Miami is the New Epicenter

avatar for NJBalla
I follow a lot of NY/NJ dancers on Instagram and was puzzled that they all spent 4th of july weekend throwing boat parties and cruising in Miami. Puzzled because im not sure where they are finding all this money and two because no parties practiced social distancing. Not surprised with this report. Miami should have shut down their airport to outsiders.


last comment
avatar for skibum609
5 years ago
It has nothing to do with the daily protests and rioting.
avatar for Jascoi
5 years ago
evidently citizens were exercising their individual choice. this will balance out. let individuals make their own level of risk decision.
avatar for Warrior15
5 years ago
Miami really nevered opened back up. Florida is letting each county dictate policy. Miami Dade County never went into Phase 2 of the reopening. Are people stlll having parties, evidently. But don't blame this on not shutting down. Miami has been shut down.
avatar for Mr_O
5 years ago
The death rate in Florida is MUCH lower than most anywhere else, confirmed case and deaths. Checked this AM, 1.51%.
avatar for booji boy
booji boy
5 years ago
Wow... the corona trollas seem to have given up at this point. In order, the first four responses responses are:

- no riots, therefore nothing to see here
- freedom! therefore nothing to see here
- the tooth fairy is communicating the disease, therefore nothing to see here and
- the death rate is only 1.51% and that doesn't include anybody I know yet so nothing to see here

avatar for NJBalla
5 years ago
Every state had protests, Even alaska but only Miami is the new epicenter lol. I guess Ill have to wait until 2021 if I ever want to try some cuban
avatar for rickdugan
5 years ago
Unless are deaths start to spike, it's not really a big deal. We are still going to work, our schools are set to re-open in less than a month and nobody I know is experiencing any great panic. I think that the more we learn about this virus, including who it is actually most deadly to, the less we fear it.
avatar for skibum609
5 years ago
If Miami broke off and fell into the sea what would we really lose?
avatar for pistola
5 years ago
^Cuba 2.0
avatar for Papi_Chulo
5 years ago
I think FL recorded its most deaths in one day.

Miami-Dade county is very populous at 2.7mil - there's also a very large working-class/essential-workers population that can't isolate at home like a white-collar worker can - additionally, typical of hispanic families, very common to have multiple generations living under one roof including relatives like aunts or uncles, in part also b/c housing is expensive and many jobs don't pay well so often family members gotta live under one roof.
avatar for Mr_O
5 years ago

Obviously more cases = more deaths, but why is the death rate in the US at 3.92% and in Florida at 1.51%?
avatar for Papi_Chulo
5 years ago
^ I assume it takes a deeper-dive into the #s - I assume what happened in NY (and other states) earlier on in the pandemic skews the #s (if one is referring to total deaths)
avatar for Mr_O
5 years ago
Agreed, but I think it better to be where you might get it, but not die from it, IMHO.
avatar for rickdugan
5 years ago
Papi, NY has had 408k cases with 32k deaths. NJ has had 178k cases with 15.5k deaths. FL, by comparison, has already had about 288k cases, but only 4.4k deaths.

So on a comparative basis we are doing quite well. I think that this is in large part to: (1) how much better treatments have become; (2) how aggressive FL continues to be in nursing home lockdowns and testing; and (3) the relative young age of those contracting it here.

So until we get death rates that start to spike, I'm not especially worried and most people I deal with around here aren't either. Our kids are back in activities, many people are back to work and I just learned that the schools in my county are fully re-opening in August.
avatar for Richard_Head
5 years ago
So deaths coming at a slower rate is acceptable? Got it. I’m sure their families concur. Move along everyone, nothing to see here.
avatar for rickdugan
5 years ago
Dick_Head, we deal with acceptable loss of life trade offs everyday as an ordinary part of maintaining a functioning society. If we didn't, we'd shut down everything during every flu season and give up driving cars forever because both result in 10s of thousands of dead each year.
avatar for skibum609
5 years ago
Wah old and fat people are dying said the pathetic simp, wah.
avatar for pistola
5 years ago
Jeez people acting like Covid is Similar to the AIDS outbreak, the bubonic plague or leprosy. I don’t see any dicks or titties falling off and the fatalities seem on par with the flu. People need to mask up and chill the fuck out.
avatar for RandomMember
5 years ago
"...fatalities seem on par with the flu."
Try to get your facts straight. In a bad year, flu deaths are about 60K. We've had 135K Covid deaths in a few months.
avatar for skibum609
5 years ago
Winter of 1957-58, 116,00 deaths in the United States from the flu (population half the size so it would be 330 nowadyas), so if 60k is a bad year; wow. Amazing how facts are to a progressive as a wooden stake is to a vampire. Weak attempt at lying about facts.
avatar for RandomMember
5 years ago
^^^You're talking about the Asian flu pandemic that occurred 60 years ago. Should we also use the pandemic of 1918 as a benchmark? What a dipshit, but what do you expect from a birther-clown who thinks climate change is a Chinese hoax.

