Is anyone here worried about Monkey Pox?

avatar for PinkSugarDoll

Just like from the club and normal dancing…?


last comment
avatar for shailynn
2 yrs ago

Have you met anyone yet that has/had it?

Do you know of anyone or a friend of a friend that has had it?

I still don’t even know of someone that has had it, or even someone who knows someone else, so no, I’m not too worried about it.

avatar for mark94
2 yrs ago

It’s transmitted by skin to skin contact so, yeah. Nasty stuff. It’s smallpox which is a helluva lot more scary than CoVid/Flu.

avatar for mark94
2 yrs ago

There are currently 10,000 cases spread out among 47 states. Washington DC and NY have the highest concentration. Still mostly in the gay community. So, odds of getting it in a titty bar are pretty low right now, but that could change as cases go up.

It’s not politically possible to shut down bath houses but we’ve seen a willingness to shut down strip clubs in the name of public health.

avatar for Tetradon
2 yrs ago

It's in the back of my mind. For the time being, it's a disease of gay men in the west, but it'll spread.

Wondering if a bi guy has sex with a man, then transmits it to an extras girl.

avatar for shailynn
2 yrs ago


Does anyone personally know someone that has had it?

Does anyone know a friend of a friend or a distance acquaintance that has had it?

avatar for whodey
2 yrs ago

In the three states (Ohio, Kentucky and Indiana) I usually club in there are a total of 166 cases so far. Based on those low numbers I am not the least bit concerned about it.

I do keep my eye on the spread and as it gets worse I will probably start to pay more attention when/if the number of local cases start to rise quickly.

The good thing about Monkey Pox compared to Covid is that it has visible symptoms that we can watch for when the numbers get higher. Frankly even before Monkey Pox I would avoid a dancer who's body is covered in red bumps,blisters or scabs and I'd imagine others do as well.

avatar for mark94
2 yrs ago

No, but it’s not like infected people wear a badge announcing their status.

With smallpox, there is a 30% chance of fatality and many of the remaining 70% end up blind. So, the question wasn’t are you likely to get it, it was are you worried. The honest answer is it makes me slightly less likely to get a high contact dance.

avatar for IfIGottaBeDamned
2 yrs ago

Yes, certainly avoid a dancer with symptoms. Most of the older guys on here who were born before 1971 received the smallpox vaccine. Which is reportedly about 85% effective against monkey pox.

avatar for jaybud999
2 yrs ago

Not at the moment. As with Whodey, I'd avoid dances with girls with visible indicators (not that there couldn't be signs in places I can't see, but they are basically wearing skimpy underwear/nothing).

avatar for misterorange
2 yrs ago

Apparently there's a specific Monkeypox vaccine now but I'm reluctant to go ask for it. They might think I'm, you know, homo or something.

avatar for drewcareypnw
2 yrs ago

It’s on my mind, but it doesn’t seem widespread enough yet to be a concern for PLs.

@psd: how are dancers reacting to this?

avatar for JimGassagain
2 yrs ago

Hey, no homo here, but who in this site would voluntarily go get the monkey pox vaccine just so you can continue to monger in peace?


avatar for shadowcat
2 yrs ago

I'm worried about a lot of things but not Monkeypox.

avatar for VeeEm
2 yrs ago

Being reluctant to get a monkeypox vaccine because the personnel might think you are gay is literal homophobia. Just in case you've ever spent any energy avoiding being called homophobic.

avatar for PinkSugarDoll
2 yrs ago

Do you understand…

Small pox vaccine is good for only 10 years…so if you got it in 1971…or even 81…or even 91….. 😐😐😐

Do you understand….

A dancer in a club is super-power high risk for transmitting , and contracting, something like this…

It is now not a gay person thing, and many gay people also have sex and contact with opposite sex people.

There was a time we could say we knew no one with Covid and then those same people tested positive a day, A week, a month later.

You expect girls to engage in the behaviors that spread this.

