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Joined Nov, 2020
Last Seen Mar, 2021


avatar for RicktheGator
4 years ago
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Challenge for Non-participating Dancers
Desertscrub, let me give you some advice, or rick-vice if you will. A hairless female ape who gives us boobs and ass should…
avatar for RicktheGator
4 years ago
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HEAR YE! HEAR YE! COURT IS IN SESSION case of San Jose Goat to become a Rick
"Bratty" ain't the standard Ms. Spice. Badass is. When a group of ricks parties at a divey shithole full of bikers and…
avatar for RicktheGator
4 years ago
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HEAR YE! HEAR YE! COURT IS IN SESSION case of San Jose Goat to become a Rick
I object! Ricks are apex predators. Anything that lets a pussy like SJG fuck him in the ass ain't a Rick. …
avatar for RicktheGator
4 years ago
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Eta: Florida owes my bud dugan a debt of gratitude
My bad Lion. I was still delirious from gorging on tasty soft bulldogs.

Chomp! Chomp!
avatar for RicktheGator
4 years ago
To Georgia Bulldog Fans: Thank You
Thank you to all you Dawgs who migrated south from that shithole known as Atlanta to spend time in money in our fair city…