Why do some dancers/escorts deny having a boyfriend or husband?

avatar for rickmacrodong

Why do some of them deny having a boyfriend or husband? Do people not want to get dances or meet OTC from someone in a relationship?


last comment
avatar for Bailey2010
2 yrs ago

Most of us are told not to tell people we are in relationships for the appeal of single men and the chance that they would be more interested in us. I was never a liar so I always told the customer the truth…. But that’s just me.

avatar for Warrior15
2 yrs ago

Dancers are trying to create the fantasy for us. If they tell us they are totally single and available, that adds to the fantasy.

avatar for Slick9
2 yrs ago

The Brazilian women tell you straight up if they’re married. They’ll even strip with a wedding ring. I’ve had full service in the back room with married Brazilian strippers multiple times, who were wearing wedding rings on the job. Ok now I just feel like a pig.

avatar for FLAP3000
2 yrs ago

The same reason you continue to troll us with these infantile discussion topics.

avatar for bang69
2 yrs ago

It's part of the game.

avatar for SanchoRG
2 yrs ago

Same reason streamers/actresses/musicians/pretty much any women do. It's more profitable to appear single due to the sheer amount of simps in the world today. Those same simps will drop you like a stone if they know you have a boyfriend. It's a dangerous game women play, but seems to work out ok.

avatar for rickmacrodong
2 yrs ago

Sancho but why do these guys care if the chicks have a boyfriend? Couldn’t the women just sell it as they have a boyfriend but are cheating or still interested in the simp or customer

The musicians and actresses i think are too famous to lie about having a boyfriend

avatar for rickmacrodong
2 yrs ago

Slick that sounds crazy! Why are the braziian women so open to cheating. Do you think their husbands know they’re having sex

avatar for SanchoRG
2 yrs ago

Why? Because simps are emotionally stunted

avatar for SanchoRG
2 yrs ago

Also 99% of musicians and actresses are probably unknown. Only the lucky (unlucky?) few are famous. Once they make it they can do whatever they want, but coming up thru the ranks is different

avatar for rickmacrodong
2 yrs ago

I thought a simp is desperate and would go for any woman, single or not!!

avatar for SanchoRG
2 yrs ago

Some simps sure, but I think the lions share of simps are the white knight variant. The guys looking for virgin women. They put these women on a pedestal and make up this fake persona about them, like they are virtuous maidens saving themselves for said simp.

The guys that are desperate enough to go after married women have other words reserved for them. Jody, Sancho, homewreckers etc but at the end of the day they all belong in one, big group

avatar for SanchoRG
2 yrs ago

I truly think all men are either born or conditioned at early ages to be simps. We all have our Darth Vader in the cave moment though, and some men fail while others don't

avatar for doctorevil
2 yrs ago

First, I would never ask a dancer if she has a boyfriend or a husband, mainly because I don’t care. However, many volunteered the information that they had a boyfriend or a husband, including full-service extras dancers. In fact I think all the ones that did volunteer this information have been extras girls.

avatar for rickdugan
2 yrs ago

Like others have said, they do so because some guys need to believe that they are single to enjoy the experience. I never ask, but plenty of girls have volunteered the information once they were comfortable that I don't care either way.

My default setting is always to assume that they do and I'm guessing that 90% of the time I'm right. After all, how long do you honestly believe a pretty young woman is going to remain single? Again though I am referring to dancers, not escorts.

avatar for rickmacrodong
2 yrs ago

Good stuff mr Dugan... your answers are always cool, hip, and to the point.

Sancho i dont think going after married women is desperate! Depends who she is why you’re going after her. I mean if she tells you she’s married as a way to reject you that’s different but in itself going after women in relationships isn’t so desperate. Many people cheat. That is interesting the other user mentioned the extras girls always admitting to having a boyfriend/husband

avatar for rickmacrodong
2 yrs ago

Sancho do you mean Darth vader when he died and killed darth sidious or whoever

avatar for rickmacrodong
2 yrs ago

Mr Dugan what % of women in general cheat And what % of dancers in relationships cheat in your opinion...is it a higher % of dancers who cheat

avatar for Dolfan
2 yrs ago

Many guys don't care, but some want to believe the dancer is available for a romantic relationship. I'd guess many guys who ask fall in the the category of guys who care. I suspect there's very few guys who prefer a dancer in a relationship. It's probably likely that the only people who would care if they caught her lying about it are the ones who would care that she had a SO to begin with. The math is pretty simple, it just makes sense to lie.

