ahem we live in a gender fluid time where freedom of expression is ok. What if on monday I wanna self identify as a chick and tuesday I want to be a dude? :))))
“Remember nigga is not the N word ni**er, that is a racist word used to refer to/mean “black slave”.
Can you explain to me why The University of Florida revoked their scholarship offer this week to a Caucasian high school quarterback for filming himself rapping to a song on the car radio that contained a lyric using the word “nigga”
Doubt it would have happened to a black kid. Kind of debunks your white privilege theory you constantly Raul about.
Personally I have no problem with the Gators pulling his ride. I wouldn’t want a QB on my team who doesn’t have the sense to listen to 70’s heavy metal
just do yourself all a favor and don't say, mumble or sing the word, whether it ends in gga or ger. just creating yourself a drama that you will find yourself literally trying to survive a violent or even fatal outcome.
hell even white chris rock had to deal with the repercussions:
lmao yes they were Bharlem. I don't remember what, but they called me that a few times. I was drinking and talking shit as usual. I don't remember what stupid shit I was saying because I say a lot of stupid shit every single day sober or not :)
"University of Florida revoked their scholarship offer this week to a Caucasian high school quarterback for filming himself rapping to a song on the car radio that contained a lyric using the word “nigga”
Might seem harmless but this clip will get replayed thousands of times while he was on-campus and he'd be catching flack for it every damn day.
It's unfair but the ramifications are real. White people just can't use the word "nigga" in public. It's a golden rule.
The UNDENIABLE REALITY is that White Privilege exists in the USA in many shapes and forms.
American culture has taught whites to believe they represent the intellectual and cultural vanguard, to conclude that racial inequalities cannot be traced to their past or present behavior and to view their dominant status — their privilege — as natural and yet invisible.
The University of Florida's Racist Legacy Runs Deep and they are trying to be “politically correct” and avoid bad publicity even at the expense of a white student.
The young QB himself is trying to save face in twitter and wrote.
“I was in my car listening to rap music, rapping along to the words and posted a video of it on social media,” he wrote. “I deeply apologize for the words in the song that I chose to say. It was hurtful and offensive to many people, and I regret that.”
“I fully accept the consequences for my actions, and I respect the University of Florida’s decision to withdraw my scholarship offer to play football,” he continued. “My intention was never to hurt anybody and I recognize that even when going along with a song, my words still carry a lot of weight. I will strive to be better and to become the best version of myself on and off the field.”
"young QB himself is trying to save face in twitter"
That is a fine young man who will do well in life.
It's blatant racists like Ski-Fagg and Tetra-Fagg who thinks this kid should not apologize and go around saying "nigga" to every black person they meet because of Eurocentrist white-privilege attitudes.
Cj kent the N word doesn’t mean black slave, it was derived from nigeria and niger, two countries where slaves were often imported from. Its the equivalent of how british people were referred to as brits and how any other country people were referred to by their country. You can see videos of people like FDR using the N word openly in speeches, not to be racist but just because it was standard language back then to refer to someone from nigeria.
It was around the 1950s or so that someone decided all aspects of behavior and mannerisms from that time period should be done away with, so decided that the n word is unacceptable.
And even today there is debate over whether colored people is racist or black is racist. In 50 years from now you might hear about how these were very racist times with cops going around killing innocent black people. So someone may decide in a decade or a few that black or colored is racist and has to be done away with, and that African is the only correct term. Then it’ll be a repeat of current times where someone could potentially be killed or have their house burned down for using terms like black or colored.
Montrez harrell got in no trouble for referring to luka doncic as a bitch ass white boy.
JR Smith beat up a protestor for breaking his car window, got away with it legally, and also referred to the guy he beat as a motherfucking white boy, with no reprimand from the nba.
Had a white nba player beaten a black protester, he would have lost his million dollar job from the nba and had his house burned and looted by blm.
Its clear that at least in the nba, and in mainstream media, white privilege doesn’t exist. The fact they refuse to even use terms like black privilege, black supremacy, and the fact they refuse to condemn violence if done by a black person tells you everything you need to know about many media sources and the nba. Right now you can literally be black, burn down buildings, steal and be hailed a hero, but be considered a terrorist just for saying the N word as a white person.
Used to be a white dancer here who used that word all the time, along with the rest of her deep ghetto speech and mannerisms. I usually don't have an opinion one way or another one about what most people call "ghetto" speech, but she took it to extremes, like she was deliberately trying too hard.
I think its just a common word that lost its meaning.
Nigga was never the same as nigger. Nigga used to mean someone who was more than a friend. Like a brother and confidante. Now it's like dude.
It's not about race. I get called nigga by black people. I call them nigga.
Girls will call you their nigga.
I like the original meaning and positive connotation. Bur it's just cheapened.
And people who use it tobrace bait are ignorant. And on the other hand it's black people trying to do a power move and act like they're pretend activists.
Icee I thought you said you’re black? What race are you?
Nigga was literally the slang version of nigger, it was literally used in the slave days by black people to refer to each other... it’s literally like gangster vs gangsta and numerous other similar words
@Thick: "Frequent use of profanity and racial slurs is a sign of low IQ and lack of education."
Only because you decided to include the "racial slurs" part. Several studies have shown that people who curse a lot average more intelligent than those who curse less, or not at all.
Racial slurs are NOT profanity. They are in a subhuman class by themselves.
I have seen people of every race use it. Its hilarious seeing people with thick indian accents calling each other nigga.
