
When the not so hot girl gets on stage and everybody at rail gets up and leaves

Sunday, October 23, 2022 7:47 AM
Come on, you gotta give it at least a minute. That shit looks crazy when people do that en masse! Maybe go one by one, don't make it obvious. Somebody act like their going to bathroom, somebody act like a friend they have seen in 30 years is calling them over, one guy say "I gotta get another beer" very loudly. I'll give it like a song personally if nothing else is going on. I'm telling you some these customers are gonna make some of these girls jump off a building.


  • Jascoi
    2 years ago
  • BubbleYum
    2 years ago
    "When the not so hot girl gets on stage" lololol me. 😂
  • twentyfive
    2 years ago
    That's just mean Muddy, LOLOLOL
  • FishHawk
    2 years ago
    @BubbleYum, you are so not the “not so hot girl”. I
  • rickdugan
    2 years ago
    I've seen it happen too many times to count over the years, often when the girl getting on the stage is a porker. In a way I do feel bad for a girl when this happens, but it should also be a wakeup call for her. If your job includes taking off your clothes for a living, it's probably a good idea to make sure that people are going to like what they see.
  • shadowcat
    2 years ago
    I never sit at the stage. I always try to get a seat with my back to the wall so that I can see everything coming my way. But in the clubs that I have been going to lately in Atlanta there seems to be less and less dancers even getting on stage. No rotations at all. Which is fine with me. Stage dancing is just a way for dancers to show off their wares. No real entertainment.
  • motorhead
    2 years ago
    Not trying to be a white knight, but if I happen to be at the stage when the dancer rotated from “A” to “C” I’ll stick around for at least one song if she is new. It’s kind of embarrassing for the whole tip rail to get up and leave. If it’s a known veteran, I figure she’s got a tough skin and I’ll leave but I’ll show a tiny ounce of compassion for a new girl
  • mjx01
    2 years ago
    This should be a "self-solving problem." Yeah it's "mean" but IMO you get to vote with your wallet.
  • Dolfan
    2 years ago
    I used to try not to hurt the girls feelings like that. I'd even throw a couple pity bucks on stage. Then those girls starting thinking I liked them, and they'd try to come sit with me. And subtle or even not so subtle hints to the contrary wouldn't work. I'd end up having to be a much bigger asshole later when I'd have to tell them point blank "I'm not interested, can you please go." And best case I've wasted my time and hers at that point, quite possibly the girl I was interested in saw enough of the interaction to think I'm just a time waster or an asshole and is consequently less likely to come over. It's easier to just get up and walk away. Or much more often I just don't sit near the stage and only approach to tip the girls I like, then go back to my seat away from the stage.
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    2 years ago
    I pity tip a few dollars
  • DennisKe
    2 years ago
    I've only been to a stripclub 20-25 times, and "after covid", I'm overdue. I remember being at Shotgun Willie's when I saw the stage abandonment thing happen. Except for one time (after this), I've only stayed at the tip-stage. I stayed and was the only one who did. I struck up a conversation with the dancer. Although there may have been something else going on, what it looked like to me was they were leaving en masse for one reason. She had a much bigger ass than the rest, but no cellulite or anything, and she was smoking hot IMO. This was in the late 80's, so before the internet and before big asses were as popular. I told her I thought she had BY FAR the best ass in the club, and I meant it. I'm not into tiny, toned stripper-butt as a general rule. She seemed to really appreciate my comments, and she asked if there was anything she could do to make me happy. I told her she could spend all her time with me with her ass in my face, which she was more than happy to do. Being I remained the only one at her stage, through several rotations, I got non-stop perfect ass directly in my face for stage tips, which was wonderful. She even "accidentally" made contact with my mouth and nose on several occasions, with it staying there for a good period of time more than once. (Shotgun's has always been no PL contact) I had just gone through an ugly divorce, and so far hadn't started dating again. She wrote down her number, and what she said was her real name, and said to call her "anytime". I never did, unfortunately. I feel she actually liked me, although I'm aware it could have all been stripper-shit or merely being appreciative I stayed and tipped. I think I missed my chance. (I am old. Wildest stripclub experiences were in Frankfort, Germany and at the old Aloha Beach, which all of you, especially desertscrub, would have appreciated. As extra as extras get)
  • docsavage
    2 years ago
    I was in a strip club once with six other guys and a very obese girl went up on stage. While she was up there, they got up and walked out the door one after another. By the time she left the stage I was the only customer left. I kind of felt sorry for her. I think it would be better for strip club managers to not even hire girls who don't have a chance to make it. They may want to collect a fee from the girl for dancing there, but unattractive girls can actually drive customers out the door and a strip club doesn't want that. They need to have some standards when hiring.
