Revisiting the thick topic

avatar for blahblahblah23
>:( 🧚🏼‍♀️💃🏼 busy being a "psycho bitch" 🤣

I've seen a lot of girls reviewing a large # of portland clubs claiming they don't hire thick or bigger girls. I'm gonna call bs on this because when I was running around portland I was definitely thicker or fatter whatever you wanna call it and it is pretty easy to get hired across the board. I know at some of these supposedly skinny girl clubs I wasn't the only bigger bitch so yee. What gives? I'm thinking there is either another reason they didn't get hired or they say thick but really mean something extreme like visibly obese.

Thoughts? Comments? Concerns? Arguments? 😂


last comment
avatar for SirLapdancealot
2 yrs ago

I think it's in the overall minority of clubs out here. And moreover the more dive a club is, the more likely you'll find the thicker and fatter strippers.

And yeah it's an easy cop out to use size to let a stripper go instead of another reason, so I think it's definitely bullshit at times.

avatar for blahblahblah23
2 yrs ago

Idk like 2 clubs I kept seeing the skinny comment like sunset strip/club 205/cabaret 2. A girl doesn't have to be little to get hired at any of these lmfao

avatar for blahblahblah23
2 yrs ago

Jk that is 3 clubs not 2. Off the top of my head. There's more that girls come up with that excuse for where that is bs but can't think of right now

avatar for SirLapdancealot
2 yrs ago

@blah I can tell you Sunset Strip in general hires on the skinny side. This is relatively speaking only because I have seen the exceptions there. And occasionally at Club 205.

What I'm getting at is another level. Go check out Dream On Saloon, Shimmers, Columbia Strip, and The Lounge. You will find, on average, even bigger/fatter/thicker strippers than Sunset and Club 205.

avatar for blahblahblah23
2 yrs ago

Oh for sure those places do have much larger ladies on average. I just meant that the majority of these supposedly "skinny girl" clubs will hire bigger girls so long as you still look good as in your stomach is relatively smaller compared to your ass. And there were definitely girls at sunset and such that were way sloppier than me in the stomach 🤪 I also know a few of the girls there had BBL but theirs was so tiny that my ass was bigger so idk the point????

avatar for SirLapdancealot
2 yrs ago

Yeah there's really no true "skinny girl" club out here based on how you're defining it. I haven't been to one Portland club that was like that 100% of the time. But I'm also a day shift PL which tends to have more bigger girls than nights.

avatar for blahblahblah23
2 yrs ago

I just wish these girls would stop leaving reviews like that and discouraging girls who could well get hired.

And anyways the way I see it is why do they get mad about that anyways? I don't think it is too much to expect someone in this biz to at least somewhat take care of themself?

avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
2 yrs ago

When a dancer refuses to do VIP with a guy (or charges way above the average), it's always because she's a bitch. It's never because that guy hasn't taken a bath or brushed his teeth in 3 months...

Whenever people get rejected for anything, there's typically an air gap between the reason they provide and the reason that is true. Some are more aware of it than others.

avatar for VanessaM
2 yrs ago

I agree

It is also harder for certain types to get into clubs, doesn’t mean they don’t hire those types it just means those types are critique more thoroughly

I’d imagine a slim yt dancer with a flabby belly (yes you can be skinny fat), would have an easier time getting hired than another ethnicity or a bigger girl her same color

All clubs hire different types but the allowances are different

avatar for Hank Moody
Hank Moody
2 yrs ago

Agree with CMI and Bharlem.

Blah, can you add some perspective as to what you mean by thick or bigger? I’ve sometimes described a girl as stripper heavy but real world normal. Clubs are usually full of girls who’d look completely different clothed, which makes sense because naked on a lighted stage. With the trend toward slim thick, which I like, it’s changed people’s perception of skinny or fat. Are we talking larger than a size 8? No visible waist? Or some girl who is 5’8” 160 lbs? Pick your own metric of dress size, weight, description or something else. I’m just trying to understand where you’re coming from. I’m not asking for specifics about you, just context about what you mean by thick.

avatar for Huntsman
2 yrs ago

Blah speculated “I'm thinking there is either another reason they didn't get hired or they say thick but really mean something extreme like visibly obese”.