IMO if youre using it with someone the same race as you its not an issue, its only unacceptable if a non black person says it to a black person, or a black person says it to a non black person. Ive seen indian guys, white guys etc use it to refer to each other. Its interchangeable with dude, bro, man, and is common nowadays cause of all the celebrities and musicians using it
I get called "my nigga" more frequently than I ever expected. To describe the context would be too specific and make me identifiable. Suffice to say that sometimes it is in jest, sometimes in affection, and always by black individuals.
It’s part of the culture whether someone agrees or disagrees on AA’s should use the term for me is not up for debate
I would say it’s similar to me a woman being in sex work. I use my body because “it’s mine to use” even though because I do some may seem me less worthy of respect.
There was this big YouTuber who had a well known book club for blk women. Who even had Michelle Obama on one of her videos as a guest. Multiple degree having . She covers social issues and politics and uses the word “nigga”
I will play along and comment on your comment to my comment.
Your comment is a perfect textbook example of:
“American culture has taught whites to believe they represent the intellectual and cultural vanguard, to conclude that racial inequalities cannot be traced to their past or present behavior and to view their dominant status — their privilege — as natural and yet invisible.”
You are welcome.
Public Service Announcement (PSA)
BigThirdEye is just cacaplop trying to swamp these forums with repetitive, stupid questions, either via his own threads or crashing other threads.
But, as always, take a look at his posting history and judge for yourself.
If engaging with his inane posts is fun for you, then go for it.
Different things that they hear and get offended by.
To me, the thing that offends me the most is when I hear someone say “the N-word” not ngger by the way, I mean “the N-word,” literally whenever a white lady on CNN says “the N-word” that’s just white people getting away with saying ngger.
They found a way to say ngger, “N-word”, it’s bullshit because when you say “the N-word” you’re putting ngger in the listener’s head.
That’s what saying a word is.
You say “the N-word” and I go “Oh, she means n*gger,” you’re making ME say it in my head.
Why don’t YOU fucking say it instead and take responsibility.
With the shitty words you wanna say”
~ Louis CK aka Louis Székely
~ White Privileged stand up comedian
~ Born Sep 12, 1967 Washington, D.C., U.S.
Cj kent your comment doesnt address any of what I said. What are your thoughts on FDR saying the N word? Is calling a british person a brit also racist?
If you’re not black, it’s not your word. There is literally bo situation where you need to use it, so you’re not missing out on anything. Don’t use it and don’t tell black people how they should use it. The word belongs to black people, they can use it how they’d like and surprise, individual black people may disagree on how they should use it and non-blacks don’t get a vote and that’s ok.
Jimmy the word was first used by white people. No word belongs to anybody, but what are your thoughts on words like hick, chink, brit, and other terms referring to someone’s race or nationality? Do those words only belong to people of that race or nationality?
Also what if a black person says it to a non black person? Or non black people refer to other non black people as niggas? People use the word interchangeably with dude, bro, man nowadays.
"what are your thoughts on words like hick, chink, brit, and other terms"
You will find that most Asian people don't like being called "chink" because it implies they are Chinese --- the most offensive thing you can label a Japanese person is "Chinese ancestry" given the immense hatred between the two countries for many centuries
"Don’t use it and don’t tell black people how they should use it"
I'm a white guy and I'm sickened that white people think they have a right to tell other race or ethnicity how to speak or use certain words. It's the ultimate expression of Eurocentrist arrogance. The same kind of arrogance that said it was OK to murder millions of brown people in North America because whitey wanted their land and resources. The same kind of arrogance that said enslaving millions of Africans and transporting them to N. America to work the fields as slaves was perfectly OK because "God says so".
'The UNDENIABLE REALITY is that White Privilege exists in the USA in many shapes and forms.
American culture has taught whites to believe they represent the intellectual and cultural vanguard, to conclude that racial inequalities cannot be traced to their past or present behavior and to view their dominant status — their privilege — as natural and yet invisible.'
The UNDENIABLE REALITY is that cjkunt who lives safe and isolated in his is affluent mainly white Bel-Air residential neighborhood on the Westside of Los Angeles, California, in the foothills of the Santa Monica Mountains while telling TUSCL members to avoid Compton and other minority LA neighborhoods is the poster boy of 'White Privilege' as he trolls TUSCL with his cut and paste manifestos that he uses as a way to ease his own 'White Privilege' guilt yet it's here in black and white that he only asks 'white' members for dick pics and has never asked a 'black/minority' member for dick pics.
If you're Drexl Spivey from "True Romance", then you can be the white guy who uses that word a lot.
I'm not Drexl Spivey.
That word (and its variants) are too loaded with controversy for me to use it casually. Depending on the setting, the people, the level of familiarity, and the context, it's difficult to know if it's going to be fine or the shortest route to bloodshed.
Given that, and the reality that there's lots of other great words to use, I choose to use other words that aren't so potentially loaded with baggage when used by a very white guy.
If someone addressed me that way, I'd react based on the context. But, I wouldn't feel like I have a green light to start tossing that word around.
I'm Hispanic and white, and just don't use the word. Don't feel like I'm missing out on much. I'm aware that it comes off hurtful regardless of intent coming from a non-black person.
If I have part black kids, I'll teach them that the word was used to subjugate and put down people who looked like them, regardless of who uses it.
If someone calls me that, I don't care. I can't control who says it to me, only if I respond in kind or not.
I don't feel like I have the qualifications to use the word LOL
I do mentally cringe sometimes when I see nonblacks using the word depending on context and frequency. Usually they are the bottom of the barrel trash of their respective race eg white trash/mexican trash.
“The word "nigger' carries with it a meaning deeply rooted in the debilitating racist caste ordering of our society's slavery epoch and segregation era.”
