Age of your average TUSCL'er?

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I know this could be a touchy subject. Answer if you want, ignore if ya don't. How old are you and how do you think it affects your success at SC's?

I'm 26, and I feel as though I am a bit more approachable, but also come off as an easier target. I look younger than my age cuz I'm asian.


last comment
3 years ago
Late 50s. I don't think age matters, except if the stripper is extra dumb and doesn't realize quickly that age stereotypes are not reliable.

My advantages in, in order of importance:
- I generally drop $500 to $1,000 when I go to the club, as much as possible on dances. I think this is well above average, except maybe in the most "upscale" clubs.
- I don't feel entitled to any of a dancer's time except what I pay for.
- I'm polite, and I don't see strippers as people that one doesn't need to be polite to. I don't try to badger strippers into doing anything they are hesitant to do.
- I generally like strippers, I find them to be typically interesting and less pretentious than people in general.

My only big disadvantage is I don't like buying drinks for dancers. Some dancers have a strong preference for working with a buzz on, and naturally prefer not having to pay for their own drinks. But I think they sometimes end up losing $ if the club is busy. They could buy their own drink, shotgun it, and be banking in VIP. Instead of sitting at a table, talking to a rick and despairing at the human condition.
3 years ago
I'm 65. There are two separate types of strippers. One type thinks old guys have more money, are more mature, and are more polite while young guys have no money, are immature and disrespectful. The other type think young guys are better looking and more fun while old guys are boring, gross and pervy. They don't wear signs saying which type they are so I just have to approach them and observe their reaction. If I get a good reaction I may very well turn them into regulars. There are a lot of new girls in clubs who don't like older customers but the experienced strippers who make a living at it are not picky. Since you are a young guy, those new girls may have a more positive reaction to you than they do to me.
3 years ago
I still get carded most places lulz
3 years ago
Early 40s, which makes me a baby by TUSCL standards. I can think of maybe 3 regulars here who are younger than me.

Several strippers said I have a resting bitch face which makes me look unapproachable, but once they talk to me I'm a cool guy who they know spends.
3 years ago
I'm also early 40s but look younger. Clearly some girls think I'm broke and wanna dance me. Others clearly are attracted to me but still wanna get paid. Sometimes they get the most butthurt when we have a 20 minute good conversation and I turn down a dance set.
3 years ago
I have over 40 years experience strip clubbing, I’m now 63. While not every single dancer is interested in me, the majority of them are and the ratio has not changed appreciably over the years.
Seems they pick up quickly on who treats them with respect.

One difference compared to years ago is that every dancer in the house is now a possibility. When I was in my twenties, I would have never considered a dancer over 30. In fact, my sweet spot now is probably 30-40 even though I sometimes choose younger or older dancers.
3 years ago
I'm in my late 20s. But I guess I look younger since I still get carded. But I hope I keep looking younger.

I can pretty much have my pick of young Latinas. The hood ones especially like me.

Old dancers tend to ignore me.

3 years ago

I started clubbing semi-regularly at 30 and looked young for my age at the time - particularly in the more upscale clubs w/ "more business minded dancers" I noticed I would at times get passed over for the older 50+ y/o guys; in certain clubs I'd be sitting at a table and multiple-dancers would walk past me as if I was invisible and head straight for the older guys and throw themselves at them like they were George fucking Clooney - I notice this rarely happens now in my middle-age.

Some younger and/or less-experienced dancers prefer to "party at the club" and have a good time vs making-$$$ being their top-priority - but I'd say IME and/or observations, the older guys often get more and/or better attention b/c at the end of the day the dancers are not there "to hook up w/ a hot guy" and are there to make as much $$$ as they can o/w they wouldn’t be doing what they are doing (getting naked in front of a room full of strangers and allowing strangers to grope them etc).

“All things being equal” one would assume they’d prefer a young and/or good-looking guy that spends over an old-geezer that spends – but the perception is that younger guys are often unable and/or unwilling to spend (at least as much as older guys) and are often there to party w/ their friends; etc – many dancers also complain about younger-guys spending their time in the club asking them out or trying to pick them up vs spending which is not what most dancers are there for.
3 years ago
I actually think most dancers see older guys as easier $$$ - young guys can be seen as having options outside the club and thus less willing to spend to get attention from a young good looking chick
3 years ago
As far as averages, I think this cohort is the most typical on this site:…

I’m not sure what you mean by “easier target”. Younger customers I’ve noticed tend to be faster decision makers and they are either interested or not. Are you maybe saying you get “wanna dance’d” more?
3 years ago
By "easier target" I assume he means being seen as less-experienced and easier to make money off of?
3 years ago
I'm 40. I tend to get treated really well, better than I expect or think I 'deserve' anyway.

I'm not loaded $$$. But I'm 6'3, not fat, and relatively decent-looking. I shower, brush my teeth, wash my clothes, and I don't go in there smelling like I'd just played basketball or got off from a shift digging ditches in July.

