Was clubbing the other night and was intrigued by this medium build curvy girl with glasses and a killer body. I proceeded to tip her well on stage . Following her dances she walked over with one of the sexiest walks I have ever seen. She made small chatter before offering a private dance for $50 lol She must think im a fool the lap dances here in Platinum West are already high at $40. Do they really think we’re that desperate?
Well, by your description, she's pretty hot. The question is... Are there other guys paying that much? If nobody is paying her $50, then it's overpriced. If she's got enough guys saying "Fuck it. I'll pay the extra $10." to make her happy, then she's charging the right price.
"Do they really think we’re that desperate?"
No. She's just testing to see if enough of us are that desperate.
A lot of dancers here in Indiana try to offer two tier lap dances with a higher priced lap dance where breast and hip touching is allowed. I always turn those down and look for the girl who allows touching on the regular price lap dance. I turned down a $50 lap dance with touching allowed recently but ended up struggling to stand up because the girl wouldn't get off my lap. When she realized that I was trying to get away from her she caved in and said I could touch her during a regular lap dance.
That's too much. I'm used to prices being listed in the club. I won't pay more than those. If I choose to tip I do it because i want to not because I'm asked.
Remember, we dancers usually have to turn around and pay the club $10 for every dance we do. So most of I understand that it's very insulting to have a dancer tell you a higher price than you know it to be. Kn the future I'd suggest saying " I know the club price for a dance is $40. Since you charge $10 extra, what do you offer or do in your dance to make it worth the additional fee?"She might surprise you with her answer, or she might just be greedy. Worth asking to decide for yourself!
I don't pay more than the club price - IME more often than not dancers that overcharge tend to also under-deliver (give subpar dances) - $40 is already too-expensive for what is often a 3-or-so-minute dance - at $40/dance I become extremely-picky w.r.t. who I may get a dance from if I get any at all.
It'd be interesting to know the house-fees these dancers pay the club (other than the $5/dance club-fee) that would justify those high-dance-prices.
BTE, once I was there for almost 3 hrs drinking with a girl on a busy Friday night. Then I got call from my work for an emergency, then I got to leave without taking any dances. While walking out I tipped the girl around 160. I did not want to disappoint her on a busy night. Sometimes, I tip for just being nice, lap dance is next.
Yes. Good talk. Plus there may be dudes who readily pay that and ruin it for everyone.
Last time I had a gal upcharge me I asked her to get off my lap (because she told me after the dance has start). Then she changed her mind once I agreed to multiple dances. After two songs I sent her on her way. The dances were so-so, and she was probably one of those that did a little more each song. But I was in the raunchiest club in town, and it was a lap dance not a fucking up close burlesque show, so that wasn't going to fly lol.
$50 for a dance is ridiculous. I paid that 1 time in Scarlett’s (ESL). That was the club price. Private dance in a closed door room with a comfy couch. Other than that, $30 or $40 is the most I’ve paid. Seattle prices are pretty much $30. But for a dancer that just makes up her own prices, I normally just quickly give her the opportunity to seek other partakers.
I mean I agree with u guys that when a girl tries to sell her shit for higher, she needs to be ready to explain how she brings more value than her competition. Like that is totally obvious. When these girls just charge more to charge more, and can't show value, it is fucking stupid. It also seems to often enough be the case that you can get tipped for dances w/o begging for tips. Now, I understand hustling, but at some point it is just too ridiculous lol.
Or, just say "Yes." if you can and want to afford it.
I talked to a guy at Desire who said he was rolling in enough money to overpay dancers, have his fun, and not bother with haggling. So, I asked if he ever thought about ruining the price point for all the other guys in the club. He looked me right in the eye and said "I don't give a shit about you."
I don't pay more than club rates. If a girl goes above club norms, or is much hotter, or both, I tip accordingly.
Like Papi said though, the overwhelming majority girls charging above the club rate under deliver. I take charging above normal rate as a request to commit to a tip before receiving the service. That's not how tips work as far as I'm concerned. I'm happy to decline their offers and move along, we're not a good match for each other. If she can find a customer who is willing to pay, she can go ahead and do that, good for her. I don't really fuss with them about it or ask "what makes your dances worth more" or shit like that, I just decline and move on. Not saying there can't/won't ever be an exception, but it'll be rare as fuck.
This is the market working it's magic in real time! You just met "excess supply". N more conversations over T time will result in someone saying yes, and somewhere in the universe a demand curve will move a little up and to the right.
If you were selling something, wouldn't you try to get the best price you could? The OP indicates this dancer is of above average attractiveness.