~ Typed Letter Signed, to William A. Bennett, Jr., contrasting the meaning of the term, "dark skinned American," as used in his own writings and speeches with the meaning of "nigger" as it has been used historically.
~ Author: Martin Luther King, Jr.
~ Date: January 18, 1966
~ Location: Atlanta, Georgia
Some of you lack experience with how nigga is actually used. Having the same roots as nigger doesn't mean it's the same. Nigga is a positive word and it's use is ubiquitous enough to where it's a non issue. The same people arguing against it are the same ones trying to call latinos latinx.
Recently I heard a blonde kid talking to black kids and every other word out of him was nigga . That's common.
^ You are just trying to have your cake and eat it too, useing words like that makes you a genuine sleeze bag, doesn't matter how you try to spin it, you are just a POS.
Caucasians are second class citizens. They don't have the same rights as the people whose lives matter. People whose lives matter can call second class citizens anything they want. They can assault second class citizens and use the defense "he said the n word". A black jury will not find a black person guilty of a crime against a second class citizen. "Diversity" is code for get rid of the second class citizens.
cjkunt is just cacaplop trying to swamp these forums with REPETITIVE, STUPID QUOTES to repent for his 'White Privilege Guilt' either via his own threads or crashing other threads.
But, as always, take a look at his posting history and judge for yourself.
If engaging with his inane posts is fun for you, then go for it.
Otherwise, don't think you're commenting on sincere posts.
^ real mainstream term there’s a few losers here but as far as mainstream it’s just a few of you, that makes it more of a loud mouth minority, you can holler but you can’t back it up
Its uses have changed with generations. Icee you claimed you were black before but suddenly in this discussion, trying to normalize the term nigga youre suddenly claiming to not be black.
Also the word still comes from the word nigger, it’s literally like gangsta vs gangster, the slaves during slave times referred to each other as nigga, the slangs purpose was to differentiate the language and term from the slave owners. Its a trend in rap music and slang to replace the er in a word with A. And thats part of why some black people will be offended if you call them nigga, some of them even get offended if another black person calls them nigga.
cjkunt is just cacaplop trying to swamp these forums with REPETITIVE, STUPID QUOTES to repent for his 'White Privilege Guilt' either via his own threads or crashing other threads.
But, as always, take a look at his posting history and judge for yourself.
If engaging with his inane posts is fun for you, then go for it.
Otherwise, don't think you're commenting on sincere posts.
Mainstream term? Where? Hitler youth? I would buy a row of ringside seats to an event featuring Icee using the word out on the Fremont Street experience.
@ski: icee lives in a fantasy world where he is a pimp and the girls he hangs out with are ho’s. Naturally he adopts the language of rappers who talk about pimps and ho’s and drop the n-bomb everywhere, also a fantasy world. He probably thinks he’s a Jedi too.
Icee you’re so specific and technical when it comes to the word nigga, yet referring to a swinger as a cuck.
What you did is much more of a cuckold than skibum. You were loyal to one girl, who banged hundreds of guys. At least skibum is a swinger which is more like an open relationship
^ only an aids infected homo would think the word is like dude and the idea you, being a sniveling pussy and woman beater ever use it is laughable. You're the type that licks turd off a sidewalk if someone tells you to. Hey how's George Floyd doing? I heard he and Trayvon teamed up. DREW if you were going to make up a fantasy would it involve you being an unemployed, suicidal douche with a bad heart?
Ski, thats the real person, the pimp part is the fantasy.
Bte, icee thought I wrote a review where I called a trans dancer a "tranny", which I didn't. Not that I give a fuck what anyone calls trans people. But it's easier for him to continue in a fantasy than accept that he was wrong, be a big boy and say, "oops I was wrong", so he rolls this predictable jab out every time he doesn't like what I write. Next he'll say I'm "playing with semantics". He's short on ideas, so he has stock retorts for each tuscler.
Icee, the idea thar you tell another tuscler they have no credibility is the height of irony. Try to pop off some comebacks before the pill smoking drives down you iq today. Dunce.
I am starting to believe that Iceefag is autistic, in fact I'm sure that he's on the spectrum, he acts like a dog with a bone, same insults over and again, if that's not autistic what is ?
Icee how does a famous celebrity not have credibility, especially just because they used the word tranny? If Obama used the word tranny would you also say he has no credibility?
Umm, my personal opinion is that word isn't appropriate to be used by anyone other than blacks, and even then it is hit and miss cuz not every black person wants to be called that.
I understand that with a lot of people it is just a casual word and sorta like dude or bro, but I just do not like that.
I also realize I have verbal diarrhea and you never know what stupid shit I'll spew out, but the older I get the more I see that words have power and meaning. Like if you wanna change something about your life, sometimes one of the first steps is to think and say things with different words which will slowly change how your mind thinks and then other things change. etc etc w/e
I avoid drama. Especially pointless drama. So I I’m not going to use anything even close to questionable. If I’m called something questionable, I’m likely going to react by not reacting.
Bla. “ Like if you wanna change something about your life, sometimes one of the first steps is to think and say things with different words which will slowly change how your mind thinks and then other things change.”
I just think it's weird anyone would call me that considering I'm like the poster child of white supremacy being pale with light eyes and light hair lol.
"I'm really chill and avoid drama. But lil bitch niggaz here love it lulz"
Imagine being 28 years old and spending your days arguing with old men on a strip club forum. Hour in, hour out. Icee could be out doing literally ANYTHING: getting pussy, building a business, starting a band, getting a degree, finding a cure, writing a novel, knocking a piece off of something... but no. He's here wasting his youth on pill smoking and telling old hooker fuckers that they are hooker fuckers. Like anyone anywhere gives a fuck about what he thinks. What were YOU doing when you were in your late 20's? It was probably better than what Icee's doing.