I don't care if they have one or not. I don't ask anymore. I never really cared, but it took a while for me to break the habit of asking back when they ask me if I'm single. I have on a few occasions had to push the issue a bit to get it out in the open though. I hate having a conversation with someone who is clearly struggling to perpetuate an unnecessary lie. Usually after we've seen each other a few times they either figure out I don't care or just get tired of trying to lie and stop. A few girls have made a big thing about it though, building up to a dramatic confession like they're about to tell me they're a secret agent, or pregnant or something.

avatar for wallanon
2 yrs ago

"I suspect there's very few guys who prefer a dancer in a relationship."

Funny I thought this line said something different and I was about to +1 it lol. If it's a girl I'm seeing OTC it usually works better if she's in a "committed" relationship. I don't usually ask a dancer if she's in a relationship.

Yesterday I asked a dancer if she was married just to make conversation, because she'd asked me if I was married or had a girlfriend, and got waaay more information than I bargained for. Cute girl. I wish her luck with all her kids. Another dancer volunteered she had a boyfriend when I asked her if she wanted my fake phone number. I'd just pulled a few numbers, so no biggie and she was the least interesting of the dancers I thought were bangable. It just saved me about 30 minutes and 60 to 100 bucks to spend at the next club.

avatar for rickmacrodong
2 yrs ago

Dolfan if they are in a relationship it can make the dance and everything more exciting in a sense. Do you think their SOs know what goes on in vip

I think there are some guys who may prefer the dancers in relationships

Dolfan, those dancees came clean and admitted to you that they lied? How did that convo go

That dramatic confession is funny

avatar for rickmacrodong
2 yrs ago

Wallanon how many kids, is it different babydaddies? Why are you using a fake phone number and telling them its a fake number? Which app are you using for this

avatar for rickdugan
2 yrs ago

BTE, why are you so endlessly fixated on this "cheating" concept?

When we're talking about dancer SOs, we're talking about a population of men who are already perfectly fine with other men ogling, rubbing against and fondling their women. Here in the real world most of us would consider these things as definitely way over the line, but these guys find a way to rationalize it, probably because they've become reliant on the money.

So for a girl who already has guys doing to her what most vanilla world SOs (or at least those with any modicum of male price) would consider outrageously unacceptable, the concept of "cheating" is a bit more amorphous. He's already sticking his head in the sand to what she's doing to bring home the money. When things get tough and what she's already doing may not be enough, it's just a small step to do a bit more while letting him maintain his intentional ignorance.

avatar for rickdugan
2 yrs ago

^ that should have been "male pride" not "male price" lol.

avatar for wallanon
2 yrs ago

Three kids. Same dad. My betting money says he'll end up with her once he sees the field if he stays in the lives of his kids. It was only one long, unexpectedly interesting conversation but she seemed like good people.

I use a fake phone number so it won't be missed if I need to burn it. The best source of info on apps is probably the guy who has constructed an impenetrable privacy wall. It was so impenetrable it kept him off TUSCL for an entire year.

avatar for rickmacrodong
2 yrs ago

Rick thats right... I dont know. I was thinking of these dancers who seem to have SOs but seem to not be into doing otc. It seems like some dancers are fine with boob grabbing, pussy rubbing and more, but draw the line at fingering or toys or full sex.

do you think the % of dancers who fuck men besides their SO is much higher than the % of non dancer women who fuck men besides their SO

And what would you estimate those %’s to be at!

avatar for rickmacrodong
2 yrs ago

Rick i have thought about it and would likely be okay with my SO fucking around if i got to mooch off her money. But for me she would need to be making 400k+ a year for me to accept that. If she’s making 50k or 100k, I would still happily mooch but would likely be getting otc and escorts on the side. Do you think these mooch SO’s often cheat on the dancers they’re with

Wallanon is that rare to see? On here it seems dancers with multiple kids have different babydaddies!

avatar for georgmicrodong
2 yrs ago

BTE: "Why do some of them deny having a boyfriend or husband?"

