Flight Club29709 Michigan Ave
Inkster, MI 48141
Flight Club..... GPS warning

I didn't think any additional info i could contribute warranted an entire new review.
I'm 90% sure her stage name was Nicole. I could be wrong, maybe it was Maddie / Maddison.... but I don't think so.
But her @maddie_theeebaddieee is definitely her insta.
Be warned. I wasted better part of an evening chatting with her ( and her much less attractive friend ) . She wouldn't budge from about double the prevailing rate for similarly hot FC dancers.
last commentHey. On the bright side you got to spend the better part of an evening with a super hot chick, AND came home with a full wallet!
She IS smoking hot.
Cry about it baby. 😂
I sent this to her and she's completely unbothered and laughed about it. Cry some more, loser.
This is just a warning to other PLs. It's what we do here.
Maybe @bubbleyum IS the less attractive friend?
The important part here = "I waisted....."
Yes, sir, it sounds like you did.
Keep in mind there are many factors that go into what a dancer sets her price at FC. And that price can fluctuate.
For instance, this was a late weekday night. She MIGHT have not made a vip trip yet this night and was probably not going to get another. May not have been worth the vip fee for her unless it was a big payout.
Maddie the baddie is smokin hot. I’d pony up to ride that ride 💯
@cakecoma based on your FC review you would have gone home and taken a shower at this price.
"Maybe @bubbleyum IS the less attractive friend?"
Nope. I haven't been there in several months. Nice try though, cheap ass. 😂
I hope you feel better now after posting this, cry baby. Poor wittle guy can't afford one of the hottest girls in metro Detroit and came to TUSCL to cry about it. Someone call the wahmbulance. 😂😂😂
3131 you're an asshole and a pussy. I usually don't call the same guy both as these two traits often conflict, but every so often I meet one of those rare dudes who is both angry yet also gives off weak sissy vibes.
There was zero reason to specifically identify the girl out on here, especially if you couldn't even remember her name. Now if she had done something truly despicable then all bets are off, like a straight up scam or theft. But to say bad things about her on here just because you didn't like her asking price? Fuck dude.
Btw as a matter of principle I can't stand grown ass men who use the term "GPS" when describing a girl. It makes them sound both self-entitled and desperate, both contemptable character traits in a grown man. This is a unique human being who has decided that access to her body is worth a certain price. Be man enough to understand where she's coming instead of acting like her vagina is a public commodity.
As someone who has negotiated countless OTC adventures over the years, I've found a number of ways to approach these pricing disagreements which don't involve being a whiny desperate dick. Often a girl and I can find a middle ground that we can both live with, but sometimes we don't and that's OK too. The right response when it just doesn't work out is to sack up, be gracious about it and move on.
I see nothing wrong with a true 10 asking above the going rate
A LAMBORGHINI costs more than a Ford Pinto
^ thank you.
OP could have removed himself from the situation and moved on to a different girl, but he made the choice to waste his own time trying to negotiate a non-negotiable price. It's his own fault and now a bunch of Detroit's hottest girls are all laughing at him after I told others about this post.
She's not my type. I wouldn't have wasted her time, much less mine, talking to her to begin with. But I really don't see what she did wrong in your story. You're really gonna cry because a girl had a price you didn't wanna pay?
Did this actually happen, or is this some sort of ploy to gain followers for that girls IG? I can't believe someone would genuinely think it was a big deal that a stripper had a price above market. You do realize that's kinda how the market works right? Some girls charge higher prices, some are in the middle, and some are below. Most guys have a pretty good idea what they're looking at and talking to within a few minutes and make an attempt to not waste either parties time and effort.
If it did happen, it's on you at least as much if not more than on her. If this is just a move to get eyes on that IG, congrats, it worked.
oh, and if this getting back to that dancer, props for blurring out the other girl in the background of that locker room pic. A common courtesy that is inexplicably rare.
Flight club is a clip joint. Their business model is keep hot girls happy, the suckers will come. They could care less if a customer gets robbed. And just because you don't like getting robbed doesn't mean you're cheap.
Besides holding your coat and car keys hostage, they hire people to pretend they are dancers and talk up the clip joints (flight club, landing strip) and trash the honest clubs (h8n, bogarts).
Adding to the list of members the @rick doesn't like. Lol.
This is just a GPS warning. See my other posts and comments. Nothing more nothing less. I appreciate it when other PLs speak up. When I see a dancer named over and over as GPS ( or ROB).... I avoid.
The pool is usually deep at FC with 8s and 9s willing to please at prevailing rates.
===> "Adding to the list of members the @rick doesn't like. Lol."
You don't get to wrap yourself in some herd comfort on this one, where you're just one of many running in the same direction. Almost nobody, man or woman, respects a grown man who behaves like you did. Sorry to tell ya' buddy, but you're standing all alone in that wide open field, showing your ass like a baboon for all to see.
