1. What do Americans consider white? I've noticed there are some Americans that don't consider fully white "hispanics" to be white, and some are even stupid enough to not consider Eastern or Southern Europeans as white????
2. What is considered black? I notice a lot of people call obviously mixed black/white people as black, but I'm sorry a lot of those are way too light for me to really think of them as such.
3. I know some people bring attention to racism against Asians in this country, and I do not doubt there is some. That being said almost everyone I have ever talked to that is non-Asian seems to have an overwhelmingly ultra-positive opinion on Asians, and the others are at least neutral with no ill-well there. So where are these people that don't like Asians even found? They must be pretty rare IJS.
White is white. A light skinned Latino is still Latino, not white.
Black is black. I used to date a girl from the Caribbean who was very light skinned. I’m gonna contradict myself a little here because I would semi jokingly refer to her as white and she’d always remind me back with a smile ‘nope, I’m black’.
I am not aware of why people would take issue with Asian people as they seem to be the least offensive of all races. Aside from Asian focused hate crimes over the past few years I’ve never been aware of any ill feelings toward Asians.
I mean, you're never going to get to a real answer on this because it's so subjective and biased by culture / upbringing.
It's pretty easy with people who present solidly within the parameters of what a white or black person should look like. But it gets fuzzy with mixed race / genetic backgrounds.
I met a guy a few years ago who didn't think of ethnic Jews as white (he was not referring to Ethiopian Jews). It became clear pretty quickly that anyone who was not exactly like him wasn't white in his opinion.
Asian bias... Possibly depends on the Asian to some degree. Chinese Americans probably see some of this. But I agree that it's not a huge thing. I'm not sure. I haven't chatted with anyone Asian about their experience so all I have are unfounded opinions.
All I know is that I'm definitely biased towards dancers who are ethnically hot. Beyond that I don't care.
"White" is malleable. For a long time, Irish and Italians weren't considered "white," or at least were considered less than. A lot of Italians are sensitive about not being thought of as "white" and are very colorist. That's why people from Northern Italy seem to look down on those from Southern Italy. The worst insult to an Italian-American, "guinea," is thought to come from the notion that they're from Guinea (Africa). I knew an Italian guy whose asshole grandmother said of the Sicilian side of the family "haha, you're Sicilian, you've been tainted by black blood!"
"Black" is also malleable. Most 50/50 white/black look more African than European in ancestry, but it varies. I met one dancer who was that, and I would have guessed she was a darker-skinned Italian. But in a lot of places, it's been driven by a one-drop rule (as long as it's obvious).
A lot of anti-Asian hate crimes are driven by COVID or general envy towards a successful demographic. As far as I'm concerned, if a group is successful, you should be emulating them, not trying to rip them down.
@Captainfun, black girls from the Caribbean have a range of ancestry, including black, white, Native American, even East Indian. One thing I've noticed, Haitian women in particular are _very_ colorist, to the point of being self-haters. The whiter the better to them.
Latinos that are white are fucking white. Sorry you don't get to have the fucking diversity benefits card while looking exactly the same as the rest of the European race.
I never understood the colorism thing with people who have some African descent. I mean I've noticed this is a thing, but I just don't even get it. I do not really consider the paler "black" Americans to be "black" though when they are obviously mixed race.
Also why do white Americans try so hard to be exotic. They look fucking retarded with dreads, lip injections, and all of them claiming to be native American.
I am not even going to get into the whole Americans trying to claim I have ethnicities I do not at all cuz some of them don't realize not every white European looks like english WASP
The genetic difference between ANY two humans on earth is less than 1%, so race is meaningless. There are five races for those who care. Everyone here is talking about skin color, ethnocity and geography; not race.
In a landmark paper based on the Human Genome Project, scientists showed that there are no “races” but a single human race—not in sociological terms, but according to biology. The project found that there is more genetic variation within a single population subgroup than between any two different population subgroups.
The level of specificity depends largely on the context. For example, the thread I think you're talking about referencing white girls in south Florida clubs, I mostly took it to mean English Speaking. Which would mean Hispanic and Eastern European would be excluded if they didn't speak English, but included if they did. In other contexts, other factors may be more important. For example, if we're at the beach and talking about who needs sunscreen, it's about skin tone and not language.
