What’s the likelihood that management would write fake reviews depicting extras?

avatar for nicespice

So somewhere on there, someone suggested management would go far enough to tie dancers to extras in bullshit reviews? Thought that was an oddball comment, but seems like people agree there. Does that mean there is justification for Scrubby to go so hard after so many reviews on this site?

I’m skeptical, but open to hearing a different point of view.


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avatar for twentyfive
3 years ago
If the club gets raided the publicity might be a draw to attract more customers
Remember the old adage “there’s no such thing as bad publicity “
avatar for gobstopper007
3 years ago
I would not be all surprised if reviews including a description of extras without providing a name was from a club. Generally the ones tying a dancer to extras get rejected but submitting a review indicating extras available without identifying anyone specifically is more likely accepted and will drive business

I am not endorsing putting names with extras and I reject reviews that do, but that does make it more likely someone can use the extras card to attract customers. Unless the reviewer has proven track record I take all stories of extras with a grain of salt. The problem is you don’t know the reviewer until it’s published.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
3 years ago
A fair # of girls in that SW thread say they read/have-read TUSSCL reviews - kinda gives credence to the TUSCL guideline of not naming names in conjunction w/ extras and also avoiding describing a girl in too fine a detail where she can easily be identified - this could bring some drama to the dancer from other other dancers that lurk the reviews.

One post in the SW thread stated:

"... There are small/dive clubs I've worked in and the reviews go into such great detail, I know exactly who they're talking about. Haven't seen myself mentioned in a review, but doubt they'd be speaking kindly of me given the types who seem to post on TUSCL ..."

Would be kinda funny if this TUSCL thread is subsequently referenced in the SW thread; LOL
avatar for Tetradon
3 years ago

Whether it's one club trying to sabotage another, or advertise itself, no reviewer should permit it.

Scrub is on his own little planet of club ads. Immaterial to this discussion.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
3 years ago
"... What’s the likelihood that management would write fake reviews depicting extras ..."

Anything is possible I guess (e.g. drum up business; etc) - but I doubt he'd reference a dancer by name unless he had some kinda vendetta against her
avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
3 years ago
I don't believe that it's a common practice. I do think that there are some clubs and club managers who are thick-headed enough to post a fake review that points to extras as a reach for "publicity".
avatar for shailynn
3 years ago
I am guessing when talking about a raview taking place you’re talking about only here. What percentage of customers walking through a typical strip club door knows that TUSCL or other raview sites exist? If they know this site exists I wonder how many use it?

A long time ago I’d wind up in odd ball strip clubs that had good raviews and people there (workers and strippers) would ask “how did you find this place” and I’d say “TUSCL.” The majority of the time they didn’t know what it was, if they did, I was looked at in a negative way. Very few positive responses but there were a few. I have learned to keep my mouth shut about TUSCL when I’m in a club and if someone presses me how I found the club I say “a friend told me that he liked this place so I thought I’d check it out.”

BTW the consensus I’ve gotten from strippers who know about TUSCL is if you’re a climber that uses TUSCL, you’re cheap, you expect extras and you won’t spend much money in the club (food, drinks, tips, etc.)
avatar for rickdugan
3 years ago
Like others I don't think it's common, but in places where they can get away with it I don't see why not. I'm sure it's much more effective than the ridiculous ad copy from the jackasses who routinely post fake reviews on here.
avatar for mike710
3 years ago
I would think it would be more likely that another dancer, or employee, at the club that would link specific acts to a specific dancer to cause the girl performing those specific acts to get fired. The kind of Catty stuff you see between dancers at times.
avatar for Tetradon
3 years ago
@shailynn, I usually say "friend's recommendation." That ends the conversation.

I wouldn't say most of us are "cheap," at least not given the king's ransoms that some of us spend here.
Conscious of getting our money's worth per visit (whether extras or not) definitely, but over a month, or a year, I'd say most of us drop much more on our favorite club/dancer than non-TUSCLers.
avatar for Cashman1234
3 years ago
I guess it is possible, but I doubt it would be enough to actually increase club business. I doubt the intellect of club management, and if they did this, it would confirm my doubts.

