Self checkout. Is it OK to fuck corporations over?

Icee Loco (asshole)
I'm a fucking loser
What do you think of saving at self checkout? Is it the moral equivalent of lowballing a hoe? Or just saving a little and a form of every day resistance against corporations?


  • TheeOSU
    2 years ago
    Not all of us are low life scum like you iceydougee but ima still ur homie, right. lulz
  • Sgtsnowman
    2 years ago
    It's called theft.
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    2 years ago
    Proce gouging is bigger theft though
  • Mate27
    2 years ago
    ^^ corporations aren’t forcing you to buy soda and chips, but you’re forcing the stores to give you their product? Course you’ll rationalize anything you do as long as it elevates your stature. Like everyone says, you’re a no hood thieving bum. Don’t go to stores anymore you hypocrite. If you don’t like the prices, grow your own food and hunt for game, slacker.
  • blahblahblah23
    2 years ago
    So my main problem with self checkouts is like the excuse is to reduce staff but a lot of the time busy stores end up with maybe 1 or 2 actual cashiers checking ppl out + like 4 or more people fucking watching the self checkouts to make sure ppl are not stealing. Why not just have more actual cashiers then cuz like the workers are already there I mean 🤷🏼‍♀️
  • Champphilly
    2 years ago
    What a stupid idea by icee poopcaplop. Theif in making or already?
  • rickmacrodong
    2 years ago
    Lowballing a hoe? The equivalent of that would be lowballing any grocery item or other service or item.
  • rickmacrodong
    2 years ago
    I think icees already admitted to doing this, and worse. He thinks its ok to loot and destroy corporate headquarters too. It all starts with unproven claims about corporations being evil making it okay to rob them
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    2 years ago
    That's the thing. They fire cashiers and have an employee watch you like a hawk. They know their prices are outrageous. And they fired employees. But they're scared people will tap the tomatoes that are 60 cents cheaper. It's disgusting greed.
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    2 years ago
    Icee has posted about this before. It's not like he was expecting different reactions. Actually, he was likely hoping for more of the same. So, there's that.

    Back during the COVID restrictions, when people refused to wear masks (despite mandates) as a form of "resistance" I believed that it was -- as protests go -- incredibly weak, self-serving, and disingenuous. Portraying shoplifting as a form of resistance falls into the same category of theatrical justification.

    Grow your own food. Buy from local farms. Buy things that last and aren't disposable. Buy things that are handmade or learn to make them yourself.
  • twentyfive
    2 years ago
    More click bait from TUSCLs number one troll and cosplay pimp
  • Studme53
    2 years ago
    I love self-check out but lowlife thieves are going to force stores to phase it out.
    Not only can’t they have self-checkout in the hood, they can’t even have supermarkets because people steal so much.
  • Champphilly
    2 years ago
    Poopcaplop Icee influence people to steal? Good try stupid.
  • JamesSD
    2 years ago
    You shouldn't intentionally steal, but I can never criticize a certain level of apathy and laziness when it comes to double checking.
  • Tetradon
    2 years ago
  • rickmacrodong
    2 years ago
    Disgusting greed lol? And you pivot to saying people are cheap if they dont do $1000 otc.
    60 cent price difference in something like tomatoes adds up to millions of dollars...
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    2 years ago
    The people who arenoutraged by expensive hookers aren't outraged by capitalist greed
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    2 years ago
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    2 years ago
    I got my produce half off today lulz

  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    2 years ago
    Go troll elsewhere cim. Go start another bait thread about ripping off damcers and naming them
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    2 years ago
  • misterorange
    2 years ago
    Self checkout? Seems like you might as well have a self lap dance booth where you just jerk yourself off, but pay the same price. I'm waiting for them to put a fucking tip jar at the self checkout.
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    2 years ago
    I've seen tip jars in non chain grocery stores. The entitlement is ridiculous. Or places that won't give change back.

    In Vegas casinos won't cash out an6thing under a dollar
  • blahblahblah23
    2 years ago
    I don't steal, but like I get why the fuck people do steal at self checkout. It's like so let me get this straight, I gotta find my shit then ring it up like a cashier when in the past they had cashiers doing that for you every single time. But like they still got enough people staffed to work as cashiers. In my area I just mainly see where it is like 1 or 2 cashiers in busier/bigger stores a lot of the times they are open and then like wayyyyyyy more people staffing the self checkout doing nothing except bullshitting and sometimes staring u down so u don't steal shit. Idk to me it is just stupid. I do think a lot of people who wouldn't steal from a store when they go thru a regular checkout with a cashier, will steal when it is self checkout. I do feel like you should get a fucking discount for doing the cashier's job for them while they sit or stand and stare at you or pretend to watch lmfao. I also feel like it is only a matter of time before they put a fucking tip jar at self checkout.
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    2 years ago
    Businesses are the biggest robs and should be called out and made accountable.
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    2 years ago
    Prices should be lower if we have to be part time cashiers at the store.

    And some of those employees will stand behind you. Walk around you. Stare you down. It's stupid. I always tell them to lower prices instead of treating customers like thieves who might potentially buy something.

