If the riots don't stop, what to do?

avatar for Lone_Wolf
More riots and looting and shooting in Chicago.

What is a free country to do if its citizens use every excuse to loot and destroy?

These criminals are doing this knowing they are being captured on video.


last comment
avatar for Cashman1234
5 years ago
My opinion is to look at city government and vote the folks who turn a blind eye (to thugs and violence) out.

In my view, Chicago, Portland, New York and Atlanta are Democratic run cities, and a change of control is necessary.

I live relatively close to Newark NJ, and it’s a big Democratic toilet! They love to talk about Brick City and bringing more money to the city. They had to build the Prudential Center downtown - and it’s done little to help the city.

When I was a kid we lived in Newark and Irvington - and there were riots downtown because of race. It was crazy how the city was ruined - and it’s still never fully recovered.

The folks who do this are simple thugs - and they don’t care about tomorrow. There are so few concerned citizens involved in the riots, it’s simply mob rule. They have turned Portland and Chicago into places like Thunderdome!
avatar for chessmaster
5 years ago
Vote for trump.
avatar for chessmaster
5 years ago
Voting for trump again may send a message to the democrats OR they will double down and there will be more riots as a "protest" to trump.
avatar for nickifree
5 years ago
Trump is the reason the democrats and liberals have the hubris they have now. They know Trump is done. The democrats would play less to the left if republicans had someone else other than Trump. That's why you don't put zealots like Trump in office. They kill your party in the long run.
avatar for RandomMember
5 years ago
I'm not a "lefty" but agree with this quote by Illhan Omar:

“Every single fire set ablaze, every single store that is looted, every time our community finds itself in danger, it is time that people are not spending talking about getting justice for George Floyd.”

Nearly everyone -- right, left, center-- is opposed to the rioting.
avatar for SanchoRG
5 years ago
I'll vote whoever will uphold the rule of law...for everyone...equally. Where do I vote for that person?
avatar for twentyfive
5 years ago
The only one not opposed to the rioting is Donald Trump, and his hand picked buddies, they use this shit, to steal more from you, while your attention is diverted elsewhere.
avatar for SanchoRG
5 years ago
They were just following a long tradition of grift and robbery of the American people. It's their 'turn' why would they fix the problem?
avatar for rickdugan
5 years ago
You get what you vote for in those cities. In most of those blue state cities the populations were in decline even before COVID. Heavy handed lockdowns and riots are no doubt just accelerating the process. Eventually the dumb animals who are left behind can just keep shitting in their own sandbox while those with more sense move on to better locales.
avatar for misterorange
5 years ago
You're right, but there's one thing I can't understand. Why don't they DO IT (vote them out)? Take any city where gangs and crime are out of control - it's been that way for decades. I have to believe that there are more good, decent, regular people than there are criminals, even in the worst crime-infested communities in America. I get the whole thing with not cooperating with a police investigation out of fear. But I don't get why, in the privacy of the voting booth, they don't vote to eliminate the do-nothing leadership.

Here's another thing. (I'm also close to Newark.) You'll remember back in '98 when the Newark Bears started. Beautiful, safe stadium, tickets were less than the cost of a movie ticket (I think 5 bucks in the early days) and every seat in the house was great and up-close. Cheap beer and food. I used to go to a lot of games - even had season tickets one year. But I never saw that place more than 20% full, probably less than that.

Even after winning two championships, and recruiting big-name players like Rickey Henderson, the Canseco brothers, Jim Leyritz, etc., they couldn't get anyone to attend.

Several ownership and league changes, no one could make a go of it, the stadium sat vacant for years and was demolished. Why wouldn't people support something like that? Hands down the best family-entertainment value anywhere. With a capacity of only 6,000 seats, you'd think the place would be packed. It's almost like they don't WANT anything nice in Newark.
avatar for skibum609
5 years ago
Democratic base is criminals and leeches.
avatar for ime
5 years ago
Democrats don't care and I can't think of many that have come out against it. Nancy Pelosi summed it up for them "people will do what they do".
avatar for Tetradon
5 years ago
Seattle, Portland, New York, Denver, Chicago, and many more. Lord help you if you've run afoul of the (Democratic) mayor's base. This is just what disrespect for the cops looks like, let alone if these absurd funding cuts go through.

