
Is 'mileage' more based on club aesthetics? Or, geography?

After seeing a recent article, it got me wondering if 'mileage' is more about the club...OR...the area where the club resides?

For example, I think anyone that has visited Tijuana knows that those clubs offer "extras". Given. But, they are also very nice clubs. Best VIP experience for the money last time I went. I got my own private skybox and plenty of room to entertain a dancer AND the drinks were cheap to boot! My point is, I think you'd be hard pressed to find a TJ SC that doesn't offer high mileage...regardless of it's "condition/aesthetics".

So, applying that to the U.S. SC scene....isn't it true that "mileage" is more likely in certain areas than in others? Would it not be fair to say that the Detroit area is likely to have a higher mileage experience than other areas in Michigan (for example)? California, I'm assuming, is also going to be a bit higher mileage in certain areas (OC, outside LA, San Jose) but not in others? And I've visited only 1 club in Denver, 1 outside Chicago, 1 in Champagne (IL), and 1 in Indiana...no real "mileage" available. Is it fair to say that mileage is less likely in some states (Illinois, Indiana, Colorado, etc...) or cities (Vegas, NYC, etc...)?

I'm only asking. I've not clubbed much outside the Detroit area and Orange County (CA)...so maybe I'm wrong and there's mileage everywhere...ya just gotta find a dive SC.


  • gammanu95
    3 years ago
    I think its mostly geography, as each city has its own set of strip club cultures and expectations. Higher mileage is easy in cities known for extras - CoI, Miami, and Detroit being notable US destinations.

    Chicago is not known for either.

    Some places like Tampa and Jax are laden with mileage but not always extras.

    Then you have outliers like Follies, all extras and high mileage all the time, in a city which was largely hit or miss on mileage (until Follies closed and their dancers spread around the Atlanta clubs). Now those dancers are gearing the xulture of other clubs towards higher mileage, but the clubs try to tamp it down because they have enough problems with city governments.

    Then there are oddities like New Orleans. The Big Easy is not so much with strip clubs. Most clubs are national chains like Rick's, Hustlers, and Scores, so they have little tolerance for high mileage and ITC. You don't have to look hard for OTC, but you do have to bid high.
  • Hank Moody
    3 years ago
    It’s not a math problem to be solved and aside from curiosity and discussion, not much point in trying. This forum is a database. It will tell you which clubs and which cities are your best bet. If you want a problem to solve, just work on prioritizing how you will get to the cities and clubs that most interest you. For extra credit, when you’re in cities with few options that meet your needs, figure out how to make the best of it. Sorry for the bitchiness. I’m on my period today.
  • Papi_Chulo
    3 years ago
    As @gammanu mentioned, U.S. SCs are usually governed at the city-level and local-laws (and their enforcement or lack thereof) is often what dictates what kinda mileage can be had - on avg SCs will provide as much mileage as the local powers-to-be allow (or look the other way).

    There can sometimes be an outlier where a particular club has much-more-mileage than the rest, or most, of the clubs in the area (e.g. Follies), or the opposite where a club, often a more-upscale-club, has less mileage than other clubs in the area (e.g. Legends Detroit; etc).

    Good SC-areas in terms of mileage are more the exception than norm.
  • Papi_Chulo
    3 years ago
    TJ is a whole different animal in an area outside the U.S. so one can't really compare them to U.S. clubs.
  • wallanon
    3 years ago
    If the only choices are geography and aesthetics, then geography. There are many other things that go along with location. In my experience club management trumps all other factors for mileage. Individual dancers obviously have a choice in what they'll do, but management sets the tone for what customers are likely to find ITC.
  • Papi_Chulo
    3 years ago
    IMO local-ordinances trump club-management - IMO many managers/owners will try to not pass the ordinance-line (although some/many do) for fear of losing their liquor-license or be fined or even arrested.
  • Papi_Chulo
    3 years ago
    ^ case in point - Detroit – Detroit-proper used to be sky-high-extras (probably highest in the country) - now Detroit-proper clubs are usually no-more than decent-dance-mileage clubs while the suburb-clubs just outside the city-limits are still sky-high-extras.

    e.g. Penthouse Detroit, and Flight-Club in Inkster just outside Detroit, were very similar clubs with same sky-high-extras and owned by the same-guy – Detroit-proper cracked-down and Penthouse subsequently closed but Flight-Club is still going strong b/c they are not affected by the same-ordinances.
  • mjx01
    3 years ago
    geography. what the local LE will tolerate is almost always the #1 factor. IMHO, the quality of the club (and even the quality of the dancers) have little to no correlation with the menu.
  • wallanon
    3 years ago
    +1 for mjx01. "Local ordinances" have to be enforced by someone, and if those someones are dudes then there's all kind of grey area in that black n' white LE picture. Obviously around the US the trend is down on the strip club fun-meter. But the thing about actual experience in a ton of different clubs is I can point to places all over the US where I got whatever I wanted in a "low mileage town" because I was in the right club at the right time.
  • blahblahblah23
    3 years ago
    Huh, I hate this assumption that extras doesnt occur either right in "upscale" clubs or like otc is not easy to arrange at those. You can get extra services anywhere, just some places it costs more or less and really depends on the girl if she even offers at all then if yes how much?

    Some divey places are actually more strict on touch or prostitution than some "nicer" clubs.


    As for main question, I'd say geography.
  • gammanu95
    3 years ago
    Local ordinances only count as far as LEO will enforce. I'm pretty sure my local county has a 3-foot rule (air dances), but thankfully it is universally ignored and not enforced.
  • how
    2 years ago
    Geography does play a role. For example, Washington Park, Illinois is a run-down, depressed little nothingville; however, it is right across the river from St Louis, Missouri. The Missouri laws are stricter than the Illinois laws, and patrons from MO are willing to drive over to IL for what they cannot get at home. So, some Washington Park clubs are extras-havens.
    El Paso, TX is close to New Mexico. Time was, TX laws were more lax than NM laws about club activities. During those times, El Paso had plenty of extras-friendly clubs. That time has mostly passed, and things apparently are more discrete than they used to be.
  • Livvybarbie
    2 years ago
    I have worked throughout the New England area and Rhode Island is very full mileage just about everywhere I have seen a lot of extras happened especially for prices that personally I feel are a little degrading to the dancer but hey that's their choice. I do think geography has something to do with it but then at the same time Massachusetts is very strict you're not supposed to be touching the girls but the only clubs that don't allow lap dances and really only do the air dances which honestly I'm not really worth it for anybody are the clubs in Boston which there's two of them.

    However, although mass is supposed to be very strict I have seen a lot of clubs that operate very brothel like. It is kind of perplexing that you could have a state that is very strict but then you can go into a certain establishment and somehow they managed to defy all of those boundaries and rules. We have clubs here where are you literally can only get an air dance and then we have clubs where I have seen people give full service for close to $30.
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