What I hate is, when I go to a club where 2-way contact is the norm, I get a dance, and then she says I have to start tipping, and when I've tipped enough, maybe I can touch her.
I haven't been to Platinum West in Columbia SC in over a year, but I recall that the dancers owe the club $5/dance, but otherwise charge whatever they want. Most dancers charge the same amount, but it's not a defined club rate. When a club has a standard rate, it's usually posted all over the place.
^hahahahaha. yall woulda hated me. I'd be in 2 way touch clubs and sell dances like "i'm the naughtiest girl in here, i'm a complete hoe 😘 " then be like "u can't touch me" or "i'm afraid to get in trouble" or "i've been fired here before for being too naughty so i have to be careful now" lmfaooo
Ok if some1 didn't wanna pay upfront, I either didn't want them as a customer period and to fuck the hell off... or I at least needed them to show me their physical stack of cash to show they are able to pay. Also if someone starts dancing for you and you stop at like 30 sec or 1 min in then not pay that is just beyond fucked up lol and cheap behavior. I feel like u should be able to afford to lose a $20-$40 on a test drive and u don't like it don't buy multiples. I often ended up getting whoremongers and dudes used to high mileage buying multiples anyway because they just liked me too much to let me go.
I've had it before where dudes scammed me. I've also had it before where I literally had to go somewhat gangster on them to get me money with a lot of effort. I don't play.
I wouldn't hate a dancer doing less than the norm. I'd not buy any more than one dance though. I do consider that first dance bought as soon as we make our way over the dance area though, unless the dancer is literally trying to pickpocket me or something I'm gonna pay her no matter how bad the dance is, even if I waive it off 10 seconds in. I won't tip for those shitty dances, but I'm not gonna e-mail the manager asking for a refund for fucks sake.
I don't pre-pay for for dances, mostly because I want to do that "test-drive" kinda thing and don't know how many dances I'm gonna want. When girls have asked for the money up front, I've declined. It's another situation where we're not right for each other and there's probably no point in negotiating "proof of funds" or some other compromise. I'm not gonna open a god damn escrow account to get a lap dance. We can both just move on and find someone more to our respective liking.
I would find it annoying if a dancer promised [X] and didn't deliver, but I never explicitly ask a dancer to agree to [X] to begin with, so that's not a situation I find myself in. I would have said thanks/but no thanks the second she said she was the naughtiest dancer in the club too, so again not a situation I've found myself in.
Yea I’m not paying up front. In my mind you think I’m a cheapskate and won’t pay you for dance. Which is ridiculous because if I don’t pay I will immediately get thrown out of club and probably banned. It’s a higher risk for me not to pay.
Idk, I think u guys must not be typical club customers. I don't have issues getting dudes to pay upfront, and I rarely ever lost a done deal at the end cuz I asked for the money upfront.
You are right about that. We are not typical customers. Most guys hit a club once in a great while and have no info going in. The PLs on tuscl are probably a bit obsessive, probably sex addicted too. We spend a lot more over time than the typical guy ever will. I’m fine being in those groups. Normal people don’t put this much effort into strip clubbing, I think.
Drew do you not go to clubs where paying up front is required? Some dancers still get the value of providing good service even with payments up front, because they know good service is needed for repeat customers... basic business sense
I was gonna say I haven't had much issues making a good amt of my whole shift's money all off 1 or 2 dudes that really liked me and had zero problem paying me upfront.
I also forgot to say that just about every club requires private room timed sessions to be paid upfront. Where do yall go that u don't pay upfront for 15 30 60 min ? I also find that there's a ton of clubs whose official policy is that even basic cheap single dances are paid up front. Would u just leave clubs with these policies?
Dolfan where did you get the emailing manager idea?
Drew is it risky for clubs if their dancers are publicly bragging about scamming customers or if their dancers are threatening customers or pouring champagne on offensive customers?
Icee, there’s numerous posters here who have said they don’t pay up front, yet they still pay. Do you think they’re all lying Absurd to say not wanting to pay upfront always equals a scammer
I have never paid up front and I have never tried to not pay in thousands of dances over more than 3 decades.
I consider a dancer who insists on pre pay to be stupid business wise or maybe a ROB. Why else would she demand that? Plus it likely seriously reduces the event when one intended dance ends up being 12 or 20 (a common problem I have, my bad). OTOH I would likely not be caught dead in a place so pompous they thought $50 hands off dances were standard.
Like Mark Twain said (or was P T Barnum?) “A fool and his money …..”
