Chasing that one hot stripper that everybody else is too

avatar for Muddy
A couple recent club visits I found myself at night in the strip club and the line up was kind of average save for that one girl who was head and shoulders above the rest. You go to tip her and say hey let’s go for dances/VIP. Then 6 other customers do the same thing at the stage. Everybody is on this girls shit. Ince she gets off stage B line right to customer off to the dance area, almost never alone. In this situation it’s the only girl you feel like spending money on. There was a moment when maybe when she leaves the dressing room maybe I could shoot over and see what’s up but it’s too much, I just said you know what fuck this, next club.

Now this seems to be more of a night time dilemma with a strip club that’s packed to the gills. But how about you guys you going in head first to the feeding frenzy or looking at other options? And if you are going to battle what are some things you do?


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avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
3 years ago
More broke bum shit 🤡 where's the gofundme for Muddy.

Of strippers avoid you you're the problem.
avatar for rickdugan
3 years ago
Tbh Muddy I avidly avoid those situations.
avatar for Hank Moody
Hank Moody
3 years ago
Had this exact scenario recently in Louisville. The hot girl was locked down and I didn’t like any of the others. Waited until I finished my beer to see if she freed up but she didn’t. Went to another club and found what I needed.
avatar for drewcareypnw
3 years ago
It happens for sure. I don’t participate in the bidding wars. But there is definitely a phenomenon where one girl is killing it, and the whole room knows it. This happens with bands too, come to think of it. I have occasionally been in the fortunate position of being the only PL in a room like that and have partaken of something I knew I would not normally get. This is a rarity.
avatar for Warrior15
3 years ago
When I go up to her to tip her on stage, I try to say something witty. Try to create some instant chemistry that says I"m gonna be worth her time. You could also tip her a couple of 20's instead of a couple of ones. But then she might expect the same treatment when you get to the back.
avatar for twentyfive
3 years ago
That’s the good part of the clubs I like best, when they’re swinging there’s always more than a few who could qualify as the hottest chick in the room anyplace else.
avatar for gSteph
3 years ago
The club I go usually has 10 or so dancers, with 3 or more worth it for me. Being easy to please is good 👍
avatar for twentyfive
3 years ago
Most of the clubs I like down here in S Florida average 10-20 girls on dayshift often more.
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
3 years ago
Never had it happen. The ones I want always come to me. They'll even leave customers for me
avatar for twentyfive
3 years ago
^ Cool story bro
Or it would be if it were true, but we know it’s just another fable you tell
avatar for doctorevil
3 years ago
Yeah, I think we’ve all been there. It’s great though when they decide to hang with you, right?
avatar for magicrat
3 years ago
This happened at the old Platinum Plus in Columbia, SC. At the time no one really sat at the stage...the guys either stood at the bar or sat at tables and would walk up to tip their favorite dancer. One dancer that held my interest got up to dance and it looked like the invitational hymn at the end of a Southern Baptist sermon. Guys were walking up to the stage from all directions clutching their $1 bills. I stuck mine back in my pocket, ordered another beer, and waited on the next one that interested me.
avatar for psycho_trick
3 years ago
they know (or i let them know) that i only want them when they're completely caught up and freshly baby-wiped.
but i rarely go during peak hours and always have a plan b.
avatar for MaxMaxima
3 years ago
I use $2 bills to grab their attention when on the stage. Sometimes it works, always a good sign if she asks your name.
avatar for twentyfive
3 years ago
^ Twenty dollar bills work better and usually dislodge them from who ever they happen to be sitting with at the moment
avatar for georgmicrodong
3 years ago
Unless it's someone I know will come over eventually (like my ATF would, and one of my favorites will now), only if I don't have anything better to do, I'll wait around for a little while. Especially if there's plenty of other girls in the club with whom to wile away the time.

If I tip at the stage and invite her over, and she says "sure" but doesn't come over, probably not going to waste my time. I've had quite a few tell me, "I have to talk to these X guys first. If you'restill here, I'll come find you." Almost every one of those actually has actually made the effort to come find me.
avatar for MaxMaxima
3 years ago
$20 is a huge risk and not worth it IMO. If something creative doesn't work move on to the next club or save your $ for another time.
avatar for rickdugan
3 years ago
I never negotiate from a position of weakness and never chase. There are other clubs and other nights.
avatar for Tiburon
3 years ago
If I ask and she lies and says sure, I'm not seeing her for the rest of the night. Dont waste my hope. I'm saving it for more non horny things.

Seen a few girls like that in the club. Because it's a strip club I'm not moving mountains tonight my turn with her. Because 1, guys with pockets always get her and they are spending a while with her. And I cant blame them because I'd do the same.
2) it never fails that she has a favorite john and especially if your unfamiliar in the club you ain't getting her attention all night so forget it.
3) I dont compete like a dog to PAY for adult services.
4) when that happens kind of sours the room for an hour at least since now every other girl seems subpar and you may compare the next lady to the super hot stripper.
avatar for whodey
3 years ago
It depends on the situation and where I am clubbing. If there are multiple clubs that I like in the vicinity like when I am clubbing in Lexington or Louisville I will usually just move on to the next club if there is only one girl I am interested in after giving it about 30 minutes to try to get her attention for a dance. I can always come back later if I strike out at the other clubs.

