10 Best Regional Fast Food Joints In The US

avatar for shailynn
These are the 10 best regional fast food chains in America


I can’t believe I’ve only been to 4 on this list when you consider all the traveling I do.

Where is Captain Ds and Del Taco?

What are some other regional fast food dumps that you hold near and dear to your heart.


last comment
avatar for jackslash
4 years ago
Tubby's Subs in the Detroit area.
avatar for shailynn
4 years ago
^ yeah I take you for a tunafish on rye kinda guy lol!
avatar for Papi_Chulo
4 years ago
None of those are in my Miami hood

I mostly avoid fastfood except for Chipotle which I have fairly-often and it's only a few blocks from my house - I also used to do Chick-Fil-A fairly often although for w/e reason the closest one to me closed out-of-the-blue after years at that location although it did a ton of biz; eventually another one fairly near me opened up a couple of months ago but I had already fallen a bit out of the Chick-Fil-A habit - once in a while when I'm in the mood for a burger I'll do Fuddrukers
avatar for Papi_Chulo
4 years ago
I wasn't in the mood to eat anything tonight and finally decided on BK which I hadn't done in months since I didn't feel like eating anything in particular - I always order the Bacon King small combo which used to come out to $8.xx just under 9-bucks (with tax) - when I went tonight I was charged $10.26 (w/ tax) - inflation hitting me right-in-the-face; I noticed it b/c it was the first time ever I had paid over $10 o/w I may not have noticed
avatar for Chili Palmer
Chili Palmer
4 years ago
Any list that includes anything to do with Skyline Chili is automatically suspect.

As a native southern Californian, while In-N-Out Burger gets all the press, it's Tommy's Hamburgers that's the best chain in CA. Their breakfast sandwich of sausage, cheese, a complete egg and the most delicious chili is heaven on a bun, and my arteries just got a little more clogged writing this. Ahh, memories.
avatar for twentyfive
4 years ago
Probably get healthier food from a compost pile.
avatar for mike710
4 years ago
I don't eat fast food burgers often but I have to agree that Habit is the best I've had from a chain. There are some local burger joints that are better but Habit is good and you can get a great shake or malt that complements the burger.

As far as inflation, even Warren Buffet says it's here. In the city I live in, the minimum wage was raised to $15 and restaurants put signs up that they are adding a 4% tax to your bill. I just saw the sign a couple hours ago at my favorite watering hole.

avatar for Papi_Chulo
4 years ago
Besides Fuddruckers for the occasional burger, I also liked Five Guys although there isn't one near me - I used to eat at the one in South Beach when I used to hang out at South Beach pre-Covid but that location closed about a year b/f Covid even though it did good biz - rents are supa-high in South Beach so I assume that may have been the reason for the closure but IDK
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
4 years ago
Fast food has really gone downhill. The quality is disgusting.

The list seems more like local mini chains than actual regional fast food.

Jack in the Box and In N Out are the only fast food chains I like. And with Jack in the box it varies widely by location. In n out is solid and consistent
avatar for whodey
4 years ago
"Any list that includes anything to do with Skyline Chili is automatically suspect." Chili Palmer those are fighting words right there. While Skyline is far from the best Cincinnati style chili it is still good.
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
4 years ago
Have any of you in the midwest tried made rite or runza places?
avatar for shadowcat
4 years ago
I've never been to any of those places. I don't do fast food often. 5 Guys is my favorite but also the most expensive in my area.
avatar for wallanon
4 years ago
I've also been to 4 of them. I shudder to think there are people who consider Sheetz locations as more than gas stations that also have food.
avatar for shailynn
4 years ago
^^^^ SHEETZ! Oh boy you are right a list like this should not have Sheetz on it. The area I travel the most has Sheetz everywhere. I like Sheetz, for a c-store most of them are relatively clean including their restrooms. For their food, there are a few things on their menu that are okay, a lot of things that are horrible. When you land at an airport at midnight, or you're checking into your hotel at 11PM, a Sheetz nearby is always open when you need to grab something to eat and there's no other choices.

Another one which I don't know how "regional" it is is Moes. I'd take Moes over Chipotle any day. Come to think of it, it's amazing I'm not obese considering how much I eat out when traveling. It's either "trying" to eat healthy while traveling or making a grilled cheese in my hotel room with an iron. Steam some rice in the shower.
avatar for Muddy
4 years ago
I have never even heard of Schupps, Pal's, Habit and Biscutville and I've been all over. I'm not a big fast food guy though so I mighta missed them. Skyline Chili is like a unique Cincinatti thing. I like it, they put like chocolate in the chili or some shit like that it ain't bad.