Icee literally stated its a non issue if clubs examine and scan your ids in a scanner.
Yet recently said he freaks out when they ask to see his ID when buying cough syrup. So its clear he likes abusing purp
Cacaplop you're so fucking sheltered you don't even know how to buy otc cold medicine... the cashier scans your id retard. Lean isn't otc cold medicine. So are you a 12 year old homeschooled indian?
Icee who pisses their pants when buying cold medicine while claiming its a non issue if clubs or bars scan your ID? Only a purp addict. Is that why you speak such nonsense because you abuse purp? 🤡 🐵 🐵 lulz
Icee. Obsess about you all day? Lol. No, I obsess about my job, hobbies, finances, and pussy all day. I drop in here during coffee breaks for easy kicks. One of which is telling you what a POS you are. But keep coming back to the board where no one wants you, watching you get kicked around keeps me entertained for 2-3 minutes at a time!
A man goes to Heaven and meets Jesus.
While Jesus is showing him round, he spots a broken clock.
“What’s that there for?” he asks.
Jesus says “that’s Mother Teresa’s clock it has never moved because she has never lied.”
“Just over here is Abraham Lincoln’s clock. He lied twice, so it has moved twice.”
“Where is Donald Trump’s clock?” asks the man.
Jesus answers: “It’s in my office, I’m using it as a ceiling fa
last commentWhen people use a word a lot, it just gets to be a habit. Like how chicks get called dude a lot now.
ahem we live in a gender fluid time where freedom of expression is ok. What if on monday I wanna self identify as a chick and tuesday I want to be a dude? :))))
I will play along and comment on your discussion.
In the USA these days the meaning of nigga has two basic definitions;
friend, brother, etc. and is mostly used in greeting, such as "Yo wassup my nigga", in this case the word nigga is used in a friendly way.
nigga can also be an insult when angry at someone "F U nigga" and "That nigga did/said something bad” are used when someone is angry, frustrated, etc.
So it all depends on the situation/context
good and nigga is a friendly term
bad nigga means unfriendly/angry
Remember nigga is not the N word ni**er, that is a racist word used to refer to/mean “black slave”.
“Remember nigga is not the N word ni**er, that is a racist word used to refer to/mean “black slave”.
Can you explain to me why The University of Florida revoked their scholarship offer this week to a Caucasian high school quarterback for filming himself rapping to a song on the car radio that contained a lyric using the word “nigga”
Doubt it would have happened to a black kid. Kind of debunks your white privilege theory you constantly Raul about.
Personally I have no problem with the Gators pulling his ride. I wouldn’t want a QB on my team who doesn’t have the sense to listen to 70’s heavy metal
^Because academics in this country are fucked up losers.
I have a feeling that I'll never have to grapple win this phenomenon.
Was the person black? If so it could of been a term of endearment
“You the flyest nigga I know”. 😂
If the people around you call you nigga, you need a new set of friends.
just do yourself all a favor and don't say, mumble or sing the word, whether it ends in gga or ger. just creating yourself a drama that you will find yourself literally trying to survive a violent or even fatal outcome.
hell even white chris rock had to deal with the repercussions:
lmao yes they were Bharlem. I don't remember what, but they called me that a few times. I was drinking and talking shit as usual. I don't remember what stupid shit I was saying because I say a lot of stupid shit every single day sober or not :)
"University of Florida revoked their scholarship offer this week to a Caucasian high school quarterback for filming himself rapping to a song on the car radio that contained a lyric using the word “nigga”
Might seem harmless but this clip will get replayed thousands of times while he was on-campus and he'd be catching flack for it every damn day.
It's unfair but the ramifications are real. White people just can't use the word "nigga" in public. It's a golden rule.
I will play along and comment on your comment.
The UNDENIABLE REALITY is that White Privilege exists in the USA in many shapes and forms.
American culture has taught whites to believe they represent the intellectual and cultural vanguard, to conclude that racial inequalities cannot be traced to their past or present behavior and to view their dominant status — their privilege — as natural and yet invisible.
The University of Florida's Racist Legacy Runs Deep and they are trying to be “politically correct” and avoid bad publicity even at the expense of a white student.
The young QB himself is trying to save face in twitter and wrote.
“I was in my car listening to rap music, rapping along to the words and posted a video of it on social media,” he wrote. “I deeply apologize for the words in the song that I chose to say. It was hurtful and offensive to many people, and I regret that.”
“I fully accept the consequences for my actions, and I respect the University of Florida’s decision to withdraw my scholarship offer to play football,” he continued. “My intention was never to hurt anybody and I recognize that even when going along with a song, my words still carry a lot of weight. I will strive to be better and to become the best version of myself on and off the field.”
"young QB himself is trying to save face in twitter"
That is a fine young man who will do well in life.
It's blatant racists like Ski-Fagg and Tetra-Fagg who thinks this kid should not apologize and go around saying "nigga" to every black person they meet because of Eurocentrist white-privilege attitudes.
Cj kent the N word doesn’t mean black slave, it was derived from nigeria and niger, two countries where slaves were often imported from. Its the equivalent of how british people were referred to as brits and how any other country people were referred to by their country. You can see videos of people like FDR using the N word openly in speeches, not to be racist but just because it was standard language back then to refer to someone from nigeria. It was around the 1950s or so that someone decided all aspects of behavior and mannerisms from that time period should be done away with, so decided that the n word is unacceptable. And even today there is debate over whether colored people is racist or black is racist. In 50 years from now you might hear about how these were very racist times with cops going around killing innocent black people. So someone may decide in a decade or a few that black or colored is racist and has to be done away with, and that African is the only correct term. Then it’ll be a repeat of current times where someone could potentially be killed or have their house burned down for using terms like black or colored.