Controlling yourself is saying no to being ripped off even when there is a hot piece of ass in front of you. It's hard but I have learned to practice restraint lol
Here in Indy at my regular club LD have gone up to 25 from 20 pre-covid. I can almost accept that price increase but they stated that techically girls can charge what they want and some try and charge 30 and 40. I refuse anything over 25 ever. To me after all of these years it just aint worth it.
The two clubs in Indy that let girls set their own prices, PT'S and Dancers, seem to have declining stripper quality. More guys will come into a club with set prices and crowded clubs attract better girls. I was at the Pony tonight in Indy and got two lap dances from my pretty little Mexican girl regular. I told her the previous Friday night a dancer tried to sell me a $50 lap dance at PT's and she couldn't believe it. Her lap dances were $25 each plus I got a hug when I left plus she wanted my phone number so she could call me. A lot of times the higher priced lap dance just comes with a bigger ego and less friendliness.
I get one dance, and if it's disappointing, that's all I get, no big deal. That's why I prefer clubs I've already been to frequently, infrequent waste of $.
Every company I've ever worked for, they brag about how great they are, but keep it vague enough so they can't be accused of (or sued for) straight-up lying. So I kinda expect the same from strippers, or anyone who's trying to sell me something. Wouldn't happen in a perfect world, but best to not get overly torqued about having to deal with the real world.
last comment"Do they really think we’re that desperate?"
No. She's just testing to see if enough of us are that desperate.
I'm too used to $20 dances...
I guess being the only club around helps. But it can't be enjoyable for customers
It'd be interesting to know the house-fees these dancers pay the club (other than the $5/dance club-fee) that would justify those high-dance-prices.
Yes. Good talk. Plus there may be dudes who readily pay that and ruin it for everyone.
Last time I had a gal upcharge me I asked her to get off my lap (because she told me after the dance has start). Then she changed her mind once I agreed to multiple dances. After two songs I sent her on her way. The dances were so-so, and she was probably one of those that did a little more each song. But I was in the raunchiest club in town, and it was a lap dance not a fucking up close burlesque show, so that wasn't going to fly lol.
But even in that scenario when you add up gas. Cover. Drinks. And then $50 for a basic Lap dance. I wouldn't do it.
I talked to a guy at Desire who said he was rolling in enough money to overpay dancers, have his fun, and not bother with haggling. So, I asked if he ever thought about ruining the price point for all the other guys in the club. He looked me right in the eye and said "I don't give a shit about you."
And, you know, I admired his blunt honesty.
Like Papi said though, the overwhelming majority girls charging above the club rate under deliver. I take charging above normal rate as a request to commit to a tip before receiving the service. That's not how tips work as far as I'm concerned. I'm happy to decline their offers and move along, we're not a good match for each other. If she can find a customer who is willing to pay, she can go ahead and do that, good for her. I don't really fuss with them about it or ask "what makes your dances worth more" or shit like that, I just decline and move on. Not saying there can't/won't ever be an exception, but it'll be rare as fuck.
What I hate is, when I go to a club where 2-way contact is the norm, I get a dance, and then she says I have to start tipping, and when I've tipped enough, maybe I can touch her.
It's experiences like that which cause customers to not pay up front.
I don't pre-pay for for dances, mostly because I want to do that "test-drive" kinda thing and don't know how many dances I'm gonna want. When girls have asked for the money up front, I've declined. It's another situation where we're not right for each other and there's probably no point in negotiating "proof of funds" or some other compromise. I'm not gonna open a god damn escrow account to get a lap dance. We can both just move on and find someone more to our respective liking.
I would find it annoying if a dancer promised [X] and didn't deliver, but I never explicitly ask a dancer to agree to [X] to begin with, so that's not a situation I find myself in. I would have said thanks/but no thanks the second she said she was the naughtiest dancer in the club too, so again not a situation I've found myself in.
Some dancers still get the value of providing good service even with payments up front, because they know good service is needed for repeat customers... basic business sense
Drew is it risky for clubs if their dancers are publicly bragging about scamming customers or if their dancers are threatening customers or pouring champagne on offensive customers?
A lot of places I go the club collects the room charge up front and the rest is settled afterward.
The only reason a guy would refuse to pay up front is if he plans on not paying her. That's fucked up.
Absurd to say not wanting to pay upfront always equals a scammer
I consider a dancer who insists on pre pay to be stupid business wise or maybe a ROB. Why else would she demand that? Plus it likely seriously reduces the event when one intended dance ends up being 12 or 20 (a common problem I have, my bad). OTOH I would likely not be caught dead in a place so pompous they thought $50 hands off dances were standard.
Like Mark Twain said (or was P T Barnum?) “A fool and his money …..”