I drink alcohol. If a girl sits down w/me, 95 x out of 100, I will offer to buy her a drink. I don't generally get dances right as I get there...I like to hang out and have a few drinks first, and I will be up front about that with them. They're welcome to stick around and wait and hang out, or leave and come back. If I'm 100% not interested, I'll figure out something reasonably considerate to say other than "EWW". But, there's usually something attractive about almost out of them. When they choose to sit down, I'll flag the waitress or bartender for her drink, or our shots. And generally just have a normal conversation than usually results in them laughing, i.e. I don't say, "hi, my name is _____, here's your Patron. So, what kind of kinky shit are you into?"

I don't push for extracurriculars or OTC, and I keep my hands to myself until she says otherwise or just puts them where she wants them. But if a girl decides to push boundaries or go the extra mile on her own, hey, that's cool.

I won't ask for their numbers, but if they ask for mine or they offer theirs to me, I'll exchange them. If I'm interested, I'll follow up a few days later to see if they wanna get a drink. Sometimes they just wanted to exchange numbers to sell me OTC (sorry, not my thing). Sometimes it was so they could text me that oh gosh, they miss me so so much, and to come in and see them (not happening...I go in when I'm bored). A few times it's been to get together for drinks and / or to just fool around. But I don't make presumptions and say "hello" by texting, "hey, wanna bone?"

Although...rant time! This summer I did send a "hello" msg by asking if she wanted to come over and finish what she started earlier. Hey, I was getting drunk in the pool...seemed like a good idea at the time! She was NOT thrilled, apparently wanted to have a normal date, and got pissed, telling me I only said that to her because she's a stripper. No sweetheart, I said it to you 1) because I was drunk, and 2) because two or three times you said we should exchange numbers, and each time was right after kinda moaning that it felt really good while grinding around on top of me. Had you mentioned it while we were bullshitting and goofing off having a drink, I wouldn't have immediately thought you just wanted to use me and treat poor, poor me like a piece of meat.

3 years ago
I’m 41 AA started clubbing at 18. Most girls never guess I’m over early 30’s. Platinum Plus in Memphis in the late 90’s F’d my life in a good way. I’ve never been to any place like it but Follies was a close second. My experience depends on the city. I normal will spend $400 to $1,000. My biggest pet peeve is when the first girl who approaches me in a mixed club is AA and seems entitled to my money. I think for me race plays a bigger factor than age but once they figure out you spend money than they all come which is why they are there. I’ve been a regular all the way to have non p2p relationships with dancers.

In Memphis most think because your AA you’re a pimp. Other cities you’re more approachable I’ve really enjoyed, Indy, Chicago and of course Atlanta, LA was ok for me as well. Now I’m trapped in the hell hole of Nashville but occasionally go to Huntsville and whenever I get a chance to go to Atlanta or Tampa for business I’m the first to sign up.
3 years ago
I just turned 72. The summer of love was the best and no strippers could ever compare to those women then. We were so groovy then!
3 years ago
I'll turn 55 in a couple weeks. I try to be a good father, but my kids are high rats and get me to smoke weed every time we get together. They get a kick out of it.
3 years ago
I'm younger than Ben Franklin and Andrew Jackson.
3 years ago
70 here, could probably pass for just south of 60.

Frankly, I prefer older dancers and my favorites now are all in the 29 to 52 range. I don't ever remember having a hard time attracting dancers.

Then again, maybe they figure they can outrun a geriatric dude if I get too handsy, lol.
3 years ago
@founder- you beat me to it! I was gonna say that I love older men, and those dead guys are some of my faves... along with their buddy Ulysses 😉💋🔆
3 years ago
I turned 51 in August. I look 41 and feel 61.
3 years ago
The last two years have taken a toll on me psychologically. I just noticed my first grey hairs yesterday. Of course I had a buddy in high school who was going grey so I can't complain. It is what it is. I can't believe I look this good honestly.
3 years ago
I am old enough to vote and old enough to drink in every state.
3 years ago
Old enough to know what I want, young enough to do what I want !
3 years ago
I'm about the same age as Papi, and have the same attitude as 25!
3 years ago
old enough to know better, old enough to not give a shit!
3 years ago
Mid-50’s but have been told I look younger (though I am well aware that is likely bs to feed the ego). Started getting gray about 30 years ago but would rather be a silver fox than a bald eagle.
3 years ago
I’m on the older part of the spectrum. I have enough money that I could make myself a target for most dancers, but prefer to spend just enough to keep a few favorites interested and friendly. I treat all dancers with respect and find I usually get the same in return.

When I was a good looking, poor 26 year old, I had no interest in strip clubs.
3 years ago
"... I look younger than my age cuz I'm asian ..."

I think this, rather than your age, is what may make you more "approachable".

The *perception* is that Asians are on avg better-off financially whether bc they are business-owners, or are well-educated and have good paying jobs/careers - they are also considered to be well-behaved.
3 years ago
i’m just an old guy. never thought about being an old guy when I was young.
3 years ago
Huh, dang guys. Thanks for all the input. Completely shifts my perspective of the scene.

I would say in this case, my initial assessment of my position is def not quite accurate. I still usually don't have an issue being "wanna dance'd", but I think this is at friendlier clubs.

