What's a good T word?
Keep it in my pants when I do OTC. If I were a stripper it would stand for I like big bucks and I can not lie.
Since Pink Sugar Doll was in The Nam, her initials really need to be PTSD. So we need a good word that starts with T to put between Pink and Sugar. It would be easy if she uses pink nail polish on her feet, so Pink Toenail Sugar Doll. She could be Pink Teibolera (table dancer) Sugar Doll, but using Mexican slang seems a bit of a cheat. She could be Pinky Tuscadero Sugar Doll, but then the Fonz might get jealous and pressure her to stop dancing. She could be Pink Taffy Sugar Doll, but that might encourage PLs to smush her too hard. Perhaps Powdered Toast Sugar Doll as an homage to Ren and Stimpy. Help me out here.
Pink Tinted Sugar Doll
Pink Tailored Sugar Doll
Pink Tasting Sugar Doll
Pink Tickle Sugar Doll
Pink Titted Sugar Doll
the t was for triggered.