Guys will reach in their pants and adjust themselves then touch me. Someone said you feel comfortable interacting with people who show no symptoms and yet make genitalia is one main area that people experience symptoms and in this scenario that happens ALL THE TIME, I have no way of knowing if he is showing symptoms or not.

So that is why I am asking.

Bc at the most basic level a guy wants to put his mouth on me, his hands and fingers on me, and wants me to kiss. And that is how you get monkey pox.

If I requested that you didn’t, that you chill out a little bc of this, I’m sure many would have a chip on their shoulder about it, bc many are easily offended and quick to stop the dancing if someone tells them to please do not do [something].

That is why I am asking.

avatar for PinkSugarDoll
2 yrs ago

I haven’t been itc in a month or so, I have been doing my other job so I do not know how dancers feel. I am about to go to Texas and no one gives a fuck about science or disease control there so it is bothering me.

I had an anaphylactic reaction to a vaccine and I can’t get vaccines now bc, ya know, possible death, so it is not an option for me to get the vaccine (why it is important for other people to vaccinate).

“No, but it’s not like infected people wear a badge announcing their status.”

Uh yeah, right, exactly, it’s like you get it but you also DID NOT GET IT, at all—the whole point is…YOU DONT KNOW IF SOMEONE US INFECTED. Jesus Christ.

Psd you're a troll and not even a woman.

avatar for ilbbaicnl
2 yrs ago

Hope you're not in a bad $ squeeze PSD.

It worries me, but I'm not going to live like a monk for an indefinite period. I'm hoping to mostly rely on a dancer who (for other reasons) only does OTC for a small number of regulars now.

The logical thing would be to prioritize sex workers (who can tolerate it) getting the vaccine. But there would be too much public backlash. Already starting to hear the "only gay men get it, they deserve it" stuff again.

avatar for bang69
2 yrs ago

I'm worried more about the economy. More then monkey pox

avatar for gammanu95
2 yrs ago

I am not worried about Monkeypox, but I am cognizant of it. Although, that's the same attitude I had about that new Asian respiratory virus in January 2020.

avatar for skibum609
2 yrs ago

Being impervious to everything bad allows me to have no concerns at all.

avatar for motorhead
2 yrs ago

When the Corona virus first appeared (we don’t really call it that anymore) we all learned a new term - “R sub zero”

The Omicron BA2 variant has an R0 value of 8-12

Monkeypox is estimated to be 1 to 1.5

Even in the Congo, it’s only 3.5

No, not really worried

avatar for motorhead
2 yrs ago

Sometimes Canada just gets it….

99% of Canadians with Monkeypox are gay men who have had sex with another man. Median age is 36

Canadian health officials are advising gay men to practise safe sex and limit the number of partners.

Not saying stupid stuff like “they deserve it” but in North America it is essentially a gay disease

The gay community learned nothing from AIDS. if gays were monogamous for the next 6 months, this could easily be contained. But they are literally selfish pricks

avatar for twentyfive
2 yrs ago

Nah as long as you keep Icee and shrubby on ignore you're safe

avatar for rickdugan
2 yrs ago

===> "Is anyone here worried about Monkey Pox?"

Not especially. Now I certainly won't be putting Rick Jr. in any girl with a lot of lumps on her, but there are lots of reasons for that. Right now it seems to be largely limited to a certain demographic and until I see solid evidence to the contrary, I'm not going to burn much energy thinking about it.

As someone who came into his sexual prime during in the late 80s through the mid 90s, everyone was worried about HIV. This was due, in large part, to government entities and independent scientists promoting the bogus narrative that AIDS was as likely to infect heterosexual men as it was anyone else. This happened because, as the thinking went, if it was considered a "gay disease" then nobody would want to fund research and treatment. So instead the powers that be promoted non-stop paranoia.