The problem with this stuff is that in the real world when the groups (which is murky as fuck btw to begin with hence this thread) don't finish EXACTLY even it's a problem. But you'll never ever see that. We all broke off from Africa, went to different parts of the world and adapted to our environment a little differently. Today when you see ON THE AVERAGE groups succeed or lag in different areas (blacks dominating many sports, asians dominating math, whites swimming etc. etc.) hard work is key yes, and there's a ton of overlap obviously but it's mostly genetics in why we see what we see. Far lefties cannot get their head around this fact, they really think that life is some sort of egalitarian Disney movie fantasy and it's absolutely destroying our country, it really is. It's at the core of all the bullshit but in particular when it comes to incarceration. Your not going to see the groups equally represented there either. And the answer isn't to try to make it all even by releasing extremely violent criminals which is *exactly* what's going on right now. The criminal offending is not the same in the groups on the average.
I don't think just don't think I'll see a politician with the balls to explain this in my lifetime, most take the coward's way out and blame "white supremacy" for the average differences in group outcomes, which is just absolute insanity.
I get so annoyed when I see paper white girls with white aka caucasian facial bone structure trying to claim they are not white. Then sometimes with clubs u see meso American "hispanic " girls pretending to be Asian. Bitch please.
Idk, I think it’s mostly the Gen Z white girls who have the most racial confusion or want to not be thought of as white? Like the 18 year olds who come up on Reddit and say “I’m a slender young white girl, what club will hire me?” 🥺🥺 And at first I thought they were trolling, but I think a lot of them genuinely think the beauty standard is a rap music video in clubs.
Idk if it’s other women or guys or what causing it? But I freaking love Gen Z customers in the club and consider them easy money, so maybe there is something to having a racially ambiguous look…? Idk
I blame Ariana Grande for the start of the confusion. Since she will go from a pale redhead, to an Afrolatina, to an Asian aesthetic whenever she pleases 👀 https://www.cheatsheet.com/ent…
And idk how most young guys view themselves with their race…? I haven’t heard much of anything, so I think they just accept whatever label they are given?
Ok, is Ariana doing that shit intentionally to mimic some group she is not a part of or is that every time she changes her style she looks way different? I don't know much about this girl cuz I don't like her music or look and most of her perfumes really stink but they're quite popular
If the stripper clicks with my desire radar, she’s going to be whatever racial (and every other) category) I mentally assign to her. If it’s obvious then it’s mentally easy to make the assignment to the racial category. If it isn’t obvious then I will likely get a bit creative on what I decide. As far as race when it doesn’t apply to the girls in the club, yea I don’t care for that discussion which degrades to idiocy too quickly.
Race is partially genetic, but genes from Whites/ Blacks/ Asians/etc happily fertilize during conception. Race is a social and cultural construct. There are objectionable beliefs of not black enough or not white enough. A Hispanic may look white and be deprived of minority "status", but not speak English and be attacked as a "wetback". I feel part of any true Make America Great Again agenda is to embrace all Americans - regardless of race, religion, or sexuality . Unfortunately, I am in a minority for that creed.
I can picture bbb23 having "True Romance" Sicilian scene with Dennis Hopper and Christopher Walken on continuous replay on her screen. Probably has every drill instructors "steers and queers" quip on her player too.
@blah: "2. What is considered black? I notice a lot of people call obviously mixed black/white people as black, but I'm sorry a lot of those are way too light for me to really think of them as such."
Somebody is sure to not like this, but I expect that there is still some leftover "a single drop of black blood makes them black" attitude in a bunch of the U.S.
Black basketball players are more racist than the most redneck truck drivin’ Confederate flag wearin’ good ole boy from Alabama you can find.
Without even knowing how good the player is, if a white guy is matched up against a black guy, the black guy thinks he’s better purely based on skin color
White Hispanics that are purely European in genetics or like 90%+ are white to me. They usually have much less exotic faces than my fellow EE and look Anglo in the face or Nordic to me. And Mediterranean people are also white europeans.
Someone who has been living here like 5+ years and still only speaks Spanish or only Russian ( which I do see) is just a disrespectful fucking piece of shit that should be deported. If these fuckheads can't even learn basic conversational and professional English after 5+ years here they shouldn't fucking be here.
Would I fucking move to China for years and not make any effort whatsoever to learn the language? I'm just fucking saying
I have noticed that a lot of American whites seem to have a 1 drop attitude regarding black or not.
