
Lets play "who can get a dance from shadowcat".

Avatar for shadowcat
shadowcatAtlanta suburb

Yesterday at my go to club, Vivide, The place was packed with Cubans. I rarely get dances from them because of their lack of English even though I find a lot of them very attractive. I'm looking for VIP candidates not dances. I'll bet I turned down 20 of them yesterday.

At one point there were 4 of them sitting together in a booth right in front of me and they decided to see who of them could get me to accept a dance. One by one they each came over and sat down next to me. The they all asked "How are you?" Followed by "Wanna dance?". They all got turned down and I noticed that all of them were watching very intently and smiling at each attempt. I wonder if there were any bets involved.


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Avatar for Muddy

You know I’ve been in those situations too. Next time I’m gonna get up and just reject the whole group, and just save time. Although I do that knowing that I might get jumped by said group.

Avatar for Hank Moody
Hank Moody

Your guys’ reaction seems bass ackward to me. My mission in the club is to get dances from girls I find attractive. Isn’t the move here to say ‘I keep turning you down because I turn down girls who immediately ask for a dance without [insert your particular perverted proclivity] first?’ Maybe they change tactics and you find a winner. Double upside potential that if they are all talking about you, maybe they spread the word around the club ‘don’t wanna dance that guy.’ Language barrier + google translate when necessary. Maybe that’s just me.

Avatar for Papi_Chulo

You kinda gotta admire their determination and hustle-work-ethic

Avatar for Specialj

I’d be more turned off by a dancer that approaches immediately with a VIP sale, especially if she is one I’ve never met. To each his own in regards to what is desired in the club. I’d rather have a shitty $20 lap dance than have an ROB not deliver in VIP for $300 or more

Avatar for Specialj

I wanted to suggest maybe trying to learn some Spanish so you can communicate with some of the more attractive ones. Just imagine what you can be missing out on with a little effort you can be chatting up beautiful Latina’s

Avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)

Rejecting a dance from a girl coz she doesn't stroke your ego is dumb.

When it comes to getting dances. My only criteria is liking how she looks

Avatar for gSteph

Again with the sanctimonious declarations.

Of course, some guys go to clubs to get their ego (among other things) stroked. Duh.

And having no criteria besides looks means you could end up with a . . . situation.

Avatar for Dolfan

If they're attractive, isn't worth a couple table dances to determine if they're VIP candidates?

Down here, if I turned down every chick cause she was Cuban, I'd strike out on the majority of my trips to the clubs or I'd have to dramatically lower my standards. With the Cuban girls I'll get a table dance or two and see if I can get a feel for them. Sometimes I'll do that on a couple of visits and see if they warm up to me. A surprising number of them will do just that. The first time it's a "wanna dance" drive by, the second time when they're more confident they're gonna get paid a little they'll sit and cuddle or make an effort to chitchat. The dances tend to improve too. If they do, then I'll do a room. Don't get me wrong, a lot of them remain cold and robotic. But if she's hot it's worth $20 for me to test drive with a table dance or two. Some of those Cuban girls can be very warm and affectionate, or at least very good at faking it.

Avatar for Tetradon

I find that knowing rudimentary Spanish (I'm far from fluent, but it comes back if I vacation in a Latin country) makes any Latinas, even Cubans, less "How are you? Wanna dance?" Improves service, too.

Avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)

Cuban girls are very funny and have a cute way of flirting when you can communicate with them

Avatar for Cashman1234

I am not aware enough to know if a dancer is Cuban.

Shadowcat knows his way around strip clubs, and I respect his instincts. If he isn’t interested in the team approach, then I respect his decision.

It can suck when you get the feeling you are a bait fish in a tank of sharks.

Avatar for SCmania77

You guys do know he’s talking about Vivide where satisfaction is almost always guaranteed by every girl that’s down to go back there. So he’s not looking for dances lol

Avatar for ilbbaicnl

When you see people talking, and you assume they have to be talking about you, that's usually a sign you're smoking way, way too much weed.

Avatar for ilbbaicnl

Since I know a little Spanish, my only experience with not being able to communicate with a sex worker was with a Korean escort. Instead of conversing, I rubbed her back. Apparently, she'd not gotten many back rubs, so it turned out to be a great way to communicate with her.

Avatar for wld4tatas

You could have turned the tables and interviewed them for fun... maybe something on their cocksucking skills, how many inches can they take, etc.

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