Strip Club Predictions for 2023?

avatar for NJBalla

Here's mine with an understanding that the 2023 economy will be rocky until late fall.

1.) Many sugarbabies will return to clubbing as thier whales can't afford routine meetups
2.) Mileage will increase in the LD room if you are loyal
3.) Dancers will be very territorial as regulars make cut back on visits.
4.) COVID sticky fees (e.g. door charges) may dissapear
5.) OTC will be more accessible, if you know how to ask for it


last comment
avatar for NJBalla
2 years ago
Oh and SJE and BTE true identities are finally leaked as none other than Elon Musk
avatar for wallanon
2 years ago
1.) Many sugarbabies will return to clubbing as thier whales can't afford routine meetups

If this is the case then they weren't really whales.

2.) Mileage will increase in the LD room if you are loyal

I'm always up for better experiences. My home club is gone now (thanks COVID) and my second home was on the rocks since the pandemic closures. So if that club gets its legs back under it then g2g.

3.) Dancers will be very territorial as regulars make cut back on visits.

Dude. I hope that shit doesn't get ANY worse. There's already one club I can't shop in anymore because my ATF (sexy as she is) can't seem to quit the biz and is the queeniest of queen bees.

4.) COVID sticky fees (e.g. door charges) may dissapear

I'm gonna have to disagree with you there.

5.) OTC will be more accessible, if you know how to ask for it

You club in Jersey, right? I wish I could find more reasons to go there. This clubs were legit. But it's like Detroit, just don't have enough any business excuses to get there lol. Where I'm at OTC is pretty accessible. I'm just getting picky.
avatar for Warrior15
2 years ago
I'm all for all of those things. Well, in your first post anyway. But Elon Musk and BTE ??? Uhhhhhhhh......... maybe not.
avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
2 years ago
I predict that I'll keep going to strip clubs.
avatar for twentyfive
2 years ago
I predict that if you've seen one titty you want to see them all
avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
2 years ago
^ Let's say *most* titties, rather than all.
avatar for Tetradon
2 years ago
We'll see a greater schism between low-end places, particularly extras factories, that service the working class and therefore can't raise prices, and higher-end clubs that can and will. The latter will see a GPS epidemic.
avatar for Cashman1234
2 years ago
Tetradon - it’s rare that there is an opportunity on this site to use the word schism.

My 2023 prediction is that I will spend more time in those low-end extras factories - enjoying the low priced pussy.
avatar for rickmacrodong
2 years ago
The cover charges were something that started witj covid? Im not sure, some clubs had entry fees back in 2018
avatar for Cashman1234
2 years ago
BTE you are either an idiot or you have horrible reading comprehension skills - or both.
avatar for Electronman
2 years ago
I predict that naked women will not go out of style.
avatar for mark94
2 years ago
Customers will continue to go to strip clubs but their dollars-per-visit will drop. Dancers will rely even more on the high spending regulars who remain. VIP mileage will increase for those with money. There will be more competition and conflict between dancers trying to get their share of income.
avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
2 years ago
Cashman said "it’s rare that there is an opportunity on this site to use the word schism."

But a particular word that rhymes with 'schism'?... far more common here.
avatar for skibum609
2 years ago
My prediction? I will stop going for good before the weather gets warm.
avatar for Manuellabore
2 years ago
I predict that I will vow to quit visiting SCs as a New Year's resolution and will make the same vow for Lent
avatar for shadowcat
2 years ago
More club will close rather than new ones open.
avatar for booty_lover92
2 years ago
I’ll finally get to partake in OTC. One of the few things left in SC that u haven’t done. After this experience won’t be much more to fulfill.
avatar for rickmacrodong
2 years ago
Cash im sorry
OP mentioned covid sticky fees...
avatar for Mate27
2 years ago
Is there some sort of system I can read up on that helps me leverage my cash to get what I want during the upcoming economic downturn?
avatar for gammanu95
2 years ago
Ishmael is wrong. As Ron White said, "IF you've seen one woman naked... you want to see the rest of them. It could be some eighty year old biker momma asking 'Ya wanna see my titties?'" A tight-lipped Ron White slowly nods his head and says "Yeah I do." She opens up her shirt and her tits fall to the floor. Ron White says "That's enough you can put them away now." The woman rolls her breasts up like blunts and even licks them at the end to hold them in place like a paper.

Damn, I wish there were a clip of that.
avatar for drewcareypnw
2 years ago
I like this thread. I predict I will blow a chunk of my bonus on gropey handjobs from women who wouldn’t normally give me the time of day. Life is such a beautiful thing. 🥲
avatar for mark94
2 years ago
“Is there some sort of system….”