Montrez harrell got in no trouble for referring to luka doncic as a bitch ass white boy. JR Smith beat up a protestor for breaking his car window, got away with it legally, and also referred to the guy he beat as a motherfucking white boy, with no reprimand from the nba. Had a white nba player beaten a black protester, he would have lost his million dollar job from the nba and had his house burned and looted by blm. Its clear that at least in the nba, and in mainstream media, white privilege doesn’t exist. The fact they refuse to even use terms like black privilege, black supremacy, and the fact they refuse to condemn violence if done by a black person tells you everything you need to know about many media sources and the nba. Right now you can literally be black, burn down buildings, steal and be hailed a hero, but be considered a terrorist just for saying the N word as a white person.
Used to be a white dancer here who used that word all the time, along with the rest of her deep ghetto speech and mannerisms. I usually don't have an opinion one way or another one about what most people call "ghetto" speech, but she took it to extremes, like she was deliberately trying too hard.
I think its just a common word that lost its meaning.
Nigga was never the same as nigger. Nigga used to mean someone who was more than a friend. Like a brother and confidante. Now it's like dude.
It's not about race. I get called nigga by black people. I call them nigga.
Girls will call you their nigga.
I like the original meaning and positive connotation. Bur it's just cheapened.
And people who use it tobrace bait are ignorant. And on the other hand it's black people trying to do a power move and act like they're pretend activists.
Icee I thought you said you’re black? What race are you?
Nigga was literally the slang version of nigger, it was literally used in the slave days by black people to refer to each other... it’s literally like gangster vs gangsta and numerous other similar words
Is “real talk” also ghetto speech
"Used to be a white dancer here who used that word all the time, along with the rest of her deep ghetto speech and mannerisms"
Frequent use of profanity and racial slurs is a sign of low IQ and lack of education.
You never see Bezos or Zuck using profane words in everyday speech, it's because they are educated wealthy men.
Swamp rats like China Don or Buttfuck Bannon will cuss a lot because they have no intellectual muscle.
@Thick: "Frequent use of profanity and racial slurs is a sign of low IQ and lack of education."
Only because you decided to include the "racial slurs" part. Several studies have shown that people who curse a lot average more intelligent than those who curse less, or not at all.
Racial slurs are NOT profanity. They are in a subhuman class by themselves.
"Several studies have shown that people who curse a lot average more intelligent than those who curse less, or not at all"
There is not a single credible study that proves that. I can post links to hundreds of studies saying the opposite.
Frequent use of racial slurs is an indication that the speaker is a friendless, disrespectful, person and has issues that I don’t care to deal with
General rules of thumb for the n-word, in all its varieties.
I have seen people of every race use it. Its hilarious seeing people with thick indian accents calling each other nigga. IMO if youre using it with someone the same race as you its not an issue, its only unacceptable if a non black person says it to a black person, or a black person says it to a non black person. Ive seen indian guys, white guys etc use it to refer to each other. Its interchangeable with dude, bro, man, and is common nowadays cause of all the celebrities and musicians using it
"Swamp rats like China Don or Buttfuck Bannon will cuss a lot because they have no intellectual muscle."
LOL! What's your tagline, Trucidos? Aren't you the one who keeps referring to me with a homophobic term? Your self owns are music to my ears.
Keep working on your 8th ban here. Turds always get flushed sooner or later.
"Nigga was never the same as nigger. Nigga used to mean someone who was more than a friend. Like a brother and confidante. Now it's like dude."
Go to Club Blaze in Atlanta and call a club full of black men your "niggas." I'll be recording.
I get called "my nigga" more frequently than I ever expected. To describe the context would be too specific and make me identifiable. Suffice to say that sometimes it is in jest, sometimes in affection, and always by black individuals.
So actually they was calling you the homie
It’s part of the culture whether someone agrees or disagrees on AA’s should use the term for me is not up for debate
I would say it’s similar to me a woman being in sex work. I use my body because “it’s mine to use” even though because I do some may seem me less worthy of respect.
There was this big YouTuber who had a well known book club for blk women. Who even had Michelle Obama on one of her videos as a guest. Multiple degree having . She covers social issues and politics and uses the word “nigga”
I will play along and comment on your comment to my comment.
Your comment is a perfect textbook example of:
“American culture has taught whites to believe they represent the intellectual and cultural vanguard, to conclude that racial inequalities cannot be traced to their past or present behavior and to view their dominant status — their privilege — as natural and yet invisible.”
You are welcome.
Public Service Announcement (PSA)
BigThirdEye is just cacaplop trying to swamp these forums with repetitive, stupid questions, either via his own threads or crashing other threads.
But, as always, take a look at his posting history and judge for yourself.
If engaging with his inane posts is fun for you, then go for it.
Otherwise, don't think you're answering sincere questions.
~ Call.Me.Ishmael ~ April 29, 2022
“In this world, shipmates, sin that pays its way can travel freely, and without a passport; whereas Virtue, if a pauper, is stopped at all frontiers."
~Father Mapple via Herman Melville's "Moby Dick".
Oh yes and since we on the topics of such
Happy thanksgiving 😉
"General rules of thumb for the n-word, in all its varieties.
From the nigga perspective:
“Everybody has different words that offend them.
Different things that they hear and get offended by.
