After I went to our favorite strip club with my buddy, he said do you think we’re cheating on our girlfriends? He said we’re not engaged or married so extra servicing at clubs does not count as cheating. Our GFs know we hit the clubs but are assuming we go to see T&A and some grinding. In reality, both of us get FS by our fav hotties in VIP. The dancers said we’re not cheating but just doing guy things. Everything is covered so not a big deal. Life is too short so live it up and keep coming back. I’m thinking it’s borderline cheating so plan to continue but feeling guilty. My buddy is also feeling more guilt and said maybe we should back it down. After thinking about it, we jumped in his Audi and went straight to our fav SC to relieve our guilt and payload. Anyone else in this predicament?
at least you're not married. now if your girlfriend or wife (if you were married) would say it's okay to have sex with others... that would be okay. but if you've made an agreement with your girlfriend or wife to be true to her ONLY in sexual matters then you are cheating.
Yes it's cheating ... unless you man up and be honest with her about what you ate doing with those girls. If you are honest about it then she can decide if it is acceptable in your relationship.
Without honesty it isn't a relationship, it is just fuck buddies. There is nothing wrong with that, but both people should be aware that is all it is and one person shouldn't treat it that way will lying to the other about being in a relationship.
Look at it this way, would you consider it cheating if you found out she was paying someone to fuck her?
If it’s not cheating then you should have no issues telling your girlfriend exactly what you’re doing. But you know that already and just felt like trolling the board.
Yeah, it's cheating. Even if you succeed with the mental gymnastics to convince yourself it isn't, it's still lying.
Not passing judgement, IDGAF what you do in your relationship. But for your own sake, don't try to convince yourself it's not cheating and then try to play the victim when she catches you and dumps you. That's not a good look, people who do that shit lose respect from their friends/family that's impossible to get back.
It is not cheating if you don't get caught. I have fucked many a girl with my eyes as well as fantasied about a girl when with my wife. I guess I am just a cheater. I still can live with myself.
“Our GFs know we hit the clubs but are assuming we go to see T&A and some grinding. In reality, both of us get FS by our fav hotties in VIP.”
FS is definitely 100% not cheating provided just one single small condition is met: you’re not in a relationship where your GF/wife expects faithful monogamy. (You can’t seriously be thinking it may not be cheating because the girl your having sex with is a stripper at a strip club).
You're both cheating and both failing to be men and admit it. If it was ok you wouldn't have to lie. When both of you find out they don't consider blowing a guy and swallowing his cum to be cheating, you will cry.
The guilt you’re feeling is what would happen if you were caught or were outed? Since you haven’t been caught, the guilt goes away and is overcome by the anticipation of being serviced again by an uninhibited sexually charged woman, and every woman knows that’s what we like!
1. You are cheating, as the rules of old clearly state "verily, even thy tip-in counteth as cheating"
2. You can get plenty of hard to explain stds having fs with condoms... hsv, hpv, crabs, etc. are all happy to hop on at the base of your dick where condoms don't cover.
3. The reason SW's exist is because married men want strange. Its really not that controversial, oldest profession and all. Still, wives just don't seem to understand!
The best thing you can do is go home, wake her up, and tell her you've been fucking a girl at the sc, give it your best "but its not really cheating, I wore a condom anyway, and the stripper said it was cool" argument, and let the chips fall where they may.
If you have to convince yourself that getting FS at a SC or even the occasional HJ or BJ is not cheating you're deluding yourself. Of course it's cheating unless you're in an open relationship. Before I was married to my current wife I was cheating on my then wife with her. I told her about my previous affairs and also that I frequented strip clubs. At one point she asked that I stop. That was 25 years ago and I did for a while but then after menopause (10 yrs in) she lost all interest in sex but I didn't. Now I'm no longer traveling for work so out of town trysts are not really possible which leaves strip clubs. After having had numerous affairs it is just simpler, transactional and less emotionally taxing to frequent a SC.
Oh so the DANCES said it's not cheating. You could get lappers from male strippers and they'll tell you it's not gay lol.