I’ve ridden through both recessions and inflation over the decades. I’m convinced the best system is to stay in a diverse group of stocks and wait for the uptick.

The only way for a system to work is if you can predict when the market will hit bottom. I sure as hell can’t.
avatar for mark94
2 years ago
A surprising portion of historical gains in the market take place in the days or weeks after the market bottoms. If you miss out on that 10%-20% after every correction, it really adds up. If you miss that run up 10 times in a lifetime, you can halve your retirement account.

That’s why market timers tend to underperform the buy and hold crowd.
avatar for tin man
tin man
2 years ago
Inflation on the size of titties.
avatar for whodey
2 years ago
1.) Many sugarbabies will return to clubbing as thier whales can't afford routine meetups
I hope so, but I don't know how long they will last. Many of these girls aren't cut out for continued employment even with strip clubs being less regimented than traditional jobs. I expect that while some will dance short term they will only stick around long enough to have time to build enough of an online following on OnlyFans, Instagram or whatever other site to make it profitable enough. If you find a new girl you like make sure to get a way to stay in touch with her after she leaves to be able to continue an otc relationship.

2.) Mileage will increase in the LD room if you are loyal
How is that any different than now? Most girls will already give better mileage to those that consistently give them money.

3.) Dancers will be very territorial as regulars make cut back on visits.
Again that isn't so much a prediction as it is a reality in most strip clubs, especially the smaller less crowded types I tend to visit.

4.) COVID sticky fees (e.g. door charges) may dissapear
Completely disagree with this. Most of these fees were put in place by clubs to try to squeeze every last dollar out of a decreasing number of customers during covid. As the economy goes downhill and fewer people go to clubs or at least spend less than before the clubs will be more desperate for money. I see these fees increasing instead of going away unfortunately.

5.) OTC will be more accessible, if you know how to ask for it
Hopefully this is true. OTC is just starting to get back up to precovid levels of availability in my experiences. I just hope the prices can somehow get back to at least close to precovid levels, but I highly doubt it will.

A few of my own predictions.

Many struggling clubs will close and the trend of club consolidation will continue.

Many long time customers will take the deteriorating economy as a reason to stop clubbing or to at least cut back or take a break for a while.

Police departments will be too overwhelmed with increases in other forms of crime to worry as much about extras in clubs.

A combination of less police activity, fewer customers spending less money, clubs desperate for money not wanting to micromanage vip rooms and girls needing money will lead to more extras in the club.

Clubs will become less and less crowded each month which will benefit clubs/customers/dancers who prefer the slower more intimate type of clubs and be detrimental to the party type of clubs/customers/dancers.

Mid-teir lapdance factories will struggle the most since they rely mostly on a large number of men with just enough disposable income to buy a few dances every so often.
avatar for groundball
2 years ago
very reasonable @NJBalla. Particularly "3.) Dancers will be very territorial as regulars make cut back on visits." I have seen a little bit of this starting up already
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
2 years ago

My predictions are for vegas and southern california

Clubs will price gouge more. This includes higher house fees and cover charges drink prices etc.

Promoters will blur the line between Clubs and strip clubs more. Weekly parties and invite only events etc will be the Clubs main money makers.

There will be an influx of new girls by spring and turnover rates are going to be really high.

The concept of a home club will get a lot weaker. Girls will follow event nights and promoters more than they will Clubs.

Gentlemens Clubs will disappear more. The urban model is going to get more popular Ueno floor dances emphasis on bottle service and sections.

After hours events and guest musical hosts will be a bigger draw than stripper hoes.

Dive Clubs will get worse quality wise and will be brothels.

avatar for Muddy
2 years ago
I see a lot of closures in '23.
avatar for blahblahblah23
2 years ago
I agree mostly with what 2Icee said, and that applies to more than Vegas and SoCal imo. The only part I disagree with is the dive clubs will be brothels. I mean yeah, to some extent, but I've had an easier time sometimes at divier clubs than "gentleman's" clubs with not being touched because the men who go to dives usually do not have some sort of weird entitlement god-complex issues like those at the "gentleman's" clubs often do. A lot of well to do men that really are gentlemen and not entitled at all/very sweet spend their money more online for cam and similar is what I've found.
avatar for skibum609
2 years ago
As if Vegas and So Cal were representative of America and Americans.
avatar for blahblahblah23
2 years ago
^ Ski, I think they make a good point in saying that there will be more price gouging from the clubs- to both the customers dancers. I've definitely been seeing midtiers and "white" gentlemen's clubs either disappearing or declining greatly. I only disagreed with them about the dive comment. I find that just as many "gentleman's clubs" or "upscale" literally are nothing but a brothel.
avatar for JamesSD
2 years ago
I think 2023 will be brutal on mediocre clubs continuing long term trends.