It was only much later, with the widespread availability of the Internet and online reporting of HIV statistics, that we came to understand that F-2-M transmission of HIV via regular sex was practically non-existent and it wasn't even very common with M-2-F, though a bit more common due to bisexual dudes playing both sides. So no, until I see very compelling evidence to the contrary, I won't re-live the hysteria that surrounded AIDS with yet another virus that seems to target predominantly gay men.

avatar for FishHawk
2 yrs ago

PSD makes some very good points. If someone in a club is infected with Monkeypox, a club environment and behaviors is a perfect place to spread it. Of course if I met PSD in a club I would want to touch her in all the ways she mentioned and more. Should she allow that? Should I do it if she does? These are questions that each of us have to answer for our self’s. At a minimum we need to keep ourselves informed of the infection levels in the area we are clubbing and adjust accordingly. At least until vaccines are readily available. Does this suck? Yea, big time!

avatar for rickthelion
2 yrs ago

Easy for you to say that shit Motorhead ape. You’re not turned on other males. What if monkeypox required you to abstain.

I mean really, monkeypox is primarily a disease of rodents but you wouldn’t tell some rodent lothario to stay clear of the rodent hookers, would you?

I had this bud named macktherat and that crazy sumbitch fucked the rat hookers 24/7. This one time mack and I were hangin’, drinkin’ a lil’ Jack and enjoying a pizza and this female rat walks up and offers to suck him off for a slice. They did some unspeakable rat shit right in front of me and I didn’t say a word because rats are frickin’ crazy. I mean really, they’ll frickin’ EAT YOUR FACE if you interrupt their fun.

Hell, mack is prolly tryin’ to track you down for insulting his rat honor right now. You don’t have to worry ‘cause he’ll prolly fuck a monkeypox infected rodent on the way to find you and then die. But you should still be careful because some day you may open the door for a pizza deliver and it’ll be mack the frickin’ pizza rat and he’ll leap up and eat your frickin’ face!

avatar for Dolfan
2 yrs ago

I wouldn't say I'm worried about it to the extent that I've attempted to get vaccinated or that it's materially changed my behavior by keeping my out of clubs or anything. I would however be much more leery of getting dances from a dancer who had any known prodrome conditions, but I've been more observant and vigilant about that since COVID anyway.

As far as stopping dancing because a girl was concerned, that's a tough one. If I'm in a club where high contact dances are typical and you're wanting to give me an air dance, I wouldn't take offense or anything but I'm not gonna keep buying dances. If it's a less dramatic change I'd probably be pretty amenable. I'd much prefer you gave me a heads up before we went back for dances though.

avatar for rickdugan
2 yrs ago

@Fish: Maybe you could develop a multi-branch decision tree for us, with a variety of IF/THEN branches that we could follow depending upon a variety of identified metrics. That way we can all be super-duper safe. 😉

avatar for prof69
2 yrs ago

I am with @dolfan with this one. Fine if you don't want to be touched on the friction couch, give me the heads up and we will stay out front for the air dances. I will be more explicit with my expectations before I agree to go to the back room.

avatar for skibum609
2 yrs ago

If monkeypox is going to be an excuse for air dances, it will also serve as my excuse for drinking beer and neither tipping, nor getting dances from the ladies. The value of watching/air dance is zero as far as I am concerned and that's all I am willing to pay for an airdance.

avatar for Huntsman
2 yrs ago

Dolphan summarized my thinking on it at this point.

As far as any given dancer’s boundaries for any reason, I respect and accept them. Every club has a certain culture and norms and every dancer sets her own boundaries for her own reasons. I just appreciate a clear heads up before the head’s up if the dancer should reasonably know her boundaries are not in the norm for that club culture. As it is, I ask about her boundaries anyway, as a matter of respect. If she is straightforward with me, I’m still likely to get some dances. Granted, they’ll be fewer or non VIP in that case.

avatar for whodey
2 yrs ago

PSD you make a valid point about strippers being especially susceptible to diseases that are spread through contact. That risk has to factor into it to some degree when a girl decides whether or not to be a dancer and even more so for someone like you who has a medical reason that prevents vaccination. But the same can be said about any number of other diseases that are spread by close contact. In the end it comes down to a risk vs reward decision for everyone involved in the strip club life. Essentially it is a matter of deciding if the risk of catching this disease (or any other disease) outweighs the rewards you get from stripping (money, lifestyle, etc) and make a personal choice.