So I can't hate on anyone wanting to claim black if they have some significant % so they can get scholarships. If whites and asians could do that they'd be all over it too.
I do have a problem also that this country will give special benefits to white people with no native appearance or cultural traditions some of these native benefits.
Are typical Mexicans not native Americans that speak Spanish? So they get easy scholarships but not free Healthcare and cheap car registration fees on account of it though.
^ Stop being mean to Liz Pocahontas Warren. She cannot help it if her 1/1206 Cherokee ancestry cannot cover up the fact, she is the single whitest human on earth.
^ I mean I keep seeing white Americans claiming to be native. I'm guessing a lot of these white Americans are bored with how fucking boring they act and look. They also have some weird racial guilt thing going on.
I've had a black guy tell me something like nobody says shit to him cuz he is tall and black, but then he also talked about some rude Russian shit-talking at him. Yeah that is the difference. Recent white immigrants and their children don't understand this white guilt thing and do not give a flying fuck what race you are.
If all these white Americans are actually "native" then most Russians are positively "mongoloid" + "middle-eastern/jewish".. Hope you all realize how sarcastic that was.
Asia is a big country. I don't care for India indians. I worked with many. They don't talk about it, but they're fully aware of the caste system. The ones I worked with were all bhramin (the highest caste). They think most Americans belong in a lower caste. They think they're superior. I hate indian motels.
India Indians are ok. They are not my favorite customer demographic, but outside of club bs they are easy to get along with and tend to have social skills cuz they need those to survive in their country. I find their rigid caste system interesting. So it seems like many of them over here in the US are the bhramin I'm guessing. But I have also met some that were like fucking peasantry back home and somehow made it out of India and are successful here in the US. I'm gonna guess those were outliers though.
In the 8th BC, Nubian Pharaohs tried to bring back the good old days. People back then weren't "black" or "white" or whatever, they were light or darker skinned, and that was all. People weren't see as "disenfranchised" or "White Supremacists", they were people different shades. Yeah, slavery was a big issue building al those pyramids and tombs but it wasn't based on color it as based on other bigotry. To promote a progressive agenda these few Pharaohs are called The Black Pharaohs. Becoming a Pharaoh back in the day was god status, like Mel Brooks said as King Louis "It's good to be the King." What annoys me is when something is jammed on me to force me to bow to their alters like NHL teams are with LGBTQ+ or BLM riots that were called "peaceful". I've had great dances from Cubans, whites, blacks, and to me it is all about their personality.
@Pussylicker2: I've work in the carrier world for 15 years, and India is taking over global IT like China did to manufacturing. First the joke was "Made in Japan" (well except for Nikon ;-), then "Made in South Korea" and now "Made in China" and software "Made in India". I'm willing to bet a month's salary that the NOTAM (Notice to Air Mission that was called Notice to Air Men before BRANDON) FAA outage was due to a software released by an India-based company like Infosys; govt goes for the lowest cost contractor, right? The caste system in India and with Indian managers/leaders planted in the USA is 100% real and strong; Duck Duck Go "Infosys lawsuits". Americans who work for India-based companies are brought on to add a few Gringos in the company "the beatings will continue until morale improves." Look at Verizon's leadership ranks compared to 15 years ago. Look at Microsoft. For those who don't know about NOTAM it cover tower/building/antennae light outages - this is a big deal at night for aircraft of any kind. The quality of software I see is as good as LEDs lights "Made in China". I'm with a major bank today which is primarily still USA developers and the difference is night/day compared to what I've seen at Verizon, as example, that is more of a holding corp than a "real" telco as they use to be. Yes, the majority of Indian managers see Americans as inferior as they won't accept a goat as a bonus. My background is Norwegian (we've tracked our family tree dating back to the late-1400s), and then this Indian BS gets going my Viking side starts to rise up.
Race is only important because if you are nonwhite you can get affirmative action. Because of that, increasing numbers of people are trying to claim they are nonwhite. Four of my favorite strip club regulars were half white and half black. To me they were just cute girls. One was half Jewish and half black. I asked her if she ate at the kosher soul food restaurant, and she laughed.
To be fair I've heard quite a few horror stories of working for largely Indian dominated companies, even from someone who was half white half Indian. I have never tried to work for these people, so I guess I can't relate to these complaints. I've heard enough of them though to know this is a real shitshow. I mean really just about anything cheaper is usually gonna be worse. I guess the thing that keeps people going for the cheapest option is the hope that they luck out with the cheap option, but a lot of times you end up spending the same or more buying cheap vs buying quality in the 1st place. I've heard enough of the software engineering side of it from someone to say it sounds like this IT phenomenon.