Clubs will try to gouge customers and dancers to make their money. With girls making less money per shift and paying more in stage fees it might get ugly. Mileage likely will increase; it feels like we are still in a Covid world when it comes to vice activities. This may hurt the clean girls and leave the dirty girls.

I went in last week and the vibe was weird. I got approached a lot, like every time a girl got up another came and sat down. But the hustles were pretty weak overall except dirty promises from one less attractive girl.

I expect to see a lot of new girls try and hate stripping but hopefully a few gems stick.
avatar for docsavage
2 years ago
My father said when he was a child during the Great Depression people who worked producing luxury goods lost their jobs while people who produced necessities mostly kept their jobs. Strip clubs are a luxury, so many strippers won't make enough money and will move over to jobs providing what people will really need. You might see your stripper ex-regular working as a cashier at Walmart. Many strip clubs will go under or convert to providing cheap entertainment. When times are bad people will drink more so alcohol sales may hold up. Guys may be more willing to drink at a place with female company so women might still be hired. In the depths of the Great Depression guys would go to dance halls and buy inexpensive dances so they could talk to and touch a girl.
avatar for 623
2 years ago
All this is assuming there really is some kind of recession but I don’t believe that will happen. Slight downturn yes, recession no. The only people predicting recession are those that will benefit the most from it.
Part of my business is luxury services booked out as much as a year ahead and bookings are still pretty strong, so I don’t see crashing at all.
avatar for mark94
2 years ago
Only when the tide goes out, do you see who has been swimming naked.

Recessions reveal businesses with poor business models or bad management. The weak clubs will close.
avatar for skibum609
2 years ago
Blah I agree. In college a brother was explaining to a pledge the difference between a formal dance and after hours cocktails on a weekend. He said: "At the formal I drink too much and throw up on my suit, not my jeans". Strip clubs are the same. The dive club is just more honest.
avatar for blahblahblah23
2 years ago
^ Thank you.

Yeah, my experience has been there is just as much naughty stuff at upscale vs dive clubs, except that at the upscales a lot of the girls have a rotten attitude and think their sht doesn't stink. The outwardly nice (to other girls) at upscales are always the absolute most beautiful ones ime which are few and far in between. I also agree that dives are more honest. At upscales you will have girls doing the same extras, but pretending to be better than everyone else and sometimes even doing the holier than art thou when they're literally the biggest whore there 😂 I just do not have the patience for a lot of aspects/drama. Towards the end I liked dives more because I could whatever I wanted within reason like bundling up in a blanket out on the floor when I'm not on stage cuz I'm cold lmfao. I also have found that a lot of guys who go to dives are just nicer. I think most of the moneyed nice guys don't even visit "upscale" clubs all that much as they used to. Now you gotta deal with a lot of stuck up jerks, just like the bitches that work at the upscales.
avatar for nicespice
2 years ago
I suspect mileage/extras availability will stagnate nationwide, if it hasn’t already. Anybody will be able to find that stuff if looking of course, but I don’t anticipate every club turning into the former Follies.

I do suspect more clubs are going to want social media presence before even auditioning at their clubs, and that trend will continue. And I also think the employee model might get more common. I hope I’m wrong though 😞
avatar for nicespice
2 years ago
Btw, my prediction about stagnating mileage is what it is because it just seems like young man loneliness is at an all time high. When I first started in 2016, I did not want to deal with customers younger than 35 years old and 45 and up were preferable. I hated having to talk extra sensitively to them lest I trigger a “I can get laid anytime I want!” out of them and a lot of them were more obnoxious. But somewhere over the years I’ve noticed an uptick in changed behavior now and a lot more younger guys spend more easily than back then—including the Gen Z guys who at this point are younger than I am. And that demographic are less likely to be mileage hounds. Especially at first. And a few of them have even come to see me more than once, tho admittedly I’m more wary of trying to keep them around as a regular like I would a way older customer. I’m not complaining but I don’t get it. I guess trying to meet people really is tougher than it used to be, so some default over to the club…? Idk And it’s not finances because as we all know wealth hoarding and blah blah blah blah.