  • Champphilly
    2 years ago
    Idiot can not cheat in strip club by taking 10 dances and pay only for 5, so he says steals everwhere else to fund his lap dance hobby. Hopefully oneday stores may catch him with camera evidence red handedly and prodoce the video evidence for repeated offence of cheating thousands of dollars for years and he become disgusting cheap creep in national news as SERAL Theif 🤣🤣🤣🤣. Waiting for tv news 🤣🤣
  • nicespice
    2 years ago
    I mean is it *ethical* at all? No.

    But is it somewhat less unethical in light of the prices when you ring them up not matching what it says on the shelf? And this isn’t even a one time thing but something that has been happening over and over again the past few months? I won’t be stealing anything, but if I see somebody else do that…then heck no, I didn’t see anything.
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    2 years ago
    Albertsons out here will rob you blind. They won't honor their own sales. They'll straight out tell you a price is wrong and charge a higher one.

    I know yall hate corporate robs as much as club robs right?
  • docsavage
    2 years ago
    A lot of the move to self-checkout is due to developing labor shortages rather than corporate greed. There are five million less men ages 25-57 in the labor force than in the past and the huge Baby Boom generation is all retiring. I'm 66 and still working but most people I know my age aren't. Some are in such bad health they couldn't work even if they wanted to.

    The labor shortages have driven up labor costs and, in an effort to keep them down, businesses hire fewer workers. The result is customers receive poorer service. Widespread stealing would lead to higher expenses for businesses, who would then just raise their prices. In some cities, stealing is already so out of control that urban businesses have been disappearing. Businesses in these areas can't even operate at a profit due to the out of control stealing.
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    2 years ago
    That's not true. They've been doing it way before covid. There's no labor shortage there's a living wage and full time job shortage.
  • rickmacrodong
    2 years ago
    Icee thats because people play around with price tags. Do you really expect a store to honor 99 cents on a $5 item or even $50 item because someone stuck a sticker on it or put something on a shelf where it shouldnt go. There is no way big name stores like albertsons walmart etc are not honoring their sales, i doubt the employees even care and if the price difference isnt too big may even just honor letting you buy a $5 item for 99 cents.

    A living wage is a purely subjective term for some people its $10 an hour for some its $30.

    Also the whole foods has like 10 self checkout registers and only 2 or at most 3 employees watching so it’s net-net still significantly cheaper than having 10 employees.
    And the discount you talk of w.r.t. customers doing labor work for self checkout, that’s worth at most a few bucks. It’s laughable to see you say this with all your $1000 otc and other comments
  • rickmacrodong
    2 years ago
    Exactly champy. He said he tipped $1000 on stage tips but he stole that money from protests and he also did it because he desperately needed the attention and fake love.
  • Dave_Anderson
    2 years ago
    Corporations are the front line force for social liberalism, "diversity," anti-whitism, anti-maleism, anti-heteroism, and pro-globalist conspiracy. They are the ones running all the "woke" commercials constantly on TV. However, I still think its wrong to steal from them. They will just pass they cost on to law abiding customers. Also stealing is against the Ten Commandments.
  • skibum609
    2 years ago
    You are a cancer on society Icee. Just a total piece of shit in every fucking way. You are a pathetic little "man". Man up, admit that it is not only stealing, but low life stealing. My honesty is for sale, just like yours. Unlike you I have never sold it because the most I have ever been offered is $25,000.00 and my dignity is worth far more. Yours is worth $5.00. Will you just fuck off and die already?
  • Studme53
    2 years ago
    BTW - here’s some free economic education for you:
    Food is 8 to 10 times cheaper in the 21st century than it’s ever been in the history of mankind. Thank you corporations and Capitalism.

    Do you know what a corporation is? It’s an organization designed to efficiently and economically produce and sell a product. Yes, they want to make a profit, but the efficiency makes the product cheaper to produce which results in a lower cost to the consumer.…
  • Cashman1234
    2 years ago
    Is self checkout really helpful in reducing staff? It is marginally helpful - that’s all.

    The truth is - there is likely little current benefit to self checkout as it requires more staff to assist when the product weight isn’t detected in the bagging area. It honestly feels as though we are doing the testing for the self checkout machines.

    I don’t steal. I don’t need any product enough that I would steal it from a store.

    The last thing I want is to get arrested for stealing a box of Ho Ho’s from my local grocery store, and jeopardize my employment with the bank. It would seem to be beyond stupid for a senior manager and bank officer to get arrested over something so inconsequential.
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    2 years ago
    I don't think self checkout is beneficial at all. It expects customers to act as part time cashiers. In which case we should be compensated with discounts or something.

    I think its about union busting and cutting the costs of employee benefits.

    Fucking them over every little way is a form of every day resistance.

  • twentyfive
    2 years ago
    ^ Resistance what a dopey fuck, what are you resisting you fool
  • rickmacrodong
    2 years ago
    Can they actually arrest for stealing cereal? Some states supposedly theu wont arrest unless its above a certain dollar amount?