I guess I at least have good strip clubbing to keep me happy as I grow older. Thanks for the outlook ya'll!
3 years ago
I’m in my late 50’s. I likely look as though I’m in my late 50’s too!

I’m respectful of dancers, I shower, brush my teeth, and wear clean clothes, when I go clubbing.

My approach has changed dramatically in the last 20 years of mongering. Early on, I would drink myself into a state of feeling no pain, before I would get dances. That was stupid, and it made for many bad outcomes, and lots of wasted money.

Now, I may have a beer or bottled water, as I enjoy the dancers. I chat with dancers who show interest, but I’m not there to make chit chat. I won’t waste a dancers time. After a few minutes, I will direct the conversation to buying dances, and determining what extras are available.

So, as I’ve aged, it’s much less booze, less chit chat, and a more direct approach.
3 years ago
I don’t understand how I got old all of a sudden, I still feel the same as I always did.
3 years ago
You guys all have it so good and you don't even realize it... .
Men are only as old as the women they feel!

And there are entire establishments built and operated around that exact sentiment!

^ This explains why you feel the same... you're welcome 😉😁
3 years ago
Eligible for Social Security, but holding out for a better Monthly payout. I will not be waiting for 70 to put the option in play!
3 years ago
I'm younger than all Presidents except Obama. I'm younger than Bill Belichick but older than Tom Brady.
3 years ago
I’m old enough that I could be offended by the phrase “OK, Boomer”

But I’m not, because being a Boomer is an honor. We invented the internet, personal computers, the artificial heart and your beloved cell phones
3 years ago
@Endless Summer
Id like to try out one of those those establishments, if you only worked closer to my zip code I’d live in an establishment like that. 😷
3 years ago
I’m 19 inside my head. Unfortunately my body is considerably older.
3 years ago
42 and so far, still doin ok in The Stripclubs??
3 years ago
45. I look roughly my age and I don't think my age has much of an effect one way or the other as to my strip club experiences.
3 years ago
I'm 68.
But I don't look a day over 63, unless I'm tired or sad. Which has never happened at a club. 🙂

I don't think my age affects my 'success' at the club. I show up showered, shaved, hair and teeth brushed. I tip for my (water or ?) drink, and start tipping the stage. That affects my 'success'; and soon, it's off to the lap dance room 😜.

3 years ago
@SerenitySinn... 42? Your pics look like 22.
3 years ago
I went to the Gaiety Burlesques at age 14, that was 63 years ago.
Just enjoy seeing and feeling young naked bodies.
3 years ago
Didn't we meet a few years back at Vixens shortly after it opened in Davie?
3 years ago
I started strip clubbing at 17. I just turned 64. The strip club scene has changed far more in the last 47 years than I have. I can have a great conversation or dance with any dancers, so their age is somewhat irrelevant. My preference, at least for dances, is young spinner. The oldest dancer in my rotation is 30, but she's possibly the best dancer in the history of the world, so she is the exception. My age cannot be guessed correctly by anyone because I don't look it. Old people give their age away with wrinkles and crepe skin. I am just now getting wrinkles. A lot of old guys have facial hair. I am clean shaven. If I gave a shit and worked at it I could probably pass for late 40s, but people usually assume 50 -55. A lot of young dancers love weed. I love weed. I have a unique vape that allows you to smoke it so discretely people sitting next to you have no clue. I like young dancers who love weed. Weed is ageless.
3 years ago
I'm Generation Jones. Too young to remember Beatlemania and Woodstock, too old to have worn flannel and Doc Martens in the 90's. I'm about 15 years removed from losing all my filters (ala DesertScrub).
3 years ago
@misterorange. Thanks!!😘 I Kinda Wish Sometimes?
22 kinda when I Started in AdultBiz🥴

@twentyfive. 🤔 Probly have, hopefully maybe start workin there more?? I was at our old Scarletts a lot and 1st year a lot at Vixens when we opened it. Haven’t been much to Davie or Ft Myers Club lately🤷🏻‍♀️
Maybe Our Ybor Club?? Where I’m At Almost Always!!
I’ve only had about 3 TUSCL guys really introduce themselves.🙄
3 years ago
I think us old guys see a dancer hanging with a young guy, and assume she's taking a $ haircut because she's got the hots for him. Sure it happens sometimes. But, like they say, when you assume, you make an ass out of u and me. There are lots of possibilities. Seems like some young guys have a strategy of saving up over a grand, and blowing it on one dancer, hoping that's somehow going to set the fishing hook in her mouth, and he'll be hitting it for free after that. Or, he could be a slinger, who spends big in the club because it's not visible to LE. Depending on individual preferences, dancers may be willing to take a $ haircut and take a break from lap dancing with a PL who just wants some company. You also often see a dancer hanging with 3 - 4 young guys, and each of them ends up buying a good chunk of dances.
3 years ago
@25 I know, right?! If only they'd figure out teleportation already.. 😉🔆💋
3 years ago
An old colleague once said, "men mature, women get old."
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