I got the ride in the paddy wagon in march 1979 while in Florida. Being Florida we were not only cuffed, but leg chained together. The one lesson I learned from the experience is that when your shitting option is a hole in the floor of a giant holding cell with 50 people in it, the ability to hold it is increased one hundredfold.
According to my wife I have been stopped by the Police while driving 67 times in the last 30 years. Two tickets; no arrests and to be fair one of the tickets came after I was stopped outside the Inner Room Cabaret after 14 hours of drinking and the cop gave me the ticket in lieu of going down to the station; blowing into the machine and melting it. To this day all my buddy can say is: "he let you fucking drive away with me in the car and never even asked me if I had been drinking. Lol.
Never. I'm 40 years old. I got one traffic ticket when I bumped a fender. I had the flu and had a sneezing fit while driving. I've never called the police on anyone or been questioned by them. I have worked with them in a couple of fraud cases (I'm a CPA).
Never, and it’s been at least 25 years since I’ve even been stopped by a sheriff’s deputy
Got a red light camera ticket a few years back but it was thrown out of court, and the state of Florida was forced to discontinue using cameras to issue traffic control tickets. The state lost a giant class action lawsuit which stated that traffic control was essential, but the use of private companies was essentially a revenue raising operation which was Deemed un constitutional and a violation of the obligation the government has to regulate safety policies.
I've never actually been in the back of a police car. I did once "assume the position" with my hands against the side of Massachusetts State Police cruiser after my brother, friend, and I got pulled over while we were passing a joint around and fishbowling my parents' car. Because it's just my luck, my father just happened to drive by while we were all up against the car and pulled over in one of those "this is not fucking happening" moments. I think I would have rather been in the back of the cruiser. Ahh, memories...
November 1984 - Third month away at college, two months before my 18th b-day so still a minor. 5 or 6 of us in a dorm room passing a bong around. Stunk up the entire hallway. Apparently the RA called campus security, who did nothing to intervene, they just called the cops. A knock on the door and one of the guys just opened it right up. Two uniformed police officers were staring me right in the face just as I was taking a hit off an 18" TokeMaster. They arrested just me because I was the one they saw doing it. Spent the night in one of those little Barney Miller type holding cells with cops all around. They were pretty cool. Got me a sandwich and all the bad coffee I could drink. They called my parents and my dad said no way he was driving three hours to get me out, so I could rot in jail for all he cared. Next morning they released me ROR and gave me a ride back to campus (without the handcuffs this time). 20 hours community service assisting with a swim class for little kids at my school's campus pool. It sucked because the classes were early on Saturday mornings. I'd always be hung over and plus I can't stand dealing with crying little kids. Had to smoke a joint before going there just to deal with that bullshit.
High school. Pulled up.in the front of my house as a passenger with two other friends in my car. Hung out for a few while we finished off the bottle we had. 7 police cars surround us and most of the cops storm towards my parents house guns drawn. My friend has a pipe and some week he pockets. A small crew told us to hold tight and took our licenses. They proceeded to take us one by one to the Lt's car for questioning. Prior to that I am repeatedly asking what's going on as this looks more than just a simple bust and the Sgt. finally says "Quiet! We are the ones to ask questions!"
The Sgt finds my buddy's pipe, pulls him out and gives him shit by the cruiser. He is all going off on civil rights and shit. Then the Lt. takes me in the back of his cruiser for questioning and I quietly comply actually hoping to find out if my family is ok. "Name" I replay, "Where do you live?" I point at my house no more than 50 feet away "Right there!" He immediately gets on the radio to state just that to whoever's is on the other side. I state "My friends were dropping me off". Things got turned down real quick after that and long story short was the neighbors house was being robbed behind ours and they thought we were lookouts.
I hear on the radio the thieves got spooked when a cruiser drove in front of the house with their lights on and they escaped. and I have no idea if they were ultimately captured but they fucked up that bust in all ways possible.
An hour later I am released and my family was safe and had no idea this was going on. The cop took my buddy's pipe but left us alone.
I never had the experience, but I've been close a handful of times. I cooperated when I had to, which didn't mean I hung anyone else (that I was with) out to dry.
