I like the younger ones best because they are at peak attractiveness and aren't burnt out yet. That makes up for their lack of experience. I like older ones as long as they have worked in strip clubs a long time. They have learned how to keep customers happy. The worst ones are the ones who decided to wait until they are in their thirties before they decided to try stripping. That's too late to start a stripping career. They can't compete with younger girls on looks or older girls the same age as them who have been working in clubs a long time on experience. They usually don't stay around too long.
^ hmm I met a girl who is 50 now just left the game and started the game at like 40 or 41. She was able to compete without being a hooker. She had a very pretty face and a big set of tits (natural) plus she would give massages (like professional level) back massages for money. She did sell dances too but only to her regulars whom she would get from being able to talk to them, being really sweet, non pushy etc. She was also sorta glamorous.
Idk I know a ton of older dancers who look a fuck of a lot better than the 18-early 20s we keep seeing. They are still making money. Not all of them are hookers or "con artists". You guys are so ridiculous.
I do think it is good to leave the game by a certain point for personal reasons ie hating men or tired of the life or whatever. I dont see too many girls who age out unless their lifestyle is shit and in that case I've seen girls in their 20s "age out".
Also forgot to say some girls "age out" due to physical issues like repeated strain on the knees or certain muscles or they developed some medical problems all of a sudden.
Nina has a good point. I like young, fit girls. But there is a limit to how young. I want a girl to be able to carry on a conversation. Have you tried to have a conversation with a 20 year old lately ? No thanks. 25-30 is probably about perfect. Young enough where if she focuses on it, she's still in good shape. Has a lot of energy still. But also mature enough to know what the real world is like.
When a discussion starts on young versus old strippers someone will always bring up the stripper in her forties or even fifties who is still popular and still making money. These women exist but they are outliers.
I started visiting clubs about 10 years ago. I can only think of three strippers who have been in local clubs almost that entire time. Out of every hundred girls who start working in a club I would guess half are gone in a year, eighty percent within five years and almost all in ten years. Many of the older strippers I see in clubs just started and are soon gone. The three I know who are in their late thirties and have been in clubs since I started visiting them a decade ago have very friendly personalities and are good at making customers feel like they are important. They also take care of themselves. I've seen some beautiful strippers who smoked too many cigarettes, drank too much, took too many drugs, and ate too much junk food and had to quit stripping after four or five years because their looks had deteriorated too much.
My ATF was just short of 51 when she did her final shift. She only left because of COVID and the need to be the sole caregiver for her grandson. She started after her divorce when she was 35. At 50, her body was still better than 95% of the girls in the club, and she could speak on just about any topic. I do miss that woman.
I like them in between. Old enough to be able to hold a conversation and relate, but young enough to still look very good. 26-32 tends to be my sweet spot, but to each his own.
It's not young vs old, but the total "package" that provides the best dancer experience. If she's unattractive, or has poor hygiene, that's a non-starter. Then personality is primo and age is segundo. A great dancer has looks, confidence, and smarts to go with it.
Kind of agree with you George. It's always been about the individual rather than where she fits demographically. I do have my general preferences, which have changed some over the years. However, sometimes I find a diamond in the rough if I keep an open mind. If you went to clubs in Covid times, an open mind was key to having fun.
My daughter is in her mid 20s. So I’m more comfortable hanging with dancers a decade or two older than that. Plus with their life experience, they are far more interesting.
Years ago, when a friend turned 36 he realized he was then able to legally fuck someone half his age. That became his goal in life--find a girlfriend half his age (not a stripper). He succeeded a year or so later.
He's still single and mid-50s so now he wants a girlfriend a third of his age but acknowledges he may need a stripper to satisfy his 1/3rd goal.
Older dancers definitely have their niche. I knew a club where the 2 most popular girls were over 40. One was over 50 and had a following. Its not the norm but dancers have to target their niche.
Warrior15 said: Have you tried to have a conversation with a 20 year old lately ? No thanks.
I had one about that age ask me to text her. I don't bring my phone in the clubs, so I could not. She looked confused and asked if I didn't have my phone how were we going to talk? I watched here when she moved on to a guy more her age (looked early 20's). They were both on their phones typing away, but they would look up at each other every few seconds. Then she got up to dance for him and they were STILL texting each other. Can anyone under 25 actually hold a verbal conversation?