    I dont think self checkout requires as much staff members. From what i rememher, whole foods and walmarts with 10 self checkout registers have much less than 10 employees watching. Usually 3 to 5 at most. This provides significant savings to businesses, they can cut hours and number of employees. If you go to whole foods near closing theres sometimes only one employee watching self checkout.
    Some of the businesses are trying to automate as much ad possible. Amazon stores, mcdonalds and more. Sometimes if you go to mcdonalds theres only one person both taking orders and taking payment, and one person preparing the items.
    The amazon stores plan didnt seem to go as well as planned. They had the idea that people would grab items and be charged for them automatically. But they have many employees walking around watching everything
  • rickdugan
    2 years ago
    Theft is never OK. It is a sign of a weak character and disregard for the property of others. If you can't afford the food at Albertson's then go to Aldi or Walmart. Or get on food stamps if you aren't already on them. Or pickup a basket from one of the local food pantries.

    And as others have said, almost nowhere in the world is food cheaper and more abundant than it is in the U.S. You can thank those evil American corporations for that.
  • Vicfl
    2 years ago
    OPs craziness shows a clear nuts in vegas. I too live in vegas. can we do meetup? I like meeting weirds interview them to make videos to put it on youtube.
  • skibum609
    2 years ago
    Time for the OP to go, irl.
  • rickmacrodong
    2 years ago
    Lol... anyone know who lulz on lows main account is
  • rickmacrodong
    2 years ago
    Icee to steal organic food is nonsense. You dont deserve it. I can understand a hungry person needing to steal food if they’re poor... it doesnt excuse stealing high end food or stealing from high end restaurants. If you really need to steal youve gotta steal the cheaper stuff
  • Vicfl
    2 years ago
    Moneyman1234, stupid immature idiot? by knowing my bio what you plan to do?
  • rickmacrodong
    2 years ago
    Lulz you are like a symbiote version of champphilly
  • Champphilly
    2 years ago
    @moneyman please get life. why you pull me into this?
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    2 years ago
    Crazy how someone you are so law abiding except when it comes to prostitution snd solicitation. And are so ethical except when it comes to social justice and sexual exploitation.

    20fag resisting capitalist price gouging

    Rick...I agree theft is wrong. Especially theft from workers and customers to benefit a parasitic elite
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    2 years ago
  • nicespice
    2 years ago
    —>“Albertsons out here will rob you blind. They won't honor their own sales. They'll straight out tell you a price is wrong and charge a higher one. “

    Yeah, the King Sooper/Kroger locations around the Denver area are outright lying about their sales prices too. Wtf is the point of even having anything on sale anymore?

    As far as I know, the HEBs in Texas aren’t pulling that crap. I miss HEB so much 😭
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    2 years ago
    I was at target today and everything I rang up was like a dollar more than the listed price. I told the employee and left everything there and left. Kroger is smith's out here. They require you to have a membership card to get sale prices.

  • shailynn
    2 years ago
    Now popping up - self check out in convenience stores. Before you know it no humans will be checking out your food items anywhere.
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    2 years ago
    I hate the fast food self checkout. It's too inhuman
  • rickdugan
    2 years ago
    ===> "Rick...I agree theft is wrong. Especially theft from workers and customers to benefit a parasitic elite"

    Victim mentality is no excuse for theft. Besides a grocery store is hardly a monopoly. Anyone who doesn't want to work or shop there can just go somewhere else.
  • crazyjoe
    2 years ago
    I have noticed a lot of price discrepancy between what price is on the shelf and the price at the register. I have noticed some items as high as double. Most of the items are sale items.

    I spoke with a guy at an auto parts store who used to work at King Soopers (Kroger) before and during COVID. He said his job was marking the prices on the shelves including sale prices. He said the system sucked. It dod not always update prices on the rest of the stores system.

    I am not the type to steal, but if I see it happening it is none of my business
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    2 years ago
    Rick that isn't true. Grocery stores are monopolies. And most don't have the luxury of traveling long distances to other stores. And yes pretending like corporations are victims is moronic
  • rickmacrodong
    2 years ago
    Theyre not monopolies

    There are a few government promoted monopolies
    Like dole
    Some of the medical industry
    Monopolies can only be created by a government
  • rickmacrodong
    2 years ago
    You use the price gouging term in your own way just like you claim its rape if someone doesn’t pay a hooker, coercion if someone doesn’t pay a dancer or hooker enough ($1000) and finessing if someone robs a client
  • 623
    2 years ago
    I LOVE self checkouts. I’m out of there in under a minute where I used to have to line up behind some jackass like icedpee arguing about 20cent price diff.

    Obvious that icedpee has never been involved in management or owned a business.

    No one has ever “stared me down” while I self-checkout either but then I don’t steal or look like a thief I guess.
  • twentyfive
    2 years ago
    This thread is typical of the OP, who the fuck thinks stealing is ok, only people with low class backgrounds and no morals.
  • rickdugan
    2 years ago
    ===> "Grocery stores are monopolies. And most don't have the luxury of traveling long distances to other stores."