Keep your head on a swivel. Self-defense is an individual responsibility.



avatar for mark94
5 years ago
Want to know how this works out, look at Detroit after the riots. People moved to the suburbs. The city of Detroit became a ghost town. Went bankrupt. Politicians sent to jail for corruption. State took over administration. Houses torn down. Remaining houses being sold for $1. No public services.
avatar for Uprightcitizen
5 years ago

This is a big no-show in Detroit right now. Perhaps the lesson was learned hard here and folks don't want that. Downtown Detroit has made pretty good progress since then. Riots are catastrophic for business and people want safety. The long term effects are pretty awful for a city.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
5 years ago
In our society there are people that believe in capitalism and small-government, and there are people that believe in big-government and government solving everyone's problems and government being responsible for people instead of people being responsible for themselves.

The Dem party is about big-government while Republicans "on avg" are for small government - those in society that believe government is the answer are always gonna vote Democrat - with time the Dem party has gone more left and those that vote Democrat are left with two choices, liberalism, or socialism - in many of these Dem cities, those currently in power are actually the "moderates"; e.g. in Portland, the person running against Wheeler is actually even more radical than Wheeler - seems in many of these Democratic cities the only viable choices are liberal , or extreme liberal (socialist/Marxist); so I don't hold out much hope for many of these cities any time soon.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
5 years ago
The Dems are obsessed with taking power and holding it indefinitely so they can finally implement their big-government/socialist utopia - they want to:

+ remove the filibuster (the Dems envision taking the presidency and both houses of Congress, removing the filibuster would give them the total power they crave for implementing their socialist utopia)

+ Dems want to give millions of illegal aliens the ability to vote - they figure the vast majority will vote Dem those guaranteeing the Dems power/control

+ Dems are pushing for ex-felons to be able to vote, as well as people being able to vote w/o even having a basic government ID - the Dems are banking on most of these folks voting Dem thus solidifying their power for years to come

The Dems are so obsessed with taking power that they have sided w/ anarchists, rioters, and criminals - as far as I'm concerned the Dems have blood-on-their-hands as well as being responsible for millions of dollars in damages to various cities - the reason Detroit and similar cities did not see the destruction other Dem cities saw was b/c those in power in Detroit DIDN'T ALLOW IT -the reason why we are seeing what we are seeing in Portland, Seattle, NYC, ATL, Chicago, etc; it's b/c the Dems have put taking Trump out of power above all else even if it means children getting killed due to out-of-control violent-crime.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
5 years ago
LOL @ Greg Gutfeld's monlogue:

avatar for SanchoRG
5 years ago
The executive power has grown grossly out of control. You're right that the Dems are obsessed with holding power and never giving it up. Guess who else is? Lot of gross shit been happening since 1980
avatar for Papi_Chulo
5 years ago
^ of course - politics *is* about power to a large extent - but what we've seen recently on the Dems side is unprecedented AFAIK - Dems in power (mayors and city-councils) taking the side of rioters and instead going after police, and telling police to stand down while rioters destroy private-property and criminals are allowed to operate as they please, this in unprecedented AFAIK.

Then we have this new rash of activists DAs whose #1 priority seems to be political-activism vs the rule-of-law - places like New York, Chicago, St Louis, etc, criminals are let out of jail the very next day they are arrested and that's what has led to double-digit murders and violent-crime increases - these leftist DAs are political vs being LE and are more concerned with hating Trump than all the bodies accumulating in their districts..
avatar for SanchoRG
5 years ago
Unprecedented was the Federal gov't power grab under Reagan, then Clinton, then ESPECIALLY Bush (fuck forever the Patriot Act fuck them all) and Obama and Trump cemented the shit so it can never be rolled back. I get the disgust with Dems they are pretty vile. I just don't see a lot of difference between them and their opposition. I mean real, applicable to my life difference. They're 2 different sides of the same penny the elites toss our way and if you're hitching your wagon to either side you are frankly a fool unless you're being well-compensated.

I've never been affected by a riot in my life, other than to be annoyed at the news. Do you have a business that got looted or something?
avatar for Papi_Chulo
5 years ago
"... Do you have a business that got looted or something ..."

What does that have to do with anything - I've never had a gang-member be let out of prison and then kill my family-member, does that mean I shouldn't care that it happens?
avatar for Papi_Chulo
5 years ago
"... I just don't see a lot of difference between them and their opposition ..."