To me, the thing that offends me the most is when I hear someone say “the N-word” not ngger by the way, I mean “the N-word,” literally whenever a white lady on CNN says “the N-word” that’s just white people getting away with saying ngger.
They found a way to say ngger, “N-word”, it’s bullshit because when you say “the N-word” you’re putting ngger in the listener’s head.
That’s what saying a word is.
You say “the N-word” and I go “Oh, she means n*gger,” you’re making ME say it in my head.
Why don’t YOU fucking say it instead and take responsibility.
With the shitty words you wanna say”
~ Louis CK aka Louis Székely ~ White Privileged stand up comedian ~ Born Sep 12, 1967 Washington, D.C., U.S.
~ Sand up: “Chewed UP” SHOWTIME ~ The “N” word
Cj kent your comment doesnt address any of what I said. What are your thoughts on FDR saying the N word? Is calling a british person a brit also racist?
If you’re not black, it’s not your word. There is literally bo situation where you need to use it, so you’re not missing out on anything. Don’t use it and don’t tell black people how they should use it. The word belongs to black people, they can use it how they’d like and surprise, individual black people may disagree on how they should use it and non-blacks don’t get a vote and that’s ok.
Jimmy the word was first used by white people. No word belongs to anybody, but what are your thoughts on words like hick, chink, brit, and other terms referring to someone’s race or nationality? Do those words only belong to people of that race or nationality? Also what if a black person says it to a non black person? Or non black people refer to other non black people as niggas? People use the word interchangeably with dude, bro, man nowadays.
"what are your thoughts on words like hick, chink, brit, and other terms"
You will find that most Asian people don't like being called "chink" because it implies they are Chinese --- the most offensive thing you can label a Japanese person is "Chinese ancestry" given the immense hatred between the two countries for many centuries
"Don’t use it and don’t tell black people how they should use it"
I'm a white guy and I'm sickened that white people think they have a right to tell other race or ethnicity how to speak or use certain words. It's the ultimate expression of Eurocentrist arrogance. The same kind of arrogance that said it was OK to murder millions of brown people in North America because whitey wanted their land and resources. The same kind of arrogance that said enslaving millions of Africans and transporting them to N. America to work the fields as slaves was perfectly OK because "God says so".
'The UNDENIABLE REALITY is that White Privilege exists in the USA in many shapes and forms.
American culture has taught whites to believe they represent the intellectual and cultural vanguard, to conclude that racial inequalities cannot be traced to their past or present behavior and to view their dominant status — their privilege — as natural and yet invisible.'
The UNDENIABLE REALITY is that cjkunt who lives safe and isolated in his is affluent mainly white Bel-Air residential neighborhood on the Westside of Los Angeles, California, in the foothills of the Santa Monica Mountains while telling TUSCL members to avoid Compton and other minority LA neighborhoods is the poster boy of 'White Privilege' as he trolls TUSCL with his cut and paste manifestos that he uses as a way to ease his own 'White Privilege' guilt yet it's here in black and white that he only asks 'white' members for dick pics and has never asked a 'black/minority' member for dick pics.
The truth will set you free cj, face up to it!
in his affluent, minus the is
the edit button wasn't working
“The word belongs to black people”
That’s racist AF. it’s a terrible word that no one should use
That’s like saying Augusta National belongs to white people
If you're Drexl Spivey from "True Romance", then you can be the white guy who uses that word a lot.
I'm not Drexl Spivey.
That word (and its variants) are too loaded with controversy for me to use it casually. Depending on the setting, the people, the level of familiarity, and the context, it's difficult to know if it's going to be fine or the shortest route to bloodshed.
Given that, and the reality that there's lots of other great words to use, I choose to use other words that aren't so potentially loaded with baggage when used by a very white guy.
If someone addressed me that way, I'd react based on the context. But, I wouldn't feel like I have a green light to start tossing that word around.
I'm Hispanic and white, and just don't use the word. Don't feel like I'm missing out on much. I'm aware that it comes off hurtful regardless of intent coming from a non-black person.
If I have part black kids, I'll teach them that the word was used to subjugate and put down people who looked like them, regardless of who uses it.
If someone calls me that, I don't care. I can't control who says it to me, only if I respond in kind or not.
I don't feel like I have the qualifications to use the word LOL
I do mentally cringe sometimes when I see nonblacks using the word depending on context and frequency. Usually they are the bottom of the barrel trash of their respective race eg white trash/mexican trash.
I don't know , but I watched Training Day recently on Netflix. Denzel called everyone nigga on that show.
"Denzel called everyone nigga on that show"
That character didn't respect himself, so how could he respect others?
He fucked with the Russians and that is just stupid as shit. It's an automatic death sentence to steal from Russkie gangsters.
Does each race own the racial insults associated with that race? Can these racial words be used in music and publicly broadcast?
Icee 🐵 you said you were black before, what race are you claiming now?
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ @BigThirdEye comments are a perfect textbook example of:
Public Service Announcement (PSA)
BigThirdEye is just cacaplop trying to swamp these forums with REPETITIVE, STUPID QUESTIONS, either via his own threads or crashing other threads.
But, as always, take a look at his posting history and judge for yourself.
If engaging with his inane posts is fun for you, then go for it.
Otherwise, don't think you're answering sincere questions.
~ Call.Me.Ishmael ~ April 29, 2022
“In this world, shipmates, sin that pays its way can travel freely, and without a passport; whereas Virtue, if a pauper, is stopped at all frontiers."
~Father Mapple via Herman Melville's "Moby Dick".
You are welcome.
“The word "nigger' carries with it a meaning deeply rooted in the debilitating racist caste ordering of our society's slavery epoch and segregation era.”