    Baloney. More victim excuses. Maybe buy a bus pass if you only have one grocery store in walking distance.
  • twentyfive
    2 years ago
    He’s just a lowlife, unhappy, bottom tier thug, normal happy folks don’t make excuses for their bad behavior, nor do they cast aspersions about others that they don’t know
    Iceefag would never speak out loud much of what he says, do you or anyone else have any doubts that if he were to make comments about my wife or children would earn him at the very least a trip to the dentist.
  • SirLapdancealot
    2 years ago
    Stealing. Is it OK for a grown-ass "man" to shave a dollar off his pork chops at self checkout?
  • skibum609
    2 years ago
    Icee is a coward who stays in 24/7. How many clubs has this shithead reviewed? As if he goes or knows anything about real life.
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    2 years ago
    Rick. You're out of touch with reality. A poor elderly woman should take the bus ronthe other side of town with bags of groceries?

    623 what does a thief look like? White collar criminals rob Americans the most

    20fag your wife left you and your kids ignore you.stop threatening me for stating facts
  • rickdugan
    2 years ago
    ===> "Rick. You're out of touch with reality. A poor elderly woman should take the bus ronthe other side of town with bags of groceries?"

    Are you a poor elderly woman?
  • twentyfive
    2 years ago
    Let’s clarify a few things my wife never left me, my children are very close we spend most holidays together and speak daily, and one very important point so it’s not lost on you, this isn’t just my opinion it’s a majority opinion of this board, you are a piece of trash, and if you ever have the misfortune to run into me you will regret it, I promise.
  • TheeOSU
    2 years ago

    Yeah I caught that too. dougee's next alias will be something akin to Roseanne Roseanadanna, never mind lulz
  • TheeOSU
    2 years ago
    ninja'd by 25
  • Cashman1234
    2 years ago
    A monopoly was the phone company AT&T - which was broken up back in the 1980’s. Grocery stores are not monopolies.

    There were cable company monopolies created years ago as well, but now that industry has changed and alternatives exist. Again, grocery stores don’t fit that structure either.

    I guess NYC and its boroughs are different, as there are many old ladies who take the bus to the grocery store. Some prefer the foods or selection from different stores, and they will travel a bit for it.
  • skibum609
    2 years ago
    Icee would attack and rob a poor elderly woman. Icee is just a piece of shit and the world will rejoice when he is gone.
  • rickmacrodong
    2 years ago
    How did icee get away with pepper spraying someone on their balls? It was a gangsta who refused to call the cops on him?

    He wants to only date strippers, but doesn’t want his girlfriends to perform extras- and doesn’t want them to have to compete with girls who offer extras, so he has a severe hatred for anyone seeking out or receiving extras, and gleefully jumps in joy anytime someone is robbed or gets a no extras dance.

    He spends extensive time trying to convince people $1000 is the norm for OTC, that slim to no strippers perform extras, etc, to discourage people from seeking out extras and discourage other dancers from offering them.
  • blahblahblah23
    2 years ago
    So I personally don't care if people steal from corporations, but same time when they make it difficult to buy your shit (it's under locks/keys) or shut down stores then I care lmfao.
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    2 years ago
    20fag you lost 2 wives. And your kids ignore you. I wish you'd ignore me like they ignore you.


    Stores are insured. They don't really raise prices coz people steal. I think stores are.the thieves with today's prices.
  • Specialj
    2 years ago
    No. It’s not ok. Call it what you want. It’s still theft, and you can go to jail for it. Why would someone with a job and plenty of money for bills do that?
  • blahblahblah23
    2 years ago
    Saw something about prices not being honored. Yeah, I see that quite often, but usually this is an easy fix- just that you have to be paying attention. If you call them out on it they either fix it or set the item back depending how much higher the actual price is. I have no shame. I'm not fucking paying $18 for something that I saw a $9 sticker on lol!

    Actually, target is pretty good with honoring their prices. Say you see something online for like $5 but in store it is like $14 or vice versa with in store vs online flipped, they will honor the lower price but u gotta talk to them.
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    2 years ago
    It depends on the store managers and where you are. Target will usually fix the price. Smith's is good too. But I know a few targets where they won't change it. And I've been to albertsons where they won't honor the price on tye sticker and will upcharge you. Stores out here don't even give rain checks anymore. They cut the hours they're open. It's all just greed.

    Like tonight I went to my favorite sushi place. The portions were half what they were last week. Prices $5 more. And fish size way smaller.
  • SirLapdancealot
    2 years ago
    @blah the laws on honoring the sticker price at a store vary by state. I know CA has to honor sticker price and I think OR too.
  • BrotherFogHorn
    2 years ago
    Albertsons is the devil! Rob the devil blind. It is da lawerd work
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    2 years ago
    Albertsons is the most fucked up store. Even employees complain how here they won't schedule them for more than 3 days. And they technically have to go to whatever location they send them.
  • SirLapdancealot
    2 years ago
    LMFAO I hear you @Iceydodo. Preach, my niggette.

    It must suck being such a baller at the clubs and living the good life with junkie stripper whores while also having to shave a dollar off your pork chops at self checkout. Have you considered getting on food stamps or start going to food banks? Worst case you can dumpster dive at McDonald's or just flat out beg for food.

    And think about it - by no longer going to the grocery store at all for food, you won't have to use the evil self checkout and give any amount of money whatsoever to the store. This is a brilliant way to resist the evil corporations like you want. It's even better than shaving that dollar off the pork chops, no?

