
Organ meats

avatar for nicespice

What type, if any, do you like?

Scrubby for whatever reason keeps wanting to feed me liver and onions, and posting in random threads about it. Good for him, since that stuff is tasty. I also like tripe and cow tongue πŸ˜‹


last comment
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
3 yrs ago


Calf liver

Pork liver

avatar for ilbbaicnl
3 yrs ago

When strippers eat tripe and cow tongue, that only makes it even more emotionally scaring to PLs when they won't do CIM BBBJ for $50.

avatar for nicespice
3 yrs ago


avatar for ilbbaicnl
3 yrs ago

I use to eat liver when I was young, but never was my fav. Somehow got squeamish about it over the years. I got squeamish about going down after encountering a woman with odor issues down der. A lesbian stripper explained to me you always gotta be careful to finger her and then pretend your nose itches first.

I saw a couple feed a kidney to their toddler once at a picnic.

I prefer it all ground up in my hot dogs, ignorance is bliss.

Whatever happened to that dancer who went by Duo in Virginia, who thought pork belly sandwiches were to die for? She said, when she got old, she still was no way gonna fuck ugly old guys, was just gonna jerk to Abercrombie ads instead.

avatar for gammanu95
3 yrs ago

Fried chicken hearts and gizzards. I lightly cook the livers as a treat for my dogs.

Not organs, but ulif you go to a Cuban party featuring whole roast pig, the grandmothers will tear out your heart to be the first ones to get a piece of the pig's nose and ears. I've learned to stand back.

avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
3 yrs ago

I chop up liver and mix it with hamburger. Kidneys, beef heart, and chicken hearts are all good.

I've never had tripe or sweet breads.

avatar for drewcareypnw
3 yrs ago

Spanish Mollejas are incredible: es.wikipedia.org

And of course pan seared Fois Gras, a bit more common in the USA but equally delightful.

avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
3 yrs ago

Is tongue considered organ meat? If so cow and pig tongues.

It's not an organ but the best cut of beef is the cheek. Tacos de cabeza.

I've tried foie Gras and like it.

avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
3 yrs ago

Desert scrub. Everyone knows nice spice is one of the biggest trolls here and has how many profiles. But she's tolerated coz for the idiots she manipulates it's the only contact they have with a female that they don't pay for.

But strippers don't always tip. Many are cheap af. And nothing wrong with liver. I know girls who love chittlins and girls who love menudo....Mexican tripe soup. Tongue tacos. Whatever. Strippers are like anyone else in their tastes

avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
3 yrs ago

Icey and Scrub complaining about Nicespice being a troll pretty much buries the needles measuring both irony and hypocrisy.

But, you know, you do you.

avatar for misterorange
3 yrs ago


"I lightly cook the livers as a treat for my dogs."

Every Thanksgiving my mother used to cook the turkey gizzards for the dogs, and my uncle would sneak into the kitchen and eat it all before she got the chance to feed them.

avatar for ilbbaicnl
3 yrs ago

You can have a tacos de sesos chaser after getting it on with a 16-year-old in TJ.

avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
3 yrs ago

You know... some jokes aren't funny.

avatar for twentyfive
3 yrs ago

Speaking of organ meat, reminds me of a story I heard a while back when I was in Spain it went like this

A man on a business trip in Spain decides to take in a bull fight. After the event, he stops in to the little restaurant next to the venue called "The Matador". As he checks out the menu trying to decide what he wants, he sees a waiter bring a dish to another customer.

The other customer starts eating what appear to be two large meatballs with great gusto. When the waiter comes to his table, the man asks about the dish. "Oh Senor, that is the Matador Special," replies the waiter in broken English, "Our very best dish! Fresh vegetables, beans and zee cojones from zee bull. We get the cojones immediately after the bull fight. Exquisito!"

"Okay, that's what I'll have," says the businessman.

"But I am very sorry Senor, but that dish is only available once per day."

Disappointed, the man chooses another dish and plans to order the Matador Special the next day.

The next day the man goes to the bull fight again, and afterwards stops into the restaurant. Just as the waiter is coming to his table, he sees another waiter bringing the Matador Special to a customer who got there before him. "Damn!" he says to himself. "And tomorrow's my last day here."