If you want to tell the board that a dancer is charging a high rate, fine. We have a pretty strong dislike of connecting dancers by name to extras, but in places like Detroit and pompano that’s not the biggest thing. The disconnect is where you acted like she was a ROB or wasted your time because of GPS, like she’s at fault. Since I’m not a socialist, I applaud where prices are determined by the free market. She offered and you have the chance to counter, accept or reject. If her price is so above market she can’t sell it, it’s her choice to keep asking for it. Seems like a lot of drama over nothing.
Bitter grapes 🍇
"She wouldn't budge"
Exactly how many times did you revisit the topic? Maybe it's me, but my negotiations never last longer than a minute. Either you agree or you say goodnight.
So op is butt hurt she wouldn't fuck him for cheap....
Generally speaking I find it useful to know which dancers are asking exorbitant amounts. If you had dropped that info into a regular review I doubt anyone would have blinked an eye. But you made a separate post about it, which opened you up for abuse. If the posting/review culture on here included reports on individual dancers then your post would fit. But that's not how it is.
===> "If the posting/review culture on here included reports on individual dancers then your post would fit. But that's not how it is."
His "sin" is not the fact that he highlighted one girl as more expensive than many others. It's that he labelled it Golden Pussy Syndrome, which made him look like a self-entitled fixated twat.
^?He got what he wanted, just like Iceefag he’s another attention whore who says shit for shock value with no merit to his remarks just a lot of clicks
I don't see what she supposedly did wrong here. She has her price. Either you're willing to pay it or you're not. If your're not, don't and kindly go your separate way. Certainly not worth going out of your way to post here to complain about it and call her out by name.
"This is just a GPS warning. See my other posts and comments."
I looked because we were trying to figure out who you are so YOU can be avoided. 😂😭
What made her so special for you to call out like this? Your post history lacks similar posts, so something set you off. If you're some kind of savior for others to give warnings, then where is the same energy for other girls? Keep crying, OP. 💀 We love making fun of little bitches like you.
"Besides holding your coat and car keys hostage, they hire people to pretend they are dancers and talk up the clip joints (flight club, landing strip) and trash the honest clubs (h8n, bogarts)."
Because we all know that Landing Strip and Flight Club is downright peasantry compared to H8s and Bogarts, right? Excuse me while I cackle.
Lol ..... imagine a bunch of FC dancers playing cyber sleuth so they can dox a PL?
"Generally speaking I find it useful to know which dancers are asking exorbitant amounts. "
Again, y'all are focused on the minutiae here. Bottom line = GPS warnings are real. And they help PLs have a better club experience.
We all know who to avoid at Synn in COI because that info has been shared over and over. Same goes here. If she gets mentioned again for the same play, it's a trend.
Op just felt rejected coz he couldn't afford her
Do he's throwing a tantrum
Eh. Dancers get to set their rates and we get to accept them or not. You not having (or wanting to spend) the money doesn't change that or make her somehow "bad" or someone to avoid.
Customers complaining about "GPS" because a dancer won't accommodate their budget isn't a good look. It's the same as dancers complaining about "cheap" customers when we choose to not pay a rate that is outside of our comfort zone.
And if you spent a bunch of time with that dancer before asking about her rates ahead of time, then that's your rookie mistake.
===> "And if you spent a bunch of time with that dancer before asking about her rates ahead of time, then that's your rookie mistake."
And hers for not cutting bait long before he got to his 3rd, 4th or 5th attempt to talk her down.
In other news.... maddie got 500 new Instagram followers
"so they can dox a PL"
You're a special breed of pathetic retard if you think them trying to o figure out who you are is doxxing. Maybe you should use your little Google machine to look up the definition of doxxing, dip shit. Don't use the term if you don't know what it means. Also, I sent you some Kleenex on behalf of all of my friends at FC. Hopefully it helps dry your tears of being a broke little entitled cry baby bitch. ❤️
“Op just felt rejected coz he couldn't afford her“
Icee speaks the goddam truth here.
What was the actual rate?
Sometimes theyll offer a high rate to indirectly say no. Or to see if you’ll do it. Or maybe they are able to regularly charge that rate and maintain clients
3131 that dancer is hotter than any ive seen posted here and hotter than many escorts and dancers.
Is she really the hottest dancer in the detroit area?
What about extras ITC?
Has she had work done on her face?
Maybe we have different ideas of gps and high prices I think $500 is a reasonable rate for someone like her
Rick i see your point but the dancer is pretty hot, just this post from OP alone could bring this dancer thousands in revenue. Its true that its a risk but it can also bring the dancer more client attention and revenues. I would probably pay like $700 for the first time with this dancer and $400 for repeat visits. Im glad op was able to post and help us out.
@BTE. I responded to your pm.
I agree there are MANY reasons a girl might set a high rate at any given time.
She isn't the hottest dancer in Detroit. Wasn't even the hottest dancer in FC this night. She's in the top 10% for detroit suburban extras clubs though. Her Instagram pics are definitely enhanced. Work on her face? Probably lip fillers. Maybe cheek fillers. Probably botox. Definitely breast augmentation.
And ...... NO dancer is going to give you full service for 700 the first time, then offer a discount of 400 for subsequent visits. Unless you've got some insane skills or are providing some sort of peripheral benefits ( coke ?)
3131 i dont know, for a regular discounts can be offered.