  • blahblahblah23
    2 years ago
    I never knew that different states had laws about honoring sticker prices. That is news to me. It makes sense tho. I am not trying to be a total bitch, but so much of this country is beyond ass backwards and retarded lmao, especially anywhere south closer to the border or the gulf.
  • orionsmith
    2 years ago
    I am against theft. It is wrong.

    I also like the self checkouts if it means I can buy stuff and get out of the store a lot quicker which I usually can compared to long lines with a cashier. In several cases, I believe I am faster than the store cashiers.

    Don’t sweat the self checkout lines too much, one day everything will ring up as you pick it up off the store shelf as technology advances. I read it is being developed. Not sure if it cost effective yet.

    If you want extra discounts at Walmart, search YouTube videos for how to identify items in the store below the marked clearance price using the Walmart app if getting discounts is important t you. They don’t hire enough staff to put all the marked down prices on their clearance items.

  • rickmacrodong
    2 years ago
    Dude, icee, its not an upcharge. Some people misplace items and put them on a different section of the shelf. Some people put a cheap sticker on an expensive item. Stores are aware of this. If they scan an item, and it has a 99 cent sticker they know its fake. If they scan it and its $5 and you say its $3, it’s obviously cuz you lied or moved it over a few inches to the next spot before bringjng it to the register.

    There are a lot of issues and much that can be complained about when it comes to grocery stores. This isnt one of them. None of these stores upcharged you. The problem is just like how you believe tenants can rob and beat landlords, and how you believe landlords and tricks are evil you think businesses are evil and consumers can rob and beat them. Its the same shit as your views on strippers vs clients, tenants vs landlords where you believe one side is always good and one is always evil.
  • SirLapdancealot
    2 years ago
    Iceydodo the Narcissist is compelled to compare and elevate herself against anybody or anything that is against her. It's how she feels better about herself. She also is incapable of finding fault in herself, so if something is wrong or incorrect, it's always something else besides herself.

    Despite being a strip club PL baller, she can't afford basic groceries, and that is the fault of evil greedy corporations and not her own inability to manage her own finances.

    Despite being a strip club PL baller, she can't afford basic rent, and that is the fault of evil landlords and not her own inability to manage her own finances.

    With strippers vs clients, she sides with the strippers and denigrates the clients because she wants to view herself as someone that can get strippers without paying - despite the fact that she showers junkie stripper whores with money and drugs and spends way more on them than your average trick. Even though she is an RIL trick bitch, she loathes to see herself as one, so she puts down other PLs.

    This is Iceydodo's MO on TUSCL. She's a pathetic loser narcissist, so she's going to find faults and denigrate anything in order to feel superior to it. So now that the self checkout and grocery prices are too inconvenient for her, they become an easy target. Trust me, if she can find an opportunity to post her superiority or put something else down, she'll do it. LMFAO she's compelled to! 🤭🤡😂😂😂
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    2 years ago
    Some of the replies in this thread are insane.

    I wish some of you were as passionate about calling out price gouging as a rob as you are girls who refuse to fuck you. Or that you were as outraged by actual price gouging as you are by hookers who charge more than $100
  • SirLapdancealot
    2 years ago
    ^^^I wish Iceydodo was about as passionate about enabling the addictions of desperate junkie stripper whores as she is about the price of her broccoli.

    Some of her posts in this thread are inane. 🤭🤡😂😂😂
  • drewcareypnw
    2 years ago
    I’ve worked for big corporations for most of my career. They don’t give a fuck about anyone or anything except money. Any pretense otherwise is just a way to get… more money. They’ll charge what they can get, and fuck who they can get away with fucking, often without even noticing. So I don’t feel too bad about a corporation getting ripped off. It’s not a person.

    If someone is poor, or even starving, should they steal from a big grocery store chain to eat or feed a family if they have to? Whatever the ethics are, they will. I would. It would suck but I would do it if that was the circumstance. And the checkers at the local grocery will not care.

    I don’t steal because there is absolutely no reason to do it. Groceries are cheap, a minor expense in my life. The hassle of implications from getting caught doing it is a deterrent as well, but to lesser degree. Another reason not to steal is that we’re all in this together, as a community… so I’d never steal from a neighbor or individual.

    That all being said, it’s a weird flex to steal when you have plenty
  • drewcareypnw
    2 years ago
    (Accidental submit)… what’s the point? You don’t need to, do you just enjoy doing something subversive? Do think you’re getting back at “the man”? Because you can?
  • twentyfive
    2 years ago
    @drew carey
    I agree with your assessment of corporate ethics, but the fact remains, despite that being true, food and other neces, sities are cheaper as a percentage of wages than at any time in history, and there is no place in America where food is not abundantly available to anyone who needs to eat whether they have money to pay for it or not, with that in mind there is no justification, whatsoever for stealing from stores, go to a free food pantry, a local church group, or any of a multitude of non profit organizations throughout the United States
  • drewcareypnw
    2 years ago
    @25 that in a way, is my point. If you don’t need to bc there are other options, or bc you have the means (we are on a site where the users pay many times a grocery bill to get an evening with of lap dances)…. Why would you?

