Do skinny/short guys ever fear a stripper will break them?

>:( 🧚🏼♀️💃🏼 busy being a "psycho bitch" 🤣
Do skinny and short men ever fear to get dances from taller or somewhat curvier (curvy not fat) chicks?
I have had a ton of small boned or skinny and short guys get dances from me, and they don't seem worried? But idk. I was always paranoid, and didn't like to put my full weight on them 🤣
last commentBody weight distribution in a dance is spread across a fair portion of the customer's lap except for few specific moves. That goes a long way towards keeping things comfortable.
I suspect the reticence you've detected by thin customers is more likely a case of "birds of a feather flocking together".
It's a good idea not to put your full weight on a customer if you are a dancer who is above a normal weight. I've had situations where a girl did that and it hurt. Whether it hurts has more to do with weight than height. I've always preferred small thin girls for lap dances because I don't have to worry about the lap dance hurting.
I think older customers also feel pain more easily than younger customers, possibly due to advancing arthritis, and dancers are not aware of that. I've also had dancers get annoyed at me not being able to hear them over the music so they don't seem to be aware people lose their hearing as they become old. My regulars have also been annoyed at me for not coming over to them when I walk in the door. People don't see as well either as they get old and I often don't recognize them from a distance. Old people are aware what it is like to be young since they were once young but young people have no idea what being old is like since they have yet to experience it.
If she looks over 200lbs I'm going to pass on dances anyway.
I actually avoid the really skinny dancers more. They usually have a bony part that hurts more than a fat ass.
Thick thighs save lives!
Why would height have anything to do with a dancer grinding on you? I would think a super tall, super skinny dude would feel weight more than a guy built like a fire hydrant.
"I was always paranoid, and didn't like to put my full weight on them"
Good choice. I've gotten amazing lap dances from dancers who were probably close to 200 lbs because they were legit tall, voluptuous, and toned. Sometimes a woman is just too hot to pass up even if she's an Amazon.
But they knew how to move and not drop all their weight on the lap and cock. If we're playing hide the sausage then grind as hard as you want, once it's where it needs to be. But big girl strippers need to know how to put their weight to good use, especially if they have a flat ass.
In case it needs to be said, tailbone dragging from a heavy chick is a no-no.
Do you mean like the time 150 lb. me was sitting in a chair minding my own business and the fat 225 lb. stripper plopped herself on me? Fat, not thick or tall and athletic. Plopped herself on me, not sat on my lap. Not a comfortable situation at all!
Blah, it's really a common sense thing. Anyone who is elderly, regardless of size, is likely to be experiencing muscle atrophy and bone weakness. A small thin guy is likely to be less durable, especially with a girl at or near his own weight. Etc.
I'm fortunate to be built like a truck and, while on the wrong side of 50, still have strong bones and muscles. But I know that eventually my time will come, probably sooner than later, when I can no longer treat 140 lb girl like a sack of potatoes. While I think you are right to be sensitive to this issue, it's also on the guys to communicate when it's more than they can handle.
Lol I've never been anywhere near 200 lbs in my life, even being as big as I am these days. I guess I was asking more for say like those short thin Asian or hispanic dudes or really frail looking and short old white guys lmao. But then idk, like I said a lot of them don't seem to give a damn that I'm tall and built like a brick house. I think a lot of people also don't seem to get that a lot of us are literally bigger boned. I still look bigger than the average portland chick at a low weight but not bigger in the stomach. I can literally only get so small because lop u cannot shrink your bone structure. I feel like most races are on the small boned side. Eastern Europeans are hit and miss whether we are built frail like most of the others or built like total beasts lmao. The only other type I see frequently built like a total beast is black and I am not sure what variety, I just guess West African or something.
They want to be broken
I haven't been small since well before the turn of the century. What I get is strippers who weight 140 - 150 lbs. who worry they're going to crush me, which makes me laugh.
I pray for it actually
I hear dancers tell me all the time they don’t like dancing for really small, skinny guys for fear of hurting them
I really think they are just trying to be nice and pump up my ego to me since I’m about the size of a polar bear
In terms of hurting a guy, age is going to be the primary factor, and not size.
I have had a few girls over time just come by and sit in my lap or on one leg that should never be doing that. Like 175-200 pounds. They often say something like ‘am I too heavy?’ Or ‘are you comfortable’. Out of politeness I typically say yes but shimmy out from under sooner than later. I could be more direct but why hurt feelings. It’s a grind out there.
I’ve never felt broken by a girl during dances except for the few who dance full jackhammer style (straight up and down bouncing super hard) with no finesse or rhythm. That’s never hot.
Hah! I chatted with a massage therapist recently, and she claimed it’s the skinniest women with a bmi of like 17 or something who always wanted the most deep tissue pressure on them. Idk if there’s anything from that that applies to skinny guys, but I’m sure they just like what they like
We had a skinny guy post on Reddit the other day who wanted a BBW stripper to put all of her weight on him during dances.
I'm nowhere near skinny or small, and I have been afraid of strippers breaking me on occasion. I've told this story before, but one time at Bottoms Up, where they had mostly armless chairs at rickety tables, a very large (larger than my 250+ lbs) AA dancer (Petra) walked up to me and slammed down on my legs. It hurt. And then she started spouting "I know you want some of this, don't you?" She must have taken my pain induced silence as assent because she proceeded to talk in a manner she no doubt thought of as sexy. When I regained my voice, I told her that no, I was not, in fact, interested, and to please get up. That's when she started getting pissy, claiming I was racist because she was black, that she'd danced for me and now I owed her, and refused to get up until I paid her. So I got up, and dumped her ass on the floor. Of course, she went to get the manager who, naturally, agreed with her. Fortunately, one of the other patrons backed up my story, and the manager backed down, however reluctantly.
She must have been badmouthing me in the back, because one of my regulars came out and asked me what I did. I explained, and she told me that Petra had pulled that nonsense before. Apparently I was the only one who ever dumped her on the floor. 😂😂😂
One time at a swingers club when I was like 21 I had a morbidly obese woman lay on top of me. We were in a 69 and she was a squirter. I wouldn't do it again. But it felt like being in a sauna.
PaulDrake said "We had a skinny guy post on Reddit the other day who wanted a BBW stripper to put all of her weight on him during dances."
That's the sort of PL death that earns a guy a place in TUSCL Valhalla.
I’ve gained weight since the pandemic, so I’m no longer a tall skinny guy. I’m now more of a normal weight for my height.
Even when I was slender, I would tell strippers to go harder. A good hard riding dancer is just what I enjoy.
I agree with what’s been mentioned about the age of the guy being an important factor in the concern about breaking bones.
I am short, but have never been skinny. Only problem I have had with tall curvy dancers, is they many tend to be a bit awkward giving dances in the small benches and couches.
Personally the dancers who have caused me the most discomfort, if not pain, during dances have been the tiny light weight dancers.