On the other side, I could see management possibly posting fake reviews and mentioning dancers by name (and associating them with specific extras) in order to have grounds to fire certain dancers they don’t like. It must be very difficult to disprove negative strip club information posted online.

I can see a strip club manager sitting in a smoke filled office - panties hanging from a dusty coat rack - bags of singles stuffed in the unused chairs - wearing a stained polyester suit - his dress shirt unbuttoned to his navel - and a few gold chains. Typing away on an old laptop, with pornhub and Astroglide stickers around the screen. Pulling up TUSCL - and using a fake account to review Bubbles giving a customer uncovered anal for $200 roses on Friday night. Then see him think he’s a marketing genius when Friday night is so busy!
avatar for Huntsman
3 years ago
I’ve never given it any thought before but I suppose in places where LE looks the other way, I can see some club manages being douche bag enough to try to market this way.
avatar for CJKent_band
3 years ago

To answer your question:

What’s the likelihood that management would write fake reviews depicting extras?

Very likely,

Ginger888 wrote and I quote:

“Management of clubs can and will (and has) posted thru burner accounts fake glowing exaggerated reviews of dancers including purported extras all in the name of driving customers in and upping their beloved house take.”

Like she said, management does it for money, of course it is “false advertising” like most of the advertising industry is.

You can be as skeptical as you want, but I am sure Ginger888 is telling the truth, based on her personal experience.
avatar for nicespice
3 years ago
Interesting stuff. My general opinion overall for a while was mileage levels were accurate with most clubs here, though I do automatically add one or two steps higher than what the condenses says for whatever is stated on here. At least from if not most then at least a decent # of dancers.

I guess I was skeptical because I figured as far as extras go, managers would either want to keep it low key and maybe only outright encouraged directly to specific individuals, or DGAF. If selective, that would have been told in person to whoever.

If dgaf, they don’t have to bother trying to promote, the customer base is already there and management doesn’t have to do a thing.

Seems most here have a different opinion that it’s likely for several clubs. So maybe I’m just being naive or haven’t thought about it too much 🤔
avatar for TFP
3 years ago
Hey Nicespice, tell that one dancer on stripperweb who didn't want to use TUSCL because of having to pay fees that she's able to use the site for free as a dancer as long as she verifies herself.
avatar for nicespice
3 years ago
—>“What percentage of customers walking through a typical strip club door knows that TUSCL or other raview sites exist? If they know this site exists I wonder how many use it?”

I don’t think that many. It’s tough to get an accurate read there though.

Tho a couple of days ago, I kinda wondered at one individual. Only chatted like a few minutes while I was on stage. He claimed to have only been at my club once before a long time ago but clearly was comfortable there like somebody who goes to clubs often would. And made a comment at me like “I know you have your regulars” and right then I really wanted to ask if he was from this site but I chickened out. And he wanted to do a dance right there and then (I couldn’t though ☹️) and I wondered if he was an individual who made a beeline for me just because of my activity on this site.

Then he bails out of the club and doesn’t at least stick around to scope out the other dancers. (And there was plenty of them around) Though I guess if he was a tuscler, he was probably bailing quickly to go to the club down the road with cheaper dance prices and more mileage LOL

(P.S. If what I suspect is true, and if you are reading this and that’s you, just PM me dude 😭)
avatar for Cashman1234
3 years ago
NiceSpice - maybe that guy LDK’ed while exchanging a few words with you? He may have not spoken to a live female for a long time, and he was likely exhausted after pedaling up from San Jose…
avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
3 years ago
TFP said "Hey Nicespice, tell that one dancer on stripperweb who didn't want to use TUSCL because of having to pay fees that she's able to use the site for free as a dancer as long as she verifies herself."

I never recommend that dancers come here, because dancers are treated pretty poorly here. There's a lot to unpack with a website where many (but not all) of the frequent users love strip clubs but routinely shit on strippers. That dovetails nicely with how I also never tell dancers that I know this site exists, because the opinions of the users here are generally not great. So, why set myself up that way?

There are definitely guys on here who are cheap and think there should be such a thing as "penny blowjobs." But there's also a lot of guys on here (like me) who spend generously on dancers, both inside and outside of the club. I don't believe there's any of my CFs who think I'm treating them unfairly.