Yep, it’s probably one of these two reasons. You’re out there, an experienced dancer who has been in a lot of clubs and you’re not seeing this at all. These reviews should probably be taken with a shaker of salt.

avatar for blahblahblah23
2 yrs ago

For reference all these clubs have hired larger than petite or slim girls that are non-white. Club 205, Sunset Strip, and Cabaret 2 all had bigger non-white gals.

I do agree that a lot of clubs around the country will hire out of shape white and Asian girls who are a small size, yet still have a belly.

avatar for blahblahblah23
2 yrs ago

What I mean by larger or thicker is in the sense of the strip club world, and not what people usually mean by bigger in day to day life. I'm gonna say anything larger than a size 2 for the short girls, and anything larger than size 4 for those of us that are medium height or tall.

avatar for nicespice
2 yrs ago

It could be the reviews are filled with newer dancers or possibly aspiring dancers who haven’t been out in other areas to know the full extent of what a skinny standard is in other places. Heck, I’ve heard women in my personal life complain before that San Antonio clubs are mean about hiring thick girls. Spoiler alert: they are not. And a lot of customers like the girls with asses.

avatar for Hank Moody
Hank Moody
2 yrs ago

Damn, bigger than a 2 or 4? That’s still a lot of girls I’d call thin. Thanks for the perspective.

avatar for Dolfan
2 yrs ago

It's hard for me to know as a customer what's going on. I know I see thicker girls in clubs where the majority of the lineup is slim. But I don't know #1 if that girl got hired when she was slim and bulked up, or if she had a friend who influenced the hiring decision, or what. I also don't know how many girls they're turning away. I think the whole getting hired and then getting fat thing is pretty common, I'm assuming a club wouldn't fire a girl who's a good earner just because she put on a few pounds. There's probably a point where they'd say something and another one where they'd fire her, but there's certainly a middle ground where a girl who was slim & trim when hired and then gained wait gets to stay around. Even more so if she's an earner, either slinging drinks or rooms, or maybe she's just the girl who comes in when they ask her to, or blows the manager, or whatever.

What I do know, is even the clubs where its clear the type is the slim bodied dancer, there's almost always a few thicker girls running around that aren't gonna fit in a size 2/4. They don't have size 20/24 girls running around, but 8/12's for sure.

avatar for shailynn
2 yrs ago

I think by todays standards anyone size 6 or below is almost considered anorexic and above 6 to 10 or even maybe 12 is considered average. Many may not agree with that assessment but people (not just Americans) are bigger than ever and it’s becoming more and more normalized. It seems like everyone put on weight during the COVID lockdowns and still haven’t quite gotten out of that funk.

“Skinny” and “fat” definitions vary all over the country. Skinny people on most of the coasts, fat people in the middle! Lol

avatar for twentyfive
2 yrs ago

According to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, the average woman wears a size 16 (typically translated to an XL); this has historically represented the end, or the beginning of the end, of many apparel size runs, when, logically, it should be the very middle.

avatar for blahblahblah23
2 yrs ago

Idk, maybe nicespice is right and these girls are new to dancing and dunno any better.

Anyways my size comments were about what is large in strip clubs, not what is large in the real world. Though, yeah I guess there is some influence from real world to strip club.

I do think some girls carry more weight really well, but they are few and far in between outside of plastic surgery like BBL. Most American girls, genetically do not have the bone structure nor natural musculature to be big and still look good. That is just me being honest.

avatar for twentyfive
2 yrs ago

^ My point to make was I don’t really care to participate in threads like this as young women all over seem to have body image issues and even though I realize this wasn’t your intention they have a lot of trouble dealing with these issues.

avatar for Hank Moody
Hank Moody
2 yrs ago

Thanks Blah. My question was because you said you were ‘thicker or fatter’ and I think about those terms differently. Big and fit is not the same as big and fat. I like a flat stomach, and there are lots of big girls these days that can pull that off and make a lot of money from me.