How big the risk is for customers would largely depend on what type of customer they are. Someone that likes to get 1 or 2 lapdances each from 10-15 different girls would be at higher risk based on the number of girls he has prolonged physical contact with than a guy that basically just watches the stage and maybe gets one lapdance. My risk would fall somewhere in between there since I prefer 30-60 minute sessions instead of individual dances so I typically only have extended contact with one or two dancers per visit. The same would be true for dancers where a girl that quickly moves from customer to customer selling them each one or two dances would be a higher risk than one that sits and talks with a customer for an extended period while selling extended vip sessions and a girl that primarily makes her money from the stage show would have very little risk.

avatar for Warrior15
2 yrs ago

I do most of my clubbing in Pinellas County, FL. Population of about 1 million. There have been 36 total cases. That is one in 30,000 people. Of those 36 cases, over 90% of them have been gay men. Less than one in 70,000 women have been infected.

My only fear is that beautiful women such as PSD will stop dancing for a while due to concern over the POX.

avatar for whodey
2 yrs ago

If nothing else PSD you could do what I saw a few girls do after the clubs reopened after the covid lock down and carry a bottle of sanitizer with you and tell the guys they have to sanitize their hands at the beginning of the dance if they want to touch you. As long as you aren't an extras dancer you likely won't have much direct skin to skin contact other than their hands so that should help mitigate your exposure risk to some extent.

avatar for ilbbaicnl
2 yrs ago

Air dances don't interest me, I'd rather just watch porn. If a full contact stripper wore something like , I'd probably give that a try.

avatar for PinkSugarDoll
2 yrs ago

Thoughtful answers, I thank (most of) you for your sensitivity. ❤️

avatar for PinkSugarDoll
2 yrs ago

And I haven’t done an air dance since Nam so don’t anyone worry about that lol.

avatar for whodey
2 yrs ago

"My contact there told me they've had at least two confirmed monkey pox cases there."

Where was that at? Preferably club name but at least what area so others know?

avatar for TFP
2 yrs ago

Honestly, no.

I just came back from a week long Vegas trip. Made about 8 strip club visits. Monkeypox wasn't on my mind at all as I groped, grinded, and sucked on boobs all week long. Maybe that was dumb of me. But it was fun as hell.

How long does it take for symptoms to show up lol?

avatar for TFP
2 yrs ago

@Desertscrub honestly I WAS more worried about crossing the street in Vegas. Fucking cabbies all act like they're playing the game Crazy Taxi, fuck all the pedestrians.

avatar for skibum609
2 yrs ago

"A recent visit to a club in my area known for extras " which I won't name because my post is a lie.

avatar for TheeOSU
2 yrs ago

'It’s not politically possible to shut down bath houses '

And the sjcreep is happy about that as he'd have nowhere to hang when the library is closed.

So anyway, I'm aware of the pox but since I never received a covid vaccine I'm more concerned about catching that than the pox. I know of at least 80 people that caught covid, most weren't hit hard but around 8-10 were hit very hard and most of them were fit and lived clean lives so even though i haven't and probably won't get vaxed it is always in the back of my mind. I'll save any concerns re the pox for another day.

avatar for san_jose_guy
2 yrs ago

Not something I think about.


avatar for shailynn
2 yrs ago

^ guess you don’t have to worry about that since nobody every comes close to touching you.

avatar for ilbbaicnl
2 yrs ago

PSD we know you weren't in Nam, we would have won.

avatar for Papi_Chulo
2 yrs ago

I'll probably avoid dancers that I notice doing a lot of swinging on stage just to be safe

avatar for Papi_Chulo
2 yrs ago

I haven't clubbed in close to a year and not really hard-up for visiting a club - if the figure of just 10,000 cases with almost all in the male-gay-community is correct, then the risk looks minimal - but given that I haven't been clubbing then it would likely make me not wanna take the risk for me personally even if minimal; I am currently dealing w/ another situation related to my health and def would not want to have to deal w/ monkeypox in addition although realistically-speaking it does seem like a very very small risk.

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