Because it's none of your business?

avatar for san_jose_guy
2 yrs ago

^ I agree with that.


avatar for Tetradon
2 yrs ago

A better question, why do custies ask dancers if they have a boyfriend or husband? It's trite at best, creepy at worst.

avatar for san_jose_guy
2 yrs ago

flirting could invovle that


avatar for san_jose_guy
2 yrs ago

There is a way and time to ask, and there are ways and times not to ask.


avatar for Tetradon
2 yrs ago

^ Speaking of creepy

avatar for san_jose_guy
2 yrs ago

Sometimes with dancers there can be very rapid emotional and physical escalation.


avatar for Tetradon
2 yrs ago

^ I find the pulling out a fat roll of Benjamin's leads to that

avatar for san_jose_guy
2 yrs ago

It also makes a big difference if you are being generous, but never treating her like a prostitute.


avatar for rickmacrodong
2 yrs ago

Georg, untrue, there’s a reason it’s denied and its not simply due to privacy. If a dancer asks you about having a SO then at that point, certainly, it is your business

avatar for rickmacrodong
2 yrs ago

SJG you mean giving her money for free and not expecting anything in return? Why does that help Do you think generosity turns women on? I am not sure about that. Other users posted about some guys supposedly paying dancers just to take them to dinner (plus paying the massive dinner bill). Or some people who would buy the dancers free breakfast for nothing. I’m not sure generosity helps with that goal but it’s nice to be generous

avatar for felipe609
2 yrs ago

I have to say I have never found this be a thing. Keep in mind that many dancers give you a false name, tell you they like you, and otherwise mix non-truth with truth. Because, well, it's part of the fantasy. I doubt if you asked a dancer's full name or address she would give it to you, either.

At various times, a dancer will ask me if I am married or seeing somebody. I usually lie. Partly because I don't want to think about my significant other while at a strip club. Partly because I don't think it is really anybody's business. If a dancer asks me if I am married, I will usually ask her is she is married. I put as much faith in her answer as in mine.

Also, for what it's worth, I am not sure if a stripper being single makes her more attractive. I mean, I am not going to try to date her--though maybe some people have that fantasy. Actually, I find something sexually attractive about a married woman.

(I don't do OTC. That said, if I did, I would probably steer clear of married dancers because that could lead to drama. But in the club, I think it is less likely.)

But in general, I wouldn't ask unless I was asked first. (Dancers often ask me about kids, too. But I find that dancers are often much more likely to be open about their own kids, including showing me photos.)

avatar for georgmicrodong
2 yrs ago

BTE: "If a dancer asks you about having a SO then at that point, certainly, it is your business"

Irrelevant. You asked why a dancer would deny having a SO/BF/GF/Husband/Wife, etc., nothing about asking customers about theirs.

Your marital status is no more her business than hers is yours.

avatar for rickmacrodong
2 yrs ago

Georg it becomes relevant especially when doing otc. And it also becomes relevant for customers who want to date the strippers or customers who dont want to mess around with married or customers who are more interested in married dancers. Its not that big a deal anyway if they ask you about your relationship status The fact is some or many of them deny it!

avatar for Davage83
2 yrs ago

Honestly I think most girls don’t care as long as they’re getting theirs whether it means $ or 🍆. Nothing wrong with that but at least say that’s what’s up. A quick hit it and quit it is good for some ppl no joke!

avatar for MandyMonroe
2 yrs ago

They are playing a character and part of that character is always available. All are single even if their real life wife is the other girl in the dance with you. She said she was single too. “The only man I need in my life is god” is how I put it. And some guys are afraid that dancer ol’ man gonna beat the crap out of them when they step out the dance.

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