
Where do y'all get coffee

Wednesday, September 8, 2021 5:46 PM
Make your own? Get it from somewhere? Starbucks is a little pricey. And some of them I get the Coffee it's not even hot. Just luke warm. I hate that. Dunkin Donuts for iced coffee I'm just burnt out on their hot coffee. I'm burnt out of Dunkin Donuts in general there are way too many of them by me. I think Mcdonalds might not be the best coffee in the world but for the price, it's like a dollar something is really good. I'll make my own sometimes but I usually want it when I'm out not at home. I tried the Keurig thing, not a fan. I don't think they get enough grinds in that cup. Not by me but when I see one I like to stop a Dutch Bros. that would be my favorite chain. The round sip hole is cool. Some of the best coffee I've had are from some of those weird hipster spots where they will like melt dark chocolate into your coffee or whatever, I would say that's pretty good stuff. I hate any kind of flavor sugary syrup bullshit, doesn't taste good at all.


  • Jascoi
    3 years ago
    I occasionally stop at a Starbucks And get just the coffee… it’s so damn bitter however and I got to add four or five packs of the raw sugar. when I’m driving between my places in California and Arizona I’ll stop at the flying J/pilot truck stops. The coffee doesn’t need but one sugar and it’s half the price at Starbucks.
  • Jascoi
    3 years ago
  • twentyfive
    3 years ago
    I make my own most mornings useing a cusinart grind and brew, makes great coffee with fresh ground beans, when I’m not at home I will get coffe at McDonalds their coffee is not bad, I can’t stand Starbucks it’s too bitter, btw I drink my coffee black
  • Jascoi
    3 years ago
    McDonald’s has some pretty damn good coffee too. when mcD went to their McCafe coffee I thought it was a big improvement. both my mom and my dad both thought it was many steps into the wrong direction. they were ww2 era colored coffee people. I would prefer a coffee that’s thick enough to hold my straw or my swizzle stick up right.
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    3 years ago
    I don't like coffee.
  • gSteph
    3 years ago
    In a cup.
  • shadowcat
    3 years ago
    I rarely drink coffee. Don't even own a coffee maker. On a cold morning I occasionally have a cup with breakfast at IHOP.
  • shadowcat
    3 years ago
    Interesting note about Starbucks. My kroger grocery store has a mini Starbucks inside and I rarely see anybody using it and directly across the street is a full sized Starbucks. I think Kroger could make better use of the space.
  • RandomMember
    3 years ago
    I make my own with an Aeropress, now. I have a ritual where I grind fresh beans and make individual cups. The freshness of the beans is the most important thing for a good cup of coffee. Also use distilled water. I think the Starbucks whole beans are not that bad.
  • nicespice
    3 years ago
    Haven’t really been into coffee for the past few years, at least not daily. Used to be really into it like 5-10 years ago idk why I’m more neutral now. I just like tea better. Will have coffee every here and there with somebody else wherever we are, wherever that is or if it’s offered at home and I’m not picky. I’ll also get Turkish coffee from a hookah lounge sometimes too.
  • Tetradon
    3 years ago
    Iced (usually Starbucks dark roast) from the grocery store. Black, mixed with two scoops of protein powder.
  • Jascoi
    3 years ago
    at the cabin I still don’t have my latest coffee maker (which is over 20 years old and still in the box) Opened up yet. i’ve been occasionally making my coffee cowboy style with beans that are way outdated. with enough vodka it works pretty good.
  • Jascoi
    3 years ago
    as to temperature… i need to cool it down some. (call me a wossie.)
  • Jascoi
    3 years ago
    For a little while in Kingman Arizona we had a Starbucks stand alone and mini counter the older Safeway. The newer Safeway (may be a mile north on stockton hill road) HAD a Seattle’s best. I thought it was much better. but it didn’t last long. The traditional Starbucks pikes place brew was more more popular.
  • motorhead
    3 years ago
    No coffee. Unsweetened iced tea
  • motorhead
    3 years ago
    Do strip clubs serve coffee? I’ve occasionally seen guys try to order it.
  • PredragDr
    3 years ago
    Blue Bottle or Philz is considered the best one's in my area, but I am not a regular coffee drinker. Starbucks are cheaper and have more locations, so I end up there more than I wish.
  • Tetradon
    3 years ago
    ^^ I've asked for coffee in a strip club, but never been obliged.
  • CJKent_band
    3 years ago
    I get Vietnamese coffee, hot coffee or iced coffee, because it is served with sweetened condensed milk. Other good coffee I get is the Mexican coffee they call “cafe de olla”, it is an old traditional coffee made with sweet brown blocks of sugar and cinnamon and other spices really tasty.
  • skibum609
    3 years ago
    Mr. Coffee works fine. Black and smoking hot...
  • jackslash
    3 years ago
    Some strip clubs serve coffee, Motorhead. I sometimes ordered coffee (for $8 or $9 a cup) at the Flight Club before driving home. But I always Uber now.
