
OK I just fucked the hottest girl I've ever had

Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
Sunday, March 26, 2023 3:47 AM
The title really says it all. I just fucked the hottest girl I've ever put my dick into. I'm only posting it here because I have no place else to brag about it. She is a legit 9.5. Gorgeous, tiny and maybe 110 lbs soaking wet, but not stick thin with curves in all the right places. I have fucked a lot of hot girls over the years, both civilian and otherwise, but this one took the cake. I like to think that I was attractive enough in my youth to get hot girls and indeed my beautiful children are a result of that, but I doubt that I was ever in this girl's league. The only minor downside is that her BJ was less than stellar. But frankly I don't give a fuck. By the time she started that, I was already more than ready to move to the main course. And boy did she deliver. I'll leave it at that. Thank you SA for bringing us civilian girls who are willing to fuck for money, but haven't been corrupted by escort or stripper influences. Again no response needed, but all are welcome.


  • wallanon
    a year ago
    Always a good thing to get something worth your time and effort. Thinking "just fucked" is a little while ago. When I'm laying there second guessing if I shoulda pulled out earlier the last thing on my mind is you dudes lol. The other day I was going to post something about younger girls not seeming to know how to suck dick properly anymore. Has anyone else noticed this? Maybe the COVID lockdowns disrupted the normal horizontal development that young hoes typically go through...
  • ilbbaicnl
    a year ago
    I´m dubious that sugar babies are somehow less corrupt than escorts. If you want some hang-out time along with the sex, an escort typically will charge you the same for both. So, if that's important to you, you may do better with a sugar baby or OTC with a stripper. But escorts are MUCH less likely to try to get pity money from you.
  • Ulrik79
    a year ago
    What city are you sugaring out of? My area doesn't seem to have as many of those 9+
  • Specialj
    a year ago
    Nice 😊
  • Lamer
    a year ago
    Well, beautiful children may or may not be an evidence of your attractiveness. ;)
  • CJKent_band
    a year ago
    Pics and Vids or it didn’t happen. :D Good Times, Good Times.
  • motorhead
    a year ago
    Of all things, I have to agree CJ K and desertscrub. Need a photo. We all have personal theories of what’s a nine plus, but “110 ten pound soaking wet” seems awfully thin. Famous IG gymnast Olivia Dunne is tiny and she’s still 119 pounds. And although very cute, she’s not a 9. Looking up weights of women that could qualify as a 9.5, I’d say 125-130 minimum to have enough curves
  • rickdugan
    a year ago
    ===> "Well, beautiful children may or may not be an evidence of your attractiveness. ;)" Indeed not. Thankfully they look like their mother. 😆 Also, however I looked back in the day, I certainly don't look like that now.
  • rickdugan
    a year ago
    Other random notes and thoughts: Alcohol may have played a role in me posting this. One should never drink and post, lol. @Ilb: Neither an escort nor an OTC stripper of her caliber would have devoted the kind of time she did for the money involved. Don't get me wrong, what I paid her was pretty good for the local SA scene, but she had over an hour drive each way on top of our time together. The nice thing about the non-pro SA girls is that they are not as accustomed to the fast money that strippers can sometimes make, but also don't think in terms of metered time as escorts often do. This girl, like so many of them, has a vanilla day job and this no doubt looked like a lot of money by comparison for a single night out. @Motor: It's entirely possible that I was a bit off about the weight, IDK, but she was tiny, maybe 5'0". Olivia Dunn's official height is 5'6" and she's packed full of muscle from her many years of gymnastics training.
  • bang69
    a year ago
    Good times good times.
  • Warrior15
    a year ago
    Yes, SA can be fun.
  • twentyfive
    a year ago
    You can die happy now.
  • mickey48066
    a year ago
    Posts like this make me feel like icee is back.
  • Mate27
    a year ago
    Scrub says it best. Tell us how many repeat meet ups you do with her and see who tires from it first.
  • rickdugan
    a year ago
    What do her looks have to do with the longevity of the arrangement? The train always pulls into the station eventually. The key is to enjoy the ride while it's good and hop off when it's not.
  • shailynn
    a year ago
    This is nothing to do with Ricks claim but it made me think. Most of the hottest women I have seen in my life have been in a strip club. It probably helps that I may be inebriated, they are wearing lingerie (or less) and favorable lighting comes into play inside the club as well. I often have wondered - what do these women look like on an average day dressed normal. I’m sure some are still smoking hot and I’m sure some are just average or slightly above average. “show me a hot chick and i will show you a guy tired of fucking her” - this is a statement that most women will never understand, but almost all men do.
  • rickdugan
    a year ago
    When I saw this girl's profile, I thought it was TGTBT. But it only cost me a copy and paste intro and hitting a few buttons, so I took a flyer on it. Needless to say I'm glad that I did.
  • Muddy
    a year ago
    It's close if you lined up the strippers I hooked up with vs the sb's I did it's be real close. I like the fact that I don't have to drive to the club pay cover, drinks, get Lap dances, then get the number then maybe we hang out, you cut all that out with seeking except the in person vetting you do lose, and that's not nothing but with SB's I can just monger from the shitter.