So the next day, he skips the bull fight, and arrives at the restaurant early. He is the first one seated, and proudly proclaims, "I'll have the Matador Special!"

"An excellent choice, Senor!" responds the waiter. Soon afterwards, the waiter brings out his dish, but the meat balls are disappointingly small, and taste rather foul.

"What's with this," the now angry man shouts, "I thought this was your premier dish!"

"I'm very sorry, Senor," said the waiter, "But you see, sometimes zee bull, he wins

avatar for SirLapdancealot
3 yrs ago

@nicespice what kind of Oregon meats do you like? I might have some for you. 😝

@icee and @desertscrub you both are dumbasses if you don't think nicespice is who she is in her avatar picture. I'm talking epic dumbasses at that.

avatar for blahblahblah23
3 yrs ago

I like tripe in menudo. I've also had damn good chitlins which everyone hates... but I know the person who made it and they know how to clean the meat and cook it, seen them do it.

avatar for blahblahblah23
3 yrs ago

I hate liver. Tried it once as a kid nearly threw up from the taste alone.

avatar for nicespice
3 yrs ago

@sirlap the juicy kind πŸ˜‚

avatar for misterorange
3 yrs ago

In college I dated a Cuban girl. Her mom was the best cook ever. I loved everything she ever made until one time it was some kind of stew. I almost gagged trying to eat it. I turned to her quietly and was like, "what the fuck is this shit?"

It was tripe. I thought okay some kinda fish I don't like. Then she told me it was an animal's stomach.

I was lucky to make it to the bathroom before I threw up.

avatar for SirLapdancealot
3 yrs ago

I don't mind tripe in pho noodles but it's not something that I crave. I prefer tendons only in pho. I've had good cow's tongue in the Philippines. Also I've had good chitlins in Tennessee.

I don't ever order organ meats intentionally, but I'll try them if offered. I'll draw the line at penis and gonads, though. So thanks for Rocky Mountain oysters and such.

avatar for SirLapdancealot
3 yrs ago

^ no thanks

avatar for SirLapdancealot
3 yrs ago

If a hot dog is an organ meat, then I say a sausage is too.

And in that case @nicespice I know exactly where you can get a juicy longanisa the next time you come out. πŸ˜‰

avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
3 yrs ago

I've had turkey testicle. I liked the taste before I knew what they were. I couldn't keep eating them after I knew. The way they popped when I bit into them was too much of a psychological barrier

avatar for ATACdawg
3 yrs ago

I was at a conference center in Jamaica many moons ago, and the camp cooks made a variety of tasty Jamaican dishes for us. In fact, the only totally unpalatable meal was when they did hamburgers to make us feel "at home". The memory of those dried out, seriously overcooked pieces of meat haunt me to this day!

There was one of our number who had a very conservative stomach; he didn't eat much on that trip. One night, he had a near breakthrough. Curried goat was the main course that night, and we were served a soup known as Mannish Water. I had already figured out what was in it, and it was frankly delicious. Even Jerry was enjoying it, savoring spoonful after spoonful. As he ate, he asked me what was in the delicious soup.

"Jerry," I said, "you don't want to know."

"No! Really! This soup is great!"

"OK, Jerry. But two minutes from now, remeber

avatar for ATACdawg
3 yrs ago

...remember that I warned you. You know the curried goat we're having for supper tonight?" Jerry nodded his assent. "Well, this is what they did with the rest of the goat."

That was the last spoonful of soup he ate, lol.

avatar for ilbbaicnl
3 yrs ago

OK guys lets not scare away the few dancers we have on our website by Harvey Weinsteining them.

avatar for motorhead
3 yrs ago

Fried brain sandwiches used to be a bar food staple in the Ohio River Valley from Evansville, Indiana to St Louis.

I never tried them, but I bet the way they are prepared they’re not bad. The brains are sliced and dredged in a batter with spices and fried. Then served on white bread or a bun with mustard, onions and pickles.

avatar for gammanu95
3 yrs ago

Has no one here had haggis or rocky mountain oysters? I have not, but I would think some of us had.

avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
3 yrs ago

^^^ The things that set you off are both weird and dumb.

avatar for loper
3 yrs ago

beef liver with bacon, onions, and tomatoes. yum. I've had a Mexican appetizer of some sort with chicken livers that was delicious, but chicken livers alone, not so much.

avatar for Warrior15
3 yrs ago

I like a good rump roast.

avatar for SirLapdancealot
3 yrs ago

"SIRLAPDUNCECAP... anyone can create a new profile, clip a picture from the web and call it that person."

