I have a 45 year old MILF, who looks like Reagan Foxx, that has been hinting she wants to get nasty. If I show up to her suburban condominium this week, it would shatter my previous upper limit by 16 years!
I've gotten with several "MILFs" over the years. Not sure about the exact age but my biggest gap was at least 11 years. She claimed she was 40 but I'm guessing she was probably closer to 45. Out on the road running into a MILF is great, they just want some conversation, some drinks and sex if there's chemistry.
I miss the days of being stuck at some random midwest airport hotel bar in shitty weather when there's a MILF stuck there too bored out of her mind as well.
For me, I was in my teens (Washington clubs are 18+) and she was 26. But now in my mid 40s... 45 doesn't sound bad but I have a mental stigma with 50.
It'd be interesting to get dancers' answers on this. I knew a dancer once who said age is only a number... but there are dollar signs attached to the number.
My wife is the only woman over 50 with whom I've had sex. The MILF just hit 40 last year. Next one down is 35 this year. My ATF was 31 the last time we were together.
To the best of my recollection, I've never had sex with anyone older than me.
About 10 years ago, I was with a woman at a swingers club who said she was almost 70. Great body for any age and an amazing fuck. She was 30 years older than me at the time.
Never had an older woman? Well, that's a bucket list item at a minimum, I would think. As as for your current Milf: A: feel free to pass along contact, as she would be younger than me ;). But seriously, you could talk with her, and explain this would be the first time with someone older, and you'd like to be taught some new things. In my experience, older ladies make amazing teachers. I consider myself an old dog, but regularly look to learn new tricks ( pun intended ). FWIW.
I'm not sure that she was the oldest. I'm not even sure of her age but she was older than me for sure. I was 23 and stationed at a USAF base in Japan. There were a dozen bars just outside the gates of the base that catered to the service men including overnight stays at their homes. One of the bars was owned by woman in her (I think) 40's and she took a shine to me. I could sit and drink for free in her bar until closing time and then go back to her place and spend the night.
This went on for about 2 week and then I pulled the plug. She was attractive enough but probably the worst lay I've ever had. To say "She just laid there" would be kind.
Older: A true one night stand back in the early 80's. On my way to FLA for a vacation and made a stop in Columbia, SC and ended up in one of those large country dance bars. This short haired blonde woman and her friend were eyeballing me all night. They came over and started talking to me; the blonde and I clicked. I was 22 and I am guessing she was ~ 40. Several drinks later she asked which hotel I was staying at. I left and 15 minutes later there was a knock at my door. She definitely taught me a thing or two.
Younger: Dated a 23 year girl when I was 34? This time I was the teacher. Fun, but this chick was the definition of a dumb blonde. After a couple months of that it was time to move on.
Well, I"m not saying how old my wife is. But we've been married for 30 years now. Other than her, I'm thinking about 34 is the oldest. At least that is the age that I was told they are. There very well could have been some strippers that lied about how old they were.
If you ever hack my computer, there is a document called the Sinclair Fuck Files. It is a simple list about every women I have banged: age, state or country, race, hair color, and a few other details. I was bored at the office today, so I calculated the data on age. (I never saw the MILF in the original post.)
MEAN: 23.6 years MEDIAN: 23 years MODE: 22 years YOUNGEST: 19 years OLDEST: 29 years
Honestly, I've never tracked it except via educated guess. So, mid maybe upper 40s?
When I was in college, I stayed at the school over the summer to work the visiting conferences that used the college facilities. It was basic stuff... setting up tables and tents, delivering food platters, etc., etc. It was also how I discovered that the 30s-to-40s women who attended these conferences didn't mind a little extracurricular fun with the young guys setting up the A/V equipment. It was possible that I learned more useful information during that summer than the previous academic year.
Scrub I'm so sorry to hear about the loss of your dear mother. I will miss her very much. So will the 5000 other men she banged. My sincerest condolences.
PS. With your permission I'd like to cut a gloryhole in her coffin.
Yep you're right, I missed a zero there, it was 50000 guys. One of them was probably your father. Not me though, I always pulled out and gave her a nice pearl necklace.
last commentWhen I was 29 I was banging a 40 year old.
I miss the days of being stuck at some random midwest airport hotel bar in shitty weather when there's a MILF stuck there too bored out of her mind as well.
You wrote, and I quote:
“I have a 45 year old MILF, who looks like Reagan Foxx, that has been hinting she wants to get nasty.“
Pics or it isn’t so
It'd be interesting to get dancers' answers on this. I knew a dancer once who said age is only a number... but there are dollar signs attached to the number.
To the best of my recollection, I've never had sex with anyone older than me.
This went on for about 2 week and then I pulled the plug. She was attractive enough but probably the worst lay I've ever had. To say "She just laid there" would be kind.
When I was 22 I did it with a woman of 35ish. It was not great. Lesson here: life and sex varies. People and experiences are unique.
Younger: Dated a 23 year girl when I was 34? This time I was the teacher. Fun, but this chick was the definition of a dumb blonde. After a couple months of that it was time to move on.
MEAN: 23.6 years
MEDIAN: 23 years
MODE: 22 years
YOUNGEST: 19 years
OLDEST: 29 years
When I was in college, I stayed at the school over the summer to work the visiting conferences that used the college facilities. It was basic stuff... setting up tables and tents, delivering food platters, etc., etc. It was also how I discovered that the 30s-to-40s women who attended these conferences didn't mind a little extracurricular fun with the young guys setting up the A/V equipment. It was possible that I learned more useful information during that summer than the previous academic year.
PS. With your permission I'd like to cut a gloryhole in her coffin.