again is the TUSCL board has run out of hobby topics to talk about, when most dudes here are probably lurking and never going to dive deep enough to swim beneath the surface level on the boards.

How many ways can even the most verbose among us write about the customer 101 basics, yet another strip club visit, or "I got laid this week"? A lot of the best conversations happen off the boards in PMs and other channels, but in all seriousness some of you guys (especially the noobs) should be asking more meaningful questions that will help you in this hobby while some of the old guard is still here and inclined to help out.

I'd vote for a forum of people who aren't friends but have interesting conversations any day over a bunch of dudes kissing each other's asses laughing at the same tired stories and jokes. I've made friends here, so I'm not saying there isn't value in that.

However, in almost two decades of reading here there only seems to be two default modes of discussion in most threads ("yes I agree" or "you're an idiot") on the boards. We're better than that and the Hobby is supposed to be fun.
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