Uh, @dumbass scrub, no shit, Captain Obvious. I know that.

But also note that several TUSCLers have also met nicespice IN REAL LIFE. Like you know, she posted in her profile that she was dancing at a club in their area, she PMed with them too, and then they actually went and saw her in the club.

I'm one of those TUSCLers, dumbass. But not the only one. And I can say that those tits in her avatar pic are in fact hers, they are real, perfectly perky real, and without a doubt she is real.

Oh and also I'm the guy that took this picture of her in her profile


As stated, you're an EPIC DUMBASS if you don't think she's the same person in her avatar pic. 🀭

avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
3 yrs ago

Desertscrub reminds me of grandpa Simpson.

And I forgot about giblet gravy. It's not bad.

avatar for Tetradon
3 yrs ago

@gammanu, haggis is fucking awesome, even knowing what's in it.

But I like best when a hot chick eats my "organ."

avatar for gSteph
3 yrs ago

I never much liked liver. But 1 time I had some from a deer that was less than an hour old (dead), that was wonderful, tasty.

avatar for ilbbaicnl
3 yrs ago

@heaving Go to Mistress Nicespice's OnlyFans and she'll troll you till you scream the safeword.

avatar for SirLapdancealot
3 yrs ago

just one dumbassscrub

LMFAO and you're definitely the one that's always talking about gay sex with other men. You like that subject and bring it up all the time. 🀭

avatar for ilbbaicnl
3 yrs ago

Those were the good old days. Ohio River Valley brains are now fried by meth and opioid addiction.

avatar for SirLapdancealot
3 yrs ago

October 12, 2021

this guy has ZERO CONTRIBUTIONS and has posted a review.. a fake review to send your hard earned cash elsewhere...

GO HERE. not there.. FUCK THE ASSHOLE and i will call out every review for his club that i can in the future.. I will face fuck this loser!

^^^ this is an actual recent post by dumbassscrub. Note he wants to face fuck a dude. 🀭

avatar for joesmama69
3 yrs ago

Desertscrub, shut up and eat your liver and veggies! You need some iron to make your balls grow! Your small balls make you a little bitch

avatar for SirLapdancealot
3 yrs ago

LMFAO dumbassscrub as stated you are an epic dumbass. LOL it's like you ate your own brain and now you have shit for brains. It's no surprise that you are by far the most ignored person on TUSCL.

avatar for blahblahblah23
3 yrs ago

I would love to try brains of some sort just because mentally I want to. Lol! If they are anything like tripe or chitlins or better I'm game.

avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
3 yrs ago

At least grandpa simspson is calling out the trolls.

avatar for shadowcat
3 yrs ago

I still shudder when I remember the time my wife had me grill her tripe next to my rib eye steak.

avatar for ilbbaicnl
3 yrs ago

Sounds like shadow's wife had that weight loss surgery where they take out part of you stomach, and she decided to not let it go to waste. He did say it was "her" tripe.

avatar for SirLapdancealot
3 yrs ago

@blah are you game for this?


avatar for doctorevil
3 yrs ago

Eating brain is probably not a good idea. It carries a risk of brain prion disease which is incurable and turns you into a vegetable. www.hopkinsmedicine.org

avatar for doctorevil
3 yrs ago

desertscrub should stop eating brain.

avatar for ilbbaicnl
3 yrs ago

It's a noble if doomed cause, to try to save air dancing by re-imagining it as belly dancing at organ meat restaurants.

avatar for SirLapdancealot
3 yrs ago

I'd eat liver and onions in a heartbeat if it came with a nicespice belly dance. πŸ₯°πŸ¦„

avatar for twentyfive
3 yrs ago

Does the organ grinders monkey qualify as organ meat?

avatar for SirLapdancealot
3 yrs ago

I'd gladly spank the monkey but eating it is a hard pass.

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