  • Mate27
    a year ago
    “What do the looks have to do with the longevity”… You’re right Ricky, I should do better. Next time I’ll only revel in the glory that is to be a Rick, but I don’t have to rick-splain anything to you for being a king of beasts, do I? You’ve chronicled the cycle of your past exploits, and I assume with this one being the hottest conquest you’ve completed, your tale (tail) shall continue, so to speak. Curious to see how this one cycles out, because nuptials are out of the question. See above quote “show me a hot chic, and….”
  • ATACdawg
    a year ago
    Is it safe to assume that this is the girl from your "Seeking And Strip Clubs: Two Worlds Collided" post?
  • rickdugan
    a year ago
    ^ No, different girl actually.
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    a year ago
    It's amusing that anyone here trots out "Show me a beautiful woman and I'll show you a guy that's tired of fucking her." as if it's going to be a pearl of wisdom to a bunch of dudes who enjoy strip clubs so much that they hang out on a niche website dedicated to titty bars. I didn't get the impression that Rick found a soul mate. Just that he fucked the hottest woman in his experience. Good for him. Beyond that... [shrug].
  • rickdugan
    a year ago
    @ATAC: To add, my Saturday night plans were already set on Thursday. I wasn't planning on going out on Friday, but it sort of fell in my lap and I was intrigued enough to go see what was up. I always like to have a couple of irons in the fire. After how things went last night with this girl, I think my concerns regarding the club waitress are going to become moot, at least for the time being. The club waitress was a really sweet girl and I would very much like to see her sans clothes, but between her tight schedule and the other crossover issues I'm not inclined to pursue it if I have something great already in play.
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    a year ago
    The waitress needs a guy who isn't a strip club guy. Ghost Busters taught us all we need to know about not crossing the streams...
  • rickdugan
    a year ago
    ===> "I didn't get the impression that Rick found a soul mate. Just that he fucked the hottest woman in his experience. Good for him." Exactly CMI. Why a couple of guys went in that posting direction I don't know. The girl is half my age and at the very beginning of her kid raising journey. Fuck to the NO. I'll enjoy her while the ride is good, but sooner or later it will come to an end. I've never understand guys in their 50s and up who think of girls in their 20s in romantic terms. It's the height of selfishness and absurdity. As I know I've said in the past, for many of us old dogs, the time for spring time romance has long passed. Even if this girl was crazy enough to get those thoughts in her head, which is obviously extremely unlikely, I would never do it. Even if she begged me - naked - with my dick inside her - telling me she loved me - while she kissed me with a tear rolling down her eye. It wouldn't be fair to anyone. Not to my loved ones, who expect me to occupy a certain role in their lives, and definitely not to her, who should rightly be with someone who is in the same stage of life with her. It's their turn now.
  • captainfun
    a year ago
    Hey Rick. One thing I am curious about. You seem to work a lot of SA action plus some SC visits. Seems like you put in a lot of work to meet with those whom you view as top shelf. These dates are almost always one and done meet ups? Maybe the thrill is in the hunt but then you move on. Otherwise not sure how the volume would be manageable with life’s other priorities.
  • rickdugan
    a year ago
    ===> "These dates are almost always one and done meet ups? Maybe the thrill is in the hunt but then you move on. Otherwise not sure how the volume would be manageable with life’s other priorities." Actually I like when I have a good thing for a while. 5 years ago I would have given you a different answer, but nowadays when I have something simple and excellent I stick with it for a while. The problem is finding something simple and excellent. I've had a few SBs who seemed great, during which times my SC visits/spending dropped dramatically, but they eventually went sideways so I ended up back on the hunt.
  • rickmacrodong
    a year ago
    Whats her celebrity or pornstar lookalike Mr Dugan? Is she hotter than these brazzers pornstars like savannah bond for example?
  • rickmacrodong
    a year ago
    I need to start looking into SA more
  • georgmicrodong
    a year ago
    @rickdugan: "Actually I like when I have a good thing for a while. 5 years ago I would have given you a different answer, but nowadays when I have something simple and excellent I stick with it for a while." This part. Before I met my ATF, I was a "variety is the spice of life" kinda guy, but others that I'd been seeing at the time gradually dropped off, and rather than picking up replacements, I starting seeing my ATF more instead. Since she passed, while there have been periods when no one really floated my boat and I was a slut, when I *do* find someone who treats me right, I tend to get in a rut with her until one or the other of us moves on. It's going on two years since I started seeing my current fav regularly, and while I do still go to clubs, and get an occasional BJ, I'm almost exclusive with her. And yes, she knows I do stray, but she's developed a knack for messaging "hey, want to come over" right before I go clubbing. 🤣🤣 I've likened her to "comfort food" before. She's not the spiciest, most thrilling sex I've ever had, but when we're done, I'm fully satisfied in the same way as I was for my wife and my ATF. So, while strange will always have its appeal, I'm not gonna denial the appeal of long term "comfort food."