I would probably take Whataburger over In n out personally. Culver's I just get the cheese curds. Sheetz I would say is atleast better than your average gas station food I'll give it that. Cookout was whatever maybe better than Mcdonalds atleast. None of any of this stuff is worth going out of your way for though. One the way, ok.
avatar for wallanon
4 years ago
"Cookout was whatever maybe better than Mcdonalds at least."

Not gonna lie, Cookout is a place I'll look for when I'm in the Southeast. I just make sure I pick the side of the building without the homeless guys asking for change when I decide to get a drive thru burger and cheerwine float in the middle of the night.
avatar for jackslash
4 years ago
I long for the brisket you get at all the little BBQ joints in Texas.
avatar for chessmaster
4 years ago
Half of these places I never heard of. Whataburger is awesome though.
avatar for Cashman1234
4 years ago
No offense to Sheetz fans - but their toilets must always be overflowing!

Most of the spots I hit are not chains. There are so many amazing local pizza places nearby - it’s great!
avatar for skibum609
4 years ago
Coo list. I have been to exactly zero.
avatar for misterorange
4 years ago
Here in NJ, when the Covid shutdowns started, traditional restaurants were completely closed for months, finally opened at severely reduced capacity, outdoor (tents) only, and to this day remain at reduced capacity. Meanwhile, the fast food places with drive-up windows didn't miss a beat. The lines of cars circled the parking lots and stretched down the street. Once I placed an order and paid online at Taco Bell, thinking when I got there I'd breeze right through the drive-up. No such luck. The line was so long I left without even picking up the food I'd already paid for.

Two of my three favorite restaurants (where I've known the owners for many years) didn't survive. The third is still in business, finally starting to return to some kind of normalcy, but the husband and wife owners have been financially devastated. Having seen the gross unfairness of all this, I just can't bring myself to support any fast food place that thrived during the pandemic while other hardworking restaurant owners were slapped with impossible regulations. These days I only eat at local family-owned restaurants. I think as consumers we all need to support the small businesses or many more will close.
avatar for NinaBambina
4 years ago
I had Sheetz for the first time the last time I visited my boyfriend. I thought their fries were very good. The sandwiches tasted good too but I was drunk af. Is Sheetz supposed to be drunk food? If so that explains why a lot of people like it. He eats healhy food and I don't eat much fast food so we only got it while drunk on the way back to his place.
avatar for rickdugan
4 years ago
I've been to half of them. Meh. Slightly better crap is still crap. I actually found the food at Culver to be barely edible. When I was partying some years back in San Diego (read: Tijuana) I thought that In-and-Out was very overrated. I was not bowled over by the quality of the food at Cookout, Whataburger or Sheets either.

The one thing I will say for Sheetz though is that the convenience factor is high. When I'm driving on 81 in PA it's nice to cover all the needs with one stop - fill up the gas tank, hit a clean bathroom, grab a strong cup of coffee (they have a wide selection including some rocket fuel options) and a couple of dogs for the road with all the fixins.

But except when I am on the road, I don't eat crap anymore and try to avoid it even when traveling. The older I get the less tolerance I have for it.
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
4 years ago
The appeal of in n out isn't that its out of the ordinary. Kinda the opposite. Its cheap. Always fresh and consistent. Quality ingredients.
avatar for twentyfive
4 years ago
The best fast food it’s a statement that has the same meaning as the tallest midget.
avatar for shailynn
4 years ago
Nobody’s going to argue that most fast food is crappy but it’s consistent and that’s what keeps people coming back.

Most people when traveling will just stop at a McDonald’s or a Chipotle because they know what they’re going to get versus some local or regional place they’ve never heard of.
avatar for twentyfive
4 years ago
^ you know that Yelp is available across the USA if you’re road tripping and there are plenty of good quality restaurants and food stores all across this country, if you have a desire to be healthy it’s really not that hard, however if your goal is just to stuff your pie hole and develop diabetes or some other ailments have at it
avatar for ButterMan
4 years ago
Of this list I've tried in n out and culvers. I like those. Skyline chili is garbage.
avatar for goldmongerATL
4 years ago
I have been to three - In-n-Out, Whataburger and Culver's. I have driven past a few Cookout's and at first I thought they sold grills! Never even heard of the rest and I have been to most of the lower 48.

Maybe if they were any good they would not be "regional"
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
4 years ago
If we're gonna name mini chains... King Taco wins hands down.