I wonder if the baby strippers realize the only way they will keep the interest (and the cash) of older guys is to put out in VIP because they can't keep up a relevant conversation with someone their father's age or older?
But there might be another reason regarding Gen Z. I was reading some discussions on this. Gen Z (the 18-24 stripper age) has sexual activity with those they care about more and more through snapchat, sexting, etc. and have less and less traditional sex. Or they have physical sex but it is secondary to the electronic stuff. Physical sex without the electronics is less exclusive. It's more for party hookups, casual sex, etc. So in VIP the Gen Z stripper is not giving you what she gives someone she cares about. It is less of a moral conflict. Isn't that wonderful for the 35+ guy who just wants that "less exclusive" pussy sex!
18-24 Usually has the largest mix of pretty and not so pretty. Ten years ago this age group was great, many were thin and fit with decent make up skills. However the last few years too many are on the heavier side. Most of have horrible makeup skills looking more like caricatures than hot. One negative of this group has always been the highest percentage of dancers who get by on looks alone.
25-36 In the more upscale clubs often the hottest are mostly in this age group. In the less upscale clubs, often the best balance between looks, friendliness and lap dance quality. In more upscale clubs many of the hottest ones are still getting by their looks and give average at best dances for high prices. Still this seems to be the prime age for most of my favorites, dancers who have been dancing for several years, know they are hot but also know how to treat customers like more than ATM's even though they may think this.
40-52 I skipped 37 to 39 since that is the point dancers seems to be on the fence between the 25-36 and 40+ dancers. In the upscale clubs these are the dancers who through a combination of good genetics, a healthy lifestyle and good plastic surgeons are able to still compete with the remaining dancer due to experience. Usually not more than two in most clubs in this age range. One of my favorites I knew from age 37 to 48. While her face and hands showed their age the last 2 or three years she danced, her body got better and better looking and her VIP dances improved immensely over the years, and a lot more intimate.
last commentThe young ones need to be conned into becoming pros and chances are the old ones are cons thanks to having been pros for so long.
I like the younger ones best because they are at peak attractiveness and aren't burnt out yet. That makes up for their lack of experience. I like older ones as long as they have worked in strip clubs a long time. They have learned how to keep customers happy. The worst ones are the ones who decided to wait until they are in their thirties before they decided to try stripping. That's too late to start a stripping career. They can't compete with younger girls on looks or older girls the same age as them who have been working in clubs a long time on experience. They usually don't stay around too long.
^ hmm I met a girl who is 50 now just left the game and started the game at like 40 or 41. She was able to compete without being a hooker. She had a very pretty face and a big set of tits (natural) plus she would give massages (like professional level) back massages for money. She did sell dances too but only to her regulars whom she would get from being able to talk to them, being really sweet, non pushy etc. She was also sorta glamorous.
Idk I know a ton of older dancers who look a fuck of a lot better than the 18-early 20s we keep seeing. They are still making money. Not all of them are hookers or "con artists". You guys are so ridiculous.
I do think it is good to leave the game by a certain point for personal reasons ie hating men or tired of the life or whatever. I dont see too many girls who age out unless their lifestyle is shit and in that case I've seen girls in their 20s "age out".
Also forgot to say some girls "age out" due to physical issues like repeated strain on the knees or certain muscles or they developed some medical problems all of a sudden.
Warm up and Fluff ON the young one's
Theen Fuck the old ones
What is "young" and what is "old"? Is there somewhere in the middle?
Nina has a good point. I like young, fit girls. But there is a limit to how young. I want a girl to be able to carry on a conversation. Have you tried to have a conversation with a 20 year old lately ? No thanks. 25-30 is probably about perfect. Young enough where if she focuses on it, she's still in good shape. Has a lot of energy still. But also mature enough to know what the real world is like.
Old ones act like hardened where's. I like Mexican girls between 18 and 25
When a discussion starts on young versus old strippers someone will always bring up the stripper in her forties or even fifties who is still popular and still making money. These women exist but they are outliers.
I started visiting clubs about 10 years ago. I can only think of three strippers who have been in local clubs almost that entire time. Out of every hundred girls who start working in a club I would guess half are gone in a year, eighty percent within five years and almost all in ten years. Many of the older strippers I see in clubs just started and are soon gone. The three I know who are in their late thirties and have been in clubs since I started visiting them a decade ago have very friendly personalities and are good at making customers feel like they are important. They also take care of themselves. I've seen some beautiful strippers who smoked too many cigarettes, drank too much, took too many drugs, and ate too much junk food and had to quit stripping after four or five years because their looks had deteriorated too much.
