Well since you are asking, I certainly would not do that. With the people I know the relationship does not revolve around chemical mood alternants. And the body spray?
I would rather give someone something which was related to the kind of relationship we had, and maybe will have again.
We I was married I got my wife stuff to wear for me. But beyond a point that did not work anymore. As time went on I got her more and more books.
I may start sending her some books in the future.
Beyonce - Be Alive (Original Song from the Motion Picture "King Richard") (94th Academy Awards Performance) https://www.youtube.com/watch?…
Icey said "I want to buy a birthday gift for someone I really care about. So, of course I'm reaching out to a bunch of people who I mostly insult and fight with essentially every single day. Even better, they don't know her at all. This makes perfect sense to me."
Nothing you post is true and it's laughably obvious.
Bigots consistently claim others are bigots. Reason #43 that Icey is a useless, lying, asshole. Wow, you still care about someone who dumped you lol. How impotent.
Unless you usually live that large, I think $500 value is too much for a casual gift. It would seem like you are trying to keep her tied to you somehow.
Whether you are or not, I still think there could be some better choice of gift. $500 of weed is silly. And it has no durable value.
Now I know this is not the same situation, but I tell you that before I was married I gave my future wife a wrist watch. It just seemed like a nice watch. Not the smallest of ladies watches, but it looked nice. Hour hand and minute hand, but no second hand. Nice leather strap and inside the quartz and battery. And coming from a nice store. She really like it, really cried, and she wore it for a very long time.
Then after we were married, her being in school, I bought her an HP-12C calculator. They still make these, they are well liked. Back then though they cost a lot more money. I could see what classes she had to take, and I knew her and I knew that she did not need the trig functions, but this had all the log and exponential stuff, and stuff about the calendar, and the Net Present Value calculations.
It looked nice and it felt nice. And she impressed me, she went carefully through the instruction manual and learned how to use it. She had never used RPN before, so she learned about the stack, and about how many digits it displayed and why RPN means less key strokes. She really liked it and used it for a long time.
You know this girl, maybe there is something you can give her which will better reflect the relationship you had with her, and which might suggest whatever it is you want there to be in the future.
Weed is a really powerful gift when she has feelings. She'll think of you every time she gets high. Same with perfume. She thinks of you when she wears it. Experiences build feelings.
More sentimental gifts work better once her feelings are strong enough.
First, $500 was the wrong amount. $420 would have been better. In fact, if you were really good at shopping you could have gotten a present for exactly $420.69. However, if you took the effort to get her $420.69 in weed and body spray you should also give her the receipt.
Second, you read her a poem? Why aren’t you sharing said poem? I bet it went something like this:
Roses are red, violets are blue I got you this weed and body spray Because I love you and thought That KY and ecstasy would seem desperate Also, you’re imaginary and I bought all this shit with Monopoly money and I spent $500 of said play money rather than the much more clever $420
last commentBacon!!
Newsflash, people who actually have cash don't need others' affirmations that they're rich.
I was thinking $500 in weed and Victoria's secret body sprays. Those 2 smells always remind me of her.
I would rather give someone something which was related to the kind of relationship we had, and maybe will have again.
We I was married I got my wife stuff to wear for me. But beyond a point that did not work anymore. As time went on I got her more and more books.
I may start sending her some books in the future.
Beyonce - Be Alive (Original Song from the Motion Picture "King Richard") (94th Academy Awards Performance)
Then this isn't an "ex," it's an "it's complicated."
I take it she wasn't fond of dressing up as a goat. Probably one of the many reasons she left you.
She wanted a real man not a wannabe shepherd.
Nothing you post is true and it's laughably obvious.
What could go wrong here ? LOL !
I haven't written the poem yet
You only came on here to troll but that reflects on you.
I'm trying to show her I still care without going over the top
Unless you usually live that large, I think $500 value is too much for a casual gift. It would seem like you are trying to keep her tied to you somehow.
Whether you are or not, I still think there could be some better choice of gift. $500 of weed is silly. And it has no durable value.
Now I know this is not the same situation, but I tell you that before I was married I gave my future wife a wrist watch. It just seemed like a nice watch. Not the smallest of ladies watches, but it looked nice. Hour hand and minute hand, but no second hand. Nice leather strap and inside the quartz and battery. And coming from a nice store. She really like it, really cried, and she wore it for a very long time.
Then after we were married, her being in school, I bought her an HP-12C calculator. They still make these, they are well liked. Back then though they cost a lot more money. I could see what classes she had to take, and I knew her and I knew that she did not need the trig functions, but this had all the log and exponential stuff, and stuff about the calendar, and the Net Present Value calculations.
It looked nice and it felt nice. And she impressed me, she went carefully through the instruction manual and learned how to use it. She had never used RPN before, so she learned about the stack, and about how many digits it displayed and why RPN means less key strokes. She really liked it and used it for a long time.
You know this girl, maybe there is something you can give her which will better reflect the relationship you had with her, and which might suggest whatever it is you want there to be in the future.
I'll Play The Blues For You
Ingave her a necklace one year for Christmas. It wasnt expensive but she's kept it in a safe since. She treasures everything I ever gave her.
More sentimental gifts work better once her feelings are strong enough.
If you really accomplished enough for a PhD, you'd know $7,425 is the logical approach.
I know that will buy lots of weed, enough to roll yourself into a giant joint and she and her (new) friends can spark you up.
First, $500 was the wrong amount. $420 would have been better. In fact, if you were really good at shopping you could have gotten a present for exactly $420.69. However, if you took the effort to get her $420.69 in weed and body spray you should also give her the receipt.
Second, you read her a poem? Why aren’t you sharing said poem? I bet it went something like this:
Roses are red, violets are blue
I got you this weed and body spray
Because I love you and thought
That KY and ecstasy would seem desperate
Also, you’re imaginary and I bought all this shit with Monopoly money and I spent $500 of said play money rather than the much more clever $420
Good idea Mr. Candy
Roses are red
Matter has mass
I bought you these presents
So I could fuck you in the ass
(Lube FTW!)
Chickens lay eggs
I love you best
When you're spreading your legs