~ Typed Letter Signed, to William A. Bennett, Jr., contrasting the meaning of the term, "dark skinned American," as used in his own writings and speeches with the meaning of "nigger" as it has been used historically.
~ Author: Martin Luther King, Jr. ~ Date: January 18, 1966 ~ Location: Atlanta, Georgia
Some of you lack experience with how nigga is actually used. Having the same roots as nigger doesn't mean it's the same. Nigga is a positive word and it's use is ubiquitous enough to where it's a non issue. The same people arguing against it are the same ones trying to call latinos latinx.
Recently I heard a blonde kid talking to black kids and every other word out of him was nigga . That's common.
^ You are just trying to have your cake and eat it too, useing words like that makes you a genuine sleeze bag, doesn't matter how you try to spin it, you are just a POS.
Caucasians are second class citizens. They don't have the same rights as the people whose lives matter. People whose lives matter can call second class citizens anything they want. They can assault second class citizens and use the defense "he said the n word". A black jury will not find a black person guilty of a crime against a second class citizen. "Diversity" is code for get rid of the second class citizens.
The wide variety of opinions here is the first and best indicator that it's not a term suited for casual use.
Public Service Announcement (PSA)
cjkunt is just cacaplop trying to swamp these forums with REPETITIVE, STUPID QUOTES to repent for his 'White Privilege Guilt' either via his own threads or crashing other threads.
But, as always, take a look at his posting history and judge for yourself.
If engaging with his inane posts is fun for you, then go for it.
Otherwise, don't think you're commenting on sincere posts.
~ TheeOSU ~ November 25, 2022
it's a mainstream term. The demographics on this forum aren't necessarily representative of the mainstream though.
Also. No one expects an elderly white man to refer to others as nigga. That doesn't make the term bad
^ real mainstream term there’s a few losers here but as far as mainstream it’s just a few of you, that makes it more of a loud mouth minority, you can holler but you can’t back it up
Its uses have changed with generations. Icee you claimed you were black before but suddenly in this discussion, trying to normalize the term nigga youre suddenly claiming to not be black. Also the word still comes from the word nigger, it’s literally like gangsta vs gangster, the slaves during slave times referred to each other as nigga, the slangs purpose was to differentiate the language and term from the slave owners. Its a trend in rap music and slang to replace the er in a word with A. And thats part of why some black people will be offended if you call them nigga, some of them even get offended if another black person calls them nigga.
^ You're tedious.
Remember children
"When the debate is lost, slander becomes the tool of the loser”
~ Socrates
Public Service Announcement (PSA)
cjkunt is just cacaplop trying to swamp these forums with REPETITIVE, STUPID QUOTES to repent for his 'White Privilege Guilt' either via his own threads or crashing other threads.
But, as always, take a look at his posting history and judge for yourself.
If engaging with his inane posts is fun for you, then go for it.
Otherwise, don't think you're commenting on sincere posts.
~ TheeOSU ~ November 25, 2022
The truth will set you free cj, man up, put away your dick pic collection, face the facts!
Some of you are just looking for an argument. If you don't want to use it don't. Byt realize how common it is
^You’re the one looking for the argument skipping the fact many of us find it offensive yet you insist Fuck off troll boy
Troll elsewhere fat fuck.
^ Frenulum
Ishmael as someone claiming to be vehemently anti troll you need to remember, in Islam the hypocrites go to hell.
^ You're tedious.
~ Call.Me.Ishmael
“Sir, you are talking to a nigger” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kBJDz4ylQO0
backstory for the cinematically deprived: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O7why8Xo_RQ
“You mean I’m gonna stay this color.” - Best line evah
Update: I told them the correct title for me is cracka 🤓
Mainstream term? Where? Hitler youth? I would buy a row of ringside seats to an event featuring Icee using the word out on the Fremont Street experience.
@ski: icee lives in a fantasy world where he is a pimp and the girls he hangs out with are ho’s. Naturally he adopts the language of rappers who talk about pimps and ho’s and drop the n-bomb everywhere, also a fantasy world. He probably thinks he’s a Jedi too.
Drew go back to calling dancers trannies in your reviews. You have zero credibility on here. Fucking troll
Pretending nigga isn't used the same way dude is makes you wound like a weirdo outta touch with reality
And skibitch go back to being a cuck for your wife and supporting racist mass shooters
Icee you’re so specific and technical when it comes to the word nigga, yet referring to a swinger as a cuck. What you did is much more of a cuckold than skibum. You were loyal to one girl, who banged hundreds of guys. At least skibum is a swinger which is more like an open relationship
Drew calling someone a tranny is how you figured he has no credibility? Wtf?
The tricky part is that it's a word that's common in music tracks that have a multi-racial audience.
Is this racist or just funny? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NG2EGOB9-lc
It's not the best word to use but to most it's just like using dude
Most highschoolers and college freshmen
^ only an aids infected homo would think the word is like dude and the idea you, being a sniveling pussy and woman beater ever use it is laughable. You're the type that licks turd off a sidewalk if someone tells you to. Hey how's George Floyd doing? I heard he and Trayvon teamed up. DREW if you were going to make up a fantasy would it involve you being an unemployed, suicidal douche with a bad heart?
Ski, thats the real person, the pimp part is the fantasy.
Bte, icee thought I wrote a review where I called a trans dancer a "tranny", which I didn't. Not that I give a fuck what anyone calls trans people. But it's easier for him to continue in a fantasy than accept that he was wrong, be a big boy and say, "oops I was wrong", so he rolls this predictable jab out every time he doesn't like what I write. Next he'll say I'm "playing with semantics". He's short on ideas, so he has stock retorts for each tuscler.