  • RIproud01
    2 years ago
    I usually go up and tip a girl when no one else is tipping them. This often pays off with a very high mileage private dance at a very fair rate. Also led to some great extras in vip rooms
  • Champphilly
    2 years ago
    Be nice please. If the dancers are also follow the same approach, then 🤣🤣🤣🤷‍♂️
  • shadowcat
    2 years ago
    Yesterday a dancer came up to me and after introductions, she asked me how I liked her stage performance. I vaguely remembered seeing someone on stage that was not hot looking and I paid no attention to . Quick thinking I replied "Sorry I must have missed that". She accepted it but acted disappointed. Then I further disappointed her by turning down any dances.
  • nelly76
    2 years ago
    You guys are horrible. I leave them a candy bar as a tip. Or if I ate at the place, I make it rain with my left over french fries.
  • BubbleYum
    2 years ago
    ^ d'awwww look at the misogynist liking his own comments.
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    2 years ago
    If I go to the stage, it'll be for a short visit during the first song or two before a dancer's set ends. I usually go to connect with a hard-to-pin-down dancer that I'd like to take for dances. Once we chat and I tip, I leave to let others sit and tip if they want. So, I do see this happening, but I'm never part of the retreat.
  • gammanu95
    2 years ago
    I'm in the tough love crowd. Some of these dogs and fatties may be so stuck on the body positivity train that they think they should get naked no matter how awful it may be to see. I can't stop you from reading if your clothes, but hell if I'm going to subsidize you for it.
  • Muddy
    2 years ago
    At the risk of being called a pussy, when I turn down a girl, I'm not going to be rude, show her up or embarrass her. I recently saw this so I made the thread but this girl gets up on stage, packed club and the whole tip rail except me gets up and walks away like 10 people. It just looks shitty and due to how the club was set up it's not like satellite stage it's the main stage and everyone is watching this one stage and you got standing room only going so where are these people even going? Look I know the market and all that, but these are human beings here. I do not get any joy of watching a girl melt out there. There are other more subtle ways to let her know she should be doing something else. I'm not saying you got to spend money on her, just that the whole thing it just doesn't look good. We can be a little more careful I think, that's all. /End of my white knight softie rant
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    2 years ago
    A good club will have various types of girls. Not everyone has the same taste. Case jn point a lit of you who act hyper critical have posted fugly beasts
  • boomer79
    2 years ago
    I don’t sit at the stage but close enough to get up and tip pretty easily. Sometimes I would tip to be polite but if it’s a dancer like that then it would frequently mark me as someone to try to sell. Usually I tip girls who I might be interested in at some point and I’ll definitely use that time to tip and speak to someone Id like to come over.