Often, what I think dancers resent about TUSCL users is that a lot of us walk through the door knowing at least the basics of how clubs and dancers operate, and therefore their "home court" advantage is greatly decreased. So, I think that their use of "cheap" is a thinly-veiled code word for "hard(er) to hustle" and their frustration with that.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
3 years ago
It's understandable that the avg custy may have no clue about TUSCL - but one would think most dancers would know about it but the few I've mentioned it to had no clue - I kinda mentioned it to them as a way for them to know which were the better clubs per all the reviews on TUSCL.

@spice - has TUSCL ever come up among your fellow dancers - if so how often (rare; a fair amount; a lot)? Do/have you brought up TUSCL w/ your fellow grinders?
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
3 years ago
I don't think clubs do that. Club managers are stupid but they're paid to keep the club up and running not get it shut down. Owners just care about money coming in.

Would they post that about another club to sabotage them? Yup...
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
3 years ago
Dancers don't care about stripperweb or tuscl

They focus more on reddit and ig. Most focus on their own networks coz that's the most relevant to them
avatar for TFP
3 years ago
@CMI I wouldn't direct dancers to the forums. But as a lot of dancers who do or did participate here at some time said, they use the reviews to gain information about clubs they might possibly want to work at. They can do all that without having to interact digitally with us damn filthy custies.
avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
3 years ago
I wouldn't direct them to the forums, but they'll find their way here anyway. They'll also find out how shitty some of the guys here can be the moment they post a photo (in many cases).

There's a good reason why a lot of the dancer profiles here are completely empty. I assume that these are club research profiles.

There's also a good reason why many of the dancers that try to participate in the community go dark after a month or so.
avatar for bkkruined
3 years ago
It's possible that management would make up reviews mentioning extras... It's a way to drum up business, even it not what the dancers want, especially in jurisdictions where enforcement is currently lax and they are not concerned about that attention.

But far MORE LIKELY that is all true and the lady getting filled with jiz by a bunch of geriatric loosers is trying to deny it so all her friends don't talk shit about her being a cheap whore.
avatar for 48-Cowboy
3 years ago
I da kang of da trolls. I rite fake reviews!
avatar for Muddy
3 years ago
Ooooh more stripperweb drama. Ain’t got shit on us though.

I wouldn’t put in past club managers to be anymore noble than trolls on this site. Sure why not. I think a lot of people read these reviews just like 2% ever comment. I have now way of knowing that but just a hunch. It’s like talk radio. You listen but do you ever call in? It’s like the same 15 guys.
avatar for nicespice
3 years ago
Sure scrubby, you saw Selina M OTC just like you saw half of Bourbon Street and Hi-liter at your home immediately after Covid lockdowns, and had to struggle with getting them to leave your house…and yet somehow had time to post on this site nonstop at all hours 👍
avatar for blahblahblah23
3 years ago
I feel like clubs would post high mileage shit to drive business for their bigger sales which the clubs always get a cut of.i dont think clubs give half a fuck about vice anymore is the impression I get. Everywhere I go lately seems to be more in your face about things or like certain naughty things are common knowledge. I think these clubs are not pulling and havent been pulling the right #s and at this point dont give a fuck what they do to drive biz or what type of illegal fuckery is going on. The owners just wanna pad their pockets before they retire.
avatar for MackTruck
3 years ago
Send em my way, I can teach dem managers how to rite good reviews
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
3 years ago
They do let everything go on now. I just don't think they'd be dumb enough to promote it online. But they could be lol

I've seen things hapen so openly now that you wouldn't have seen before the pandemic. It's a short term cash grab.

avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
3 years ago
Some dancers act like it favors them but it doesn't. Hoes take away from everyone's bag
avatar for blahblahblah23
3 years ago
From what I know of mgrs/owners I'd say yeah they are that dumb to write fake naughty reviews to drive business.

I don't mind too much I guess.

I also don't give a shit if girls talk shir about me being a dirty hooker to customers. Please tell everyone that so I can collect their money lol.
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
3 years ago
Hookers do too much for too little and make it harder for dancers to make money . They drive rates down.

