
The one thing worse than SS

Keep it in my pants when I do OTC. If I were a stripper it would stand for I like big bucks and I can not lie.
SOB: stripper over bluntness. My fav told me she wouldn't have my kid even if I were 30 years younger. Cause I'm under 6 feet tall. She only wants a baby daddy where she can wear her six inch heels without having to look down on him.


  • Warrior15
    2 years ago
    Time to find another FAV. But do you really want to have a kid ?
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    2 years ago
    Women only have rules for men they don't have real feelings for.
  • rickdugan
    2 years ago
    @Ilb: Tbh I can't imagine how you were having a conversation like that in the first place. For me the thought of becoming a baby daddy to a young girl living that lifestyle ranks right up there with personally performing my own root canal. But to each his own I suppose.

    But to warrior's point, I agree that it's probably time to find another fav. There's honesty and then there's disrespect. When the former is used to justify the latter, IMO it's time for a reset. A girl looking to keep a guy motivated to spend money on her based upon her sex appeal should probably have the good sense not to tell him something like that.

  • bang69
    2 years ago
    Don't waist your time with her. Move on
  • Cashman1234
    2 years ago
    You are hurt by a stripper not wanting to have your child?

    I guess different strokes for different folks. That sounds like a very good thing, in my view. I’d be more concerned if a stripper wanted to have my baby!

    Her comment was shallow and it is more a reflection of her emotional immaturity. If she judges baby daddies by their height, that’s her issue.
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    2 years ago
    That bluntness is a dancer telling you to stay in your lane. Because it's a service/payment relationship and not a truly personal or romantic relationship.

    Even as a hypothetical, I'd never talk to a dancer about having my child, being my girlfriend, etc., etc. It puts them in an awkward position and potentially sours a good thing.

    You getting stiff-armed by her was probably the best case scenario.
  • twentyfive
    2 years ago
    What the hell do you do in a strip club that this subject ever comes up ?
  • drewcareypnw
    2 years ago
    The fact that this conversation ever took place is a bad sign. Time to take a short break from clubs, and a permanent break from that fav.
  • docsavage
    2 years ago
    I sometimes try to think of compliments I can give my regulars. I've had a few I would have liked to have as a girlfriend if I were 40 years younger but have never tried to use that as a compliment on them because of them possibly not taking it as a compliment. What happened to you kind of indirectly confirms that. A lot of my regulars wouldn't just snub me as a potential boyfriend because I'm forty years older than them. I think even if I was exactly the same age as them, they would still snub me as a potential boyfriend. Women didn't really start to show interest in me until they reached their late twenties and started to look more for the steady dependable guy who would make a good husband. Most strippers haven't reached that stage yet.
  • Dolfan
    2 years ago
    This wouldn't bother me at all. I'm with Cashman, I'd be more concerned if she did want to have my baby. If she just walked up and made that statement out of the blue, I guess I'd agree that its disrespectful but if it somehow came up in conversation I'd be fine with it, certainly not upset enough to distance myself from another wise good stripper.
  • funonthaside
    2 years ago
    Rhode Island
    5 Hours Ago
    That bluntness is a dancer telling you to stay in your lane."

    It amuses me when SD//strippers don't have the sense to manage the dialogue in order to keep us contributing. Sometimes, all they need to do is continue with the fantasy, and we will continue down the path of continued contributions. When they deviate from the script, however, they ultimately cost themselves (and save us) future contributions.

    We must be utterly pathetic in order to have some SDs/strippers not be able to continue with a standard script.
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    2 years ago
    I think she sensed op is catching feelings so she tried to lay down boundaries.
  • jaybud999
    2 years ago
    I'd shrug my shoulders and return the bluntness: "then you best get to swallowing."
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    2 years ago
    I don't think what she said is offensive. Was she supposed to pretend that she would? You can't be offended if a stripper young enough to be your daughter doesn't see you that way.
  • ilbbaicnl
    2 years ago
    Daaang lighten up Francis. Since I can't possible become 30 years younger, she knew it was a joking question. She has a big preference for tall men, I don't think she'd literally never consider a guy under 6 feet. I'm at least that shallow about who I'm attracted to, so I'd be a huge hypocrite if I judge her for this. She's very attractive, charming and smart. But, as is often the case with such people (especially when they're young), she thinks she has a charmed life, and long shots are sure things for her.
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