“Descendants of African slaves in the United States have been reared in a particular environment where standards of success, beauty, intelligence, and [others] that equate to a higher quality of life or achievement are equated to Whiteness,”
~ explains Terrence T. Kidd, PhD, the director of the Center for Critical Race Studies at Southern University in Shreveport, Louisiana.
“Consequently, for [people of the Diaspora] to feel significant and be accepted by this prevailing culture, we tend to adopt the practices of those who were in power in an attempt to feel more successful, palatable, and more accepting to White people.”
“The concept of colorism, which is a form of internalized racism, is skin-based prejudice, often internal to communities of color, but not always the case, where the shade or hue of one’s skin complexion determines different levels of privilege.”
Half Jewish and half black? No such thing. Ashkenazi Jews are white and Sephardic Jews are black. You can also convert to Judaism, so is the claim your skin color changes when you convert?
@docsavage: like Senator Pocahontas who never got "cancelled" when she was busted for her continued lie(s), maybe she had one too many beers when she did her CV to Harvard, plus Harvard never fired her for lying.
I read threads like these, or I'll people watch standing in a crowd waiting for my food order or whatnot, and I am reminded about how lucky I am that I get to live in a country that mostly works even with people thinking the way they do. Most of the people in the country would probably disagree with my politics, but I do enough most days that other people think is ok for me to fund my sex addiction.
I just wanna say that while I be as Merican as apple pie, I don't hold no grudge against no race. Not Spooks, Gooks, Spics (including Wetbacks), Micks, Chinks, Wops, Porkchops, Towel Heads, Heebs or any of dem other weirdo types. Specially if she a hot ass girl. My dick like 'em all.
I have a friend whose dad is from Mexico, but almost entirely Spanish European ancestry. Said friend identifies as white and not Latino.
It's very common for lighter skinned Hispanics to round up to white, especially two generations in and if they have some European ancestry.
On the topic of how dark is dark enough to be black... This is something the black community has disagreements on. Most African Americans are a mix of European and African thanks to the legacy of slavery. They tend to be much lighter than Africans who immigrate. You can have full siblings where one "looks black" and the other looks more like a Mexican or really tan white person. Most African American celebrities are mixed race.
On the mixed race celebrity topic, Asians mostly deal with erasure. Most Asian celebrities in the US are half European. Asian women can be fetishized, Asian men viewed as not masculine. They can definitely be forgotten and historically have been poorly represented in American culture.
In terms of the dating market, it's good to be white. White.women receive the most message of all races, followed by Asian women. Black women are the one ethnic group where the women struggle to get messages replied to. On the male side of things White guys do the best followed by black men. Asian men struggle on dating apps
Finally, are Jews white? A lot of people should say yes, but white supremacists would disagree.
last commentBlack is black. I used to date a girl from the Caribbean who was very light skinned. I’m gonna contradict myself a little here because I would semi jokingly refer to her as white and she’d always remind me back with a smile ‘nope, I’m black’.
I am not aware of why people would take issue with Asian people as they seem to be the least offensive of all races. Aside from Asian focused hate crimes over the past few years I’ve never been aware of any ill feelings toward Asians.
It's pretty easy with people who present solidly within the parameters of what a white or black person should look like. But it gets fuzzy with mixed race / genetic backgrounds.
I met a guy a few years ago who didn't think of ethnic Jews as white (he was not referring to Ethiopian Jews). It became clear pretty quickly that anyone who was not exactly like him wasn't white in his opinion.
Asian bias... Possibly depends on the Asian to some degree. Chinese Americans probably see some of this. But I agree that it's not a huge thing. I'm not sure. I haven't chatted with anyone Asian about their experience so all I have are unfounded opinions.
All I know is that I'm definitely biased towards dancers who are ethnically hot. Beyond that I don't care.
"Black" is also malleable. Most 50/50 white/black look more African than European in ancestry, but it varies. I met one dancer who was that, and I would have guessed she was a darker-skinned Italian. But in a lot of places, it's been driven by a one-drop rule (as long as it's obvious).
A lot of anti-Asian hate crimes are driven by COVID or general envy towards a successful demographic. As far as I'm concerned, if a group is successful, you should be emulating them, not trying to rip them down.