Yes - politics has, and always will be, a dirty-business often filled with agendas; it's the nature of the beast - but it's part of society and one is only left w/ the choice of picking the side that most aligns with one's views even if that side is not perfect - e.g. Reagan strengthened the economy, did away with insane interest-rates, took on the U.S.S.R., and overall strengthened America and was a staunch anti-communist - I'll take that over "defund the police" Dems any day.
avatar for SanchoRG
5 years ago
"What does that have to do with anything - I've never had a gang-member be let out of prison and then kill my family-member, does that mean I shouldn't care that it happens?"

Probably yeah. Same as worrying about getting caught up in a mass shooting, getting in a plane crash, worrying about getting struck by lightning. I mean you can worry sure, and there is a billion dollar industry that thrives on making your demographic worry, but it's mostly in your head.

avatar for SanchoRG
5 years ago
By that I mean these things happening to YOU is almost zero. Not denying these things do happen to supremely unlucky fuckers, but call them what they are - unlucky or unprepared.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
5 years ago
^ there's a reason why gun sales are going thru the roof including if not mainly first-time gun-buyers.

Any citizen should be worried about chaos, big increases in crime, and not being able to depend on the police to come to your aid or to deal with crime - sooner or later it will spread beyond certain neighborhoods as the criminals are emboldened.
avatar for Lone_Wolf
5 years ago
@Papi - I agree with your description of the Dems. They don't care about personal freedom or the constitution.

I don't think people reliaze how much and how quickly the Dems would make radical socialist changes if they do take control of the house, Senate and Presidency.
avatar for winex
5 years ago
@Lone_Wolf - all people have to do is remember back to 2009 and 2010. But sadly, we are a society being overwhelmed by attention deficit disorder.
avatar for Muddy
5 years ago
I know it's completely fucked. Where are the adults in the room? And don't you dare speak out against it though, you racist, sexist, bigot.
avatar for 623
5 years ago
This is what things look like after Trump has had 3 1/5 years of doing it his way. And we are supposed to believe that if we just give him 4 more years he’ll get it sorted out. How simple minded do they think we are (don’t answer that). But then I suppose this is all still Obama’s fault.
The real solution would be to have a party and a leader who is interested in compromise and working across the aisle but in a two party system that is quite unlikely. It’s always us or them.
There is no relief from the roller coaster until those in power are forced to make deals and the only way to have that is to have more than two parties, then everyone has at least a bit of the power pie to bargain with.
avatar for Tetradon
5 years ago
Dem governor
Dem mayor
Dem city council
Therefore, Trump's fault!
avatar for Cashman1234
5 years ago
I Tetradon hit the target!

It’s easy to blame the president - as he’s at the top.

But, with each state government and local government - there are many items to be addressed.

The simple idea of sanctuary cities shows certain governments are unwilling to enforce federal laws.

Dems are generally leading many cesspool cities. Just look at the way NYC is going to shit over the duration of the DeClownio administration. Does anyone think he’s a good thing for NYC? He’s worse than sweaty David Dinkins - as Dinkins basically did nothing - except getting air traffic away from the US Open during the tennis tournament.
avatar for Mate27
5 years ago
I want to vote Democrat, I really do, but seeing how their policies are destroying the principles of our way of life it’s no wonder I’m almost forced to vote for the opposing party. As they say, you don’t vote for the party you want in office, you vote the opposite of the party that you despise. Independents may be more incentivized to vote I. This year’s election due to the riots in democratic strongholds.
avatar for Lone_Wolf
5 years ago
@Meat - I agree. I don't understand how the Dems can see all this carnage and far left progressive ideology and would still support the party.

The polls indicate the Dems could take control of three branches.

In the past this would have gone the other way.
avatar for gammanu95
5 years ago
Why does anyone worry what the polls say? Remember 2016. Trump voters, not supporters, were and still are the silent majority.
avatar for rickdugan
5 years ago
===> "Why does anyone worry what the polls say? Remember 2016. "

Exactly. Every one of these so-called polls had Trump behind Hillary leading into Election Day, some by as much as 13 points. I don't trust the polling methodologies used by outfits that start with an answer in need of support. Only Rassmussen got it right.
avatar for twentyfive
5 years ago
>>> "Why does anyone worry what the polls say? Remember 2016."

