
What a difference a baby makes

Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
This is a tale of two girls. Or actually this is a tale of one young hot ass girl before and after her kid was born, which is almost the same thing.

Pre-kid she was impossible to score OTC. Some of this had to do with what she was earning, but the other part was that she was feeling little pressure to earn. She only had herself to worry about and I suppose she could eat Ramen noodles if needed, or find a guy to buy her a meal. She was footloose and fancy free as the old expression goes.

Post-partum it has become a different story. Formula is a lot more expensive than Ramen noodles and diapers even more so, especially for a newborn going through 8-10 diapers a day plus lots of feedings. Then of course she had to improve her housing situation. Also, while I'm sure that she was less worried about her electricity being shut off when she was alone (in FL that just means drinking more water and buying prepared food), it's now a much greater priority to keep the lights and AC on with a baby.

So imagine my (un)surprise when she recently lets me know that she's changed her mind about my pre-kid OTC approaches. Man what a difference a baby makes. 😉


  • pistola
    4 years ago
    Not only that but I had a buddy that had a great theory when it came to sugar babes. He wanted them to have at least one kid (and with custody). His rationale was that they were more reliable, less likely to be drugged out, and didn’t live until 4am. So there is some truth in what you’re saying.
  • Mate27
    4 years ago
    Is this a case of persistence pays or casting as many lines in hopes of hooking one?
  • rattdog
    4 years ago
    dugan, we agree to disagree with that other topic/thread but this one i'm 110% behind you on this one. i too have found that the ones i've met on sa or stripclubs with one kid are much more reliable, wiling to drive and meet and make me happy.

    kid could be a toddler or even way more older. pampers, crayons, toys, cool clothes for school, iphone, books, etc - it all adds up and mama has to to find ways to pay for all of that.
  • wallanon
    4 years ago
    "His rationale was that they were more reliable, less likely to be drugged out, and didn’t live until 4am."

    My week so far would terrify your buddy lol
  • Warrior15
    4 years ago
    Supporting single moms. What a noble cause.! We should get a tax deduction for such philanthropy.
  • CJKent (Banned)
    4 years ago

    You wrote and I quote;

    “What a difference a baby makes...”

    Pics before, during and after the baby or it didn’t happen.


    Where is the “baby’s daddy” in all this?

    Did she keep the baby to get child support?

    Does she has full custody?

    Is the baby’s just a deadbeat dad or what?
  • sinclair
    4 years ago
    Their bodies are wrecked after they had a kid. I rather buy the sleek 2021 model at MSRP over the used and abused 1996 model year at KBB.
  • wallanon
    4 years ago
    "Their bodies are wrecked"

    Not all of them. When I found out how many kids my ATF had I asked her how so many kids came out of that tiny body.
  • Warrior15
    4 years ago
    If a girl has a kid at the age of 20, her body bounces back very quickly. If she waits until she is 30 to have a kid, then the body doesn't bounce back quickly, if at all.
  • rickdugan
    4 years ago
    ===> "Supporting single moms. What a noble cause.! We should get a tax deduction for such philanthropy."

    Exactly! I think I've fed more kids over the years than the Save the Children Foundation. ;)
  • nicespice
    4 years ago
    Bah. I feel like procreating would take all the fun out of dancing. How the heck are you supposed to easily move clubs/cities when one locale is being annoying and you want a change of scenery? Just having a dog is already strain enough.
  • gSteph
    4 years ago
    Did you pay "retail" or did you get desperation price?
  • wallanon
    4 years ago
    "Bah. I feel like procreating would take all the fun out of dancing."

    It takes the fun out of lots of things lol. But some of the most dedicated parent's I've met are also dancers. Then there's dancers I've met who aren't allowed to have their kids, so the point gets a little muddled I guess.
  • RandomMember
    4 years ago
    No kids, period. I don't like the feeling that mommy is selling herself and depending on my money to feed and clothe her kid(s). I find that depressing; to each his own.

    I've seen bad stretch marks on a dancer who was pregnant at age 15. So bad, it was better to turn the lights off.
  • Eve
    4 years ago
    @spice. Same. I'm selfish as hell and enjoy being able to fly or drive out somewhere on a whim, dance wherever I want for as long as I want, sight see and enjoy life in the process. My money doesn't go to anyone else but my two cats (and they don't give a fuck if I'm gone for a week. LOL).
  • pistola
    4 years ago
    The women here without kids are proving the point about reliability.

    Rumdum is proving he is a huge douchebage as usual. Shrek looking old balls seeking young perfection. I’ll deal with a few stretch marks if she can deepthroat and tickle my nuts with her tongue at the same time.
  • shadowcat
    4 years ago
    I don't ask up front as to whether or not they have had kids. If they look fit that is good enough for me. I have been totally shocked a few times. I can think of 2 Follies dancers that have each had 4 and you would never have guessed that they had had any.

    Others I've had to drop like a hot biscuit after having just one and that has been after allowing them time to get back in shape.
  • wallanon
    4 years ago
    "I don't like the feeling that mommy is selling herself and depending on my money to feed and clothe her kid(s)."