  • rickdugan
    a year ago
    I hear all that GMD. For me at least it's really a time issue. My domestic circumstances changed a couple of years ago and I've gone from just being busy to absolutely swamped with obligations. I just don't have the same kind of time to shop around, endure flakeouts, etc. If a girl bags out on me last minute on a Saturday night, for example, and I can't line up a Plan B, then it may be several more days before I can get back out again and get laid. So where before I did not place a high premium on reliability, now I must. Variety is a luxury for people who have the time to develop a continuous string of new prospects and that's not me anymore. Time constraints are also also why I'm really starting to appreciate SA, since I can do my shopping whenever it's convenient.
  • georgmicrodong
    a year ago
    @rickdugan: "I just don't have the same kind of time to shop around, endure flakeouts, etc" I hear ya, even though I *do* have the time to endure all of that. I just don't have the patience for it when I have sweet, funny, willing, and sexy laying right next to me. 🤣🤣 But I have the luxury of going out to chase when someone when a regular becomes a former.
  • rickdugan
    a year ago
    Alright so I have another date with this chick this weekend. I'm bringing her to Ruth Chris, with a window table with a water view and everything. I'm not sure if I'm going to spend more on the meal or her (what this location charges for drinks would put a strip club to shame), but either way it will be worth it. Then from the restaurant right up to the hotel room for dessert. Anyway, just more pointless bragging. Good times. :)
  • Mate27
    a year ago
    That’s nice, but I’d rather support a local restaurant rather than a faux high class nationwide joint. There’s still time to change reservations to something more locally sourced. Those liquor licenses aren’t cheap to maintain.
  • rickdugan
    a year ago
    ^ Mate, I generally agree with you, but it ain't about rewarding the restaurant in this instance. It's about sending her the message that I think she's worth a place that refolds your napkin every time you step away to use the bathroom. I want her to be motivated to come back for a while.
  • rickthelion
    a year ago
    ^ You are a gentleman among ricks my brother. Or is it other way around. Who gives a fuck. You just do you then ricksplain it to the normies. It will bring a ray of sunshine into their dull normie lives! ROAR!!!
  • twentyfive
    a year ago
    @RD is 111 Forks still open in Jacksonville, that place was great a few years back, I thought it was just as nice as Ruth's Chris or Morton's which I actually prefer over Ruth' Chris, for their veal chop.
  • Jascoi
    a year ago
    what's wrong with a good burger?
  • rickdugan
    a year ago
    @25: It is and it's a very nice place. It just doesn't have a window overlooking the water. ;)
  • shadowcat
    a year ago
    In other words: "treat a lady like a whore and a whore like a lady"
  • rickdugan
    a year ago
    Ok, so tonight this girls looked simply stunning. I guess the decided to pull out all the stops for her big night out at a high end restaurant. The food and dinner we of course superb, as was her company. She spent a fair chunk of time letting me into her world, inlcuding showing me Tiktok vidoes of her and her sisters goofing around. When we got settled at the hotel, she surprised me with a couple of toys she brought to the mix. Needless to say, we both got ours and she drained me good. OMG does this girl look fucking incredible naked. At first when we were finished and she went back down on me, I thought that she might just be trying to give me a little more pleasure during my sensitive moments. But after a while, it was clear that she was trying to revive me for Round 2. Oh if only youth was still with me. I'm not on chemical assistance like some of you fuckers, but my buddy Jack might have also had something to say about it. Anyway, she suggested for next time that maybe we get a hot tub and room service,,, The first time we met, she made a big point of thanking me for the money I discreetly put partially under her purse. I told her that no thanks were needed and it was something that need not be said. This time she understood and discreetly tucked it away while I was getting dressed. I think I'm in love...at least for the time being. 😆
  • aham5
    a year ago
    Enjoy it while it lasts. I keep thinking of the Crazy : Hot matrix. I'm guessing you'll end up with slashed tires soon.
  • Mate27
    a year ago
    This too, shall pass.
  • motorhead
    a year ago
    “The food and dinner were of course superb“ Pics of the menu and samples via Fed Ex or it didn’t happen
  • rickdugan
    a year ago
    ===> "This too, shall pass." Well Mate, I think you're using this particular saying out of context. But you're right, this will have a shelf life. And? This is at least the third time you've made this same point in this thread, like some kind of ominous warning. Why are you struggling to comprehend that some people actually consider this a positive? When one ride is no longer fun, it's time to find another one. Simple. I've had my springtime romances dude, with wives, other live-in SOs, kids, etc. I haven't been alone for very long in the last 3 decades. To this day I still have obligations coming out of my ass. I'm not remotely lonely and definitely not yearning to sill some void. This is all about enjoying different experiences while I still can.
  • georgmicrodong
    a year ago
    @motorhead: LOL!
  • rickmacrodong
    a year ago
    Mr Dugan i heard eddie Vs and capital grille are superior to ruths chris? Any thoughts on that? I havent been to ruths chris yet
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