I like em lot lizzards styles
My ATF was just short of 51 when she did her final shift. She only left because of COVID and the need to be the sole caregiver for her grandson. She started after her divorce when she was 35. At 50, her body was still better than 95% of the girls in the club, and she could speak on just about any topic. I do miss that woman.
I like them in between. Old enough to be able to hold a conversation and relate, but young enough to still look very good. 26-32 tends to be my sweet spot, but to each his own.
It's not young vs old, but the total "package" that provides the best dancer experience. If she's unattractive, or has poor hygiene, that's a non-starter. Then personality is primo and age is segundo. A great dancer has looks, confidence, and smarts to go with it.
Kind of agree with you George. It's always been about the individual rather than where she fits demographically. I do have my general preferences, which have changed some over the years. However, sometimes I find a diamond in the rough if I keep an open mind. If you went to clubs in Covid times, an open mind was key to having fun.
My daughter is in her mid 20s. So I’m more comfortable hanging with dancers a decade or two older than that. Plus with their life experience, they are far more interesting.
Prefer younger. Last night: blonde; spinner; b-cup; 22; ty god.
Years ago, when a friend turned 36 he realized he was then able to legally fuck someone half his age. That became his goal in life--find a girlfriend half his age (not a stripper). He succeeded a year or so later.
He's still single and mid-50s so now he wants a girlfriend a third of his age but acknowledges he may need a stripper to satisfy his 1/3rd goal.
Mid-20s to mid-30s is perfect IMO.
Older dancers definitely have their niche. I knew a club where the 2 most popular girls were over 40. One was over 50 and had a following. Its not the norm but dancers have to target their niche.
Warrior15 said: Have you tried to have a conversation with a 20 year old lately ? No thanks.
I had one about that age ask me to text her. I don't bring my phone in the clubs, so I could not. She looked confused and asked if I didn't have my phone how were we going to talk? I watched here when she moved on to a guy more her age (looked early 20's). They were both on their phones typing away, but they would look up at each other every few seconds. Then she got up to dance for him and they were STILL texting each other. Can anyone under 25 actually hold a verbal conversation?
I wonder if the baby strippers realize the only way they will keep the interest (and the cash) of older guys is to put out in VIP because they can't keep up a relevant conversation with someone their father's age or older?
But there might be another reason regarding Gen Z. I was reading some discussions on this. Gen Z (the 18-24 stripper age) has sexual activity with those they care about more and more through snapchat, sexting, etc. and have less and less traditional sex. Or they have physical sex but it is secondary to the electronic stuff. Physical sex without the electronics is less exclusive. It's more for party hookups, casual sex, etc. So in VIP the Gen Z stripper is not giving you what she gives someone she cares about. It is less of a moral conflict. Isn't that wonderful for the 35+ guy who just wants that "less exclusive" pussy sex!
I place dancers in three categories age wise.
18-24 Usually has the largest mix of pretty and not so pretty. Ten years ago this age group was great, many were thin and fit with decent make up skills. However the last few years too many are on the heavier side. Most of have horrible makeup skills looking more like caricatures than hot. One negative of this group has always been the highest percentage of dancers who get by on looks alone.
25-36 In the more upscale clubs often the hottest are mostly in this age group. In the less upscale clubs, often the best balance between looks, friendliness and lap dance quality. In more upscale clubs many of the hottest ones are still getting by their looks and give average at best dances for high prices. Still this seems to be the prime age for most of my favorites, dancers who have been dancing for several years, know they are hot but also know how to treat customers like more than ATM's even though they may think this.
40-52 I skipped 37 to 39 since that is the point dancers seems to be on the fence between the 25-36 and 40+ dancers. In the upscale clubs these are the dancers who through a combination of good genetics, a healthy lifestyle and good plastic surgeons are able to still compete with the remaining dancer due to experience. Usually not more than two in most clubs in this age range. One of my favorites I knew from age 37 to 48. While her face and hands showed their age the last 2 or three years she danced, her body got better and better looking and her VIP dances improved immensely over the years, and a lot more intimate.
Young ones are funner when they are drinking. Older one's are better to become regulars with