Icee, the idea thar you tell another tuscler they have no credibility is the height of irony. Try to pop off some comebacks before the pill smoking drives down you iq today. Dunce.
@drew I am starting to believe that Iceefag is autistic, in fact I'm sure that he's on the spectrum, he acts like a dog with a bone, same insults over and again, if that's not autistic what is ?
25: my money is on a mix of Narcissistic and Anti-Social Personality Disorder. https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/finding-new-home/201905/comparing-narcissistic-and-antisocial-personality
Maybe there is a new diagnoses that combines both called Frenulum Personality Disorder?
^ Good call
Make up whatever you want about me. But I say the truth about you.
Drew you're not clever. You sound like a kid pretending to be smart
Well at least that's not the same comeback as 11 lines above. However, this is one you've used on me before. Dig a little deeper, buddy.
Icee how does a famous celebrity not have credibility, especially just because they used the word tranny? If Obama used the word tranny would you also say he has no credibility?
Umm, my personal opinion is that word isn't appropriate to be used by anyone other than blacks, and even then it is hit and miss cuz not every black person wants to be called that.
I understand that with a lot of people it is just a casual word and sorta like dude or bro, but I just do not like that.
I also realize I have verbal diarrhea and you never know what stupid shit I'll spew out, but the older I get the more I see that words have power and meaning. Like if you wanna change something about your life, sometimes one of the first steps is to think and say things with different words which will slowly change how your mind thinks and then other things change. etc etc w/e
I avoid drama. Especially pointless drama. So I I’m not going to use anything even close to questionable. If I’m called something questionable, I’m likely going to react by not reacting.
Hah! I am so bad with my non-reactions to just about everything that a lot of people think there is something wrong with me LOL
^Blah, there is some utility in people not knowing what to make of you. Carry on with the non reactions.
Oh I love fucking with people on a mental level. Yeah, most people dunno me or can't figure me out for shit :)
Bla. “ Like if you wanna change something about your life, sometimes one of the first steps is to think and say things with different words which will slowly change how your mind thinks and then other things change.”
That was really solid. Totally agree.
I'm really chill and avoid drama. But lil bitch niggaz here love it lulz
LMFAO and bitch niggette Iceydodo here just loves to participate in all the TUSCL drama that she says she avoids.
LMFAO in other words she's a passive aggressive drama queen. 🤭🤡😂😂😂
lmfao keep the entertainment going :)
LMFAO Iceydodo is my bitch niggette.
I've never been called a nigga. I was always just a 'homie' or 'homeboy' to my black friends.
And the only time I've ever used 'nigga' was on my closest black friends and only in a private 1:1 conversation.
I just think it's weird anyone would call me that considering I'm like the poster child of white supremacy being pale with light eyes and light hair lol.
LOL but you have a booty like a sista.
"I'm really chill and avoid drama. But lil bitch niggaz here love it lulz"
Imagine being 28 years old and spending your days arguing with old men on a strip club forum. Hour in, hour out. Icee could be out doing literally ANYTHING: getting pussy, building a business, starting a band, getting a degree, finding a cure, writing a novel, knocking a piece off of something... but no. He's here wasting his youth on pill smoking and telling old hooker fuckers that they are hooker fuckers. Like anyone anywhere gives a fuck about what he thinks. What were YOU doing when you were in your late 20's? It was probably better than what Icee's doing.
It's a stunning waste when you think of it.
It's weird that you obsess over me all day and feign offense when I reply to your idiocy
Icee literally stated its a non issue if clubs examine and scan your ids in a scanner. Yet recently said he freaks out when they ask to see his ID when buying cough syrup. So its clear he likes abusing purp
Clubs scanning ids is a non issue, but pharmacies just visually looking at ids is a dealbreaker
Cacaplop you're so fucking sheltered you don't even know how to buy otc cold medicine... the cashier scans your id retard. Lean isn't otc cold medicine. So are you a 12 year old homeschooled indian?
LMFAO it's weird that Iceydodo claims to avoid drama yet in this thread alone she keeps replying. It's like she loves it. 🤭🤡😂😂😂
Icee is really chill, and I am the Pope. Finally settled this b.s.
This thread should have an alternate title, " When You Get Called A Frenulum, But You're Really A Twat" Talking about Iceefag
Icee who pisses their pants when buying cold medicine while claiming its a non issue if clubs or bars scan your ID? Only a purp addict. Is that why you speak such nonsense because you abuse purp? 🤡 🐵 🐵 lulz
Icee. Obsess about you all day? Lol. No, I obsess about my job, hobbies, finances, and pussy all day. I drop in here during coffee breaks for easy kicks. One of which is telling you what a POS you are. But keep coming back to the board where no one wants you, watching you get kicked around keeps me entertained for 2-3 minutes at a time!
If skibum is the Pope then I am Mother Teresa
A man goes to Heaven and meets Jesus. While Jesus is showing him round, he spots a broken clock. “What’s that there for?” he asks. Jesus says “that’s Mother Teresa’s clock it has never moved because she has never lied.”
“Just over here is Abraham Lincoln’s clock. He lied twice, so it has moved twice.”
“Where is Donald Trump’s clock?” asks the man.
Jesus answers: “It’s in my office, I’m using it as a ceiling fa
It's weird that Iceydodo claims others are obsessive here yet she's the one with almost 12,000 posts in 2 years. 🤭🤡😂😂😂
No but I've been asked if I was Mexican a couple times. I don't think I look it so seemed odd.
Yall can be my niggaz but you're bitch niggaz
Copy that my bitch niggette.
No thanks