Over the past 10 years, 60K deaths would be considered a bad year for the flu. We're at 135K deaths in July and we'll probably be at 200K deaths by October.
avatar for RandomMember
5 years ago
Recent stats: Germany with population 80.2M had 160 new cases of Covid; Florida with population 21.6M had 15,300 new cases.
avatar for goldmongerATL
5 years ago
For the flu, the last three years have averaged about 45K deaths out of 40-50 MILLION cases. About 1 in 1000 die, mostly elderly. Pick your number but COVID death rate is 15-40 times higher. Even if the herd has 5X more actual cases out there unreported, that is still several times higher than the flu. Also, a good percentage of the COVID survivors have permanent lung damage. To what extent and to what frequency is not clear.

I think the current 3.9% rate in the US is high. It includes the massive deaths due to overwhelmed systems in NY early on. If you take NY/NJ out of the figure, the other 48 states have a rate of 3.1%. That may go up as the new surge starts having deaths later. It may not because the new surge is younger. Also, treatments are better. Time will tell.
avatar for rickdugan
5 years ago
Moe recent studies indicate that for every person who tests positive, there are 9 more positive people who never get tested because they are asymptomatic or mildly afflicted. That would impute a .4% death rate in the U.S., about 4 times that of the flu.

But more importantly, FL has been able to keep its death rate closer to .15%, only a bit more than the flu, despite the fact that the flu has a vaccine but COVID does not.

Now to be fair, COVID is more contagious than the flu, so even a flu like death rate doesn't make these easy decisions. The flu dies off in the Summer but COVID is proving far more resilient to the heat.

But with all of that said, it is also hardly the bubonic plague and, unlike the flu, is harmless to children. So we have to continue to use what we now know the continue to adjust in ways that make sense.
avatar for twentyfive
5 years ago
Here in Florida the surge started with younger folks getting infected, but now after a bit more than two weeks of rising cases the average age is edging up, if y'all would mask up we wouldn't need severe shut downs
avatar for pistola
5 years ago
Try to get your facts straight. In a bad year, flu deaths are about 60K. We've had 135K Covid deaths in a few months.

I could be mistaken, but Covid deaths are being calculated by fatalities of those with the virus, not necessarily caused by said virus.
avatar for RandomMember
5 years ago
^^ Yes you could be mistaken -- or just an idiot who doesn't read
avatar for RandomMember
5 years ago
@Dugan wrote: "Now to be fair, COVID is more contagious than the flu,"
I made the same point in flame-out with @BabyDuck the other day, and obviously you read my posts. There's plenty of slop and uncertainty in how you define the death rate( infection fatality rate? case fatality rate?) and the only thing that matters is the total number of people who die. Total deaths = (fatality rate)*(number infected). With 135K deaths in July and no end in sight, it should be plainly obvious that Covid is more deadly than the flu.

Earlier Fauci tried to estimate the infection fatality rate. He first estimated 1% and later downgraded to 0.1% as a crude estimate to get the order-of-magnitude correct. Fauci is getting crucified by idiots that insist that Fauci said it's no more deadly than the flu -- and he didn't say that.
avatar for Mr_O
5 years ago

Read that stats above I posted for Papi_Chulo. I'll take my chances.
avatar for pistola
5 years ago
^^ Yes you could be mistaken -- or just an idiot who doesn't read
Or maybe you could be a moronic lemming who doesn’t how data can be presented to manipulate scared pussies like you.
avatar for pistola
5 years ago
Try to get your facts straight. In a bad year, flu deaths are about 60K. We've had 135K Covid deaths in a few months.