    I guess you wouldn’t, so that’s more of a question for icey.
  • twentyfive
    2 years ago
    ^ fuck him he's just a pure trash anyone that would start a thread using peoples children or wives in a derogatory manner is nothing but shit and deserves no consideration from anyone for anything.
  • rickmacrodong
    2 years ago
    Icee isnt just stealing i think he bragged about stealing organic tomatoes while pricing them as the non organic. Even if you really need to steal it isn’t supposed to be the highest quality option or a fancy restaurant you can stick to stealing the low quality stuff or mcdonalds
  • rickmacrodong
    2 years ago
    Probably thinks hes donating money to the store by paying the non organic price instead of straight up stealing lulz
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    2 years ago
    Drew ....availability may be there but accessibility certainly isn't. For example there are very poor areas of los angeles and las vegas with poor bus service and no chain grocery stores. Instead you get overpriced corner markets cashing in on ebt selling mostly junkfood. Fresh produce isn't readily available. Not everyone can register for food donations or make it during donation times. We're approaching a state of food scarcity.

    Today I saw an elderly woman get caught "stealing" instant coffee and bacon. Saw a teenage boy "steal" bread and bologna. They're not criminals. They're hungry.

    And many on here are struggling financially. Hence the threads on bargain pussy and complaints of prices.

    You don't have to be poor to empathize with them or defend them.

    20fag so block me.
  • twentyfive
    2 years ago…

    Reminder of what a POS Iceefag
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    2 years ago
    20fag that's mild compared to the incessant harassment and attacks on my loved one from you and skicuck.

    Dm me when you're in vegas
  • twentyfive
    2 years ago
    ^ What loved ones you vile POS ?
    Lying motherfucker
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    2 years ago
    The ones you lie about and attack. See you in Vegas.
  • drewcareypnw
    2 years ago
    Icey. I’m aware of food deserts and the hunger rate, I tend to agree with you on that. What I’m asking is why you do it. Whatever your employment and financial circumstances, you’ve clearly got enough money to go to strip clubs, so groceries for one, organic or not, should be very affordable.

    So why do you steal them? What is the thrill?
  • motorhead
    2 years ago

    Despite being on opposite ends of political ideology, Much of you post is true. But stealing should not be tolerated
  • rickdugan
    2 years ago
    I challenge any whiny twat in this thread to give me a single address in any major city in this country where I can't find a discount grocer close by (Aldi, Save-a-lot, Walmart) along with one or two food banks on a very regular bus route. A single address.

    And if you can't, then shut the stupid fucking holes under your noses until you can.

    Less convenient and/or embarrassing are not the same as unavailable or scarce. Fuck we have soup kitchens and food pantries receiving so much in donations that they end up having to throw food away. Food is so damned abundant in this country that there is no need to steal it. It may require a little more effort and advance planning, but that's far preferable to stealing.

    I have been on both sides of this, dirt poor and later in my life part of food outreach programs.
  • rickmacrodong
    2 years ago
    There’s a term for it, some people do have a theft addiction and get a thrill or high from it. No doubt it would raise adrenaline for anyone even if they don’t have an addiction.

    I have met a few food robbers in my life, and they had the means to buy food, they were just greedy or enjoyed the thrill or entitled. One guys justification for stealing soda was its just sugar and water lol. But the same guy admitted he would steal much pricier things if he could.

    I don’t think stealing due to starvation is that common. Look at all these blm protests (which icee engaged in), videos of places like target being looted and destroyed. People are going for the highest price items they can get, usually electronics. Same with the mall store lootings. Its stealing an expensive pair of shoes or electronics for personal usage or to resell and get something else.
  • rickmacrodong
    2 years ago
    It is sad though one local grocery store was throwing out hundreds of dollars worth of sushi one night. They didn’t want to give it to customers probably because it would encourage people to wait until closing. I think the lady mentioned they can’t donate it because it would pass the best by date. I heard places like Starbucks and panera donate leftover stuff. And if you go there near closing you could probably get some free stuff.
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    2 years ago
    Rick your views on food accessibility are about as valid as your claims that the hookers you coerce are really only seeing you
  • rickdugan
    2 years ago
    ^ Ok honey, then go ahead, give me a single solitary urban address where food is as inaccessible as you claim.
  • skibum609
    2 years ago
    Icee did your hooker buddy die over the weekend? Did you kill yourself bitch?
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    2 years ago
    Rick you argue like a sheltered moron. You're denying the existence of food insecurity and asking for an address where it exists or otherwise you think you win 🤡
  • skibum609
    2 years ago
    Food insecurity is how we get of garbage like you Icee. Starve to death you fucking piece of shit loser.
  • rickdugan
    2 years ago
    Still waiting for that location where I can't find a discount grocer nearby...

    It must be nice to live in a silly girl world where you can say whatever you want and never have to support your belief. 👍

    The reality is that nobody should be hungry in this country. We have a generous EBT program where they haven't even had to look for work since the pandemic started. There are soup kitchens and food pantries scattered all over the place. We have an abundance of discount grocery options unrivaled in any country in the world.

    Our undocumented immigrants know this all too well. Unlike their poor American born counterparts, they don't qualify for government food assistance. Yet they find these food sources, including fresh fruits and vegetables, even if it means hopping on a bus.