Sounds good guys you pin your hopes on that one,
or remember every year the polls got it right,

if you were betting percentages Trump is going to lose BIGLY

I prefer to look at the poll that takes place on 11/03/2020
avatar for Mate27
5 years ago
I know for a fact if a pollster called me up for one of their surveys, I would hang up. Trump supporters will remain silent because they’re sick and tired of being labeled racist/bigot/misogynistic therefore most will not respond to pollsters. Because the leftist democrats are a triggered bunch, they’re bound to respond to a survey to bash Trump ASAP!

I think they’re going to be more blacks and Latinos voting for Trump for the same reasons, because they don’t want to hear even more shot from their liberal snowflake acquaintances, friends, and family.
avatar for twentyfive
5 years ago
@Meat smart thing to do is hang up when you get a call from a pollster, but why do you think Trump supporters are labeled "racist/bigot/misogynistic" ? It's because they can't shut the fuck up.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
5 years ago
More leftists brilliance.

"... The Minnesota Freedom Fund (MFF) received $35 million in donations in the wake of the police killing of George Floyd, with many of those donations intended to help protesters who were jailed during the demonstrations and riots in May

The group’s mission was celebrated on social media with praise from Hollywood celebrities, like Steve Carell, Cynthia Nixon, and Seth Rogen.

It was an unexpected windfall. Prior tax returns in 2017 and 2018 show MFF would pull in about $100,000 in donations.

Among those bailed out by the Minnesota Freedom Fund (MFF) is a suspect who shot at police, a woman accused of killing a friend, and a twice convicted sex offender, according to court records reviewed by the FOX 9 Investigators.

According to attempted murder charges, Jaleel Stallings shot at members of a SWAT Team during the riots in May. Police recovered a modified pistol that looks like an AK-47. MFF paid $75,000 in cash to get Stallings out of jail.

Darnika Floyd is charged with second degree murder, for stabbing a friend to death. MFF paid $100,000 cash for her release.

Christopher Boswell, a twice convicted rapist, is currently charged with kidnapping, assault, and sexual assault in two separate cases. MFF paid $350,00 in cash for his release ..."

Video in link below:

avatar for crosscheck
5 years ago
Papi - a similar group here in Massachusetts posted $50,000 bail for a Level 3 convicted sex offender facing a rape charge. While out on bail, he picked up a second rape charge.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
5 years ago
^ "... A Brooklyn gang member, released without bail in May on an attempted murder charge, participated in at least three drive-by shootings after he was freed, federal prosecutors allege. Darrius Sutton, 23, was initially arrested in connection with a May 16 shooting in the courtyard of an East New York building that left a man seriously injured ..."


"... A Maryland man suspected of raping a woman last year killed that woman last week after he was released from jail in April because of coronavirus ... As coronavirus spread in March and April, Bouaichi’s lawyers argued for his release, the Associated Press reported. Prosecutors objected, but a judge sided with the defense and released Bouaichi on $25,000 bond ..."


Below is a pic of her - she was Venezuelan and looked attractive:

avatar for Papi_Chulo
5 years ago
Things are so f'ed up in Chicago, that post the looting, large groups led by BLM were staging demonstrations demanding that the looters that were arrested be released - talk about emboldened.
avatar for gammanu95
5 years ago
Emboldened is right. The societal tolerance of the riots has moved quickly from tolerance to acceptance to encouragement. No one except for Trump and various Republican congressmen have stepped up to say, "Enough. It has to stop." The lying mainstream media only increases their positive coverage of "protestors", while glossing over and entirely ignoring the truth about these anarchists, communists, and outright criminal looters.

I have to be honest about experiencing some schadenfreude - happiness in the suffering of others. I do not mean that in a cruel or sadistic manner. Look at the liberal, corrupt, democrat strongholds where all this shit is occurring - Chicago, Portland, St. Louis, Milwaukee, Minneapolis, Baltimore. I say "good". They have sowed the wind, now let them reap the whirlwind. It's even better that their politicians stand by idly, ignoring the citizens and permitting the looting and killing. It will not be long before their tax base leaves the cities for the suburbs, and these major metro areas begin to resemble Detroit. Unfortunately, it has been well-demonstrated that a typical democrat voter is too stupid to learn from his mistakes and will repeat them endlessly.
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