Probably like 20 yrs ago only once. Turns out i had a warrant for a speeding ticket i forgot about even though i didnt find that out until i was in the car riding to the station.
Here is the thing when the cop cuffed me he got a little aggressive and i was like wtf but unlike that dumbshit making the news i said 'Sir Im not resisting, I dont understand but Ill do whatever you say.' He lightened up.
@Upright. Nope. Wasn't old enough to drink and didn't have my DL yet. I wish the second guess would have been the case. Although those cold hard seats would have made it uncomfortable.
Once, about twelve years ago, our car was hit and totaled. The police put us in the back seat of their car to drive us where we could be picked up. I was surprised how close the Front seat was to the Back. I could not put my feet in without turning them sideways. The cop was about 5’6” so I bet it is worse if they all tall. Never been put in with cuffs on.
@Eve - being underage never stopped anyone from drinking and/or driving. Was it weed? 2nd guess: Curfew violation or playing hookey?
Observation: all of these cop-hating, defund the police liberals have less direct experience with law enforcement than those of us who know better. I understand, Rachel Maddow told you to think this way, and you have no critical thinking ability to choose for yourselves.
Once, my Blazer broke down on the road side. A county Sheriff pulled up. Just happened was my cousin, put in back seat and dropped me off at work. Workplace was quite the buzz, told them I was a work release program.
One time only; in college for tearing out of a Burger King drive through in my 73 Challenger. Drunk, with 3 other people in the car. Sat me back there, uncuffed while he radioed in my info. Came back clean. Asked me if I had been drinking; I said Yes. Saw no reason to lie. He said how many; I said ten beers. Both cops just turned around and looked at me and started laughing. Told him I was an honor student at the University..... wanted to see my student ID. Cited me for 45 in a 25, let me drive home while he followed.......... true story. Fuckin A that would NEVER happen nowadays.
>>>Observation: all of these cop-hating, defund the police liberals have less direct experience with law enforcement than those of us who know better.<<
>>>>Observation: all of these cop-hating, defund the police liberals have less direct experience with law enforcement than those of us who know better.
Personally I would like to see the police defunded in a few large, liberal cities. The carnage would end liberalism forever. Spend seven or eight thousand days in Court and you learn why people fail.
I was never in the back of a police car, but I did get busted by federal agents in June 1971 for possession of a third of an ounce of low-end Jamaican weed. I was 18 years old and 2,000 miles away from home, staying with friends in northern Washington. My buddy and I had spent the day in Vancouver, British Columbia, mostly in Stanley Park hanging with some cute Canadian girls.
At the U.S.-Canadian border on the way back, my friend's long hair triggered some suspicion on the part of the U.S. border agents. They ordered us out of the car, searched through *everything* and found the weed, hidden in the toe of a boot with a sock stuffed in it. They took us inside, divided us up, marched us into separate rooms, and strip-searched us, each naked as a jay bird.
Even though it was my friend's weed, I was the one they busted because it was my car. The United States of America owned the title to my car for about 45 minutes while I was trying to figure out how I was going to get home -- and what the hell I was going to tell my parents. Not a fun time.
Ultimately, I had to pay a $100 fine, which was a lot of money back then, especially to an 18-year-old of limited means with no way to get more cash (no ATMs back then, and I didn't own a credit card). They also made me write an essay on why I thought they should give me back my car. In the end, I got the car back, but they kept the weed.
Since then, other than getting more than my share of speeding tickets, I have somehow managed to lead a life which has been, thankfully, free of police interference. I plan to keep it that way.
The previous winter I got a ticket for hitchhiking on a city street. (I had stepped off curb for a couple steps to go around tree.) Five dollar fine. But I was surviving on $23 a week unemployment and food stamps, and forgot about it.
One summer night (lots of drinking of course) 4 of us decide to go swimming at the city pool - at 2am. Climb over fence. Swim. Start climbing over fence to leave, Flashlights come on. HOLD IT RIGHT THERE, guys in blue bellow.
We're all white, so they lecture us and let everyone go - except for Mr outstanding warrant me. Ride in cop car, night in jail.
I felt like the guy in 'Alice's Restaurant'. "What's you in for?"
