
Ignore, Attack or Leave ???

Anywhere there are Titties.
2icee , IceyLoco, Eltriste, Phat Boi Fred. Whatever the shithead wants to call himself. I have to hand one thing to this guy. He has united all of TUSCL. It doesnt' matter who you are. Conservative or liberal, black or white or brown or whatever, north or south, male or female. Everyone hates this guy. No one agrees with a single thing this guy says. Many have already chosen to Ignore him. Many seem to enjoy arguing with him. No one ever comes to his defense.

But we seem to be at risk of losing some of our participants if we don't do something about this person. So let's discuss our choices.

1- We can Ignore. But it will only work if we ALL Ignore him. Icey seems to feed on the arguments. He initiates most of them. If absolutely no one ever comments on any his comments or threads, then he will eventually lose interest and go away. Again, this will only work if EVERYONE does this.

2- We can attack him. Everything he says, go after him. And everyone do it. Every thread he starts, every comment he makes. Start threads attacking him. The sad thing is we are not very far away from this right now. And I don't really want to disrupt the flow of other conversations just to give attention to the Iceman. I"m actually afraid he would enjoy the attention.

3- We can choose to leave. But I enjoy most of my time on TUSCL. There are several very intelligent people on this board with a wide range of interests and knowledge. Most of it has nothign to do with strip clubs. I like TUSCL. Why should I leave because of one stupid person ?

So what do we do ? If the consensus is to Ignore, I will definitely join in. If you want to attack, I am very capable of spewing out some venom. I dont' really want to leave.


  • Tetradon
    2 years ago
    Rule 5: "Ridicule is man's most potent weapon. There is no defense. It is almost impossible to counterattack ridicule. Also it infuriates the opposition, who then react to your advantage."

    Rule 6: "A good tactic is one your people enjoy."

    - Saul Alinsky, "Rules for Radicals"

    Ridiculing SJG is more fun than anyone, because he thinks he's got some exalted status here. He's a guaranteed overreaction.

    Icee and I go through cycles of being civil (usually when talking strip clubs or civvie dating) and not (usually when talking politics). But the above rules apply to anyone. It's when people--anyone--take themselves too seriously that they get insufferable. He and 25 embody the saying "it takes two to tango."

    In short, I'll act how I act towards everyone. Do what you will.
  • skibum609
    2 years ago
    I like 25. I hope Icee gets pancreatic cancer. Simple as that.
  • Tetradon
    2 years ago
    (Part 2) Icee calls himself a "gentleman of leisure" and admits to spending too much time on here, fomenting drama in a pot haze. It's a sad life, but he gets his dopamine hit by getting under your skin. Getting a thread like this about him is a triple hit.
  • Warrior15
    2 years ago
    ^ So you endorse the Ignore option ?
  • twentyfive
    2 years ago
    The problem here is simple he is favored by founder, because he weaponize every rule that founder has, I had him on ignore for a month, it really messes up the flow of threads and it doesn’t matter what thread he comes on it is always off topic, the month I had him on ignore I counted no less than 260 posts attacking me with no pushback, I sincerely don’t care what he does, I blame his antics squarely on founder, who refuses to acknowledge the people that support this website and by extension founder. Support is a two way street I support my friends and folks that support me, I expect no less from a business that I support.
    To my way of thinking the two way block would signal appreciation by founder, without forcing him to take sides in any conflict but he doesn’t see it that way, unfortunately for me.

    I’m not seeking a safe space as some have suggested, I come from a time and a place where you didn’t talk shit about people that had no part in the conversation without getting a smack in the head, I’m not willing to let the type of remarks that scumbag makes pass unresponded to , if he can do this with impunity I refuse to be part of this discussion
    Like I said I wish you all well, it’s really not complicated to me.
  • gammanu95
    2 years ago
    And he's back already! Do I know this guy or do I know this guy?
    Feckless, cowardly weakling.
    Having no life outside of TUSCL is having no life at all.
  • Vicfl
    2 years ago
    If two parties has an issue why everyone has to waste time here? Let them sort out. Last few weeks there is not a single strip club relate topic for discussion.
  • twentyfive
    2 years ago
    ^ bingo
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    2 years ago
    If we can't reach a consensus on "What is an extra?", then I suspect there won't be one on the handling of a troll.
  • dha
    2 years ago
    1. Shut down these discussion boards
    2. Eliminate the adjudication process.
    3. Post all reviews except those that go outside what describes illegal activities
    4. Eliminate the comment section on posted reviews

    Problem solved.
  • doctorevil
    2 years ago
    Option 1. I put Icee, SJG, and several others on ignore months ago. It’s a much better experience, except for the occasional discussion thread that seems out of wack because there’s bickering going on with those idiots.
  • dha
    2 years ago
    Oh, 1 more. The founder should open another paid site for those that appreciate these discussion boards.