And management always gets a cut when it's itc sometimes otc if they pretend to manage dancers
avatar for blahblahblah23
3 years ago
Yeah I deleted some of what I was gonna post but yes I know for a fact mgrs/owners/bouncers/waitresses/bartenders all make extra off extras girls. So they become the prized girls who can do no wrong and everyone loves because money talks. So I don't even see the point of attacking the hookers or doing other shit to get rid of them. I would just be out of a job 🤷🏼‍♀️

And yes managers/owners can and will get otc fuckery money too and sometimes facilitate these activities.

In the long run this is all bad. However none of these people seem to give a shit about the long term.

I too have noticed a lot of times extras girls seem to include extras in the regular price of things or their add on tip is not a big ask. You start to figure shit out from customers telling you things.
avatar for Cashman1234
3 years ago
I appreciate Blah’s insights. I wasn’t sure what to think of the possibility of club managers writing fake extras reviews, as I was thinking they wouldn’t want more customers to come looking for extras.

If clubs don’t care about the added issues that might come from having a reputation for allowing extras, and they actually seem to encourage extras, then they are accepting additional risk (if law enforcement decides to crack down).
avatar for BBBC
3 years ago
Ricky and I love playing peg the donkey
avatar for nicespice
3 years ago
—>“Hey Nicespice, tell that one dancer on stripperweb who didn't want to use TUSCL because of having to pay fees that she's able to use the site for free as a dancer as long as she verifies herself.”

I’ve personally mentioned that before on the site somewhere once. Idk, if it was another dancer I would, but that individual poster is an oddball.

“@spice - has TUSCL ever come up among your fellow dancers - if so how often (rare; a fair amount; a lot)? Do/have you brought up TUSCL w/ your fellow grinders?”

The only time explicitly was at this one club…where a dancer talked about reading reviews and amazed at how much customers get into it with wanting to talk about “mileage”…like not really an angry tone just more like she thought they were silly. And this was at a club that was the highest mileage in its region lol.

On the other hand, I remember having Racks To Riches (dancer who sells a course on dancing) on my phone, and a couple of dancers at different points commenting on that right away. One told me if I thought it was useful, another praised it. Never happened when I was on tuscl LOL

I’ve seen a few dancers online on social media and ran into them at a club at a different time. Idk, the one time I mentioned that to a dancer that I thought her tumblr was pretty cool, like 5 years ago, I don’t think she liked that very much and she avoided me. She was very easy to spot because she would upload selfies and videos of herself all the time, and had clearly mentioned she was in Austin—so I figured she wouldn’t care if she put herself out like that. But nope, I was wrong. So I keep that to myself now when I recognize people from online.
avatar for nicespice
3 years ago
Ooh yeah, I forgot. There was the time I was bored, and chatting at somebody at Thee Dollhouse in Tampa. And there was this one person hanging out and bitching about the mileage there. (Though of course not the word “mileage” specifically because he would be too cool to know that term) And how it was way more fun in Houston and a couple other places because he had a blow job or something.

So I asked if he hung around any customer-centric sites to find clubs, and no he just uses google reviews. I figured I’d be nice enough to tell him that review sites exist but he was completely uninterested and didn’t want to hear about it.

Later on I wrote a review of that club and felt comfortable making fun of him since I knew he wasn’t going to read it anyways 😂 like either enjoy the spontaneity of going to a club and seeing what will happen or enjoy getting mileage consistently but if you refuse to do your research then STFU and don’t bitch at us dancers
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
3 years ago
Managers are usually human garbage. And they're getting worse.

In LA and Vegas the trend seems to be to hire managers and party promoters who are basically just gang affiliated pimps. They bring their hoes into the clubs and push girls into doing more. Constantly telling them their earnings are only limited by their limits. Then offer them private parties to work or individual clients which in reality is just arranging dated for them. Pimping them.
avatar for BAngus
3 years ago
As soon as spice mentioned that someone was bitching about the lack of mileage at The Dollhouse I knew he had to be a tourist. Everyone in FL knows that nothing "fun" happens there.
avatar for BAngus
3 years ago
Damn autocorrect dropped the extra "e" 😡. Maybe if they dropped it themselves that place wouldn't be such a bore 😂
avatar for Bouzoukilaw
3 years ago
nicespice are you the exotic dancer that bragged about becoming a lawyer? we could use your help.
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