Oh, and failure for my 1st attempt at quitting cigarettes.
December 2011. Cops followed me out of a bar parking lot. Pulled me over. Cufffed me. Found my gun in my passenger floor board without a magazine in it and no
Round in the chamber. The cocky prick told his partner that I was obviously trying to shoot them. That’s when I started rattling off all the gun laws in my state. His partner told him to stand down. Probably the only upstanding cop I ever met.
Never been inside police car. Worst ticket was issued for viewing Google Maps while driving.
Got a red light camera ticket a few years back but it was thrown out of court, and the state of Florida was forced to discontinue using cameras to issue traffic control tickets. The state lost a giant class action lawsuit which stated that traffic control was essential, but the use of private companies was essentially a revenue raising operation which was Deemed un constitutional and a violation of the obligation the government has to regulate safety policies.
The Sgt finds my buddy's pipe, pulls him out and gives him shit by the cruiser. He is all going off on civil rights and shit. Then the Lt. takes me in the back of his cruiser for questioning and I quietly comply actually hoping to find out if my family is ok. "Name" I replay, "Where do you live?" I point at my house no more than 50 feet away "Right there!" He immediately gets on the radio to state just that to whoever's is on the other side. I state "My friends were dropping me off". Things got turned down real quick after that and long story short was the neighbors house was being robbed behind ours and they thought we were lookouts.
I hear on the radio the thieves got spooked when a cruiser drove in front of the house with their lights on and they escaped. and I have no idea if they were ultimately captured but they fucked up that bust in all ways possible.
An hour later I am released and my family was safe and had no idea this was going on. The cop took my buddy's pipe but left us alone.
That was an odd experience.
Here is the thing when the cop cuffed me he got a little aggressive and i was like wtf but unlike that dumbshit making the news i said 'Sir Im not resisting, I dont understand but Ill do whatever you say.' He lightened up.
My second guess (which should probably been the first lol) is a planned cop sex fantasy in the back of the cruiser. This one would be more more fun.
Lost driving privileges for two weeks or so
Observation: all of these cop-hating, defund the police liberals have less direct experience with law enforcement than those of us who know better. I understand, Rachel Maddow told you to think this way, and you have no critical thinking ability to choose for yourselves.
If the asshat keeps your ears warm keep it on.
Fuckn wow
At the U.S.-Canadian border on the way back, my friend's long hair triggered some suspicion on the part of the U.S. border agents. They ordered us out of the car, searched through *everything* and found the weed, hidden in the toe of a boot with a sock stuffed in it. They took us inside, divided us up, marched us into separate rooms, and strip-searched us, each naked as a jay bird.
Even though it was my friend's weed, I was the one they busted because it was my car. The United States of America owned the title to my car for about 45 minutes while I was trying to figure out how I was going to get home -- and what the hell I was going to tell my parents. Not a fun time.
Ultimately, I had to pay a $100 fine, which was a lot of money back then, especially to an 18-year-old of limited means with no way to get more cash (no ATMs back then, and I didn't own a credit card). They also made me write an essay on why I thought they should give me back my car. In the end, I got the car back, but they kept the weed.
Since then, other than getting more than my share of speeding tickets, I have somehow managed to lead a life which has been, thankfully, free of police interference. I plan to keep it that way.
The previous winter I got a ticket for hitchhiking on a city street. (I had stepped off curb for a couple steps to go around tree.) Five dollar fine. But I was surviving on $23 a week unemployment and food stamps, and forgot about it.
One summer night (lots of drinking of course) 4 of us decide to go swimming at the city pool - at 2am. Climb over fence. Swim. Start climbing over fence to leave, Flashlights come on. HOLD IT RIGHT THERE, guys in blue bellow.
We're all white, so they lecture us and let everyone go - except for Mr outstanding warrant me. Ride in cop car, night in jail.
I felt like the guy in 'Alice's Restaurant'. "What's you in for?"
Oh, and failure for my 1st attempt at quitting cigarettes.
Round in the chamber. The cocky prick told his partner that I was obviously trying to shoot them. That’s when I started rattling off all the gun laws in my state. His partner told him to stand down. Probably the only upstanding cop I ever met.