    Maybe call it TUSCDB.NET. The Ultimate Strip Club Discussion Board.

    There you go. Everyone is happy and founder has a new revenue stream.
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    2 years ago
    25 you're a senile troll. You're only here to troll and refuse to meet in person. You're just empty words
  • wld4tatas
    2 years ago
    Option 1 Ignore is the best of the three listed.

    However, I get 25 is making a point. Not just for himself but for the sake of the board. If it's true that almost all the discussion participants are united in their opinion of this poster Icee, which appears to be the case, then you would think Founder would step in and simply ban him. So I have to admit I'm with 25 in being rather baffled why Founder allows such an egregious and disruptive troll on the site, at the expense of other participants and the overall intended purpose of the site.
  • SirLapdancealot
    2 years ago
    Fun fact: Whenever Iceydodo creates an ALL CAPS troll thread, she's feeling especially miserable in her personal life and trolling TUSCL is the only way she can feel better.

    @Warrior I will likely keep trolling Iceydodo back as long as she's going to continue to be a troll.

    Also there is hope. She's downward spiraling worse into her drug addiction(s). She can no longer type coherently with her misspellings and she is limited to short and basic sentences. We are literally witnessing the deterioration of her mind as she becomes a bigger and bigger junkie.
    Her health is also deteriorating with her needing a respirator at her age. And ultimately IMO she's going to hit rock bottom and that's when her posting will stop. So have hope that this is soon.

    Until then, I'll say it again...

    The point of Iceydodo's existence here is to elevate herself above others. She does this through straight up bragging, aggrandizing and embellishing debacles with stripper whores, denigrating others that pay sex workers, and passive aggressively playing the victim of trolling. Just look at any thread that she posts in and the examples supporting this are numerous. It's predictable.

    And the core reason she's doing this is because of her own inner guilt and self loathing of using and abusing desperate junkie stripper whores. Deep down she knows this but she doesn't want to face it. So what does she do? She finds targets to blame for their faults and again elevate herself above them. And somehow through this she feels better about her pathetic self.

    Again it's evident in nearly all her posts and the pattern is there in every thread.
  • Hank Moody
    2 years ago
    Icee posts a lot. Yes, a lot of it is trolling but he also posts on topic about clubs and strippers as well as good off topic posts about music, law and other stuff. I look past the troll bait and don’t see a need to ignore him. If you really don’t like him sack up and don’t engage. If you can’t help yourself then ignore him and don’t read him. The posts attacking him, sometimes just for posting, are even more tedious than anything he posts. Those posts fuck up the readability of the board more than anything IMO.
  • Vicfl
    2 years ago
    I went back reviewed both parties trolls in discussion. One thing I see is both are not clean, there were few posts by both are not good category. However that Coldeee seem to be more nasty of the two, mainly most posts of coldiee is obnoxious and threatening. In this issue coldiee repeatedly challenging in public to meet in person is more a threat to other guy.
  • ricber
    2 years ago
    But th3en biggest troll Desert Scrub is not listed here
  • Vicfl
    2 years ago
    I have nothing to with that person. All those repeated caps posts and nasty on everything gives me visuals of a rabies dog bites each and everyone it sees
  • Tetradon
    2 years ago
    @Warrior, a mass ignore only works if you don't have two people (you know exactly who they are) who take every piece of bait Icee lays down.

    I'll treat him like anyone else. Engage when he acts normal, make him my scratching post when he acts the fool.
  • Mate27
    2 years ago
    TLDR but for me Icee has filled much of the void since SJG stopped posting. Everyone needs a punching bag in their life, and Icee makes himself an easy target. I’d take it(Icee) for what it is, which may be just an AI bot made to troll right wing mongerers. Icee’s prose reads straight from left wing media. I’ve never met anyone who could think for themself that actually communicated like that.
  • Warrior15
    2 years ago
    Funny you bring up desertscrub. I think the Board has already voted on scrubby. Just Ignore him. Everyone has either put him on Ignore OR they simply treat him like he doesnt exist. Hardly anyone even comments on anything he does. It's like he doens't exist. But I'm not sure why people don't do that with Icey. No one has an ounce of respect for desertscrub. I put him on Ignore and I couldn't care less if he comments about something I post. But somehow Icey gets under people's skin more.

