
"one of the sleaziest and most dishonest figures in the history of..

Title couldn't say it all.

Tucker Carlson described former President Obama as "one of the sleaziest and most dishonest figures in the history of American politics"

"Barack Obama, one of the sleaziest and most dishonest figures in the history of American politics, used George Floyd's death at a funeral to attack the police," Carlson said before showing a segment of Obama's remarks.
"Of course, Obama doesn't care. It's only about November and the coming election," Carlson said.


  • doctorevil
    4 years ago
    Yep. Just another typical Chicago politician.
  • Icey
    4 years ago
    Its b.s.. Trump has used everything as an election ploy. Albeit unsuccessfully
  • jackslash
    4 years ago
    Disgusting comments from a disgusting Fox "News" personality. Obama's intelligence and grace at John Lewis's funeral shows us what it was like to have a real President of the United States rather than the vile and corrupt Trump. But I do need to give Trump credit for finding the cure for Covid-19: injecting or ingesting bleach. Trump has now been nominated for a Nobel Prize in medicine by the entire faculty of the College of Science at Trump University.
  • ime
    4 years ago
    Grace, you are full of shit he is just as divisive as he ever was, still the worst president .
  • gammanu95
    4 years ago
    No re-visioning history here, jack. The video shows the Obama even used John Lewis's funeral as rally to fundraise for Biden and attack Trump. Obama truly is vile, dishonest, and utterly amoral. His lack of redeeming qualities if only exceeded by the Clintons. A true and honest accounting of his presidency would show it to be one of the most corrupt, scandal-pkagued, and detrimental administrations in mosern history. Of course, an equally corrupt media which functions as nothing more than the PR arm of the DNC.
  • ime
    4 years ago
    Alveda King on Obama

    “I guess we should have expected that the left, including President Obama, would take that occasion for a political moment,” said King. “They’ll grab at any opportunity, that’s to be understood.”

    “I’ve chosen not to politicize the death of Congressman Lewis, but remember him as a peaceful, nonviolent warrior, and encourage everyone to resolve our conflicts peacefully,” she added. “However, President Obama, with wordplay, took us back to the 1960s.”
  • pistola
    4 years ago
    Guys, guys, guys, cut Jackoff a break. I mean the guy has already shown how low his IQ is by opting to spend his retirement years in Detroit... I mean, like Jackoff plenty of Americans are still enraptured by Obama’s amazing gift of giving speeches but probably would need the internet too look up anything Obama ever positively accomplished besides creating a fucked up, poorly run healthcare system. Because for them the mark of a good president is not their accomplishments, but rather how they are in front of a microphone. They still need a pacifier and a father figure to pat them on the head and say ‘everything is gonna be ok sonny boy.’
  • Papi_Chulo
    4 years ago
    Obama has a God-complex and thinks he can walk on water - he was trying to act like some kinda "Southern preacher" in his delivery; he's full of shit - he turned the John Lewis memorial into a political-rally/speech
  • pistola
    4 years ago
    ^Can you imagine the news if Trump used an eulogy for even a sentence about the election?
  • gammanu95
    4 years ago
    I wonder if Obama is hoping for a democrat congress and white house to overturn the 22nd amendment. God help us.
  • TheeOSU
    4 years ago
    Yeah cut jack a break. His buddy tittyfag used to call him jacksnooze but now he's woke. Lol
  • Richard_Head
    4 years ago
    I see the conservative circle jerk is still going strong in the Discussion boards. Tucker Carlson is as racist as that head writer he just fired, he has no credibility whatsoever.
  • RandomMember
    4 years ago
    "... he has no credibility whatsoever."

    That's pretty much my reaction to this thread. Quoting Carlson is the equivalent of saying "I'm an idiot who consumes Fox News all day and takes it as gospel."

    But this is an @OSU thread and, as everyone knows by now, he's not terribly bright.
  • TheeOSU
    4 years ago
    So says josh43, or is it realdougster, or mtent, or tfag dot or?
    No, lo and behold it's our skirt wearing Indian immigrant crybaby rumdummoron using his what is it 6th or 7th screen name?
    Oh I should back off, we don't want you running to Founder crying about how you pissed your yoga pants again because I was mean to you. Lol
  • Papi_Chulo
    4 years ago
    I just watched a segment that showed there are up to 13 Biden VIP candidates - they are ALL women - talk about pandering
  • pistola
    4 years ago
    ^Well women are naturally good caretakers. When Biden shits his Depends, they will be there to wash his old ass. So long as he doesn’t choose Hilary, who is likely to put cyanide in his morning Metamucil drink.
  • misterorange
    4 years ago
    I wonder, if Biden needed open heart surgery (or more likely, brain surgery) would he limit his choice of doctors to only females, or would he want the most qualified, regardless of sex.
  • pistola
    4 years ago
    All lol at these libtards. I’m very independent and if the dems trotted out a decent centrist candidate I’d be interested. But if you say anything bad about their people they claim it’s all Fox News brainwashing when they are the ones who probably haven’t turned that channel on in two years and the only quotes they see from Trump are those played by the MSM.
  • RandomMember
    4 years ago
    Maybe you're not aware @OSU that Kamalla Harris is half Indian -- but I'd prefer Liz Warren ( the other kind of Indian ).