This really depends on where you are.

In my experience. Clubs will have fat girls working who got fat after being hired.

Thick girls and especially slim thick girls are in demand.

When girls say they weren't hired for being thick I've found them to really mean that they have bigger stomachs or rolls of fat visible.

However maybe like 3 years ago. There really were clubs only hiring girls who look like teen boys

avatar for JamesSD
2 yrs ago

If you ask 10 people what "thick" is you will get ten different answers ranting from "skinny with a big butt' to obese.

Other factors matter too. A bigger girl with a pretty face, big natural tits and a stereotypical feminine "girl next door" appearance with minimal tattoos will get hired quicker than an "alt" girl. If the face is 4/10, she's gonna have to have a rocking body to make up for it.

avatar for JamesSD
2 yrs ago

Yeah Icee does have a point about dancers putting on weight after getting hired, especially in the post pandemic era.

avatar for JimGassagain
2 yrs ago

You’re fucc-ing rong.


avatar for blahblahblah23
2 yrs ago

I am sure some of the bigger girls did get bigger after getting hired. I do know though my fat ass was easily hired left and right, and there were non-white brand new hires that I saw so like it wasn't this "white privilege" or whatever. Which fyi- that shit hardly even applies to PDX which is the whitest metro in the whole US. I only kinda agree with that sentiment if I am somewhere that is like half black and the black girls are having issues getting hired. This is not the case at all over here.

avatar for skibum609
2 yrs ago

Keep in mind that if today's average woman is wearing a size 16, she would have been wearing a size 24 in the 1970's. I look at pics from my college days and compare them to college kids now and the difference in size is just disgusting.

avatar for SirLapdancealot
2 yrs ago

LOL @blah when my wife and I first moved to Portland I was like - "where are all the black people?"

Anyhow I also wanted to mention that I've seen Portland clubs get less white and less skinny girls over the years. There was a time, maybe 15 years ago, where most clubs were filled with mainly white, tattooed, and skinny AF dancers. This was the general norm. Not so much nowadays. But I still think of them as the typical Portland stripper (lesbian too).

avatar for blahblahblah23
2 yrs ago

Well, white people aren't really into popping out children (hi!) so yeah, the demographics are shifting all over. Add in the massive flood of illegals and I think it will only get more interesting lol.

avatar for blahblahblah23
2 yrs ago

side note: I thought the black population was declining in the US, or declining as a % of overall idk? So I am just assuming these are black people moving from somewhere else cuz I don't think their population is even growing.

Most of the black dancers I've seen are thin or slim thick.

avatar for rickmacrodong
2 yrs ago

Thats a flat out lie, and nonsense Youve never seen a bbw black dancer?

avatar for blahblahblah23
2 yrs ago

^It depends on the club.

I would say that I see more slim or slim thick black dancers than like their regular civilian population %.

At pickier clubs, usually the black girls are very sleek and toned. At less picky clubs it is more hit and miss, but I have found that usually they carry higher weights better than all the other races as a whole.

avatar for JimGassagain
2 yrs ago

Slim, slim thick, thicc, or fat, all I care about is if they can move it! Thanks for the info Scrub.


avatar for skibum609
2 yrs ago

The whitest area of the country, by far, is New England, but Northern New England is super white with Maine (1), N.H.(2) and VT. (4) the whitest of the white in the United States. Strip clubbing up there is very different.

avatar for docsavage
2 yrs ago

The average female height and weight in the U.S. is 5'4", 165 pounds. Three or four times when I had a stripper tell me she was 5'4" I asked if there were more girls in the club taller than her or shorter than her. They would say taller. This confirmed my belief that strippers are taller than the average female, at least here in Indiana. We have more black dancers, who tend to be taller, and fewer Hispanic or Asian dancers, who tend to be shorter. We also have a lot of tall white girls. They don't appear to be in high demand in the strip club since most males like women shorter than them.