@Captainfun, black girls from the Caribbean have a range of ancestry, including black, white, Native American, even East Indian. One thing I've noticed, Haitian women in particular are _very_ colorist, to the point of being self-haters. The whiter the better to them.
Also why do white Americans try so hard to be exotic. They look fucking retarded with dreads, lip injections, and all of them claiming to be native American.
I am not even going to get into the whole Americans trying to claim I have ethnicities I do not at all cuz some of them don't realize not every white European looks like english WASP
In a landmark paper based on the Human Genome Project, scientists showed that there are no “races” but a single human race—not in sociological terms, but according to biology. The project found that there is more genetic variation within a single population subgroup than between any two different population subgroups.
I don't think just don't think I'll see a politician with the balls to explain this in my lifetime, most take the coward's way out and blame "white supremacy" for the average differences in group outcomes, which is just absolute insanity.
Idk if it’s other women or guys or what causing it? But I freaking love Gen Z customers in the club and consider them easy money, so maybe there is something to having a racially ambiguous look…? Idk
I blame Ariana Grande for the start of the confusion. Since she will go from a pale redhead, to an Afrolatina, to an Asian aesthetic whenever she pleases 👀
As far as race when it doesn’t apply to the girls in the club, yea I don’t care for that discussion which degrades to idiocy too quickly.
Somebody is sure to not like this, but I expect that there is still some leftover "a single drop of black blood makes them black" attitude in a bunch of the U.S.
Without even knowing how good the player is, if a white guy is matched up against a black guy, the black guy thinks he’s better purely based on skin color
Someone who has been living here like 5+ years and still only speaks Spanish or only Russian ( which I do see) is just a disrespectful fucking piece of shit that should be deported. If these fuckheads can't even learn basic conversational and professional English after 5+ years here they shouldn't fucking be here.
Would I fucking move to China for years and not make any effort whatsoever to learn the language? I'm just fucking saying
So I can't hate on anyone wanting to claim black if they have some significant % so they can get scholarships. If whites and asians could do that they'd be all over it too.
Are typical Mexicans not native Americans that speak Spanish? So they get easy scholarships but not free Healthcare and cheap car registration fees on account of it though.
I've had a black guy tell me something like nobody says shit to him cuz he is tall and black, but then he also talked about some rude Russian shit-talking at him. Yeah that is the difference. Recent white immigrants and their children don't understand this white guilt thing and do not give a flying fuck what race you are.
I will play along and comment on your discussion.
“Descendants of African slaves in the United States have been reared in a particular environment where standards of success, beauty, intelligence, and [others] that equate to a higher quality of life or achievement are equated to Whiteness,”
~ explains Terrence T. Kidd, PhD, the director of the Center for Critical Race Studies at Southern University in Shreveport, Louisiana.
“Consequently, for [people of the Diaspora] to feel significant and be accepted by this prevailing culture, we tend to adopt the practices of those who were in power in an attempt to feel more successful, palatable, and more accepting to White people.”
“The concept of colorism, which is a form of internalized racism, is skin-based prejudice, often internal to communities of color, but not always the case, where the shade or hue of one’s skin complexion determines different levels of privilege.”
Colorism vs. Racism: What’s the Difference?
“Let me be clear, by the way.
~ Louis Székely
~ White Privileged stand-up comedian
~ Born Sep 12, 1967 Washington, D.C., U.S.
It's very common for lighter skinned Hispanics to round up to white, especially two generations in and if they have some European ancestry.
On the topic of how dark is dark enough to be black... This is something the black community has disagreements on. Most African Americans are a mix of European and African thanks to the legacy of slavery. They tend to be much lighter than Africans who immigrate. You can have full siblings where one "looks black" and the other looks more like a Mexican or really tan white person. Most African American celebrities are mixed race.
On the mixed race celebrity topic, Asians mostly deal with erasure. Most Asian celebrities in the US are half European. Asian women can be fetishized, Asian men viewed as not masculine. They can definitely be forgotten and historically have been poorly represented in American culture.
In terms of the dating market, it's good to be white. White.women receive the most message of all races, followed by Asian women. Black women are the one ethnic group where the women struggle to get messages replied to. On the male side of things White guys do the best followed by black men. Asian men struggle on dating apps
Finally, are Jews white? A lot of people should say yes, but white supremacists would disagree.