So once we have a Covid shot like a flu shot deaths may get in line with the flu. Since you don’t know, don’t be a dumb fuck.
avatar for goldmongerATL
5 years ago
My cousin died of a heart attack last month. He had tested positive for COVID a week before ( had to be tested before his colonoscopy) but had no symptoms. COVID was not listed as a cause of death. Had this same conversation with his wife.
avatar for twentyfive
5 years ago
Take all the chances you like, when it doesn't affect anyone else, in my county they have decreed that you need to wear a mask, I'm done arguing with morons, wearing a mask is not a political statement nor is it an infringement on your freedom .
BTW checked this AM, great source Mr_O I'm sure you have loads of stats from your ass too.
avatar for rickdugan
5 years ago
All the whining in the world about masks isn't going to change anything. Some people simply do not agree with the need to wear them. Complaining about it isn't going to change anything.
Anyone who is that concerned should simply take extra steps to protect themselves.
avatar for twentyfive
5 years ago
^ True but I'm sick and tired of these morons telling me that wearing a mask is an infringement of their freedom, we have a real problem here, and these rugged individualists (most are full of shit) can go live in the wilderness if they like, we who enjoy civilization and all that goes with it, including strip clubs, need to work together to get rid of this pandemic, and as I look around there is no sense of shared sacrifice, what a selfish bunch of individuals, God help us if we ever get attacked like we were in WWII this country would cease to exist.
avatar for rickdugan
5 years ago
^ 25 I'm not quite so pessimistic. I'm more inclined to believe that they are looking at the data and simply don't agree that it is a big enough problem to force them into masks for several more months. I suspect that if this thing was as deadly as the Spanish Flu or the bubonic plague that more people would wear them eagerly.

It is certainly your prerogative to disagree, but I think that these "rugged individualists" would be the first to step up in a WWII type situation because they don't live in the same fear as more risk averse types do.
avatar for twentyfive
5 years ago
This has very little to do with fear and everything to do with being part of something bigger than yourself, it has been explained that wearing a mask is mainly for the benefit of others, the problem here is there are a tremendous amount of spoiled self entitled individuals, that seem to think the world revolves around themselves and there is nothing else that matters except for what they want. Like I said put on a fucking mask and stop being a little bitch.
avatar for rickdugan
5 years ago
^ Sure it's about fear 25. The whiniest about masks are always the ones who are most scared. They are the same types who would most quickly roll over if we ever faced a serious foreign threat and some would even try to convince themselves and others that it isn't real.
avatar for twentyfive
5 years ago
That’s your narrative not reality, you always look to start some shit it’s the way you roll, if we were so afraid like you say we’d be home, yet we’re all out doing what we need to and out of an abundance of caution for others, trying to follow the guidelines and do the right thing
Of course you’ll twist that into something else but so fuckn what, your narrative always looks for someone else to belittle have fun with it, we know how truly insecure you really are.
avatar for rickdugan
5 years ago
Ouch 25, words hurt. 😉

As much as I do sometimes enjoy needling you because you get worked up so easily, in this instance it is what I believe based upon what I've seen. Grown adults will make their own choices based upon how they see the data. And let me save you the trouble of a retort along the lines of "If they were grown adults they would be mature enough to protect others too" because it will not only look whiny, but miss the point that these people just don't view it as the same risk that you do.

So protect yourself and stop complaining already. Seriously dude, thread after thread. Seeing a gown man whine this much is kinda' sad. We all get your view on this, but sooner or later you're just going to have to accept the reality that not everyone shares your views on the risks to themselves or others.
avatar for skibum609
5 years ago
You're just a pathetic loser Random. Typical shit for brains progressive pussy. Liar.
avatar for skibum609
5 years ago
Scared people are afraid to even admit they are scared so they get unreasonably angry.
avatar for twentyfive
5 years ago
>>>Seriously dude, thread after thread. <<<
Seriously fuckn wow you are special aren’t you, how many threads have you created about this shit RickiBoi
If you’ve ever looked in the mirror you’d know it a reverse image
avatar for skibum609
5 years ago
Luckily Miami is a blue area, so its ok they are the epicenter.
avatar for TheElmerFudd
5 years ago
I think there’s something else here also, which is weighing individual freedom vs societal good. I tend to value the former more, because it’s a slippery slope otherwise. I.e. its so easy to justify taking away ones freedom for the collective good. It’s not black and white and this one is particularly difficult however.