    I get that. But any of us could substitute a lot of things for "kid(s)" in the sentiment. Without going to the extreme dickishness some of the TUSCLers display when expressing the need to focus on the transaction, we are customers and these clubs are a business. I don't think about what happens when the gal who brought my plate at the steakhouse goes home at night. But being clear on where you draw the line in the hobby for yourself is a good thing. It beats trying to remember where the line is supposed to be after another WTF moment.
  • magicrat
    4 years ago
    "I don't like the feeling that mommy is selling herself and depending on my money to feed and clothe her kid(s)."

    Does it make you feel better if she's using it to buy heroin?
  • RandomMember
    4 years ago

    "Does it make you feel better if she's using it to buy heroin?"
    Of course not. I want absolutely *nothing* to do with drugs or criminal behavior. That's why I screen so carefully. Thanks for the dumbshit non sequitur.
  • TheeOSU
    4 years ago
    "So bad, it was better to turn the lights off."

    My sympathy rumdum but you have to realize that even those old tricks that assfuck you have a little bit of taste. That's why they prefer not to see you while they're doing their thing in the dark.

    "I want absolutely *nothing* to do with drugs or criminal behavior. "

    Sure rummy, even though you paying sugar boys cash is illegal, you're not a criminal. Dipshit!
  • nicespice
    4 years ago
    For somebody who has repeatedly called members on this site sexist, RandomMember definitely has some old-fashioned ideals of what an ideal female is. Young, avoids “trouble”, no children, etc. Wanting a perceived “untainted” fair maiden and all.

    Not going to comment on the preferences themselves. Those probably are what they are, and I think lots of those things are affected by upbringing/life experiences anyways. But I do wonder how much of his scathing comments about others are him feeling guilty about himself deep down and needing to project. 🤔

  • TheeOSU
    4 years ago
    Good post!
  • Icey
    4 years ago
    Of course women resort to prostitution out of desperation
  • Muddy
    4 years ago
    A few months ago this one 25 year old girl with a couple kids. She was like really hot up top but the lower ass/stomach area you could tell just never recovered.
  • rl27
    4 years ago
    I have met dancers with no kids who gave amazing dances, and dancers with kids who gave lame dances. Then again since I don't really ask dancers if they have kids, I have to base it off of what the dancer tells me or whether I have seen them dance pregnant in the club.

    As for how their bodies hold up, some of it's genetics, some of it's age, and some of it's lifestyle. Case in point a dancer who I knew of who danced through at least 3 pregnancies. The entire time I knew her, she always gave very good dances.

    Before her first pregnancy she was thin with firm B breasts. Decent body, but a bit too thin. She danced about 5 1/2 months while pregnant and in that time her tits grew quite nicely, but unfortunately due to sensitivity didn't want her tits played with, and also didn't like giving more than three sings in a row.

    Didn't see her again until at least 4 months after giving birth, and her body actually came back much better gained a bit more weight, and exercised more . Breasts also jumped up to a large C or D cup.

    About two years later she had her second kid, and again danced while pregnant, this time for over 7 months. This time she wasn't nearly as sensitive and wanted a lot of attention paid to her tits, and didn't want to stop after 3.

    This time she waited about 3 month before coming back. She looked even firmer than before, but her tits deflated. So about a year later she got implants. Well done, but a bit too firm and fake looking.

    Two years later she's pregnant a third time. This time she danced until a few weeks before birth, and came back about a month after giving birth. This was probably the best looking she had been. While she still stayed in shape, she cut down on the real strict dieting and her skin around her breasts loosened up a bit, allowing a much more natural look to her tits.

    She danced about two or three more years, then disappeared.
  • Liwet
    4 years ago
    Don't fuck single mothers; you already know their stance on abortion.
  • Icey
    4 years ago
    One of my biggest turnoffs is single moms who are akways partying. Shows what kind of moms they are
  • rickdugan
    4 years ago
    ===> "I don't like the feeling that mommy is selling herself and depending on my money to feed and clothe her kid(s)."

    Would it be better if she DIDN'T feed her kids?

    Also, wouldn't she be just as reliant upon the money if she was working at Walmart, except getting much less? By saying that you are trying to take away her power to make her own choices and decide what is best for her and her kid(s). She obviously doesn't think that Walmart or some other crap job is the answer or she would be there instead.
  • pistola
    4 years ago
    Don't fuck single mothers; you already know their stance on abortion.
    Lol this reminds me of a gal I used to OTC hang with. She was a dancer and for a year once a month we’d hang out. Intercourse always a cover. One day I asked about not using a cover since she was pretty careful. She said ‘I’m ok with it with you, but just know I don’t believe in abortion. So long as you’re cool with that I’m cool.’ As tipsy as I was I paused and said ‘I don’t know if you’re serious or if that’s the best line I’ve heard to make sure guys use condoms.’ And yeah the condom went on lol.
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