    My Option 1 is for us to treat Icey the same way as scrub. Just totally Ignore him.
  • Cashman1234
    2 years ago
    I think ignore is likely the only workable option. I understand that the persona and its aliases are caustic. It is my belief the persona was only created to stir up arguments.

    I have avoided using ignore, and I’ve held to that until recently. I had to ignore Moneyman1234 because he has mimicked my account visually, and it’s distracting to see the same avatar in discussions. I think I have one other member I’ve ignored, so it takes a lot to reach that level.

    As mentioned previously, the options we have, as members, are likely only feasible if we all adopt them - and hold to them. That can be very difficult - as we may be less amenable to herding than cats…

    I read Twentyfive’s post as well, and I would not want to lose him as a member. He provides reasonable discussions and comments. He’s not an account created solely to troll and stir the pot. So, in my view, one legitimate member’s opinion outweighs several troll’s opinions. I understand that might sound harsh, but in my view, it is true.
  • Muddy
    2 years ago
    25 I would just try ignore, once I did it, the quality of the site greatly. I just already know what Icey and SJG are going to say on an issue, no need to see the spam. If we stop feeding these trolls they'll start to get bored and just go away. But it's gonna take a team effort on that one.
  • skibum609
    2 years ago
    Icee will go nowhere - he's literally Richard Gere in an Officer and a Gentleman; except for being ugly and stupid, but he has nowhere else to go......
  • skibum609
    2 years ago
    Warrior there is a huge difference between Desertscrub and Icee. I assume if I met Desertscrub we could enjoy a beer together. After 5 minutes with Icee i'd be in handcuffs for homicide.
  • gammanu95
    2 years ago
    How ironic is it that multiple discussion threads created in a couple of days just to discuss the trolls. that's how they have taken over the board. If people were to ignore or ignore them, we would not even need to worry about them, much less turn them into the topic of the board, as opposed to strip clubs and dancers.
  • twentyfive
    2 years ago
    ^Its ok I think you got my point btw I never called you a troll
  • Warrior15
    2 years ago
    gamma, I'm not disagreeing with that at all. But we all need to do it for it to be effective.

    skibum, somehow I think your idea of "attack" Icey might be different than my idea.
  • drewcareypnw
    2 years ago
    1 is the best choice in my opinion.

    I put Icey and SJG on ignore for a year, and it was better to a point. That said many threads became incoherent because so many posts were directed at the dumb-namic duo. I'll admit, I finally unignored them because a series of threads seemed rather high drama and were totally incomprehensible with those two on ignore. This was around the time of founder's "free speech" lockdown. So, I am guilty of enjoying the drama, and moreover guilty of gleefully kicking Icey when he's too stoned to have an argument.

    There are times when he has toned down the shitty comments and adds some decent content to the threads, and since I have a strict "don't be an ass and all is forgiven" policy wrt TUSCL, I'm cool with Icey and anyone else as long as he is on good behavior. This seems like a trap in a way, as he dials back the crappy comments for a while and then gets me engaging with him just in time to revert to type.

    I think a reasonable 4 is "don't reply to trolling, whether you're using ignore or not".
  • Daddillac
    2 years ago
    I used to enjoy the boards... the fighting amoung people just got out of hand. It really became a drain. I just decided to leave it be. I check in occasionally but the trolls and the bullshit far outweigh anything positive gained from this site for me. Others may feel differently but for me it lost its usefullness a while back
  • skibum609
    2 years ago
    I have Icee on ignore. Far more pleasant. He reported me to the princpal you know .....
  • gammanu95
    2 years ago

    Muddy at no. 27?! How is that even possible? Muddy is like pancakes, everybody loves pancakes!
  • Dolfan
    2 years ago
    IF the ignore function messes up the flow, you can ignore without using the ignore function. Simply don't engage in mindless arguments. That'll never happen, I know, but that's the only hope you have of fixing the issue.
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    2 years ago
    This thread is proof you have no intention of ignoring anyone. You get off on drama. Unfortunately many here are too immature to act like adults
  • SirLapdancealot
    2 years ago
    ^^^LMFAO so says the numerous troll threads creator. 🤭🤡😂😂😂
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