    As someone who has been directly involved in outreach to immigrant and other at risk communities and with food pantries, I have seen this shit play out time and again. The true challenges we face in dealing with food issues are drug abuse and neglect. Whenever there is a hungry kid, there is always a parent who has sold their EBT card for drug money (around here you can get 50 cents on the dollar) or is simply neglecting the child.
  • Mate27
    2 years ago
    If you look at the poor people in America, they tend to be fat and obese. Hardly about food insecurity. I will say that all these government programs tends to keep these poor people lazy and unwilling to search out opportunities to improve their lives, like growing good quality food or seeking better employment to purchase better food than what they currently eat because it is cheap and easy. Icee demeans those who try to bargain down for stripper hoe activities, but he takes the opposite stance when it comes to people on welfare choosing down to eat. Wtf?
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    2 years ago
    Rick you're a moron. You claim food insecurity doesn't exist in the entire US coz I'm not writing down an address . You live in a sheltered delusional world. Only in Rick's world is there no food insecurity and you're a great dad and husband coz you coerce desperate broke hookers.

    Criminalizing poverty while justifying your own crimes and lack of morals.

    Los Angeles is the size of like rhode island. You're telling people to hop on the bus and find cheap food 🤡
  • skibum609
    2 years ago
    ^Hope you and they all starve and die.
  • twentyfive
    2 years ago
    Iceefag you have a vehicle why don’t you help out some of the poor and homeless and bring them some food if you’re such a compassionate person.
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    2 years ago
    20fag will you show up? Yes or no
  • twentyfive
    2 years ago
    >>>>"20fag dm me to give me a time and place. Either I or a legal representative will meet you.
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    2 years ago
    20fag yes or no. You're threatening to inflict bodily harm. I'm saying you'll be served legally. Will you be there or are you just talk?
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    2 years ago
    You have to be a sheltered delusional idiot to not be able to Google food deserts in the US. But then you don't care about them. You're just here to be an asshole…
  • NinaBambina
    2 years ago
    "If you look at the poor people in America, they tend to be fat and obese. Hardly about food insecurity."

    There are reasons for that. One being that a lot of poor people simply don't have access to healthy foods in their budget, so they have to get quantity over quality and that ends up being a lot of unhealthy, process foods. So it does have everything to do w/ food insecurity. And yes, food deserts are a big thing in both poor urban and poor rural areas. There are places along Appalachia where it's over a hour drive to an actual grocery store. There are whole inner cities that have no major grocery stores, and people in both of these types of areas aren't known to be groups of people with easy access to transportation. And hunger affects more people in the US than you might think (I believe something like 1 in 5 kids in the US struggle with hunger / food insecurity).

    If anyone seriously wants to argue about this, I recommend first watching a documentary which highlights this and follows kids from these types of areas who struggle with hunger, it's called A Seat at the Table and Tom Colicchio is a producer. The film is focused on child hunger specifically in the US. It highlights poverty and food insecurity of children of various impoverished backgrounds. It is very informative.
  • rickdugan
    2 years ago
    ===> "There are whole inner cities that have no major grocery stores,"

    Which ones would those be? Feel free to be specific.
  • rickdugan
    2 years ago
    ===> "And hunger affects more people in the US than you might think (I believe something like 1 in 5 kids in the US struggle with hunger / food insecurity)."

    Btw this stat is absolute horseshit, for all of the reasons I previously noted above. The reality is that the amount of public and private resources we throw at the food issue in this country are overwhelming. The reality is that nobody should be hungry in this country, except maybe a handful of kids who live 1 hour plus from a store in the mountains. We have a generous EBT program where they haven't even had to look for work since the pandemic started. There are soup kitchens and food pantries scattered all over the place. We have an abundance of discount grocery options unrivaled in any country in the world.

    What we DO have, however, is a multi-billion dollar charitable industry that needs to keep pumping bullshit numbers like that in order to keep the cash donations flowing.

    In fact the food panties and soup kitchens I have worked with received so much damned food that they had to throw a solid % of it out. There was simply more food coming in than people to accept it.

    The true challenges we face in dealing with food issues are drug abuse and neglect. Whenever there is a hungry kid, there is always either a parent who has sold their EBT card for drug money (around here you can get 50 cents on the dollar) or is simply neglecting the child.
  • NinaBambina
    2 years ago
    Back on the subject of this post... look, these huge corporations jack prices up and outsource a bunch of their staffs to technology and have a self checkouts. And when there's an issue with the self checkout, or if I'm buying alcohol which requires someone to come verify my ID, I have to stand there and wait forever for someone to come over. There are times when I've thought, "good for them I'm not a thief, I could've easily walked out with all this stuff." Walmart is one of the worst offenders.

    If I see someone putting some small stuff in their bags, I'll carry on and not say a thing. I know the grocery store is OK, but I don't know this person's situation - they might be struggling. Plus, these corporations fuck everyone else over anyway, so I don't care if some wants a little piece of the pie. Take it.