  • rickdugan
    2 years ago
    ===> "I'm not saying you got to spend money on her, just that the whole thing it just doesn't look good. We can be a little more careful I think, that's all." Sure. And if you don't tip the porker when you're sitting at the tip rail, she'll be mad at you that night and inevitably go on r/stripper tomorrow bitching about the deadbeat who sat at the tip rail but didn't tip. No good deed and all that. But of course we already know that you <strong>did</strong> tip her. 😉 To that I can only say cool beans. As I always say, I never criticize how another grown man spends his money. In any event I'm sure that the few bucks you tipped her didn't break the bank. But for me it's the damned principle of the thing. Now to be clear, I like a variety of girls, most definitely including some with curves, and I tip fairly liberally. But I won't reward a girl who gets up on stage sporting a large bunt and a backside that looks like it belongs in a cottage cheese container. If you're going to take your clothes off for a living, you'd be well served by saying NO to the devil dogs every so often. Oh, and for those of you who say some variation of "Thank goodness they don't judge you the same way", I would think that the difference would be obvious. I'm not the one being paid to take my clothes off, for which the entire club should be grateful. 😂 On the flip side, we of course do not criticize any dancer for being broke, but a guy who walks into the club with that problem is understandably held in contempt by the girls. We each have our role in this thing.
  • NJBalla
    2 years ago
    Meh, the same analogy goes for beggars. The only reason they keep begging is because people keeping giving them 1s. If people stopped they would find another way to make money without making people feel uncomfortable. I also stopped worrying about being the white knight because lets face it, its not about helping them, white knights get off on being enablers in these circumstances.
  • DennisKe
    2 years ago
    In the situation I mentioned above, the truth is, she should just go to another club. I haven't been there for years, but back in the day, at least, Shotgun's had pretty much one body-type. Skinny and tiny stripper-butt, and all races and heights had to stick to that type. The dancer I talked to wasn't fat, she had a larger-than-average ass. Otherwise, she was as hot as anyone there, and in today's world, there are a lot a guys who like big butts. When I witnessed the desertion, she was crying. I had the fortune of having her beautiful ass in my face for three dancer rotations. In hindsight, she might have taken me up on an OTC moment, something I've never experienced.
  • Papi_Chulo
    2 years ago
    Like others, I rarely sit at the stage – at most I’ll go up when I wanna tip a particular girl, and even that I did less-and-less in the latter-years of my PL-career. I can’t recall a particular-incident; but I guess I’ve been in that situation where I want to leave the stage b/c the dancer that comes-on is not my type; and yeah I kinda felt a little bad about it – I guess the polite thing would be to not get up and leave but tip-her then leave the stage – I’m not one for tipping dancers I’m not interested-in but in this case I guess that would be the preferable thing for me unless I can make a stage-exit w/o being noticed. I assume a lot of these girls have grown thick-skin from working in the clubs or from having tough-backgrounds to where they can handle this – at the end of the day rejection is part of the SC-biz – most-girls are not gonna close every sale.
  • Papi_Chulo
    2 years ago
    “… A good club will have various types of girls. Not everyone has the same taste …” From 2014 to about 2018 I used to hit Inner Room (IR) in Cocoa Beach every 3 or 4 months (used to get there about 4pm and stay thru nightshift). Dayshift at IR was mixed but mostly white (it was the opposite at night) – in one of my trips there was a voluptuous darkish-skinned AA on stage in the dayshift – she was about 30 but in good shape – she was medium-build/slightly-thick but not BBW nor fat – and she had tremendous DD-natural-tits that were supa-firm and stayed-in-place even w/o a bra. Anyway – she was right my alley – I went up to the stage and tipped her well and she showed me a lot of attention on stage – after her stage-set she came and sat w/ me at the bar – we started talking and she mentioned to me how she hardly ever got tipped on stage – she mentioned something along the lines of “not even a dollar’ – IDK if she was upset about not making any $$$ on stage; or that the other custies didn’t like her enough to tip even a dollar (I got the sense she meant the latter but IDK) – anyway we went for some dances and I got a good amount of dances from her and def enjoyed her supa-full natural-DDs. The old IR had a lot old of retiree-looking white-custies and I would notice they’d approach the stage when there was a spinner or small-dancer on stage but not so much o/w.