    Bottom line, he should pick the VP candidate who increases his chance of winning. Susan Rise is known for calling L Graham a "piece of shit"-- which may be true-- but makes her a bad choice.
  • RandomMember
    4 years ago
  • Icey
    4 years ago
    Trump politicizes everything though
  • Icey
    4 years ago
    And speaking of self aggrandizement and an ego....
  • JamesSD
    4 years ago
    Haha Tucker Carson.
  • gammanu95
    4 years ago
    Since liberals have no intellectual or factual ground to stand on, name-calling is literally all they can do.

    Wrt to Biden exclusively considering female VPs, that is blatant pandering; which is a cornerstone of the socialists. No matter who he chooses, it will be an unqualified radical who will help to ensure that he does not get elected.
  • nickifree
    4 years ago
    That is pure nonsense. I did have a bit of respect for Carlson, seeing him as a straight shooter. But that is nonsense. You might deplore Obama's policies (which frankly were previously GOP policies), but the character assassination is clearly off-base.
  • Cashman1234
    4 years ago
    I live in NJ and with even with all the filth and grift involved in our politics - I’m sure we look squeaky clean compared to any Chicago politician.

    A guy who I know was appointed chairman of the (NJ side of the) Port Authority by a former NJ governor. He’s a complete tool and he’s very full of himself. He likes to drive around in his big black Escalade with his personalized plates.
  • Papi_Chulo
    4 years ago
    Obama is more-style-than-substance - the only thing he's really good at is giving fake speeches - actions speak louder than words.

    Yes - Trump may is arrogant and egotistical - but:

    + pre-Covid the economy was at historical levels

    + there was historic low unemployment among all races

    + he took on China which was overdue - and also took on outdated agreements with Canada and Europe that benefited those nations at the expense of the U.S.

    Prior to Trump, those in power were content to let sleeping dogs lie b/c they often benefited from it, and in part why so many in power, including certain Republicans, hate Trump (b/c he's bad for (their) busine$$).

    So yeah - Trump may not be the most-likeable person, but his actions have made America stronger and made it so we won't have to deal w/ these issues in the future when America may possibly be weaker and the other countries stronger -and AFAIK he hasn't taken anyone's rights away (unlike the Dems that want to control the populous with their grand socialist ideals).

    Dems/Progressives are mostly all talk an no action (or just poor results as in many Dem cities); the Dems are all about everyone getting a trophy and everyone deserving a trophy - Conservatives are about action vs "being liked" and trying to be all things to all people.
  • Papi_Chulo
    4 years ago
    As I posted a while back, I hadn't watched Fox News for a couple of years b/c they were too partisan w.r.t. Republicans and at times didn't call out Republicans when it was warranted (although I'm a Conservative myself); but with all the woke-BS occurring over the last couple of months, I couldn't stomach watching most of woke TV including ESPN which I used-to watch daily (no longer do).

    I do agree that Tucker at times goes too far and gets too-bombastic - I like his straightforward approach but calling people names kinda waters-down one's argument - Tucker can def makes his points and make them well w/o getting down in the gutter and insulting people and calling them names - being too-bombastic may hurt-him at some point - currently he has just-about the highest-rated show on TV (often out-rating sports), but he's also lost a lot of sponsors and I heard he does not have any major sponsors for his show (Disney, TMobile, etc, have pulled out), even though he just about has the top-rated show on TV.
  • BigFree
    4 years ago
    Its funny that people still argue on the internet.
    And they continue to do with the zeal that intones they will change someone else's opinion!
    Boggles the mind!
    I'd rather read well reasoned articles that cited facts and had the tone of wisdom rather than furious indignation.
    Stop arguing and vote.
    Stop arguing and run for office.
    Stop arguing and write an article for publication.
  • Tetradon
    4 years ago
    Go away, Trucidos.
  • TheeOSU
    4 years ago
    He's Trucidos? Trucidos actually had some funny material not long after he first showed up but he needs a new routine.
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