I personally think we all should err on the side of caution. But I care a lot more about protecting people’s right to disagree and not do that.
avatar for skibum609
5 years ago
When I am indoors, in a public or private space, I put on a mask if they require it. I do at my gym at certain times under their rules. If the mask rule pertains to a product I want, but don't need I just don't buy it. In my office I don't wear a mask. I give others the option of wearing one as so far, since I reopened in May about 60 -70 people have shown up in masks. I let them know it's their option to wear one. Every single person opted out of the mask.
avatar for twentyfive
5 years ago
This isn’t a freedom issue this is a seriously stupid issue if wearing a mask is an infringement of your freedom so is wearing pants I didn’t hear any one complaining about their right to let their boys swing free in the breeze so fuck off all of you selfish self entitled pricks and do what is necessary for the community
avatar for skibum609
5 years ago
Seek psychiatric help.
avatar for Studme53
5 years ago
Such a terrible virus - 90% of the people have to get a test to even know they have it.
avatar for TheElmerFudd
5 years ago
Intolerance is a dangerous thing
avatar for RandomMember
5 years ago
"Such a terrible virus "
Right. The sarcasm is such delicious fun until it hits you or a family member
avatar for rickdugan
5 years ago
@25, are you STILL whining about other the choices of others? 😀

@Randumb: It is funny to most of those who get it t0o. I guess you didn't get Stud's point when you responded.
avatar for RandomMember
5 years ago
You've been such a clown and a source of misinformation from start to finish, @Dugan. Normally I'd advise to just ignore you -- but there's some value to listening to someone who has a track record of being consistently wrong.
avatar for Mr_O
5 years ago

What's with the mask BS? I DO wear one when out, but that was never the point. Has to do with EVERYONE'S rights,. and I simply said I am not that worried about it! Simple for most to grasp, but apparently that is above your mental capacity. So be it! Do what you wish to do, this IS a free county as described in the US Constitution!
avatar for nickifree
5 years ago
If facemask stop the coronavirus so well, then why do people get so upset and charge people who don't wear them with spreading the virus?
avatar for BabyDoc
5 years ago
@RandomMember “I made the same point in flame-out with @BabyDuck the other day,…”

Ummm, you need to get a grip on reality. We had no “flame out”. Your inability to read the written word spoke volumes. I had and still have no intention of discussing/debating Covid-19 with an uneducated, paper shuffling office clerk then, now or in the future. It is neither productive nor entertaining as far as I’m concerned.

For those looking for a bit of good news there is this:…

A point of care test (no need to send off to a lab), extremely portable device (handheld) with a turn-around time of 15 minutes and currently has a claimed 100% specificity (that means it's very accurate for all those office clerks out there).

This is a big step toward lessening the need for restrictions on society to protect those sniveling old men incessantly whining from under their beds in fear. Airlines could realistically test all passengers before boarding, countries could confidently begin to open their borders, nursing homes could allow families to safely visit their loved ones, etc, etc, etc. It does require a trained person to administer the test but the training bar is really low so certification won’t require a license to practice medicine or anything.

It’s unlikely that strip clubs would use this as a screening requirement for entrance but it isn’t a huge leap to believe that the next development won’t get us there. After all, the free market has taken us from a 3 – 4 week wait for questionable results to 2-3 days and now 15 minutes with highly accurate results.

They expect to be fielding the device for use by late summer/early fall (25,000 tests have already been distributed in the USA).
avatar for rickdugan
5 years ago
Randum, it's universally understood that when a grown man has to resort to name calling it's because he's both emotionally weak and intellectually limited. Just sayin.'

As far as my opinions, feel free to dispute if you can.
avatar for RandomMember
5 years ago
As far as I can tell you're the one doing the name-calling ("Randumb"). I merely pointed out that you've been wrong consistently throughout the virus scare.

(1) This is getting silly -- wash your hands
(2) This is nothing more than the flu.
(3) The WSJ editorial page says that deaths plateau at 61K -- two why worry
(4) My kids and family don't need to wear masks.

Anyway, you get the point. Listening to someone who's consistently wrong has value since you can behave in the opposite fashion.

@BabyDick: My PhD 's from a top-ten school (in the world).
avatar for RandomMember
5 years ago
"so why worry"
avatar for TheeOSU
5 years ago
"My PhD 's from a top-ten school (in the world)."

And it only cost you $150.00 on sale!


So which school did you choose? Curry Cunt University of Calcutta?
avatar for skibum609
5 years ago
A Phd is the phys ed major equivalent of grad school.
avatar for RandomMember
5 years ago

There's some truth to that -- but it's on a higher intellectual plane than family law
avatar for Papi_Chulo
5 years ago
My neighbors are a couple in their 60s - I speak mostly to the wife when I see her outside since she's retired and is usually at home - I hadn't seen them in days so I gave her a call to see how she was doing - she told me she had been staying inside b/c she got the virus - she and her husband went to their granddaughter's birthday party; it was her, her husband, their two-daughters and their two daughter's immediate family - half the people came out of the bday party Covid-positive - she said she is feeling better but had been feeling pretty-bad including having lost her sense of taste - goes to show what can happen letting your guard down and inadvertently passing it on to vulnerable folks.
avatar for Hank Moody
Hank Moody
5 years ago
“Randum, it's universally understood that when a grown man has to resort to name calling it's because he's both emotionally weak and intellectually limited. Just sayin.'”