It’s the middle aged and up customer who has to worry more about which way the value of their assets of swinging and they get more wary and rude about things. And definitely pickier over the dancer they like. Young guys are used to being screwed over more, and more used to their income being from labor (whether mental or physical, I just mean actually working in general), that I think will make them less fearful of spending if they want to. Regardless of whether it’s a rational or irrational fear.

Clubs seems to be more about companionship and less with ego. But that could also just be a me thing because I tend to drop the ball with the extra high ego personalities more even when I consciously know I probably shouldn’t. I get annoyed too easily sometimes lol
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
2 years ago
What I've seen with dive clubs is management being a lot more lax and more apt to get a cut of prostitution on the premises. With corporate clubs they're more afraid of being caught.

Instead of dive. I guess I should have said independently owned clubs becoming a lot more lax.
avatar for ilbbaicnl
2 years ago
If there's looser boundaries because of a bad economy, that'll be with dancers who are drunk or otherwise numbed up. I'll pass on that.

Dobbs will mean more unplanned motherhood. That leads to more women needing more money and being sour on men, a good recipe for newb strippers.

I only click with 5 - 10% of strippers, and strippers find me weird as PLs go, so general trends are probably not that relevant to me.

As nicespice's second paragraph indicates, the random stupidity of strip clubs makes the future unpredictable. Seems like you hear about clubs closing much more often than opening. So, little hope we'll get any real competitive pressure to be unstupid.
avatar for blahblahblah23
2 years ago
Heh one of my favorite dives ever was this place owned by a Korean woman. All the dances are done in the corner but it's all one room and anyone can see so zero privates. But she was straight up about collecting money for otc and she was a bit of a pimp if you were into it. She didn't force any girl to do anything though. I loved her lmao, she was cool af.
avatar for blahblahblah23
2 years ago
Idk towards the end most of my money was from either nonwhite or foreign or foreign ish whites. Like I'd get some barely any English Asian to give me money for being pleasant and trying to communicate with him etc. I've literally had an old white American guy leave right after he saw me speaking Spanish to a customer. *sigh* no love lmao
avatar for ilbbaicnl
2 years ago
@nice wha do you think boomers are all living off inheritances?

I don't deny it that we boomers are typically more nasty and selfish. It's no accident the crime rate declined as boomers turned 40 and aged out of the prime years for crime.

Women were known to claim they just wanted a nice, financially stable guy. So young, nice, financially stable guys felt a lot of shame about lack of dating success. But people are more realistic now that everybody's pretty shallow, regardless of gender.
avatar for mjx01
2 years ago
"Mileage will increase in the LD room if you are loyal" FWIW I think this has always been true. My ATF/CF routine was infinity better than currently being a free agent. The more comfortable a dancer is with you, the all around better. At least where I primarily club, you are close to invisible if you aren't a regular.
avatar for bang69
2 years ago
Extras will return to the Trophy club in Greenville SC. And extras will be available at Lust in Greenville SC.
avatar for gSteph
2 years ago
I'll go a few times, feel some boobies, and enjoy that. 🙂
avatar for dha
2 years ago
South Florida will continue to be the best destination.
avatar for BubbleYum
2 years ago
I predict it will become increasingly more difficult to make a fraction of what I was a year ago due to economic strife. I predict more girls flocking to stripping thinking it's quick and *easy* money without realizing they actually have to talk to customers and not just go on stage. I predict club tip outs and house fees rising all over by a smidge to cover increasing taxes and other inflation related shit. I also predict (and hope) this will be my last year because it's becoming increasingly more and more difficult to sustain a living on my own without help for my bills and rent as more girls are hired and foot traffic continues to decline.

avatar for rickdugan
2 years ago
Idk. I'm not sure that there is one universal set of conditions that will develop. I think it depends a lot on where a club is located. IMO it's as much about demographics as it is economics.

IMO there will be more closures with clubs that are already on life support. When COVID hit, the migration of affluent people out of less welcoming areas intensified, hurting a lot of clubs. An economic downturn would likely be the straw that breaks the camel's back for some of them. There could also be a bit more economic desperation among the remaining girls, ala 08-09.

OTOH clubs in areas that are experiencing mass migration inflows are probably going to be less impacted. A downturn always hurts, but I think that demographic shifts will help blunt the impacts. Indeed it has already been muting the impact of inflation on our local clubs - they are still very busy on Th-Sa.

But we shall see. We can speculate all we want, but a lot of it will depend on just how bad any economic downturn becomes.

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