  • Muddy
    2 years ago
    I hear y’all. What I’m saying is more a group thing, your sitting up there alone and leave one by one who cares. It’s just if everybody does it at the same time it looks crazy. Maybe you have to see it to know what I’m talking about. It just looks off to me, just be more low key, not to show this girl up. And no you don’t have to tip im just saying let’s not make it look like she diseased. For shotgun Willies you have all these little stages around the club that’s not what I mean really, it’s more when she the star of the show and the whole club is watching come on it’s a little embarrassing. Just my take.
  • sideshow_bob
    2 years ago
    I sit at the stage to avoid being pestered because I'm usually waiting for someone I know and the new girls at my local haunt are usually a bad bet.
  • datinman
    2 years ago
    I totally get what Muddy is saying. When the unappealing new girl comes on stage and I stand so fast my chair goes skittering across the floor and I loudly exclaim "AWW, Hell No!" as I turn and walk away; the rest of you guys are being insensitive if you follow suit. Please have the decency to stay seated and tip a little bit for at least part of a dance. Over time, if you're lucky, you may also develop the cat like reflexes that allow you to be the first to leave.
  • Cashman1234
    2 years ago
    I’ve done the opposite. I’ve gone to the stage and tipped. It’s worked out very well for me. Those not so hot girls can be great.
  • Dave_Anderson
    2 years ago
    These little games are one more thing I don't miss not going to clubs anymore. If you are too nice you end up trying not to hurt strippers feelings and waste time and money. Seriously they are there to con you out of money and most of them think of you as a dehumanized ATM or worse. The customer shouldn't feel obligated to sit through anything.
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    2 years ago
    ^ So, you're not going to strip clubs and you just come here to post unhinged lunacy and not be taken seriously by anyone. Well, then I guess SJG did designate a successor to his realm right before the library updated its network firewall permissions. "Seriously they are there to con you out of money and most of them think of you as a dehumanized ATM or worse." And while that's certainly true in some cases, when it comes to dehumanizing behavior/treatment it's not like dancers hold a monopoly. There's a lot of pot calling the kettle black going on here.
  • Jascoi
    2 years ago
    I tried to pay attention to see who’s coming up next and if she’s hot I’ll stay seated at the Jeff rail and if she’s not tired I’ll get up as soon as the present hottie gets off the stage
  • Jascoi
    2 years ago
    *tip* rail. not jeff rail.
  • Jascoi
    2 years ago
    and scratch ‘tired’…
  • rickdugan
    2 years ago
    ===> "These little games are one more thing I don't miss not going to clubs anymore...Seriously they are there to con you out of money and most of them think of you as a dehumanized ATM or worse." And these comments are precisely why you made the right decision not to go to strip clubs anymore. If you care about the money as much as they do, you're in the wrong place. This is purely goofy entertainment. Every single nickel that anyone ever plunks down in a club is frivolously spent. If you can't accept that as the baseline setting, then a strip club is not the right entertainment venue for you. Now that's not to say that I spend my entertainment dollars with wild abandon. I definitely try to maximize my fun for money spent (I've stopped calling it "ROI" because it sounds so much more serious than this is lol) and there's only so much I'll spend on less stimulating activities, but I also understand that there's no avoiding a certain amount of baseline spending (drinks, tips, the occasional backroom misfire, etc.) in order to find the right gals. Again anyone who isn't OK with this should probably seek their fun elsewhere.
  • Mate27
    2 years ago
    There you go again, getting all uppity and telling people how they should live their lives. Just like SJG does.
  • SashaJuicy
    2 years ago
    omg there should be no pity tips. cause then they think they’re good at their job but they’re not 😅 i’m so mean
  • tuskular
    2 years ago
    So, quick question. If you are sitting at the rail and the girl is a terrible dancer and she's not that great. What's the etiquette? Do you just get up and leave?
  • bang69
    2 years ago
    I never sit by the stage. I always sit near the exit.
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