Jacksonville FL just raised stripper minimum age to 21.

ACKSONVILLE, Fla. — A federal court upheld legislation requiring strip club employees in Jacksonville to be at least 21 years old or older.
More specifically, this legislation will now increase the age to work in a strip club from 18 to 21 years old in Jacksonville, after a federal court sided with legislation pushed by city councilwoman and mayoral candidate Leanna Cumber. The decision ruled against Wacko’s Too Inc., a company controlling more than one local strip club location in Jacksonville.
The Cumber campaign said the entire goal was to make young women less susceptible to human traffickers, who they said can exploit workers in the adult entertainment industry.
“There are girls today throughout our high schools who are being recruited to go dance in the strip clubs and being told at 15, 16, 17, 18 years old that their only path to success is through a strip club,” Cumber told Action News Jax on Tuesday with concern. “I know that not to be true.”
This is also a sentiment that some of the Jacksonville community agrees with, as one father Action News Jax spoke to on Tuesday reiterated Cumber’s concerns.
“Young girls should not be working in such a place, so I agree with that,” said Mahnsan Nyenate.
However, not everyone agrees. One man Action News Jax spoke to off-camera Tuesday said he sees no issue with 18 as the age requirement, as an 18-year-old is a legal adult.
Nonetheless, Cumber hopes this legislation can serve as precedent for more laws like it across the nation.
last commentThis might backfire on them as more underage girls move to online and set up dates with potentially dangerous men. At least they had the safety of a gentleman’s club.
I can't to understand how anyone can sit there and say you have to be 21 to do anything, while 18 remains the age for joining the military. If you're old enough to determine that you can fight and die in a war, you're old enough to show your pussy on stage. You could make the same statement about a bunch of other shit, old enough to be considered accountable for your own actions & get sent to prison for the rest of your life ought to be old enough to shake your ass for cash.
Practically though, wouldn't really miss the 18-21yr olds in the club that much. I guess it might lower the overall number of girls, which could be a negative, but I very rarely end up messing with the really young girls myself these days. To Buck's point though, there may be some unintended consequences. They'll probably a bit of an uptick on SA and more escorty sites, and maybe in the clubs in the surrounding areas, and maybe in the DUI's/accidents as they travel.
My preferred club doesn't hire dancers under 21. I have no problem with it.
Agree w/Dolfan. I've always bristled at the idea an 18-year-old is considered old enough to be taught to kill, but apparently, too young to drink a beer... or, dance naked, apparently. And the comment about "recruiting" High School age women. What a disgusting double-standard - the armed forces certainly don't mind setting up shop inside school walls.
Florida is so confusing to me. At times it seems like a libertarian free for all, and at times like a church lady nanny state. Who are you? I DON'T EVEN KNOW YOU ANYMORE, Florida.
Most of the clubs I go to that serve alcohol require both customers and dancers to be 21 to get in. A couple of the ones without alcohol allow 18 and up for both customers and dancers. I can see not allowing workers who are under 21 in a club with alcohol sales, but I don't see a reason for it in clubs without alcohol. It would be very easy for a club with alcohol to get in trouble with the liquor board for an underage dancer getting caught with alcohol that was either sold directly to them or given to them by a customer or another dancer.
The same people pushing this would have no issue with the girls they're saving being impregnated at 14.
Maryland allows under 21 yo dancers in clubs with alcohol. Some clubs make them wear wristbands, others don’t. Many of the under 21 dancers drink in the club but keep it on the DL. Almost all of them get high. Not inconsistently, you can be 18 and be a waitress or waiter in a regular restaurant and serve alcohol even if you can’t drink it. It does vary by county though. Some MD counties allow you to bartend at 18. Others it’s 21. No doubt someone ran for office on a human trafficking fear campaign in those 21 yo counties. Sheesh.
This is a side note - I have ordered alcohol at several restaurants recently and someone other than my server delivered the drink(s). This is, because my sever was under 18 years of age. It’s happened several times recently. I don’t recall this ever happening prior to the pandemic.
In most states you only have to be 18 or 19 to serve drinks to a table.
"Florida is so confusing to me"
^ Florida is a big state. Different areas have very different views, not unlike Texas for example.
And in my area, not sure about all of Florida, but we've had the rule where you have to be 18 to serve alcohol but can be a server before then. I remember having to get someone else to do it for me back when I was a waiter. It used to piss me the fuck off, cause the old ass bitches I'd have to ask would demand half my tip for bringing my table one fucking beer. I ended up quitting over that shit and going to a place where the bar staff always delivered drinks.
Regardless of why this law can really do a lot of damage to strip clubs. I saw it destroy Dreams in El Paso which was like a right out of high school teenage stripper hang out, those girls really weren’t going to college.
Jacksonville seeking.com should get better though
Or at least Daytona Beach.
I don't think that this will impact J'ville clubs too much. Most of the clubs I visit are very light on girls under 21.
I notice this was pushed for by a female. A lot of the impetus for adding restrictions or even shutting down strip clubs comes from women who don't want to compete with strippers for male attention. The same thing was true with alcohol prohibition, where women wanted their husbands at home instead of down at the bar spending the household income drinking.
The council woman/mayor candidate Cumber is a tree hugging liberal disguised as a conservative RINO. Her husband was involved in the fraud deal of trying to sell JEA. And she is ugly as sin. This will go to appeal and and get overturned. The only human trafficking of so called sex workers is all the illegals and reformed strippers who found God for 5 mins of fame on TV. But they forget to take credit for all the money made or failure to pay taxes. In some of her campaign ads she uses her maiden name of Gutierrez Cumber.. Go figure that out?