    I actually stole a few bags of ice from a store. To be fair, I'd spent tons of money repeatedly at this store. I was a maid of honor in my friend's wedding and spent probably 10K in the year leading up to her wedding on stuff related to her wedding. Seriously, I spent a lot. So for one of her events, maybe the bridal shower idk, we went to a grocery store out by her house and I spent a couple hundred on stuff for her party and then we realized we had forget ice and I said fuck it and grabbed a few bags of ice and only rang it in as one.

    My friend is a goody two shoes so she saw me doing it and was shocked (plus she knew I had plenty of money lol) and then she got less worried about it and was happy when we strolled through the door with the unpaid for ice. I was just thinking fuck it, I've spent so much here these last several months, I'm not paying for these bags of frozen water.
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    2 years ago
    Shoplifting isn't striking a blow against "the man" or whatever. It's just petty theft. The corporate owners have the expense of shoplifting built into their pricing. So, no one on the corporate side is feeling pain because of this. I'm sure that some theft occurs as a function of desperate need, but most people who steal just want free stuff.

    That said, food scarcity or food deserts are a real thing and a complicated phenomenon. There is a lot of research out there on the topic for anyone who wants to open Google and do a bit of searching.
  • NinaBambina
    2 years ago
    That's what makes stealing from large corporations different than stealing from a smaller company, like perhaps a family owned business. A big corporation, on the other hand, is going to be fine. I'd look the other way if I saw someone stealing a few small items from a large chain.
  • rickdugan
    2 years ago
    ===> "That said, food scarcity or food deserts are a real thing and a complicated phenomenon."

    Look, I'm really not trying to be argumentative, but again, where? Why can't anyone who makes this claim point to a single example?

    I'll tell you why, which is because it's a manufactured problem. The definition of a "food desert" in an urban area is essentially any area in which a decent grocery store can not be found within walking distance. If we applied this same absurd definition to people living in the suburbs, most of the country would be considered a "feed desert."

    I've read several articles on this and South L.A. is the most commonly cited area that I've seen. Apparently we can't expect our urban poor to get on a 15-20 minute bus to Aldi, a Food4Less or one of the multiple Target Grocery stores to get their kids good stuff. We also can't expect them to go to one of the large number of food pantries which provide fresh produce or sign up for one of the food pantry delivery services (yes this is a thing in S. L.A.). We also can't expect them to be able to cook their own food.

    So instead the most we can expect from a single mother hood rat is for her to walk across the street and use her EBT card at McDonalds for herself and her kids. Btw one of the worst things that even happened for these kids IMO is allowing EBT cards to be used at fast food joints. Just sayin.

    Just ridiculous.
  • drewcareypnw
    2 years ago
    Rick, you might not like the term food desert, but it exists, and it means something to lots of people, including the usda.

    There is lots to read on it, if you care to.…

    But this thread isn't about poor people who will or won't walk a Rick-approved distance to get food. Its about a guy who thinks nothing of dropping $1000 on air dances one day and stealing organic groceries to "stick it to the man" the next. Which is lame by any definition.

    Btw, Food deserts are not limited to urban areas:….

  • rickdugan
    2 years ago
    ===> "Rick, you might not like the term food desert, but it exists, and it means something to lots of people, including the usda."

    Yes and the definition is ridiculous. No wonder illegal immigrants make fun of our home grown poor, who they generally consider to be lazy and useless.
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    2 years ago
    Rick is the new sjg. He has the same grasp of reality and pays to fuck hookers he pretends aren't hookers. He also has a huge real life firewall. Sams the retarded commandos though.

    Anyways. I've noticed a lot less customers at stores and shelves going empty.
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    2 years ago
    Drew dropping 1k on air dances helps a pretty girl with a shitty job.
  • rickmacrodong
    2 years ago
    Pretty shouldn’t be a factor when you’re looking to donate money.

    Wrt people in inner cities suffering, a lot of these people are like icee, they’d rob you, rape you and beat you any chance theyd get. Wear a nice watch or drive a nice car in front of them and theyll salivate at the thought of robbing you. Talk a little trash to them and they’ll shoot you, cause they’ve often got nothing to lose.

    Wrt other people stealing in self checkout, im rarely if ever paying attention to what other customers are doing. It would require focusing on them and noting what they’re scanning or not scanning- would be hard to do unless you’re in line watching them. While it’s always good to try to reduce thievery, its not my responsibility to watch the self checkout lanes in a store- the store should have cameras and people dedicated to this. Additionally if the thief catches you snitching on them, they may just attack you or rob you once you leave the store. So you’re looking at potential hassle for protecting property that isn’t your own.

    There are situations that could justify stealing groceries- but they wouldn’t justify stealing high quality organic or other high end groceries.
  • rickmacrodong
    2 years ago
    W.r.t. McDonalds and fast food joints- a lot of that stuff will likely be better than the cheap frozen stuff at a grocery store. If the option is fried chicken or fries or burger patties from a grocery store- vs a fast food joint, wouldnt the fast food place be fresher and maybe have less preservatives/less processing. Still not ideal. Although the fast food places are cheap for restaurants- they’re still pricier than cooking your own food or even using premade frozen items. For instance a pound of cheap meat, pack of buns etc will run cheaper than getting food from McDonalds.
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