Fat Sals
Firehouse Subs
Jersey Mike's
avatar for MackTruck
4 years ago
Smash Burger is better
avatar for crosscheck
4 years ago
Big fan of Chick Fil A. Love me some Five Guys. Also been a fan of Jersey Mike's since they moved into my area.
avatar for Jascoi
4 years ago
most these places are overpriced. in my limited experience in-n-out double double (animal style) is reasonable. and in my top ten for a burger. the habit also in my top ten. a fuddruckers burger is amongst my top five. (but it is getting to be hard to find now.)
avatar for Member6532
4 years ago
I am from VA originally, driven from NC to Nova atleast 50 times. Only ever seen 1 Biscuitville on 81, I thought it was a gas station restaurant/counter, I still make fun of the name 15 years later. Live 5 min from Culver's now, eaten there maybe 3times, not impressed, what-a-burger was great for 24 hour breakfast when I was hammered. Five guys used to be great back when there were only 2 or 3 locations in Alexandria/Arlington area but isn't the same quality or price.
avatar for Member6532
4 years ago
Is Sheetz fast food? I remember them being a truck stop like WAWA
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
4 years ago
To me once it gets over a certain price point it beats the notion of being fast food. 5 guys is expensive and overrated...I like the fires though. Smashburger is a hit and miss with its menu but overpriced.

I don't get chicken fill a. Im not impressed by it.
avatar for Warrior15
4 years ago
avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
4 years ago
If you're in Rhode Island ...

Haven Brothers
Spike's Junkyard Dogs
NY System (specifically, the one on Smith Street in Providence)
avatar for nicespice
4 years ago
Looking at the building for Pal’s Sudden Service makes me want to try them out some point if I am ever in that area for any reason. Looks so adorable.

It wasn’t mentioned in the article, but as far as local regional fast food, I wanted to give a shout out to Chi’lantro in Austin. Especially the kimchi fries. 😊

avatar for gammanu95
4 years ago
I think the only place on that list that I have been to is Culver's. Greasy burgers and fries are the same wherever you go. There are two non-burger quick-service restaurants that deserve recognition:
1. Raisin' Cane: this Baton Rouge based chicken strip shop has the best Chicken strips and crinkle-cut fries. The horseradish sauce is overrated, though.
2. Pollo tropical- also chicken based, it's a great change of pace from fried chicken and potatoes with several grilled chicken options, rice, beans , etc.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
4 years ago
More inflation all up in my face - I went by Chick-Fil-A today - I always order the club-combo - used to be a bit over $9 w/ tax - today after not having gone for a while I was hit with an $11.xx bill for the same combo - I wonder if this is the start - how are we expected to afford the essentials of life like blowjobs if this keeps going on
avatar for shadowcat
4 years ago
Every restaurant that I have been to lately has had higher prices. They put the blame on not being able to get enough workers. But Just about every thing has gone up in price.

My water heater crapped out on me 2 weeks ago. I called a plumber that I trust because he has done work for me for over 10 years. In my town of 15,000 people we have both a Home Depot and a Lowes. Neither of them had a 40 gallon water heater. He had to drive to a specialty plumbing supply store 15 miles away. He warned me that prices were up 20% and he was right.

But not to worry. The Biden administration has it under control.
avatar for Jascoi
4 years ago
yeah it sucks. it cost 20% more for the same taco than a year ago at del taco. and my teamster pension is fixed. my buying power is half what it was 13 years ago.
avatar for gammanu95
4 years ago
In Florida, the $15/hr minimum wage os going to impact min wage industries like fast-food first. Look for more automation, self-service, and higher prices. The idiots that voted in favor will have a rude surprise.
avatar for crosscheck
4 years ago
Trouble getting enough workers is no joke. One of my clients is a small trucking company. They've had difficulty getting a full time driver paying $75-80k per year to start, plus full benefits. Every now and again, I'll speak to the owner who is in his 60s and he'll be on the road hundreds of miles away because he can't find drivers and had to make the run himself.
avatar for gammanu95
4 years ago
People are lazy, and the dems are using it to buy votes. They bullied the Republicans into voting for the coronavirus "relief" bills, and here is the predictable result. Just like the Soviets, production and productivity is plummeting. People have money, but there is nothing available for purchase.
avatar for datinman
4 years ago
Leave to TUSCL to turn a thread about best regional fast food into a political discussion. I think Founder should just have two groups... Pussy or Politics.
avatar for gammanu95
4 years ago
And a third board for bitching about the discussions on TUSCL.
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
4 years ago
The problem is private sector greed. Prices have gone up while businesses work with skeleton crews. Try to weed out long time employees and hire new ones at fewer hours and lower pay
avatar for Papi_Chulo
4 years ago
^ sure - let the government run more of the economy - I'm sure that will fix everything
avatar for lotsoffun201
4 years ago
I happen to like Farmer Boys which is mostly in California but expanded to Nevada.
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