Why do women run from the men they love.?

avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
It's the story of my life. They catch feelings then act weird af


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You’re not a source of stability for them. Women have strong instincts and can sense when they’re dealing with a shifty or shady character who will dodge our on them. They know the type, know they won’t be able to change his bad ways and feel it is for the best to cut ties immediately. Whether you’re broke or just a player, they know.
Spoiler alert: women run from creeps. The creep just thinks it's "love"
Nah women like bad boys. The thing is they get overwhelmed with how they feel. Especially bad girls.

But I once had a variation girl tell me I made her feel sata in tingling in her private parts 😂😂😂😭😭😭
Her prayer team convinced her to avoid me but she couldn't. Then left and ended up pregnant and dumped by a Bible study leader
You’re not a bad boy you’re a delusional boy and a dope.
^ and maybe not even a boy dougie, but a real sleazy girl.
Go troll elsewhere senile bitch
Pretty sure they don't.
Spoiler alert: junkie stripper whores will tell anyone with some coke whatever they want to hear. And the dumbass creep will think it's true.
Gsteph young women do. They get traumatized then have problems handling something real. Young strippers
Are like that a lot. Any woman with baggage
A lot of times people think they are getting away from their problems by moving away, ending a relationship, changing jobs etc. but the truth is a lot of the times it is much more complicated than that. Not to mention a lot of times people don’t realize how important something really is until it’s gone.
I'd like to welcome everyone to the latest thread that will likely cause Icee to post this again about 2 years from now:

avatar for TheeOSU
2 years ago

avatar for docsavage
2 years ago
You are asking for a rational explanation for why women act the way they do but women are not rational creatures. Just enjoy them for what they are but don't expect to understand them.
Nah. It has nothing to do with the logic of women.

Iceydodo simply doesn't understand that her coke whores just want money and drugs from her. But she's also creepy, so they are ultimately conflicted between being with a creep and feeding their addiction. Addiction make you do illogical things. 🤷
"If you're using hookers as a surrogate for a sex life or relationship. Save that money for therapy or the gym"

^^^Iceydodo post 2/9/23

The bigger question is...

...why does a coke junkie whore run from her controlling and obsessive dealer/pimp "BF"?
Also it's possible that she's running towards a man that has more to offer than you. Like better coke. And dick. And it's much easier to string you along.

LMFAO hypothetically speaking of course. 😉
I think it comes down to their self worth. What they see themselves as being deserving of. It's not rational. Feelings for another person aren't rational.

Money material shit. None of that compares to how you make someone feel. Them it comes down to whether they're scared to feel or feel worthy.
"how you make someone feel"

^^^Correct. And if they run from it's because they felt creeped out by you. LMFAO it's not complicated. You're overthinking the obvious. 🤭🤡😂😂😂
For example...

...if you're so creepy for being controlling and obsessive, she's going to find someone that makes her feel better and has more to offer than you. Even if he's a broke loser weed dealer, she sees him as an escape from you. Ultimately, she doesn't love you like you think. But go on with your delusions.

Women fuck bad boys, but just for a while. They marry stable men, and that's forever if they can manage it. This tendency increases with age.

When I was your age, women were throwing themselves at me, not for sex but with the hopes of snagging a well educated man with a serious career, one who would be a stable provider and dad. Of course I did get a lot of sex from girls who tried and failed.

Considering your current career, you've got a better long term chance as a back door man... being the bad boy some housewife bones for a while when her husband is off working some corporate gig. Or I guess you could marry a stripper or some other kind of hustler.

avatar for TheeOSU
2 years ago
'you've got a better long term chance as a back door man.'

That he is... on the receiving end lulz
"Or I guess you could marry a stripper or some other kind of hustler."

^^^Iceydodo tried this and failed. She bought her an engagement ring, but before she could propose, the coke junkie whore ran off with a loser weed dealer and was selling her pussy behind her back the whole time. I guess there's always a bigger bad boy out there. 🤷
My guess is he’s a she and too dopey to pull off any kind of bad boy act, doesn’t everyone remember him saying he was going to kick my ass, then said I or a representative would meet with me, then his idea of a meeting place was the Clark County Courthouse

That’s a real bad boy ain’t it.
"He tried boxing. I fought dirty af and pepper sprayed him and beat his ass. Pulled his pants down and pepper sprayed his dick and balls. Lmfao"

^^^I remember this post from Iceydodo and thinking this is not how a bad "boy" fights. Let alone brags about fighting.

20fag you threatened me with bodily harm. I said you'll have legal repercussions. Gave you 4 chances to meet you never showed up. Go troll elsewhere.
I gave you the option of clubs etc. You were too scared to show up
Drew. Getting sex has always been very easy. But once they catch feelings it becomes complicated for them. They freak out. The thing is they'll settle for something worse. Or if they're involved won't leave them. But they'll keep coming back for sex.

What a poseur
avatar for TheeOSU
2 years ago
Not counting entertainment value I think we've all had enough of this he said he said meeting drama.

The fact is both of you guys were in the same city at the same time with plenty of advance knowledge and if you 2 really wanted to meet for whatever reasons you could have made it happen.
"The thing is they'll settle for something worse."

^^^So by your logic, when you finally find one that settles for you, just note that you're worse than the other "guys". LMFAO by your "logic".

Alternatively, the easy and obvious answer is she really caught feelings for the other guy because he was simply a better option.

But keep trying to justify why your controlling and obsessive behavior chases them away. 🤭🤡😂😂😂
20fag how many troll profiles you need to egg on?? 🤡😂😭 you're the 5ft 7 fat tough guy cosplay millionaire who trolls here 24 7 and whines how he won't leave unless anyone calling him out gets censored

Leave tuscl like your w wives left you
There is a difference between a woman who is looking to play with a perceived bad boy, and a woman who wants a stable man (for a long term relationship).

If a woman is looking to play around, and enjoy some good times, a guy who has many red flags, might be fine. But, women know that a bad boy isn’t the type to marry.

A woman who wants a real relationship will look towards a guy who is stable and who has potential as a future spouse. Remember, she’s going to be taking care of the kids when a POS type wants to bounce, so she’s going to look at men from a different lens.

That being said, many women will try to mold a guy into a future spouse, as long as there are no glaring long term issues. If a guy is entirely unredeemable, that’s a deal breaker for many women.
What you guys are saying is common sense. But it's not that logical in practice.

I'm not talking about my own experiences. But what I'm seeing in general.

I really think women are guided by low self esteem to settle or to be promiscuous. It's like feeling undeserving.

Being stable doesn't mean a guy is a good catch. Most men don't elevate tye women they're with. They traumatize them. Leaving scars for the next man to deal with.
avatar for nicespice
2 years ago
The theme song of this thread:
I love that song.

It reminds me of being a side nigga and she falls I love but won't leave her nigga
"I really think women are guided by low self esteem to settle or to be promiscuous. It's like feeling undeserving."

^^^Clearly you associate with women with low self esteem. Like junkie whores.

Spoiler alert: There are many women out there with high self esteem that simply love and stay with the man they love. Women nothing like the junkie whores that you know.

LMFAO it's all relative.
A thread full of dudes lecturing each other about what women want is pretty close to peak TUSCL.
^^^and the thread was started by TUSCL's #1 RIL trick bitch.

Iceydodo simply projects what she *thinks* and *wants* women to be like to fit the narrative that they "love" her. It's projection to the max. And it's a coping mechanism since she herself gets them strung out and exploits them.
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