My female ideal is around 5'3", 125 pounds. The actress who played the character Fiona in the tv series Burn Notice was around this. I'll go lower than that but not higher. There are usually only two or three dancers falling in that category when I visit a strip club and I only need one so that is enough. A few times when I told large size girls what I like they made some comment about me liking girls who look like young boys, implying I'm a homosexual pedophile. I understand this is them just lashing out at me because I'm rejecting them. I've been going to strip clubs for years and am used to little insults or put downs and just kind of ignore them now.

avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
2 yrs ago

My ideal is a woman that I think is hot. It all depends on how they carry the weight (or the lack of it) and other factors as well.

I don't bring calipers to the strip club.

avatar for skibum609
2 yrs ago

Picking the one I like is easy. I drink my beer and when my dick says: "hey, wake up asshole, I like that one, go talk to her"; I do what I am told.

avatar for twentyfive
2 yrs ago

^ That's the one that works best for me too.

avatar for booty_lover92
2 yrs ago

Most of the regular clientele in Strip Clubs are 40 and up. These guys tend to like women on the slimmer side because most of the women their age aren’t in shape.

Blahblah. Black dancers definitely look better than black civvies as a whole. The ones I've seen at clubs tend to be slim thick or tall and thin.

I've been to black clubs and a few girls were really big. But I wouldn't call them fat. They still bad flat stomachs. Carried the weight okay.

The only obviously overweight dancers I've seen were older ones of every race.

The worst looking dancers to me are the white alt girls. They look like tweaker freaks.

avatar for Mate27
2 yrs ago

SkiDumb “hey, wake up asshole”

Jeez, even your dick knows you are an ass whole!

avatar for rickmacrodong
2 yrs ago

ICee your post is standard racist stuff Btw its common for dancers to look better thwn average civvies thats common sense not black specifically

The correlation with age and overweight isnt true its more like some clubs have lower standards in their hiring especially if they charge a lot to the dancers or keep a high % of dance fees.

avatar for blahblahblah23
2 yrs ago

Most dancers I've seen are on the short side. I agree the age and weight correlation is bullshit. I've seen plenty of very young girls who are obviously overweight/out of shape.

I actually find little correlation between high or low fees and dancer looks. The only consistent correlation I've noticed is that little to no scheduling + low fees tends to correlate to having more dancers that make me go wow... like even if the club is a total dive or in a bad area

avatar for rickmacrodong
2 yrs ago

Low club fees atrracts better dancers youre saying blahblah?

avatar for blahblahblah23
2 yrs ago

No I'm saying the combo of low fees and no or minimal scheduling does attract better

Low fees alone aren't enough.

Usually if there are clubs with higher fees near ones with lower fees and the club with high fees still has hot girls. You know why? Better clientele $$$$

Well yeah. Those girls have more choices where to work. It can also be beneficial to be one of a few hot girls in a club with a lot of ahitty ones than a club with all hot girls. And with shitty clubs the girls can be trapped. Unable to get hired elsewhere and clubs always take advantage of that.

With age I meant in general. Look at how many Latinas get fat after like 25. And with women in their 30s gravity takes a toll and weight gets distributed differently.

avatar for blahblahblah23
2 yrs ago

Mm nah I don't buy this gravity argument unless ur talking about tits sagging. What happens when u get older is u lose muscle mass.

I think these days tho it is different with mileage going up everywhere and wealth leaving primo places like Manhattan.

I mean like the underarms sag. The face. Thighs feel different. But older women look better nowadays than before.

avatar for blahblahblah23
2 yrs ago

underarms sag at any age if there is too much fat there. I haven't noticed a difference in the arms of comparable weight/muscle women in their 30s vs teens/20s. I mainly only see the face starting to do weird shit in their 30s in western europeans, and those with a lot of AmerIndian. I think it is a collagen issue, at least with western Europeans. Those are the worst aging races on consistent basis from what I see. Asians seem to age the best due to a combo of collagen and the flatter the face the harder it is to see aging- look it up if ya don't believe me. Black people usually age well, but I have definitely seen a fair # of them age horribly so I would put them in 2nd place behind Asians as far as aging goes.

avatar for rickmacrodong
2 yrs ago

MIleage going up everywhere blah? Sounds good.