If it is a place where there is only one club I like in town such as Dayton I will give it longer. I will also tip more than normal in order to help myself stand out from the crowd of suitors she is dealing with. Depending on the club and how hot she is that may mean tipping a couple of 5s or a couple of 20s. However, at some point you have to be willing to cut your loses if that doesn't work. I'm not going to spend a couple of hours in a subpar club and waste a ton of money on stage tips for a girl that I may not be able to get any dances from. At that point I just head home and try another night.
avatar for mark94
3 years ago
I don’t beg.
avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
I noticed in high school and college that I have my own taste in women. So most of the time I will not be chasing the ones that most others are.

avatar for ilbbaicnl
3 years ago
Almost always, when this happens to me, I'm already her regular. If I see her spend much more than 30 minutes with the same PL, I'd probably bail on the club at that point. Likely he's a whale I can't (or prefer not to) compete with.
avatar for gammanu95
3 years ago
She is no different than any other desirable, highly-sought-after commodity. You need to determine how bad you want it, how much you'll pay, and how long you'll wait. Once any of those thresholds are met, move on.
avatar for wld4tatas
3 years ago
Good discussion topic, but basically although there are exceptions, you need $$$ to connect with the hottest chicks in a competitive environment. Tipping above average on stage is a tried and true method to make you stand out.

There was an extremely hot and popular chick at a well-known NJ club several years ago, that I had the pleasure to have dances/service with a few times. But she was hard to get. I remember once I said fuck it and tipped her $5 when she came around stage (normal tip is $1-2). She did a total 180 with me and looked me in the eye and said she would get to me as soon as possible but she had one guy in front. Actually, I didn't wait around for her and went with my Plan B dancer. But IIRC it paid off on a subsequent visit.
avatar for DeepBluesKPVP
3 years ago
If your turn is 10, then you will get all special diseases from 9. +1. Mud brainer
avatar for Hank Moody
Hank Moody
3 years ago
I don’t have any rules. Every situation is different. I just listen to my dick. How bad does he want her and is it worth doing what it takes to pull her over to me. My dick has never steered me wrong. Except when he has.
avatar for herbtcat
3 years ago
As a friend from another board likes to say:

"I will beg for pussy, and I will pay for pussy. But I will not beg to pay for pussy."

If she's not interested in me, I move on to the next hot stripper, even if that stripper is in the next club.
avatar for JamesSD
3 years ago
Usually the hottest girl in the club provides mediocre mileage. If you're "lucky" she might sell very expensive extras.
avatar for drewcareypnw
3 years ago
@herb: "I will beg for pussy, and I will pay for pussy. But I will not beg to pay for pussy." ...words to live by!
avatar for twentyfive
3 years ago
^ that’s actually from lopaw I hope she’s good, we need her here.
avatar for BGSD3100
3 years ago
I'm not paying two hundred dollars to touch her elbow. I'll talk to another girl or go to a different club.
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
3 years ago
Hot strippers don't need to hoe. Hoes hoe coz something is wrong and they need to
avatar for NJBalla
3 years ago
I think its been said before but if there is one girl thats is head over heels over the others you need to find another club. If you want the strategy and fuckery of nailing down a hot women try your hand at dating.
avatar for Jimmybigtits
3 years ago
I have delayed responding to this thread. It is complicated. For every experience or rule I've experienced an exception. It really does vary. It's just intuition I guess. It's hard to explain. I guess I kind of rule out certain dancers based on their behavior on the floor then go from there, whatever they look like. I've struggled coming up with a good response here. All women are different and so much has to do with chemistry for me
avatar for Champphilly
3 years ago
Chase boy chase. The one wins is with green. So, rather asking here, get green and go for it even entire club chases that hot, you can be primary with just lots of green. Simple
avatar for Dolfan
3 years ago
Like others, I'll make a bit of effort but I'm not going to get into a bidding war or wait around all night. I make my intentions known, wait a bit and survey the scene, then cut bait and move on. As quoted earlier, Lapaw's law applies: "I will beg for pussy, and I will pay for pussy. But I will not beg to pay for pussy."
avatar for Jimmybigtits
3 years ago
That's a great law of Lopaws!
avatar for skibum609
3 years ago
No interest in Hertz; Avis is fine.
avatar for Jimmybigtits
3 years ago
What about Budget lol
avatar for skibum609
3 years ago
Only if Avis and National are busy lol.
avatar for samiel
3 years ago
If she's always busy, I just try to see her another day. Or just avoid her in the future if she never makes time.
avatar for Jimmybigtits
3 years ago
Lol skibum. I practical man after my own heart lol
avatar for Ivandrago2020
3 years ago
Oh man. I know exactly what you mean here. I remember the Dancer named Russia at Synn COI. There was always a long wait.
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