You think your GF assumes you are not hiding the sausage. Probably Bill Clinton would say you're not inhaling. I'm not wagging a finger, I been there done that. She would get hysterical if I tried to talk about my frustrations. Would have been more honest to just pack a bag and leave (did it once, but she begged me to come back). But better? For either of us? I decided no. But, I can see how others would judge it differently.
There do seem to be guys who can be happy with just one woman, who is also happy with just them. Even as they both get old. Wish I could have been like that. But, like Lady Gaga, I think you just gotta be born that way. Can't force yourself to feel what you don't.
Let's put it this way: If you run a red light and there's no cop around to pull you over, are you "cheating" the town out of their traffic violation money? I think not.
If you have to hide it it’s cheating. If she’s ok with it and you tell her exactly where you are it’s ok. My cousin has his wife drop him off and pick him up from the club so he does not drive drunk. lol.
My married view is skewered because we were swingers for a long time. We've both seen each other fuck a lot of different people so none of this shit is a big deal to my wife.
OP - the first two sentences of your second paragraph say it all. You're lying, therefore, you're cheating. Borderline my ass. You're also exposing them to STDs (no, I DGAF if you're using condoms or only getting BJs).
Skibum said it best above, if you don't have the kind of relationship where you're fine with them sucking off other guys, you're cheating.
Go To The Strip Club Only If Your Girlfriend Is With You. Maybey She Would Like It, Just For Fun Coz Some Couples Do Go To Strip Clubs. Maybey She Could Be A Dancer? If You Wonder About Her Finding Out That You Already Went, It's Not A Good Idea Unless You Can Trust Her An "Ok" That You & A Buddy Stopped In Just For Somethin' To Do. ✔️ 👽
Many of us go to SCs to get away from our SOs, not to have SOs get in the way of a good time.
Now, I HAVE had some good times with girls I have dated accompanying me to clubs, but those visits were with girls I was casually dating in early stages, and not with girls in committed relationships deeper into the time together.
last commentnow if your girlfriend or wife (if you were married) would say it's okay to have sex with others... that would be okay. but if you've made an agreement with your girlfriend or wife to be true to her ONLY in sexual matters then you are cheating.
Without honesty it isn't a relationship, it is just fuck buddies. There is nothing wrong with that, but both people should be aware that is all it is and one person shouldn't treat it that way will lying to the other about being in a relationship.
Look at it this way, would you consider it cheating if you found out she was paying someone to fuck her?
Not passing judgement, IDGAF what you do in your relationship. But for your own sake, don't try to convince yourself it's not cheating and then try to play the victim when she catches you and dumps you. That's not a good look, people who do that shit lose respect from their friends/family that's impossible to get back.
FS is definitely 100% not cheating provided just one single small condition is met: you’re not in a relationship where your GF/wife expects faithful monogamy.
(You can’t seriously be thinking it may not be cheating because the girl your having sex with is a stripper at a strip club).
2. You can get plenty of hard to explain stds having fs with condoms... hsv, hpv, crabs, etc. are all happy to hop on at the base of your dick where condoms don't cover.
3. The reason SW's exist is because married men want strange. Its really not that controversial, oldest profession and all. Still, wives just don't seem to understand!
The best thing you can do is go home, wake her up, and tell her you've been fucking a girl at the sc, give it your best "but its not really cheating, I wore a condom anyway, and the stripper said it was cool" argument, and let the chips fall where they may.
Let us know how it goes!
You think your GF assumes you are not hiding the sausage. Probably Bill Clinton would say you're not inhaling. I'm not wagging a finger, I been there done that. She would get hysterical if I tried to talk about my frustrations. Would have been more honest to just pack a bag and leave (did it once, but she begged me to come back). But better? For either of us? I decided no. But, I can see how others would judge it differently.
There do seem to be guys who can be happy with just one woman, who is also happy with just them. Even as they both get old. Wish I could have been like that. But, like Lady Gaga, I think you just gotta be born that way. Can't force yourself to feel what you don't.
You're also exposing them to STDs (no, I DGAF if you're using condoms or only getting BJs).
Skibum said it best above, if you don't have the kind of relationship where you're fine with them sucking off other guys, you're cheating.
Man up.
Now, I HAVE had some good times with girls I have dated accompanying me to clubs, but those visits were with girls I was casually dating in early stages, and not with girls in committed relationships deeper into the time together.