Ha. One of the most tuscly quotes ever.
avatar for nicespice
5 years ago
Juice! Juice! Juice!
avatar for skibum609
5 years ago
Glad to not be an intellectual. Luckily I am not. Rather be blue collar.
avatar for gammanu95
5 years ago
See? This thread right here is why masks should be mandatory and no governors should force any closures. At least we could be arguing about wearing masks while getting lap dances and negotiating ITC/OTC, instead of arguing the merits of the mask in a vacuum.
avatar for skibum609
5 years ago
In a world where if you disagree with one side you are relentlessly attacked, defamed and your job put in jeopardy, Government has become an evil. If they get the power to force us to bankrupt ourselves, wear masks etc., if is the beginning of the end for freedom. The idea that Democratic Socialists in control, with the power to lock me down for any reason at all, at any time at all is a non-starter. Absent a state of war, the Federal Government does not have the Constitutional power to lock us down, for the same reason there is no national marriage law; drunk driving law; legal standards; medical standards and on and on.
avatar for twentyfive
5 years ago
@.skibum Does the same apply to me just curious or does that Laissez-faire approach only apply to people who agree with you politically
BTW the mayor of Miami is Francis Suarez a Republican so how does that fit your narrative ?
avatar for skibum609
5 years ago
Charlie Baker is a Republican and because he governs a blue blue state he is in reality a democratic socialist who lies. Same with Suarez. Does what apply to you? The right to hate government? It seems you do, so obviously it does.
avatar for twentyfive
5 years ago
Stupid people generally have stupid responses
avatar for skibum609
5 years ago
Wah, back on ignore nasty human being.
avatar for twentyfive
5 years ago
I’m nasty you should look in the mirror your response was dumb as fuck City of Miami is mostly Cuban and Republicans Charlie Baker is not relevant in this context BTW Florida most often votes red there’s that as well but don’t let the facts get in the way of a perfectly inane response, keep trying to deflect use the typical ambulance chasers type of arguments instead of facts
Wah wah yourself you dopey fuck
avatar for rickdugan
5 years ago
Randumb, apparently your top 10 school didn't particularly value the ability to conduct critical analysis. Was you degree in philosophy? See below.

===> (1) This is getting silly -- wash your hands

(2) This is nothing more than the flu.
Please link to where I said precisely this.

(3) The WSJ editorial page says that deaths plateau at 61K -- two why worry
I'm fairly sure that the WSJ articles I posted were far more nuanced than that. Unlike you, they can conduct critical analysis and do not rely upon inaccurate paraphrasing to support a point.

(4) My kids and family don't need to wear masks.
Now this is an opinion, not a factual issue. See my conversation above with 25 if you don't understand the difference between the two.

Wow Randumb, if you truly received your PhD from a top ten school then I suspect you skated in during a temporary lowering of their standards. Seriously now, you seem especially incapable of dealing with situational nuance or distinguishing your own opinions from actual statements of fact. Do you write for Puffpost by chance? Lol.
avatar for skibum609
5 years ago
Huffington Compost, if they were honest, would rename themselves "der Sturmmer".
avatar for gammanu95
5 years ago
Randomloser lokes to claim he has a PhD, as if that means anything. More likely he's a fat loser of a junior high English teacher. 25iq like to tout and quote studies by the same "prestigious" sources that said Trump had no chance of winning in 2016 and would crash the economy if he did. Those two never get tired of being wrong.

Their biggest logical failing has been trying to invoke "arguing from authority." Follow the link to watch Ben Shapiro break that down:…
avatar for twentyfive
5 years ago
Haven’t I spanked you enough gamanut why do you constantly look to pick a fight
Worst part is you put words in my mouth that I never said you’re considered a liar and a bigot by most of the decent folks here
avatar for gammanu95
5 years ago
Apparently Georgia is intent upon becoming the new epicenter, as the have banned mask requirements. Masks are BAND!

In other news, the sovereign workers ' republic of WalMart and Sam's Club has said they will require masks be worn by all. I wonder if they were worried about worker's lawsuits, medical leave costs, or lost market share to CostCo?
avatar for Player11
5 years ago
Stupid people going to bars and clubs getting infected then infecting seniors shame on u
avatar for skibum609
5 years ago
Maybe elderly people could stay home and let others still have a future.
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