  • shailynn
    3 years ago
    ^^^ Uber, isn't that expensive from Birmingham? Wait are you one of those downriver mofos?
  • Jascoi
    3 years ago
    Coffee is available at some strip clubs as well as Starbucks bottles of Frappuccino. I prefer the mocha.
  • Jascoi
    3 years ago
    oh yeah… the Vietnamese coffee… I try to do that every two weeks.
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    3 years ago
    I usually make my own at home in a French press. That's less to be fancy and more to help limit my caffeine intake. At one time, I was one of those people who drank multiple pots of coffee per day, which isn't great. If I'm really dragging in the afternoon, then I might make a black tea to take the edge off, but I avoid coffee after noon(ish). I buy good coffee but certainly not premium coffee. If I'm on the road and need coffee for the side effects alone, I'm not picky. But, if I can avoid Starbucks, then I will.
  • rickdugan
    3 years ago
    Some bougie mother fuckers around here. 😉 Once upon a time I used to be a coffee snob but I just don't have that kind of time anymore. Now it's K-Cup dark roast brews for me - often a few per day. Also when I'm on the run here in the land of mega-gas stations there are a few chains with surprisingly good high test dark roast blends. I need a fair amount of caffeine to get me through my very busy days.
  • Subraman
    3 years ago
    I make my own coffee, and fuss over it like a wine guy over wines or a hipster over IPAs. I just love the ritual of brewing it, it gets me focused on something before I start work, and is a nice transition from waking up to dealing with my coworkers. The fact that the coffee is fantastic is great too. I used to use an Aeropress but mostly use a Hario v60 these days. The v60 produces coffee with more clarity, brightness, and complexity, versus immersion methods like the Aeropress or French press producing coffee with more body and balance. That said, immersion methods are much easier to get great coffee from, the v60 is much easier to over- or under-extract and end up with bad coffee (but if you get it right, it can be amazing).
  • Hank Moody
    3 years ago
    I like good coffee and have a modestly priced machine that grinds the beans and makes espresso, plus a frother if someone wants a cappuccino or latte. Add water to the espresso and you get a dark cup of coffee or Americano if espresso isn’t your thing. It takes a bit of practice, but after a few times it’s just part of my routine. In the office we have a nespresso and it’s not bad. Much better to me than the keurig. I’ll occasionally drink Starbucks or Dunkin’ or something else and that’s just fine as well.
  • tempest666
    3 years ago
  • Papi_Chulo
    3 years ago
    Not a big coffee drinker – I drink it mostly for the boost, and b/c I don’t drink coffee for the coffee/taste itself, I never drink it straight. Pre-Covid I was in the habit of hanging out at Starbucks a couple of times a week doing stuff on my laptop – after Covid I was unable to do that and lost the Starbucks habit – pre-Covid I would either have a White Mocha Latte when I was hanging at Starbucks; or I would have a Cuban “cortadito” (basically a small maybe 4oz latte-equivalent which is half Cuban-coffee half-milk; traditionally cow-milk but fairly common to be made w/ evaporated-milk instead or a mix of cow and evaporated milk) - after I stopped hanging out at Starbucks and lost the Starbucks habit, I now don't like the Starbucks taste (didn't think it was necessarily awesome b/f; but now I can barely drink it). Now that I lost the habit of hanging at Starbucks now I usually just have a cortadito every day which almost always immediately clears my cogwebs w/ that strong Cuban coffee (they usually go around $1 to $1.50 at the Cuban cafes downhere) – whether I had a Starbucks latte in the past, or a cortadito, I usually just stuck to either one Latte or one cortadito per day – in the rare cases I hit a SC at night (in the last few years have mostly been a late-afternoon PL) I will usually get a cortadito b/f heading to the club for a boost .
  • pistola
    3 years ago
    Starbucks is horrible. If you can find a local place that roasts its own beans on site, you're in the right direction.
  • Huntsman
    3 years ago
    I make my own. Nothing fancy. A Mr. Coffee and Folgers dark roast. I tend toward being a beer snob but I’m not picky about coffee and only have a morning cup or two.
  • ElDuderino_AZ
    3 years ago
    Not too into coffee, but when I get it it's just from McDonald's or Jack in the Box, or Wendy's when I go get a greasy breakfast. I always just had it black.......until a few months ago when I was introduced to San Tan Brewing's caramel whiskey. HO-LY SHIT. Generally don't like flavored whiskey, but you put that stuff into coffee or hot chocolate or hot tea...thank me later.
  • Jascoi
    3 years ago
    white mocha?? another name for it is Michael Jackson. tuxedo. Black and white. penguin. Salt n pepper. and there’s a whole lot more names for it. I like it. but it’s a rare treat. cost like five bucks for a Venti size.
  • jvTroop
    3 years ago
    Me and my brothers in blue keep dunkin donuts going. They have great coffee, and the donuts are satisfying
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