avatar for RicktheGator


Chomp! Chomp!
joined Nov 2020last seen Mar 2021

Comments made by RicktheGator

discussion comment
4 years ago
avatar for FishHawk
The mustache makes the man
Challenge for Non-participating Dancers
Desertscrub, let me give you some advice, or rick-vice if you will. A hairless female ape who gives us boobs and ass should always be welcome, even if she looks more like gator food than a sexual conquest! Clearly you are not an apex predator like us ricks because if you were, you'd know that mauling the first less desirable animal that comes into the water makes the juicier ones afraid to jump in. To illustrate using another esteemed member of the Council of Ricks, Mr Lion doesn't roar his frustration at the first ugly gazelle to walk into the field. He waits until the whole herd joins the ugly animal and gets comfortable...then quietly hunts the choicest meat. Understand now desertscrub? Don't scare off the other herd animals! Chomp! Chomp!
discussion comment
4 years ago
avatar for council_of_the_ricks
We will judge you because we're the Ricks and we are frickin' awesome
HEAR YE! HEAR YE! COURT IS IN SESSION case of San Jose Goat to become a Rick
"Bratty" ain't the standard Ms. Spice. Badass is. When a group of ricks parties at a divey shithole full of bikers and I chomp the ass o' one a their old ladies who I think's a stripper, do the other ricks have my back? The lion, the vulture and even the dugan, I fuckin know it! But an ass raped goat? He be shittin himself and runnin for the door. If ya' want the goat in so bad then you gotta' put up or shutup - you know what to do.
discussion comment
4 years ago
avatar for council_of_the_ricks
We will judge you because we're the Ricks and we are frickin' awesome
HEAR YE! HEAR YE! COURT IS IN SESSION case of San Jose Goat to become a Rick
I object! Ricks are apex predators. Anything that lets a pussy like SJG fuck him in the ass ain't a Rick. Besides goats are food. Definitely not a rick and that fake ass cheese stick ain't a rick neither. I object to this whole fuckin procession. We can't have food nominatin more food and everyone knows that Ricks don't use condoms to fuck. Time to team up with Mr. Lion and cull the herd. CHOMP CHOMP!
discussion comment
4 years ago
avatar for rickthelion
Straight outta tha NC, comin' atcha with an AK ready to steal your daughter. ROAR!!!
Eta: Florida owes my bud dugan a debt of gratitude
My bad Lion. I was still delirious from gorging on tasty soft bulldogs. Chomp! Chomp!