Icee speaks much nonsense if you quoted anything i said he would throw a tantrum

The threat where he posted “save up and buy what you can afford” is one of the most laughable posts ive seen!

avatar for rickmacrodong
2 yrs ago

What makes you think latinas get fat because of gravity thats insane. The most obese city in the us i think is in texas near the border one of the you tubers interviewed and hung out there and it was in large part because of the cultural Mexican foods being extremely high calorie, specifically lots of starch and fat from omega 6 and maybe some omega 3. Those are the most fattening things available.

So its not really about genes or race icee thats only if two people are in tje exact same environment same diet etc

avatar for blahblahblah23
2 yrs ago

I found the argument about saggy underarms cuz gravity to be rather silly. I have never seen saggy underarms that don't get fixed by losing fat and maybe gaining muscle.

Blahblah you're right. I don't know much about the topic. Just going by what I've seen. I don't really notice aging much. Just know I'm not attracted to wrinkles or loose skin.

When it comes to out of shape people. Ike really fat and stuff. Unless they have a medical condition I can't help but feel disgusted at how someone can let themselves get like that. Man or women. And especially young people. Like they're mentally ill for not noticing they're getting bad and don't do anything about it.

avatar for blahblahblah23
2 yrs ago

Hmm I actually don't judge people too much for getting real big, unless they are currently in this sex industry or they are the type of dude who shits on women's appearance yet looks like a fat sack of shit.....

I will also judge like a housewife who lets herself get very overweight or obese. I'm sorry, but if ya don't have a job eating up your time nor bills then you can at least be somewhat healthy?

To me I think there has to be something mentally wrong with a person who starts getting obese. And doesn't do anything about it. I'm not talking a little chubby. I mean some of these huge people.

Fat or ugly men who are judgmental of women's looks are really self hating and projecting it onto women. It's a sign of huge insecurities

avatar for SirLapdancealot
2 yrs ago

Clearly there are still some dumbasses out there that don't realize that genetics can be a contributing factor to obesity.

Some that is constantly judgemental like Iceydodo is really self hating and projection. It's a sign of her huge insecurities. 🤭🤡😂😂😂

avatar for 3131
2 yrs ago

I'm seeing alot more bigger girls dancing across the nation. Part of it is our society has further normalized obesity. Somewhere along the lines Sports Illustrated and Victoria Secret started putting obese women on their advertising.

I don't see the appeal. But I know guys that do.

Bottom line for me, if she weighs more than I do..... hard pass.

avatar for crazyjoe
2 yrs ago

Are you saying you are not fat, but you are fluffy?

avatar for rickmacrodong
2 yrs ago

Nobody should shit on someone’s appearance but if Youre paying you have the rjght to be selective. Even if not paying you have the right to be selective.

Icee what you’re referring to may be rare. Eating excess calories can make you fat, big belly etc but morbidly obese may be some issue like cushings syndrome. You have to look at how many calories are being consumed.

Additionally not all calories are equal... for instance protein calories dont store as fat as easily. Fructose isnt as fattening as glucose. The omega 6 and omeg 3 oils are supposedly more fattening than other fats

your post is kind of nonsense. You expect people who are paying for sex or dances to not be judgmental and pay someone that’s physical comparable to them. Whats the point of paying at all then?

avatar for blahblahblah23
2 yrs ago

heh i finally went back to work and it is slow as balls, but I caught me a whale. I probably did get too fat for the white guys LOL BUT IDK I still got asians giving me money which is weird cuz I thought they didn't like big bitches LOLOLOL

avatar for blahblahblah23
2 yrs ago

whale is black guy for the record*

weird being white and having white dudes not want shit to do with me hahahaha

Asian guys love white women a lot of them like black girls. I'm going by Korean and Cambodian guys I know in la

White guys who think you're too big have issues. Like they find tits ass and curves intimidating. They feel a loss of control

And congrats on the whale

Milk him for all you can

avatar for skibum609
2 yrs ago

^This jackass don't know shit. 3 reviews, all fake.

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